Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Frabbles on Moments ❯ Allergies ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ok. Yesterday I posted my little fic Heerology. You guys liked the cuteness, ja? In which case, I present to you, the third of the little 1xR moments, Allergies.
Oh yeah, I don't own them. And I feel a need to remind people that my cures for writer's block work and now I have proof!
It was an obstacle. Plain and simple. For once she was looking through Heero's eyes. Why it was necessary to fill out these forms was beyond her. But, nonetheless, she respected the law and began to fill them in.
`Hm. Name…Heero Yuy. Age…24. Marital Status…' She had to force back a blush. She found this strange. Whenever the subject of marriage came up with her and Heero it always managed to catch her off guard, even though she knew it must have been on the forms somewhere along the line.
`…single.' She sighed. Keeping things secret was only hard when she had to lie to people about it. She didn't mind the secrecy, she didn't mind not telling people. But actually having to say, “No, I'm single.” or in some cases to inquiring admirers of her stoic lover, “No, he's a free agent.”
She had to give an empty giggle a little at that pun. One half was true and the other so very wrong. Yet they were the only ones that knew so.
She shook herself out of her self-pitying thoughts and continued to absently fill in the E11 forms that seemed like a big blur in front of her.
She had managed to fill in most of the front page containing general information. Then she got to the health section.
`General health…Excellent. Please indicate any allergies you have had tested and confirmed, along with the dosage of antidotes given by your GP…'
Relena set her pen to the paper, before suddenly stopping as her more logical mind pushed itself forward. She…didn't know.
She furrowed her brow at the prospect. She always thought she new everything general when it came to Heero, so why was she struggling with this one little detail? She knew his favourite food, his favourite place, his shoe size, the location of every scar on his body (she had to blush at this thought) and even his favourite article of clothing. Uh, yes. That God forsaken bomber jacket! She had yet to manipulate him into washing it…or even to remove it for more than a second.
She knew all this, yet couldn't even say if he had any allergies. She thought back on their 9 years of knowing each other and frowned. She had never seen him take medication. She couldn't even remember asking him about it. How could she have missed it?
`It goes to show, you can't map out Heero Yuy like the human body. He's a conundrum wrapped in an enigma smothered in pure, devastatingly sexy mystery.'
Something so trivial shouldn't have bothered her but it did. Heero trusted her with these forms because he thought she knew everything about him. At the time she had taken much pride in knowing that he thought that about her. Now, she couldn't complete the simple task that he had entrusted her with and she felt…useless. Traitorous.
After half an hour of staring mindlessly at that same sentence she sighed her defeat and decided reluctantly that she should go home and eat something. The feeling of complete failure followed her like a black cloud all the way home.
When she camein through the door the first thing she saw was a message on her answering machine. Her usual daily message from Heero telling her that;
The mission is going well, or I'm missing you or I hope you're ok always following up with I love you, Relena.
This time, when she pressed the little green button, she heard her favourite sound in the world.
Relena, it's me. The mission was a success so I have no more need to stay in Russia. I'll be home around 6 tonight. If you're not too tired by then maybe you should come down to my place and order out. Love you.
Relena smiled, only for a second forgetting how useless she felt. It was just like him to make such a simple and short message sound so sweet with three little words. `A man of few words is a man of many feelings.'
She frowned again. `What would he feel if he knew I couldn't do him one tiny favour?'
After a few seconds of trying to convince herself he wouldn't feel anything bad about it, she pulled her black turtleneck over her head and removed her grey suit skirt to replace them with a red tank top and jeans. Bearing in mind that she was now extremely hungry, she jogged to the few city blocks to Heero's apartment.
On arriving outside the building she leaned against the hard brick wall and allowed herself to catch her breath. She swore to herself. If she couldn't do a few blocks without running out of breath she needed help.
After looking quickly in the window to modify her wind-beaten hair she went inside the double glass doors and ran calling for the elevator to hold the door.
Heero was one of those awkward people that lived on the top floor. “Roof access for security reasons”. She let out another surrendering sigh. `That man thinks too much. If I could think that much the world would be heaven on Earth about now.'
When she reached the top floor she hastily stepped out, blushing apologetically from the grunts and clicks of annoyance from the crowd behind her. Her course was obviously far from theirs. She hadn't stopped to think…'Heero would have.'
Again the mounds of heavy guilt lifted back onto her shoulders. She really didn't want to have to admit to him she had made a mistake in taking on his task. She always wanted to measure up to him, and until now she thought she had.
She knocked half-heartedly on his door and it immediately opened. On the other side an arm reached out to pull her in for a crushing kiss. It was indescribably, butterly-stiringly, fantastically romantic…yet the thought that she had failed him pushed the full feeling into nothing. It only served to make her feel worse.
“I really hoped you would come tonight. I wanted to give you something.”
Relena's knees buckled beneath her. She felt horrible and manipulative and weak. She failed him and he was going to give her a present?!?! `I don't deserve him'
As she was about to open her mouth to tell him of her crime, he pushed a container of Char Sui under her nose. She inhaled the scent appreciatively. If there was one thing that could rival her love of Heero, it was Chinese food.
Distracted by the smell of her second love, she followed it towards the couch in front of the TV which was playing…
“Pearl Harbour?”
Heero smirked slightly and looked at her. “I knew you liked it and I suppose it wouldn't be ALL romance, so that way we satisfy both of us.” He picked up the remote from the table and pulled her shoulders down so that she had her head resting in his lap.
She instantly felt all of her fears melt away. Her body was in a state of perfection. Complete warmth enveloped her and not even the itchiness caused by the worn black sofa ruined it.
Relena ate slowly, concentrating mainly on the movie. It always made her cry. She always replaced the main character with Heero. The thought of him dying on a mission always made her flood over with tears. The thought of bearing his children, however, was a much more satisfying aspect of the film.
When the film ended, she felt Heero kiss her neck lightly, brushing aside a few stray tresses from it. She moaned every so softly, knowing this would continue in a somewhat adult manner in a few minutes time.
But she couldn't allow that to happen. Not yet.
“Heero, there's something I need to tell you…”
She had to surpress a scream of horror at what she saw. Heero's face was, although still incredibly handsome, covered in streaky redness.
“Heero! What happened to your face?!” She reached quickly into her handbag and pulled out a small hand mirror and gave it to him. The next sound that registered was a series of very loud obscenities that rang through the near-empty apartment.
“Heero, what is it? Why has your face gone funny?” Her eyes followed his deathly glare to the container on the table. She picked it up and tasted a bit, though sniffing it as though testing for poison.
“It's…seafood fried rice. Oyster and prawn if I'm not mistaken.” Oh yes. Her immaculate knowledge of Chinese cuisine was indeed a handy thing.
Heero's hand slapped against his forehead as he groaned. His other, though, went instinctively to scratch the irritating redness.
“It's the oyster. I didn't realise that's what a number 45 was! I just ordered what you usually have.”
Relena stared at him, barely comprehending just what he was saying. “I'm sorry, what?”
Heero blushed slightly. “Don't make me say it again. It's so embarrassing. It's such a stupid setback!”
Relena suddenly came out in a fit of giggles. Oysters! He was allergic to OYSTERS! She remembered suddenly their first date.
They had gone to a very cute seaside café and had ordered the Fish Platter. It was a charming place. It was a wooden building, obviously quit old, and the insides were quaint with little wooden tables and wicker basket chairs. The Wall had all kinds of things that were associated with the sea. An anchor, a mast, a sail, plastic fish, harpoons…
It had a very quaint and friendly décor, which had only added to the mood of their already blossoming romance. It was their first date, yes, but they had already kissed and admitted their feelings at the time. They just hadn't gotten round to doing it officially.
All went perfect. Sure, he had accidentally caught a napkin alight on the candle flame that burned in a little glass jar in the middle, but his panicked and muddled efforts to save its remains from setting the place on fire only served to make her topple with laughter. It was that day she had realised that he was imperfect and so utterly adorable.
But, the part that was of importance now was the home journey. After a few long minutes of sweet and light kissing outside the front door of her house, the night-lights came on as it had struck midnight. At that point she remembered gasping in panic at the sight of the same streaky rash covering his arms and face.
She blushed after remembering that that night was also the first night he was forced to stay over to take a cold bath. They hadn't done anything of course. Just fell asleep together on the sofa, comforted by the feeling of each other's warmth and proximity. It was picture perfect. Not even the bright red rash could have spoilt it.
Fancy confusing and oyster for a muscle!
At that point she froze. He made a mistake. A simple, little mistake. But she loved him for it. She smiled suddenly.
She hadn't failed him at all. She was human, just like him.