Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Fly Away Hearts ❯ Mission: Fix Wufei Part 1 ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Fly Away Hearts
Genre: Sap, Romance, slight angst
Pairing: 5x13 (centered), 1x2, 3x4, 5+2+3+4+1 (friendship, nothing more)
Summary: Wufei is fed up with love. All of his relationships ended with him being hurt. Just when he bands love for good, a handsome man steals his heart against his will. Will Wufei give love another chance? Or will he let this one go?
Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing, any lyrics that will appear in these chaps, or Spongebob
A/N: Thanks again to the few people that review. Sorry this chap took longer than usual. I'm sorta caught between six other continuations and reading other people's works. Right now I'm reading 'Broken Warriors', a very angsty, lemony, limey, all the g-boys having problems fic, but a good fic nonetheless. The other ones that I am waiting on an update is from GW_Shenlong. Chimera, where Duo is pregnant and Heero's way protective, and Equinity, where Heero is a show rider and his horse gets injured and him and Duo hook up.

If you haven't read it yet, do so. They are very good fics. Now on to *my* fic.

Chapter 3: Mission: Fix Wufei Initiated

Wufei waited for Duo outside of the office building. His onyx eyes gazed up at the executive sign that broadcasted any and all information about their company. /G & J Accountancy and Service/ Rolled across the digital sign and disappeared.

"Wu, ya coming?" Duo had managed to get a few steps ahead of Wufei before calling back to the distracted china man. His eyes were wary but determined.

"Yes, Duo." Wufei fell into stride along side his long term friend. Now that he wasn't focus completely on his own self grieving, he could see how this was affecting the other man. Duo looked tired with the beginnings of bags on his eyes. "Duo, about tonight, what do you have in mind exactly?"

Duo's face brightened. He couldn't help the grin the spread over his face as he threw an arm over the Asian's shoulders. "Like I said, you going to dance, get drunk off your ass, and possibly get laid. But this will be after what I have planned for you."

"And what do you have planned for me exactly?"

"A make over! Not that you absolutely need one. Just for fun. Do you agree to this?"

"Hn....Hai. But Duo," Wufei paused at the crosswalk and leveled his friend with a firm glare. "I better not regret this." He was rewarded with an even bigger grin. He shook his head and began his stalk across the street. Maybe if he walked fast enough, he could get out of this hellhole he just dug himself.


Three thirty and Duo was knocking on his door rather enthusiastically. Wufei reluctantly answered the door. This was going to be a long night.

The braided boy bounced into the apartment with a large duffle bag slung over his shoulder. The hideously yellow and black bag was thrown onto his coach and he found himself firmly seated in a chair.

"Hello, Maxwell. I'm doing fine, how about you?" Wufei tried his best to sound sarcastic. If there was one thing he learned from Duo was sarcasm.

"Oh, yeah. Hi, Wu, and I am doing great. Now, we're going to start with a facial and body cleansing. Just to relax ya up a bit." Duo bounced into the bathroom.

Wufei strained his ears to pick up the distinct rustles of the other man. The rustles were quickly drowned out by the rush of water. If Duo was going to try to bathe him he would have to slap him......hard.

Duo bounded back into the room and slopped a generous amount of facial cream on the porcelain face. "This is a facial cleansing cream. It's 'pose to open your pours, make you feel rejuvenated *and* it smells like some Chinese spice stuff." Duo smeared the mask into a smooth mask over the bronze face. "Keep this on while you bathe. There are some salts already put in the bath water. They smell just like this stuff. Soak for half an hour then wash this off. At four, get out of the tub and come see me."

Wufei stood and made his way into the bathroom. The bath was filled two inches from the brim and the water was fogged from the dissolved 'salts'. The small room was filled with the smell of Chinese spice. Despite that it was Duo they were talking about, everything was going fine. Nothing degrading or strictly Duo lurked anywhere. He quickly undressed himself and lowered his worn boy into the water.

The water was just below being too hot. Upon contact, Wufei finally realized how tired he really was. He could vaguely hear the movement of Duo in the other room and his humming.

"Hey, Wu, no falling asleep. I would hate to try to explain to the cops why you drowned in such a small tub."

Wufei was too lazy to answer the muffled voice. He just sunk lower into the water so that it lapped at his chin just barely.


Duo rapped at the door. No answer. //I swear, if he drowned.// He slowly stuck his head through the door to find strands of black floating on that was water's surface, but no head. For a split second he panicked. Did Wufei really...?

Before he could go into the melodramatic, Wufei surfaced. He looked relaxed and mask free. He stared at Duo lazily and gave an equally lazy smile. Yes the cleansing had worked great!

"Time to get out, 'fei" Duo tossed a towel over the rack. "You have twenty minutes to get dry and into a robe or I'm coming in and doing it for you." Duo gave his best 'I'm-Duo-dammit-and-I-mean-what-I-say' look and left.

Wufei lazily climbed out of the slightly too small tub and toweled himself off. He quickly grabbed his favorite navy blue robe and tied it off before following Duo.


"Okay. Let's start with the 'do. Maybe some artificial highlights." Duo rummaged through his bag and pulled out various spray cans. Instinctively, Wufei cringed back into the small tiled room. "Wu, get out here, I need to see what color looks best on you."

"I am *not* having my hair colored. Temporary nor Permanent." Wufei stood in the bathroom doorway looking like a stingy child with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Okay, Wu. You win, c'mon." Duo coaxed the stubborn man into a seat and pinched his cheek. "Aren't you cute?" He cooed. "Yes you are. Yes you are."

"Maxwell, if you don't stop, this is going to be called off." Wufei yanked his abused flesh away from the vise grip fingers and glared at the assort accessories laid out in front of him. Ties, creams, powders all in a neat row. He also something resembling eye shadow, but he was *not* going to go there.

"ALRIGHT. Let's get started."


A/N: Don't you just hate when that happens? Gomen, but I'm ringed dry at this point. I haven't decided on Wufei's attire for the night. Ya know, thinking like Wu is harder than it seems. There are some things that he will just NOT wear.