Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Gundam Night Star ❯ Morning After & Further Meetings ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Dariana: I have no plans to make this into a romance. (My cousin thought I was after this chap so I thought I'd say it now) I just wanted to give Ran a reason to be really mad at Duo, for comedic purposes only. Cause I like Duo..Really I do.

Genki Kibun: Riiiiiiiight

Dariana: Shut up you Xelloss wannabe.

GK: Xelloss wannabe?

Dariana: You heard me. Now, oh annoying muse o' mine, be quiet before I throw out your Sailor Moon manga.

Chapter 2

Duo woke up and noticed something warm next to him. He looked down and noticed a head with black hair lying on his chest with their arms around him. He then noticed the throbbing headache he had and the fact that he was wearing no clothes. The person next to him stirred then opened her eyes. They stared at each other for a minute, then scrambled apart, both grabbing a sheet for covering.

"Uh, good mornin' Ranshi" Duo said blushing and being careful to look at her face only. She looked murderous. She grabbed the nearest object, which happened to be Duo's gun, and hurled it at him. He fell off the edge of the bed trying to dodge.

She grabbed her clothes and ran to the adjoining bathroom. Duo sat up rubbing the newly acquired lump on his head. He put his clothes on then, reached into the dresser, pulled out a bottle of aspirin, and downed two. Ranshi came out of the bathroom, fully dressed, still glaring at Duo. She walked across the room and out the door.

Duo also retreated out the room, thinking 'nani kuso! Duo no baka! She's gonna hate you now.'

Heero was in the living room with Ranshi's laptop, cursing about how a certain braided baka had somehow managed to destroy his. Ranshi was leaning over his shoulder reading what was on the screen. She looked up when Duo entered.

Heero said "We've been invited to stay at Quatre's for a while." He recapsulated Ranshi's computer and gave it back to her.

"So we goin' or not?" Ranshi asked.

"Goin' definently!" Duo said.

"Fine, pack up your stuff Duo" Heero said.

"Kay" Duo answered and ran off to his room to pack his few belongings. Heero followed. Ranshi put on her belt and duster and sat down to wait.

A few minutes later Heero and Duo emerged carrying Duffel bags. Ranshi stood up and the three of them headed outside to their Gundams.

Once their Gundams had been secured in a transport plane that they had conveniently 'borrowed' from a nearby base they headed toward the desert.

About an hour later they landed and took their Gundams to the underground base where they were greeted by Rashid. He led them upstairs to the living room where Quatre, Trowa, and Wufei were.

"Quatre-Sama the other pilots are here" Rashid said bowing slightly. The Noble Desert, Silencer & the Solitary Dragon looked up and noticed a third person with Heero and Duo.

"Who's the onna?" Wufei asked.

"I'm Ranshi Megami, pilot of the Gundam Night Star."

"I'm Quatre Rababa Winner, and this is Trowa Barton and Chang Wufei." Quatre introduced.

Ranshi nodded and said "nice to meet you"

Wufei goggled "An onna!? A pilot!? *INJUSTICE!!*"

"I think it's neat," Duo said.

"You would!" Ranshi growled, glaring at Duo, her hand twitching over the hilt of her Katana.

"W-wait a minute! It wasn't entirely my fault anyway!" he replied

The other four pilots just watched and wondered. The two kept arguing until Heero pulled out his gun and said, "shut up now" They complied. "Now what are you two talking about?" he asked, gun still armed. Ranshi glared at Duo as if saying you tell them.

"Well, last night, me, Heero and Ranshi were having a little sake and me and Ranshi got really sloshed and somehow ended up in the same bed this morning, naked" he replied, blushing.

The other pilots stared. Duo eeped, Ranshi had unsheathed her Katana and was aiming for Duo.Wufei saw this and countered with his own Katana. Ranshi's sword was knocked out of her hands. She glared at Wufei then went into a roundhouse kick knocking his sword to the far wall. She pulled the Kitanas out of her boots and unfolded them. (AN: Kitanas look like metal, folding fans with razor sharp edges. Kitana on the Mortal Kombat game uses them if you need a visual.)

Everyone except Ranshi blinked.

"How many other weapons do you have hidden on you?" Heero asked.

Ranshi answered " just a few."

He aimed his gun at her "put all your weapons on the floor."

She sighed and folded her Kitanas and dropped them to the floor. She reached into her right boot, pulled out three daggers, one in the back and one on each side, and did the same with the left boot. She unhooked her belt revealing Shuriken on the inside. She pulled off her earrings and dropped them.

"What's with the earrings?" Duo asked.

"One is filled with Arsenic and the other with a Hemlock/Belladonna (1) mixture." she answered looking pointedly at Duo, he gulped.

She sat down and pulled off her boots.

"And the boots?" Duo asked.

She clicked the heels together and blades came out of the heels.

Quatre blinked.

She reclicked the heels and the blades retracted.

"Is that all?" Heero asked.

"Yes. Can I put them back now?"

"Hai." he replied.

She picked up her weapons and replaced them.

(1)Hemlock & Belladonna are two poisonous plants. If fed to a person it would cause serious convulsions then death within fifteen minutes. Belladonna is also called Deadly Nightshade.