Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Fly Away Hearts ❯ Fireworks ( Chapter 35 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Fly Away Hearts
Genre: Sap, Romance, slight angst
Pairing: 5x13 (centered), 1x2, 3x4, 5+2+3+4+1 (friendship, nothing more)
Summary: Wufei is fed up with love. All of his relationships ended with him being hurt. Just when he bands love for good, a handsome man steals his heart against his will. Will Wufei give love another chance? Or will he let this one go?
Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing, any lyrics that will appear in these chaps, or Spongebob
A/N: *looks out in the distance* Is anyone still out there? Sorry, about the long wait for this chap. I didn't have much in the way of inspiration for this fic lately. But now, I'm back.

Happy belated fourth of July everybody!!
Live4you: I totally agree! Thanks for reviewing!!! *glomp*
Bombayoni: Yes, you are a very lazy kitten. *gives dish of crème* But I love lazy kitties. Thank you for the review and I'm glad you like Zech's comment. I couldn't have a fic without him in it. He's too sexy! *drool*
L. Starwind: *runs around showing off her 10-10 rating* Thank you for the review!!!
*I haven't checked the reviews in a while so if I left anyone out I'll thank you in* *the next chap.*
Chapter 35
The time of the fireworks came faster than Wufei would've liked. He wanted to be able to at least get his nerves settled. Instead, the butterflies in his stomach were alive and kicking.
“So, what are you wearing?” Duo asked curiously. He was already dressed and ready. From what Wufei could see, the American was wearing a simple ribbed black wife beater and a pair of baggy cargo jeans. The café colored pants hung low on his hips leaving three whole inches of skin on display.
He was also bare footed at the moment sitting Indian style on Wufei's bed. His black flip flops lay by the front door.
“I don't know.” Wufei answered truthfully. He nervously tugged at the loose strands of hair hanging in his face. “Maybe some shorts.” He mumbled.
Duo seemed to agree as he stood and picked up a pair of the suggested article. They were a rich solid black and were made in the same way that Duo's cargos were and would surely hang low on Wufei's narrow hips.
Wufei nodded in approval and began to search for a top that went with it. He found the old custom wife beater his stepfather had given him for his eighteenth birthday.
It had an airbrush design of a black Chinese dragon that wrapped around to form the Chinese symbol that meant `Warrior'. Orange, yellow, and red flames were painted in the background.
Wufei shrugged and slipped it over the thinner wife beater he was wearing. The shirt still fit and now, thanks to years of self toning, he filled it out well. He made a mental note to get his pair of black sandals from the closet.
Wufei managed to talk Duo into letting them carpool on his motorcycle. He desperately needed something to ease his edginess. It was a twenty minute ride to the waterfront.
The show didn't start until nine so they had two hours to kill. And of course, Duo knew just how they would spend it. Eating.
They had just settled down to eat the funnel cakes they bought when Duo caught sight of a familiar mop of platinum blonde.
“QUAT!!!” Duo waved animatedly for his friend's attention not really caring about the strange looks he was receiving. The young Arabian saw him and began to walk over. In his arms was a white pawed black kitten. “Hey, Q, whose cat is that? Hey! I rhymed!”
Quatre giggled at the hyperactive American's antics. The kitten purred at the feel of the vibrations the action caused. Its white tipped ears twitched and swiveled lazy while its tail curled and relaxed over his owner's arm.
“Trowa found her in the back of the truck.” The slighter man explained. “Poor thing was abandoned.” Duo smiled at how tenderly the fine haired man stroked the feline's head.
Just then, Trowa walked up. He nodded to Wufei and Duo. He was wearing simple t-shirt and jeans. Both of which showed off every line and muscled of his body.
Quatre was a little more formal having just left a business meeting about his father's company. He wore white button down with black trim and a pair of black slacks. He traded his dress shoes for a pair of white sneakers.
“You guys look hot.” Duo said unabashedly. He grinned as both men blushed and murmured a thank you.
“Hot? I think I'm jealous.” Duo stiffened at the mock hurt tone of the new voice. He turned slowly with an even bigger grin forming on his face.
Heero barely had time to prepare himself as his arms were filled with 140 pounds worth of braided American. He caught his balance quickly and held Duo as he planted butterfly kisses on his lips and face.
“Nice to see you too.” The Japanese man chuckled. Duo grinned again before unwrapping his legs from around Heero and standing on his own. He took the time to look his boyfriend over.
Heero wore a pair of biker shorts and a green tank top (1). He looked like if he had just come from a jog around the waterfront. His bronzy skin glistened with a thin layer of sweat and his hair was slightly blown back but still held its unruliness.
“How long have you been here?” Duo asked.
Heero shrugged. “I always come here to jog around eight. Trieze met me here at four so he could pick something up.” The last part of the sentence was said a little too cryptically for Duo to let slide.
“What did he pick up?” He asked innocently. Heero shrugged again and averted his gaze. “You're hiding something. What is he picking up?” Duo stepped forwards and discreetly ran a finger over the bulge of Heero's spandex.
This earned a shiver. Heero caught the molesting finger and held it captive. “You'll find out when he brings it.”
“But I wanna know now.” Duo whined and stamp his feet. He glared at Quatre who had started to laugh at him.
As if on cue, Trieze walked up. He was wearing a pair of dark blue shorts that showed off his muscular legs from the bottom of his knees down. For his top, he wore a white button up with three of the top buttons undone. On his feet, he wore a pair of thong sandals.
Wufei swallowed the moan that threatened to surface. They were only there to see fireworks. It was a date among friends. A date among the hottest man he had ever laid eyes on and friends.
“You look stunning, Dragon.” Trieze said smoothly. He didn't seem bothered by the `aw's' he received from the peanut gallery.
“So what did you get?” Duo asked curiously.
“Wine and the rest is a surprise for later.” The taller man answered right away.
“Tell me, I won't tell.” Duo did his best puppy dog look but Trieze stood strong.
“Shall we be off? We have about twenty minutes before the fireworks begin. I found us a lovely spot.”
Despite his best efforts, Duo still didn't know what the `surprise' Trieze had in store was. Never mind that it might not be for him. His curiosity was peeked and that was all that mattered.
They settled on a small grassy hill in clear view of the show. A blanket and a bucket of ice with three wine bottles awaited them.
They all paired off unconsciously with Quatre sitting by Trowa, Duo by Heero, and Wufei by Trieze.
“I didn't get anything too toxic, just some Arbor Mist. (2)” Trieze informed. “We have Strawberry, White Zinfandel, and Merlot. Take your pick.” With that said, the wine was distributed among them and they began to talk.
Quatre had just engaged Duo into a strong debate on what to name the kitten when the first test shot was taken. Duo wanting to name it Bob and Quatre wanting to name it mayoni. Trowa soon settled all of it by naming it Bombayoni. Both grudgingly agreed just as the show began.
Wufei watched in awe as the lights lit the night sky. There was a heart there, a smiley face there, and a blooming sunflower over there.
So enrapt he didn't notice Trieze turn and position him to rest his back against his chest. Wufei didn't start when he finally realized what happened. It felt right so he rested his hands loosely over each of Trieze's which were resting around his waist.
The finale came all too soon in Trieze's opinion. He was enjoying the warm play of light washing over the china man's face. He bought his hands up to brush over Wufei's cheek delicately as if the man would vanish.
Wufei craned his head to look into passionate blues of Trieze's eyes. Slowly, their lips drew closer together until they touched in a tender kiss. Neither demanded anything from the other.
Duo smiled over from where his lap was being used as Heero's pillow. He ran his slender fingers through the wild strands while his other hand was laced with his lover's.
Quatre was leaned against Trowa's shoulder. Trowa had an arm draped over the slighter man with his cheek resting at the top of the soft mop of hair.
Two out of the three couples jumped as a miss fired firecracker exploded a mere ten feet in the air from them. The heat of the explosion was over them along with the dying sparks of color.
Trieze and Wufei separated slowly in time to see the beauty of it.
“I love you, you know that.” Trieze said quietly.
“Hai and I love you too.” Wufei turned to stared lovingly back at the man. There was no hesitation or uncertainty this time.
A/N: Major sap but oh so wonderful! I'll try to update again before the month is over. I have something in mind for it that I got from the cursed movie `Love and Basketball'. Nothing like what happened in it just got the idea while watching it.
(1) I had to do it!
(2) Best drink on earth!