Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Fly Away Hearts ❯ I Want To Live ( Chapter 24 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Fly Away Hearts
Genre: Sap, Romance, slight angst
Pairing: 5x13 (centered), 1x2, 3x4, 5+2+3+4+1 (friendship, nothing more)
Summary: Wufei is fed up with love. All of his relationships ended with him being hurt. Just when he bands love for good, a handsome man steals his heart against his will. Will Wufei give love another chance? Or will he let this one go?
Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing, any lyrics that will appear in these chaps, or Spongebob
A/N:Arghh! Sorry for the delay. This would've been up on Friday, but my disk ate yet another chap along with a Preventer's Special Unit chap. I had to get some new ones so I hope they hold out because I am officially broke.

?: You just joined us. Keep reading and you'll find out.

Linda Starwind: Thank you for the review and good luck on your class. I have to give you a hand of applause. Spanish 4 is way easy for me but learning German? are such a brave person.

live4you: *perfect soldier mode* Ryoukai!!

Chapter 24: I Want To Live

Wufei threw another unsatisfying shirt into pile of rejected garments. He glared down at the pile of clothes before him in frustration. None of them, he thought, would be appealing to Trieze. He sighed heavily and thought of all his options.

They were going to a semi formal restaurant that just opened down the street. The small eatery sold everything from Chinese to Mexican.

"Semi formal." He muttered to himself. There was only one thing to do. Consult Duo. He moved this house and out the door in record time never taking heed that he was only in an oversized white t-shirt.

His knuckled sounded against the solid ply wood door. The sounds of rustling and cursing responded. He shifted on his feet and waited patiently. The door flung open and banged against the wall inside the apartment. The one that answered the abused door winced at the dent that would surely be there.

Both things went un-noticed. His wide onyx eyes were set on the half naked and very ruffled looking Heero Yuy before him. He swallowed, swallowed again, and swallowed a third time.


Heero's face threatened to break into a knowing grin. Not wanting to scare the shocked Asian away, he turned and quietly called for Duo to join him.

"Fei" The American half yawn half greeted. He was wearing Heero's black Linkin Park t shirt......and nothing else. The black material stopped at mid thigh and rode up as he walked. "Wassup?"

"I....uhm....well..." Wufei stammered without taking his eyes off Heero. He finally pulled his eyes away from the sight. He was not going to openly ogle his best friend's boyfriend. He cleared his throat and began again. "Trieze and I are going out tonight.....what should I wear?"

Duo took in his friends lost look and grinned. "This way, Wu." He grabbed his friend by the arm and pulled him towards his bedroom.

Wufei surfaced from the apartment in a pair of skin tight pants. They were composed of several different shades of black but blended perfectly together. His shirt was a simple white clinging white button up. Black DCs topped off the look.

He walked down the street confidently for once in his life.
Trieze waited patiently anxious at the clothed table. He shifted on the cushioned seat to get a better position. He checked his Rolex again and noted that it was a whole five minutes since he last checked. He stood to stretch his legs before his date arrived.

He caught the top of a raven black head moving through the waitresses and customers. A smile graced his lips as he saw the rest of the person. It was Wufei, of course, and he looked like a wet dream on legs. He quickly extinguished the sudden brush fire forming in his nether regions.

//Down boy.// He ordered to himself. He was bought from his thoughts by the hand on his shoulder. He turned with a polite reply on his lips. The reply fell from them to audibly clatter to the clean glazed wooden floor.

"Hey." Came the cheerful greeting. The smiling face was almost fully recovered from the abuse it sustained a while back. The only evidence was the band aid adorning the red brown eyebrow.

"Kordairo." Trieze said icily.

Kordairo raised his hands in mock surrender. He looked up at the man as if he was a long lost friend and not the one who had pounded his face in with his bare hands.

The other man sighed to keep himself from causing a scene. "What do you want?"

"To make sure that slut suffers."

Kordairo licked his lips seductively slow and his bright expression turned dark. The taller man tensed and readied himself for a fight. However, he wasn't prepared for what Kordairo actually had in mind. The smaller man grasped both his wrists and pulled them around his waist.

This sent the other man crashing into him. Without hesitation he crushed his lip to the now shocked man.

A shocked gasp sounded and the two separated. Trieze stomach threated to leave him via his throat as he took in the surprised hurt expression his date had. One of Wufei's hand was clasped around the sterling silver chocker's pendant around his neck.


"Wufei, hey bud." Kordairo interrupted.

Before Trieze could gain his barings on the situation, Wufei was gone. The chocker lay torn from its perch and sprawled on the floor.

"Wufei!" He took off after him as fast as he could.

He didn't know where he was going. All he knew was that he had to get away. Away for the hurt. Trieze. Kordairo.


A/N: Ya know.....this came out way better than the one I originally wrote. And longer too. *nods* I like it. Sorry for you people looking forward to some good old sap. I don't go into full blown sap quietly. I go kicking and screaming. *sniff air* And if you'll excuse din din is ready! Hasta Luego!