Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ i wasn't pretending ❯ The Call ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter five, sorry it took so long, but I’ve been busy with playing World of Warcraft. Yeah I know, not a plausible excuse, but you see I’m addicted to it and trying to seek help. But there’s not too many surviving people out there that have lived with enough of their sanity left and I really don’t want to become a mindless zombie mumbling about hordes and alliances, but if you guys pray for me, I will try to minimize my addiction to it. But there is no guarantee that it will be easy, or that I’ll ever be the same again, just the thought of being here at school right now writing this is making me itchy and want to go home and play wow, but alas I will stay here and finish this chapter. And then run home like a crack addict and go play WOW!
Atheala points finger at Nightcrawls “Oh my god, you WOW fiend!”
Nightcrawls looking slightly shocked “what? You’re a Final Fantasy addict your self so stop calling the kettle black.”
Atheala now confused “What kettle? I never said a kettle was black.”
Nightcrawls “It’s an English saying, you putz.”
Atheala “You and your English saying…”
Nightcrawls “Hey don’t make me pull out my sword of a thousand truths.”
Atheala “Your what?! Are we role playing now?”
Nightcrawls “Oh my god, don’t tell me you missed the episode on South Park where they did World of Warcraft.” Nightcrawls now looking at Atheala as if she/he as grown another head.
Atheala “I rarely watch TV anymore, don’t see the need to, some of us live in the real world ya know.”
Nightcrawls “Why live in a TV show if you don’t like TVs?”
Atheala “huh? Oh my god STFU! You are impossible.”
Nightcrawls “You hurt my still beating heart.”, does a dramatic fall to the ground and lies there.
Now that we’re done filling up the page with our little banter, on with the SHOW!

Title: The call
Cicadas chirping along a telephone pole, and a breeze wafting through an old homely building is the setting for this eventful day. Bored as ever and with no one to pick on, Quatre cannot find the beauty in it though. Frustrated, he fidgets as he finds shapes in the clouds above.
A phone breaks the monotony of the day and someone picks it up.
“Quatre here!”, a pause and then, “what? Wait Duo, slow down. Now, what’s wrong?”. Another pause as the other end of the line spoke and,“Oh my god. TROWA!”, he screamed without remembering to cover the mouthpiece of the phone.
Trowa rushes in, “What’s wrong, little one?”.
“It’s Heero. He’s hurt.”, he responded, “Get Wufei.”
“Ok, but before I go get him, where are we going?”, Trowa mindfully inquired.
Turning back to the phone Quatre prodded, “Um...Duo where are you guys?”, and got his response, “Ok we’ll be there as soon as possible”.
Quatre responds to Trowa now, “They’re in Finland”.
Dumbfounded, Trowa exclaims, “Finland?! How did they get there? Wasn’t their mission in Greece?”
Back to the receiver Quatre inquires, “Duo, how did you get to Finland?”, and returns to Trowa with, “He’s on Howard’s ship”.
In a near exasperated sigh Trowa thinks out loud, “You know, it’s going to take us some time to get there, right little one?”
And so, with information in hand, Trowa went to go get Wufei, “Heero’s hurt and we’re
going to aid Duo.”
Feeling crass about being interrupted during meditation he comes back with,“What? The baka got him sick with his cooking?”
To the point Trowa continued, “No, Heero got hurt during their last Mission”.
Back to business Wufei asks the important questions, “Did they fail?”.
“Don’t know”, Trowa looks across the way and squints as if trying to find the answer somewhere outside.
“Where are they?”
“Finland”, after a raised eyebrow from Wufei, Duo explained further, “Howard took them there”.
And with a quick dismissal Wufei says, “Then they should be fine, thank you for telling me.” Not to be contradicted by Quatre’s,“WUFEI! GET YOUR HINEY UP HERE AND START PACKING NOW! WE ARE LEAVING!”
An aggravated Wufei replied,“Winner why are you shouting at me, and why should I pack? We have not been compromised have we?”
“No we haven’t, but we are going to stay with Howard until Heero is back on his feet”, came back a motherly Quatre.
A typical man response came from Wufei,“What happened to his feet?”
“Stop asking questions Chang, and get a move on!”, Quatre was too anxious to tolerate any more!
Returning from the corner of the room Trowa cuts in,“Might want to do what he says, he just used your last name. You know what that means”.
“As soon as I finish my meditation I will start packing, but the longer you all are here I can not finish”, Wufei was set in his ways.
“Fine, we’ll leave you alone to meditate, but please do hurry”, Quatre left the room in a huff. All the while he had never hung up the phone …
And on the way to Finland we go! In the car over to Howard’s barge Wufei feels the need to complain some more, “Winner why are we in such a hurry to go to Howard’s?”.
“I just have a feeling that Heero is in more distress than Duo knows”, Quatre seemed insightful and serious. He also seemed to be acting too motherly.
“What? How can that be? Heero in distress? Winner, are you feeling well?”, he was more confused than ever. It was so uncharacteristic for Heero to be the one in trouble.
“I’m fine Wufei, it’s just a feeling I have”, Quatre asked the driver to press on with a motion of his hand.
“Winner, I’m sure Heero is not in distress, and if he is, it’s probably because it’s Maxwell taking care of him. If I was in his place, I might be a bit on edge” was the sarcastic reply.
“Wufei, Duo can take care of himself and Heero”.
“If he can then why is Heero hurt? And why are we leaving in the first place!”
Trowa gently cuts in with “Wufei let it go”.
Hey my Proof reader and I ran into a large brick wall atone with spikes and barbwire adored with flames, so I will not write what happened to Duo and Heero after Heero passed out, but I have an Idea. You guys write in with Idea’s on what you think happened to Duo and Heero before he woke up in a safe house. So drop a line on how you think they escaped the holding cell they where in, the one that sounds the best will be incorporated into the new chapter and you will get props for helping
Let’s head back to before the drive to the dock, the arguments with Wufei, and even before the Cicadas chirping to take a minuet and explain what happened on the other end of the line, the one that Quatre was to eager to hang up.
Pacing the room where Heero was finally able to get some hospital attention, Duo had a phone pressed to his ear. “Come on pick up, pick up, pick up”, he spoke to the ringing at the other end.
Someone eventually picked up “Quatre here!”.
“Finally, hey Q-BeamHe-ChanandIfinishedourmission, and um…” Duo was too upset to get his words out straight.
“What? Wait, Duo slow down. Now what’s wrong?”
Restating as simply as he could, “Heero got hurt”.
Eyes wide, Quatre the man no longer existed. “Oh my god, TROWA!”
Wincing and pulling the phone away from his ear he took the call outside to the hallway as to not wake Heero, “Q! my man! Not so close to the phone. I need my hearing for my metal CDs”.
Quatre came back on the line, “Um...Duo where are you guys?”
“we’re in Finland, but hey-”, and the phone gets tossed aside again as he hears muffled conversation.
“Duo, how did you get to Finland?” Quatre came back quite innocently.
“Well ya see, before you cut me off I was gonna tell you that Howy-”, and the phone was turned away again before any more could be explained.
“Kitty, I love you, but you are pissing me off”, Duo muttered as he heard chaos in the background.
(I am so sorry this took so long to be posted it has been finished for a while now, but was having trouble figuring out what to put in the middle of this chapter, but I also have bad news. I’m leaving to go spend Thanksgiving with grandparents and they live in the land of little to no technology so it will take some time before I post again, but I will try my best to have my proof reader keep the story going as much as possible, Well Happy Thanksgiving everyone!)
(Atheala “wait what? Your leaving me alone with your story? That doesn’t sound fair”
Nightcrawls “why not? I’m leaving you the blue prints on what is going on”
Atheala “no your not! You’re just leaving me with an empty head and even more empty ideas”
Nightcrawls “If your head is empty that’s not my flat, and yes I am leaving you with empty ideas too bad you figured it out this early but hey LOOOK OVER THERE!!” points in random direction
Atheala “what? Where?” Looks in said direction Author escapes with super ninja technique! Proof reader is left in confuzzlement .)