Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Eagle In Flight ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

This is a disclaimer. Please note the dis before claimer. As in, I make no claim. In other words, the characters in this work are not my own. I'd like to think the storyline at least somewhat original, any similarity to other works, fiction or non-fiction is entirely unintentional.
Eagle In Flight
Chapter 10
After they exited the Head's office, they took the lift back down to the docking bay. Once there they collected their luggage and headed back out. This time instead of turning they went straight, and stepped into an airlock. After it cycled the doors opened onto the interior of the colony, and Duo got his first look at Ganymede Center.
“Wow. After what I had seen thus far, I was expecting something more . . . ship like.”
“Yes, most of us are surprised the first time we see it. Ganymede looks so small.”
Spread out before them was an elaborately manicured campus, looking for all the world like and earth side college. Clusters of buildings defined four main quadrants in the center, while around the outer ring spread houses, apartments and dormitories.
Quatre smiled, “The four quadrants define the schooling levels, with each of the buildings being devoted to a different area of schooling. Each quadrant has a sciences building, an arts building, a languages building a talents center and a gymnasium. Quadrants one and two handle basic schooling, quadrant three covers advanced degrees in the arts, sciences and lingual arts, and quadrant four covers advanced degrees in newtype gifts. The outer ring is housing, at the very center are the special facilities for the various gifts.”
“Okay. So, where am I staying? Not in the dorms I hope.” Duo quirked an odd grin.
“No. The four of us have quarters in one of the Winner sponsored apartment complexes. As my guide you will stay there as well, though usually students do stay in the dorms.”
“Great, so which way are they? I would kind of like to get settled in a little.” Duo smirked, “Not that I object to the company or anything.”
Quatre deftly spun his wheelchair to head left along the wall. “This way, not far. We picked a complex close to the main docking bay because I do so much traveling, and some of the others accompany me frequently enough.”
Duo nodded and followed Quatre in the indicated direction, Heero a mere step behind, Wufei steering Trowa along behind them. Nobody paid attention as J and G turned and headed for the central ring and the Sentinel Guide building.
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Sure enough, three blocks later they came upon a towering building bearing the legend “Winner Complex 5”
“This it?” Duo asked, staring at the large building
Quatre turned up the ramp to the front doors. “Yes, come on, we need to get you a key.”
“A key?”
“To you and Heero's apartment. There is a standard protocol in place for Sentinel's with new Guides, but some paperwork is still required.”
Heero stepped up closer behind Duo and placed a hand in the small of his back, gently pushing him towards the doors. “It's not a big thing We go in, you sign a few papers and they hand you a key, then we go up to our apartment. I swear they will not ask anything untoward, or be rude at all.”
Duo smiled wanly, “Okay, I trust you.”
Once inside, Quatre, Wufei and Trowa continued to the elevator, while Heero steered Duo to the reception desk. Once there, he stepped forward and nodded politely.
“I would like to add my new Guide to my contract.”
The receptionist looked up, “Heero, of course. One moment please.” She moved to the cabinet behind her and opened the bottom drawer, where she pulled out two forms. Bringing them over to the desk, she handed one to Heero and the other to Duo. Tapping Heero's she said “Change of housing contract, guide registration form.” Then, indicating Duo's form, “Standard housing contract. Fill those out gentlemen, and we can officially issue a second key.”
The two men picked up their forms and moved to a small table on the far side of the reception area. Duo sat down, set his form in front of him, then looked at Heero and snickered.
“Guide registration form huh? Is it like registering your dog? Do they need to know that I've had all my shots?”
Heero frowned, “So the phrasing isn't the greatest. At least it's straightforward.”
“Aye, Aye.” Duo picked up the pen he had grabbed of the reception desk and started filling out the form. Reading it over, he found it perfectly normal and reasonable, nothing untoward at all. After finishing, he set it aside to wait for Heero to finish. Minutes later, Heero's form was shoved under his nose.
“Needs your signature, bottom of the last page.”
Duo nodded, turned to the appropriate page and signed. “So we're done?”
“Yes, let's go turn these in.” Heero stood and walked back to the desk.
“Done boys?” The receptionist smiled and skimmed through the packets, “Well, it all looks in order, just need to give these to the building manager and he'll issue the key. One moment. Standing up, she moved to the door behind the desk, knocked and entered. Five minutes later she walked back out. “Here is your key. Have a nice day gentlemen.”
Heero took the key and handed it to Duo. “Grab your bags. The room is on the seventh floor, we'll take the elevator.”
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The next morning Heero rose early, stretching his senses without thought to encompass his new Guide, snoring softly on the bed in his suite. Rising on cat feet, he walked across the room to the connecting door and opened it, adding a visual scan to the auditory one. Shutting the door quietly behind him, he headed to make breakfast.
Over the sound of the cooking pancakes, Heero heard when Duo's clock sounded, followed by a soft grumble, the clock's silencing, and the sound of feet hitting the floor. Smiling softly, he turned away from his cooking as his Guide stepped into the kitchen.
“Good Morning, coffee is on the counter, breakfast will be ready in 10.”
Duo growled half heartedly and smiled, “Morning person,” he accused.
Heero stifled a smile, “Is there something wrong with that?”
“Not if you make breakfast every day,” Duo smiled, “But today is . . .”
“The day we meet with J and G to begin out bonding? Why yes, so it is,” Heero smirked.
“Evil, pure evil,” Duo laughed, “And next week I begin what G called `Intensive training'.”
“It probably won't be as bad as you are making it sound Mine, after all, you don't have any other classes to distract you from it.”
“Probably won't?” Duo snorted, “And that is supposed to make me feel better?”
“Relax will you?” Heero slipped a plate in front of him, “Eat your breakfast, it's not as bad as it seems.”
Duo smiled, “Okay. Join me?”
Heero returned to the table with his own plate, “Of course, Mine.”
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Just as they were cleaning up the breakfast dishes, a knock at the door signaled J and G's arrival. Leaving Duo to finish loading the dishes, Heero went to the door. “Doctor J, Professor G, good to see you. We will be ready in a minute.”
J smiled, “Very well my boy, this is your day.”
Duo walked up behind Heero, and placed a hand on his shoulder, “Good morning. Is it time to go?”
Heero nodded, “Yes, I believe so.”

G looked at them fondly, “Don't be scared boys; this is the beginning of a bright new future. From here, it only goes up.”