Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Fly Away Hearts ❯ Shhhh! Its A Surprise Part 5 ( Chapter 20 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Fly Away Hearts
Genre: Sap, Romance, slight angst
Pairing: 5x13 (centered), 1x2, 3x4, 5+2+3+4+1 (friendship, nothing more)
Summary: Wufei is fed up with love. All of his relationships ended with him being hurt. Just when he bands love for good, a handsome man steals his heart against his will. Will Wufei give love another chance? Or will he let this one go?
Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing, any lyrics that will appear in these chaps, or Spongebob
A/N: I just noticed that I forgot to put the number on the footnotes. The movie in chap 19 was 'Medea's Family Reunion'. It is out on DVD and is funny as hell. I've watched it four times and still end up crying from laughing so hard. I recommend that everyone go see it.

Anywho, Special thanks to:

Linda Starwind: *beams* Thank you for reviewing every chapter I've written. It makes me feel soooooo happy! auf wiedersehen? I have not a clue what that means or what language it comes from. And thank you for the heads up on the chap problem. I don't know how it happened.

live4you: I haven't decided on if he'll have anymore nightmares. We'll have to see. Thank you for the review.

Bombayoni: How is it like being a cat that can actually use a computer. That is sooooo sugoi! Anywho, thanks also for the review on 'Wishing for Death'. I totally agree with you about not making it a continuation. I'd have to be very depressed to even think of any ideas for a single chap. And being that I am such a bouncy cheerful person, I won't attempt to do that. Kodairo and Jackie? Heh, I haven't decided on that yet. But it does give me ideas. I don't think I can fit all of my ideas in one fic though. Maybe a sequel is in order?

Chapter 20: Shhh! Its A Surprise Part 5

Wufei stared at the computer screen. No matter how much he chastised himself, he could not get himself to begin typing his reports. He wanted to take the day off to enjoy his birthday alone, but the work was too piled up as it was. He sighed and swiveled in his chair. His fingers hovered over the keys unmoving.

PlayboyBunny: You look bored. Would you like to accompany me to the coffee machine?

Wufei stared at the message box. It had been three days since Trieze and Heero began to work at the office and he hadn't IM-ed him since the first. He wanted to come back with a smart retort but couldn't.

He settled for an indignant 'Hn' and the next thing he knew Trieze was standing outside his cubicle smiling at him. If he didn't get himself under control fast, he would end up jumping the man right there in the office. He quickly steeled his nerves and stood to join the other man.

They walked in silence to the employee lounge.

Duo snickered as he watched his friend walk by with Trieze. Now if he could only convince Heero to take his break early also. His limber fingers flew over the keys expertly as he tried to accomplish his new mission before work hours were up.
Wufei watched the other man pour them a cup of coffee. The way the muscle rippled under the white business suit. The obvious strength behind his every move. He already knew the capabilities of such strength. He'd experienced it first hand when he beat the shit out of Kordairo.
The thought of Trieze defending him made a warm sensation past through his body.
"My, are you daydreaming, Dragon?" Trieze's eyes were fixated on the slighter man slightly upturned lips. He wanted--needed--to taste them again.


Trieze smiled and shook his head slowly. "I was telling you that you had a day dreamy look on your face." He paused and watched the man blush. "Duo told me it was your birthday, Dragon. How do you plan on spending it?"

"I was...uhm...just going to spend it at home."

Trieze frowned at that. Why would such a wonderful person want spend his time by himself. "Well, I'm going to take you out after work." The statement wasn't a command but it didn't leave any room for discussion. Wufei opened his mouth to say something smart but closed it. It wasn't like he had anything better to do.

Work past by in a blur for Wufei. He was only able to get four out of twenty reports done to his disdain. He had gone out with a lot of his co-workers. They ate lunch, shopped, even went to a movie. Why was he so rattled about going with Trieze for a little while?

//Because you're in love, baka!//

//I am not!//

//You are and you know it!//


The argument in Wufei's head was bought to a abrupt end. Trieze was standing in front of him with one eyebrow raised. He must've looked out of his mind bickering with the voice in his head.

"Are you ready?"

Wufei nodded numbly and sidled beside the man as they walked. For some reason it felt right. To be walking next to the other man and going out together.
"SHIT!" Duo cursed and shoved his throbbing thumb into his mouth. The hammer in his hand clambered to the floor while he nursed his wound.

"Dijiabu ka?" Heero looked over from the pile of balloons in his lap.

Duo flopped down beside his boyfriend still sucking on his abused digit. Heero reached over to clasped his hand around the American's forearm and pulled gently. The digit was released from the tempting mouth with a 'pop'.

The Japanese man inspected it calmly. It was red but no real discoloration. He leaned over and kissed the burning flesh then sucked it into his mouth. He heard Duo's sharp intake of air and felt him shudder. He ran his tongue over the under belly of the finger then released it.

Duo slowly retrieved his hand and stared at the other man in awe as his plump lips wrapped around the end of the balloon and blew. He swallowed but his mouth was suddenly deprived of all moisture.

Heero could feel the braided man's eyes on him and stopped in his chore. "The sooner you finish, the sooner you can have your wicked way with me." He said.

"Ryoukai!" Thumb forgotten, Duo grabbed the fallen tool in one hand and began to hand the treacherous streamers.

Wufei stared at the restaurant as they walked. He knew that Trieze was avoiding the diner but couldn't care less. He felt alive again. Like nothing was missing and the hole in his chest was finally closing up.

"Wufei, I would like to take you shopping before we go to eat. Is that okay with you?"

Wufei didn't like the uncertainly in the man's voice. It didn't suit him at all. The only one there that should be uncertain was him. He shrugged and let Trieze take the lead.
Trieze chuckled softly at the china man's face. He was red as a tomato and obviously sulking. He continued to wave a pair of cutoff denim shorts suggestively, ignoring all looks they received. Nothing mattered other than he was with Wufei.

"I am *not* trying those on." Wufei said and stalked away to another clothes rack. This time Trieze laughed outright. He couldn't remember the last time he felt like this. He followed the other man but froze at the sound of a gasp and clatter of a clothes rack falling.

"Wufei?" He half ran to the side of the young man to find another man on the floor before him. The man on the floor was gaping up at the china man with his eyes wide with fear.

"W-W-Wufei, hey. I was just---I gotta go." With that said the man scrambled to his feet and was gone. Wufei stared in shock at the spot where the man was last at.
"Was that--?"

"Jackie? Yeah, that was him." Wufei turned to the clothes rack again.

"He looked like he was about to piss himself. What happened?"

"I don't know. I sorta bumped into him and he freaked out."
Jackie ran out of the store as fast as he could go. He ignored all shouts of protest from the people that he literally ran over until he was a good distance away. His pride be damned. No way was he going to deal with his step brother and his crazy ass friends.
The apartment had been ready for about an hour. Duo and Heero sat back and marveled at their work.
Black, gold, and red streamers hung from the walls and a single ceiling fan of the living room. Matching balloons floated from strings attached to each couch while the rest rolled and bounced along the floor.

The homemade cake shaped like a dragon sat patiently in the middle of the coffee table surrounded by vanilla candles.

"It looks great!" Duo clapped his hands together happily. He glomped his partner excitedly.

"I have to go get ready. I'll be at my apartment if you need anything." Heero mentally smirked. Now he'd have to tell Trieze to keep up with his little distraction a little while longer.


A/N: I'm kinda sad that this is coming to a close. I have like, what.....three chaps left to write? I had fun writing this and reading the reviews that I got. *sniffles* Anywho, birthday party coming up for sure. So those wondering what Trieze and Heero planned; you'll get to find out soon. Ja matte ne! Hasta Luego!