Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Goodbye Yellow Brick Road ❯ Part Twelve ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Part Twelve

Duo didn't see Quatre or Trowa at lunch the next day, and this upset him. He was finally having a little break-through in his dreams or Visions or whatever they were and now Quatre wasn't there to prove it. Even if he did just walk up to some random Spirit Artist to ask about the auras, neither Quatre nor Trowa would be there to prove that he was right. It would look like lucky guesses if he only got Heero's and Wufei's.

Still yet.... There was no common thread.

After Fourth Block Class, Heero told him he had an idea and dragged him back out to the East Garden. His blood still stained the brick wall and even the grass and embarrassed him, but Heero had dragged him there and he would do anything for Heero.

Heero was, in a sense, his savoir. His guardian angel.

Not to mention that he had a crush on him.

Duo stood dumbfounded in the square, bricked in piece of nothing as Heero went around to different dead plants and messed with them a little.

"Heero?" he asked, scratching his head. "Is it just me, or did you finally crack?"

Heero turned around to him and gave him the biggest, goofiest smile he'd seen on the other boy yet.

Bounding over he grabbed Duo's good arm and opened his hand, placing something inside of it.

"What's this?" Duo asked, opening his hand to see hundreds of little, what looked to be, pieces of different plants.

"Seeds," Heero told him, as if obvious. "This place is alive, Duo, really it is. Nobody comes out here any more and nobody cares."

"No shit. What we're doing out here is still beyond me. I like to be one of those people who completely ignores the fact that there are gardens at all."

"Well, of course! That's because it's not a garden! Come on, Duo, we can turn it into one. You and me and we can come here to get away from all that shit. Don't you see?"

Duo looked at Heero like he was insane.

"Are you sure that taking those Bands off was healthy?"

Heero rolled his eyes and took them off once more.

"Watch, Duo," he growled, taking the seeds back and sitting on his knees on the ground. "Watch and tell me you can't see the beauty in this. If you've seen and felt anywhere near as much pain as I have, you'll understand why I want this.... You'll understand why the smallest things are the most beautiful...."

Digging in the earth with his bare hands he made a shallow pit and poured a few seeds in. Burying it back up, he moved his hands across it in an uplifting motion, and being an Earth Artist, flowers sprang out of the ground to his bidding, twisting up and winding around one another.

Duo's breath caught with the deep red roses and had to admit, they were beautiful....

Heero snapped one off and plucked off the thorns, walking over to Duo.

"Tell me you won't help me fix this place up," he spoke, tucking the rose behind Duo's ear.

Duo hesitated, tears gleaming in his eyes as he thought.

"What...what if They catch us?" he finally whispered, fear saturating his voice.

Heero snorted. "Who cares? Who cares any more, Duo? They can do whatever the hell They want. I really don't give a damn anymore. Besides, we're not doing anything bad, are we? We're planting some flowers. Who gives a fuck?

"If you won't help me, Duo, then I'll do it all alone."

The last statement got to Duo.

Heero had done so much for him. More than he should've ever done. More than Duo ever dreamed that he would do.

It wasn't fair that he wouldn't return even a little of that kindness.

Besides.... A place for them.... Just them.... Beautiful....

It sounded nice....

A lot like the dream he had.... Where Heero and he could spend their time together...forever....

He wanted that.

Duo sighed. "Okay, okay. I'll help. Just tell me what to do."

Heero smiled more glorious than ever before as he showed him how to get the seeds off the flowers and plants.

That night they finished. The sun was going down, the faintest blaze of color peeking over the brick wall. The moon was coming up, her face round and full.

It was almost time to go in, but they didn't want to right then. Right then, they wanted to admire what they did.

Heero clicked the Bands back around his wrists and fell back into the nice, fresh green grass. He had breathed a lot of his being into that garden and was tired from the exercise.

But unlike in a Lesson, it wasn't the tired that filled your body with pain and despair, it was the kind of tired you got after a long, fulfilling day's work where you wanted to lay down and doze off, not lay down and die.

Still smiling inanely, he gazed up at Duo, who stood over him, not being able to keep a smile from his own face.

Reaching up he grabbed Duo's long hair and pulled him down to the earth.

"Are you proud of what we did?" he asked as he clutched Duo's limp hand in his own.

Duo nodded as his heavy eyelids kept begging him to let them drop.

"Good. As long as you are proud of what you did, no body can take it away."


Quatre awoke in an unfamiliar room. He knew he was somewhere in the school, but where was beyond him.

He felt he had an awful headache that pounded in his head and he wanted to scream.

Blinking and taking in his new surroundings, he sat up. Looking around he saw Trowa sitting on a bed across from him.

"Trowa!" he cried, fear taking hold of him as he jumped up and tried to rush to the other boy.

Halfway there he ran into a field, a huge jolt of electricity jumping and connecting with his body. He screamed as he fell backward upon the floor, stunned.

Trowa awoke to the sound of his lover's scream and his head snapped over in time to see the other fall with a thud to the ground.

"Quatre," he whispered, realizing in an instant that some of the Teachers or Council had brought them down here to play a little 'game'.

If trying to get to him shocked Quatre like that, chances are the same would happen to him if he tried to get to Quatre.

He heard a deep throaty laughter and his green eyes narrowed to slits, his head jerking around, glaring out at the figure on the outside of the bars they were locked behind.

"What did you do to him?" he growled, standing.

One of the three robed figures turned to him. "Don't you think it's clever? Fire and Spirit really do work well together, when you know how to use them correctly."

"What did you do?" Trowa asked again, in a hushed wrath.

The figure tilted it's head toward him and even through he couldn't see what expression was painted on their faces, he knew they were amused by the mockery in their voices.

"Oh, it's quite simple really. We just weaved the threads of both Elements together in an intricate pattern nothing short of a Quadruple Band."

Trowa sneered. "I'm not stupid. There is no such thing as a Quadruple Band."

Suddenly a jolt of electricity shot out of the middle of the room and stuck Quatre's body hard. The blond boy gave a slight moan, his body arching for a moment before falling back upon the stone floor.

"Quatre...." he whispered and shuddered. He couldn't get to him.... He couldn't get to his love....

Turning to the laughing men he spat at them.

"You are nothing less than dogs!" he cried in anger. "How can you hurt someone like that?"

"We don't like what you're saying, Barton," one warned, letting another jolt strike Quatre, who's body jumped to the impulse very much like a dead frog does when you spice it with electricity.

"Stop it!" Trowa screamed, charging at them, trying to reach them through the bars and maybe wrap his arms around their throats....

Suddenly he felt all the Energy in the room build up and with a quick turn of his head, he saw the gigantic ball of Energy pass through the field of Fire and Spirit they had made, glowing yellow for an instant before they released it all on Quatre.

There was a hideous scream. The kind of scream that makes you want to burry yourself into a little hole forever. The kind of scream that makes you're skin crawl until you're ready to rip it off.

That ear-splitting, horrifying shriek came from Quatre's lips.

By this time Trowa was on his knees, hugging himself, tears streaming silently down his face as the three men laughed and laughed.

He dared not look at his lover. Just a glance was enough. His hair was charged with static electricity, his back forming what looked to be a permanent arch, his eyes open wide, his mouth gaping even after the scream had died.

It pained Trowa too much that he could not be there for this boy he had promised to guard for as long as he had breath.

"Why are you doing this?" he growled, his eyes gleaming in the little light of the room.

The three men stopped laughing and stared at the man behind the cage.

"Answer me," Trowa demanded quietly, his eyes sparkling with revenge. "Why are you doing this? What did he do to you to deserve such punishment?"

Not a one of the three men could answer.

They weren't doing it for a reason. They were doing it for fun.

"I swear to the Divine, yes I swear, with all the powers in me, with all the life force in me, I swear," Trowa started softly, darkly, growing louder as he spoke. "I swear you shall never get away with this, you filthy dogs! You bastards! You shall never get away with hurting such an innocent as you have hurt Quatre!

"I swear to the Divine above that I will avenge him someday; I will kill you."

~Til Then~