Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Let's Take Over the World Now! ❯ Boredom On the Plane ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

*hums* Sorry it took me so long to get this chapter out! *crosses her eyes* It wasn't my fault! *points to her muses* `Twas their fault! *gets thwapped by her five muses* @.@

Anywho, let's get on with taking over the world, *gives Cobalt a high-five* This whole ficcie is dedicated to ya! But, you all should know that by now, hm? She's just such a great person *sniffles* I demand you to read her fics, NOW! ALL of them, or else! MWAHAHAHA! ^_^

*gives Takatome Ichido a look* Vunderbra, ne? *happy grin* Dun know who or what that is, but thanks! Yes, Takatome, I DO own Gundam Wing. ^_^ I shall always own Gundam Wing, and there shall be yaoi greatness! *wicked laughter* But…*reality sets in* I guess. . .*sob* I actually don't own Gundam Wing. . .but I WANT to! *glares* When we conquer the world, I shall have it! *laughs insanely*

Let's Take Over the World Now

Part IV

Heero's POV

I knew Duo's patience was wearing thin. We had been in this damn plane for only about three hours. Gee, only sixteen more to go! Yipee! I rolled my eyes, about every other second Duo was fidgeting or moving about.

Duo's POV

"Heeeeerooo, airplanes are SOOO boring!" I announced to Heero loudly, also getting weird looks from other passengers. Heero gave me a `No shit, sherlock' look and I shut-up, right quick. There had to be something to do on this plane, there just *HAD* to be! Believe me, if there was, I was going to be the one to find it! I quickly got up out of my seat.

Heero's POV

I looked up at Duo oddly as he climbed over me and into the airplane's walking lane. He sauntered about in the back for awhile, seemingly looking for something, and then made his way to the very front of the plane. I looked at him quizzically, hoping for an answer, but he didn't seem to notice. Finally, he sat back down next to me and let out a long, deep sigh.

Duo's POV

There is absolutely nothing to do on this plane! Grr! I guess I could think of ways to conquer the world. . .

I brighten up as I turn to Heero, I just thought of an ingenious plan! I nudged Heero's arm to get his attention. "I think I know a way to get into the Emperor's Palace now!"

Heero looked at me, raising an eyebrow for me to continue.

"We could do like in James Bond! We take one of those hooky guns, fire it onto the roof, climb up onto the roof, then crash in through his ceiling, singing our theme song, then jump on him, whilst he's still in his pajama's, and threaten to broadcast him on international TV like that, unless he hands over the country of Japan!"

Heero's POV

Duo was giving me a triumphant grin. I looked at him blankly, and then pointed out the obvious.

"So, was I suppose to bring them, or were you?"

He looked at me, utterly confused. "Bring what Heero?" he said to me.

"The hook guns."

His face fell.

Duo's POV

Darn! I had forgotten to get those when I got the President's book and airplane tickets! I sighed, back to the drawing board! I dug around in my pocket for awhile, wondering if I had brought any gum or candy with me, and I pulled out a washing line cord. I stared at it for a sec, wondering how it got into my pocket. . ."HEERO!" I said excitedly, making him jump a bit in his seat from surprise.

"Baka!" he yelled at me crossly, but I ignored him as I showed him the cord. "We can use this to climb up!"

"What about the guards?"

My face fell another time. Why did Heero always have to ruin my fun by pointing out the obvious?

To be Continued. . .

Sorry it's a short chapter guys! 0.o Plz dun kill me! *ducks behind Cobalt* Kill her instead! *Cobalt bops Minako* @o@ Wow . . . lookie at all the pretty birdies! *faints*