Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Frabbles on Moments ❯ Secret Perfection ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Secret Perfection
Pairing: 1xR
Rating: Somewhere between Pg-13
Genre: Romance
Warning: maybe a bit of OOC but bear in mind I tried.
Summary: To anyone watching, Heero's life seems so very incomplete. But only he and Relena know that that is just not true.
Disclaimer: Own Gundam Wing I do not.
Heero. It seemed to all of them that's all there is to him. A false name. It was sad to them. After the war they had retrieved something in their lives that made living it a purpose. But Heero had a routine and a name.
Everyday, they would meet Heero in the training area and would do a full body workout together for 2 hours. Afterwards, they had their meetings and mission parameters to be briefed on and reports to collect from the front desk. Afterwards, they went home, to friends, budding love interests or to family.
Life means people. Without people in your life it generally means that there is no life at all. How can one live with no one knowing that you're alive? Nobody caring? He had no people. Just them.
They tried to be there for him as much as possible without making it seem like they were intruding too far into his life. Some people just aren't meant to be part of a crowd. But they felt a need to be a part of it no matter how small, just to be those people that knows of his existence.
Today, they watched him out of the corners of their eyes as he stood in on a mission brief with Lady Une. She was pretty. After having known her for coming 7 years now, Trowa had grown a slight attraction to her. He didn't feel love. Not yet. Just a magnetism that fed on high respect for the woman. It was natural for a respect to turn into a simple thought `What would it be like to be with this person?'
For once, the Lady was not the focus of attention to him or any of them. It was Heero.
All of them knew that he was the same every day. He rarely spoke unless he needed to. He didn't move unless e needed to. It was almost as if he was conserving energy for something else. It was impossible for someone to use so little energy, especially someone who requires more than the human average to do his job. Had they not known the fact for themselves, they would call him a corpse.
They didn't bottle it down to war. War has its effects, positive and negative, but even they had gotten past the point where they felt drained, useless and remorseful. The Preventors had made sure that they felt needed and it built them an adulthood. It practically brought them into the world.
From time to time, they would talk when he wasn't around. They didn't tend to get involved but as comrades in arms they shared an attachment that lead them to talk about their concerns for the man.
Duo had suggested that maybe he just didn't want to live but felt no reason to die.
Trowa had thought that maybe there was something else in his life that prevented his moving on.
Wufei acted as though he didn't want to partake in any involvement in his life. It was wrong to interfere. But inside, he felt a spark of sorrow for the life that lived inside the soldier when they had once fought alongside. He fought and he fought well. Excellent in fact. But there was no passion in anything he did anymore.
From around the corner of the corridor they could see him coming out of a conference room looking like he always does, yet something seemed rushed. It wasn't obvious. You'd have to have a degree in Heerology to see it. But his actions toward the end of the day were always more impatient, ever so slightly.
He approached them and made eye contact to acknowledge their presence. For him, this was friendship. For him, friendship was respect. And that he had. For all of them.
He passed them to the front desk a few feet away and they saw his lips move, asking the secretary for his `pile'.
The four men looked at their comrade. He was different at the end of the day. They didn't know why but he just was. They weren't as much friends to him as they were comrades or well respected acquaintances, so they could almost never know what went on in his private life, his life outside the Preventors. As far as they knew, he would go home and complete the `pile' he always collected at the end of the day along with his paycheck and reports from Lady Une.
They saw him wait for the secretary to come back with him `pile'. They followed his eyes to across the hall where Relena had just come out of another conference room. They saw the two lock eyes for a second and then saw his eyes follow her when she walked past him, silently nodding his regards to her.
They guessed she had a similar relationship to him as they did. Distant but not uncaring.
They saw his eyes follow her down the hall as she went for her office past the large oak door at the far end.
They knew he had something else with the girl-turned-woman that they did not have. Something must have happened to make it so, but it was always as though they were in deep thought whenever they looked at each other, as if they could talk to each other through their minds.
As Heero set off in the direction Relena had gone Quatre smiled slightly to himself. He would never tell his friends this, but he had a feeling that it was not an indecisiveness to end his life, or a blockade that made him what he was. It was her. They saw the last 5 years of hero as negative, but when looking at it from his theory it's positive. If he had something to do with Relena, more intimate than just acquaintances, then it meant that he had a `someone'. It meant that his appearance of a morose and empty shell of a life was just his work phase, like when people act differently around people than with one person alone. It was a change in daily scene. If his theory was correct then he truly was normal, just not in the traditional way.
Heero didn't hesitate to open the large oak door.
He saw the small blond woman sitting on the edge of her desk, her hand folded neatly in her lap, waiting for him.
He let a small smile tug at his lips. She had grown from a teenager to a woman and he ad noticed, even thought he was there the whole time, witnessing the transformation. She had grown from a girl he trusted; to a female friend to a woman he loved in seven years. He didn't notice her physical changes until it got to the stage in their relationship where it was impossible not to.
They had fully accepted each other as people and as lovers, secret though they may be.
It was normal.
He took the few steps towards her and buried his face in her shoulder, kissing the skin lightly there.
She let her hand come up to stroke is hair. It was soft.
It was simple.
He raised his head to stare her in the face and both let their lids fall as they closed a soft, feathery seal between their lips.
It was real.
A red tint found its way to both their cheeks, as he wound his hands inside her shirt and up her smooth back.
As the beginnings of a warmth surrounded them, to envelope them in their own little world, one thought crossed his mind before losing to the feeling of belonging.
It was perfection.