Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Gundam Wing: Psychosis ❯ Angel's Leave ( Chapter 3 )

[ A - All Readers ]
Disclaimers: Read Chapter 1! I'm not about to repeat myself over and over and over again!

Notes: Thanks for everyone who wrote a review for me! I feel so LOVED! (gag ^^;;;) Oh well. I'll write faster if there are more reviews!!!

Also, big thanks to those people that had beta-read this chapter. If I didn't use your changes, well, I'm sure there's a good reason for it!

Some of you might have noticed that what I wrote is basically what happened in the TV series, with some slight changes. That's because the impact of the MS Alpha Gundam, as you should know by now, isn't large yet. It only took out little things, and the destruction of the Supply Depot is still little, compared to the other Gundams. (I mean, taking out BASES, and SPACEPORTS...)

By now, you should also be getting some clues as to what I changed/played around, and even who X is. If not... well, you'll know soon enough!

I also have Alpha's stats, but I won't be uploading them for a while. I want to see if you can guess what armory this baby has... ^^v I'll tell you one thing though, this isn't just Gwing tech!

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Operation Meteor is an operation created by the colonies to fight back against the oppression of the United Earth Sphere Alliance (EUSA). Five mobile suits made from the strongest substance known to man, Gundanium, and with the base blueprints of the legendary Mobile Suit known as Gundams, bring hope to the colonies for a brighter future promised by their dead leader, Heero Yuy.

Unfortunately, this plan was discovered by the UESA, and a race against time begins as Oz, the secret police force behind WF, also steps up its timetable to take advantage of Operation Meteor. Hiding behind the mask of honor and peace, the OZ leader Treize Khushrenada decides that this is a perfect opportunity to reveal OZ's true identity to the world and beyond, and establishing themselves as leader of the known universe.

Unknown to either faction, a third force has slowly begun their agenda of peace and destruction with it's own Gundam made from technology of the past. Built by a hidden power, its goals are shadowy at best, and even more obscure than those of OZ.

It is After Colony 195, and powers that seek peace in their own image are about to create a turning point in human history as their forces clash and wars flare all across the known universe. A time of chaos and beginnings, to bring an end of the past.

Gundam Wing: Psychosis
Chapter 3: Angel's Leave

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Jamie was furious.

First, her assignment to protect Relena was in danger from this boy that had appeared from thin air.

Secondly, she didn't like the fact that Heero had insulted Relena by tearing up her invitation.

Thirdly, she had thought she could beat the new student in fencing, one of her better abilities.

"I saw it, Heero". Jamie panted, "You tearing up Relena's invitation in front of her eyes."

Heero didn't respond. Instead, he slashed viciously across Jamie's chest, just missing by an inch.

"Why did you do such a cruel thing?" Jamie continued, parrying a half-lunge from Heero. "As a classmate of hers, I disapprove of what you did to her. As a friend," she charged lunged again, "I cannot let you get away without consequences." Heero parries. "Don't you think that was shameful?"

Heero then did does a complex move that Jamie was barely able to block, and twists his wrist..

She didn't have a chance.

The foil flew from her hands as the foil crashed through the protective mask and through the other side, barely missing her face.

"Next time," Heero says as he slowly withdrew the foil from the stiff Jamie, "Tell me ahead of time." He started to walk away, taking his gloves off. "I'll decline your invitation instead."

"Is that Heero?" one of Relena's friends asked.

"Yes, that's him." Another replied.

"He's pretty good, huh?" the first one asked, looking at Heero's disappearing back. "He doesn't look like it though..."

Jamie slowly got up from her knees after retrieving her foil. Her mask deflected any light from reaching her face. A drop of tear slid from the mask to the floor, mixed with the sweat across her face.

Slowly, she looked up, with anger in her eyes, at the disappearing back of the boy who defeated her. "Heero Yuy." She hissed. "I shall have my revenge for this and the dishonor you've brought upon that name."

With a swipe of her foil, she walked off, aware that nobody else had heard her.

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At a naval base in Eastern Asia, an UESA commander was currently pacing around the command center. Ever minute or so, he would look at one of his officers and they would shake their heads.

"What are they doing?" The commander stormed. "The aircraft carrier is not designed to carry Mobile Suits. It takes time to unload them all." His hands flapped in the air in frustration. "Just throw them into the water as quickly as possible - ALL of them!"

"Commander," one of the officers sitting in front of a viewscreen said, "there is a call from Lt. Zechs of the Special Unit."

The commander turned and walked over and leaned over the officer's shoulders. "What does Treize's boy want?" he sneered.

The viewscreen flashed and Zechs' face appeared. "It seems you're having some difficulties with the off-loading."

The commander whipped his finger at the view-screen and said, "That's none of your business."

"I know this is none of my business." Zechs retorted in an even tone. "I'm just afraid, for your sake, that if you waste too much time here, it'll affect your next evaluation."

The commander's cheeks became flame red at the remark, and he yelled, "Don't threaten me!"

"To tell you the truth," Zech said, completely ignoring the commander's outburst, "we are also having some troubles down here. Out new undersea carrier has some engine trouble."

Zechs was standing in front of a view-screen looking at the commander. The crew around him is looked curiously at their commanding officer.

"I told them not to waste money on that piece of crap." The commander muttered under his breath.

"As a favor," Zechs continued, "can we repair our ship on your deck?"

"On top of my aircraft carrier?" the commander asked, a strange look entering his eyes.

"Yes." Zechs replied. "In return, we will let you use out state-of-the-art undersea Mobile Suits, Pisces and Cancer."

"I see." The commander said in a shrewd voice, and so thought. "You're trying to bribe me, for not telling the higher-ups about your engine trouble, aren't you?"

For a moment, Zechs said nothing, only smiling slightly. Then, Zechs he nodded and asked, "So what do you say?"

The commander looked piercingly at Zechs through the viewscreen before agreeing. "Deal. Come aboard!" He said giving the command to his staff.

"Thank you." Zechs said and cut the transmissions.

A nearby soldier walked up to Zechs and asked, "Lt. Zechs, what engine trouble are you talking about?"

"All it takes is a humble offer to get him to cooperate with us seriously." Zechs replied, a bit impishly. "We'll take the treasure, so get going and *create* the trouble!"

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In Relena's afternoon class, the girls were standing in front of the teacher, all dressed in a gowns designed especially for each of them. Jamie and Relena were standing together; one dressed in a light green dowry er... what kind of dress is that? Sounds like the money that a father is supposed to give to the groom when his daughter marries. that extended below the knees, and the other one wearing a ballroom gown that was pearl white.

Jamie was not looking too happy at the teacher, while Relena had a cool mask of self-confidence on her face. Glancing around, Jamie noticed that Heero wasn't in the class.

"Everyone?" The teacher said, gathering their attention. "Are you all here?" Nobody said anything. "Okay, then let's start. We are going to study how to waltz today."

"Do you know where Heero is?" Jamie asked Relena.

Relena looked down at her watch, hidden deeply within the folds of her gown, for a moment and said, "He's probably messing with the computers."

Jamie glanced curiously at Relena before shrugging and concentrating on the day's class.

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Inside a computer room within the school, a figure could be seen in front of a monitor. On the screen, military data that was, and will, never be released can be seen was flashing around.

"This will do it." The figure said. "Anti-undersea-carrier torpedo... Radio control. Heat seeking systems... The Naval Arsenal..."

He paused for a moment, checking a map. "It's nearby..." He finally said, and returned his concentration on the computer. "Now, to take care of my records..."

Putting a disk into the computer, he began typing furiously.

"Heero Yuy - Tuition: cleared. Boarding expenses: cleared. Admission fees: cleared. Parents' financial background: no problem."

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At the end of the day, Relena and her friends were walking out of the school, talking about the party that would take place later on at her house.

Jamie was talking about how much fun they would have dancing and 'after party events', while Relena had a preoccupied look.

Reaching her car, Pagan opened the door for her as Relena prepared to stepped in, with Jamie in tow.

"So, Relena," one of her friends confirmed, "we'll see you at your house in a few hours." When Relena didn't reply, the girl asked "Relena?"

"Relena, what's wrong?" Jamie asked tentively.

"It's your birthday," another put in, "you should be happy."

"Cheer up, Relena!" another friend said.

Relena turned around to face her friends and put on a smile for her friends. "Thank you, everyone."

At the same time, Heero was sneaking into the naval base under a car. He hung on loosely as he prepared to let go.

Relena is in her car, sitting besides Jamie as she thinks about Heero. "A boy with secrets..."

Heero opening a door to a warehouse he knew that holds the missiles he sought.

"With so many secrets..." Relena continues to think.

Finding the missiles, Heero started modifying the missiles to his specifications.

"And... I know too many of them...?" Relena whispers, catching the attention of Jamie.

Heero then double-checked to see if his modifications would hold together.

"That's why... that's why he did what he did?"

"What are you talking about, Relena?" Jamie asks, curious that her friend was talking to herself.

"Oh!" Relena nearly exclaims, as she was startled out of her reverie. "Nothing. I was just thinking... of a new suspense novel I read!"

"Oh." Jamie says, not really believing her.

At the naval base, Heero was exiting the warehouse as he thought back on his plan. "If some of these hit the Gundam directly, that'll trigger the self-destruction system. I have to destroy it before it falls into the OZ's hands." Clenching his hands, his thoughts singled out to one thought. "I have to do it."