Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Magic ❯ Fate Separated Me From You, Yet My Heart Refused To Let You Go ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing, and surprising, as it seems I don't know who owns it blah blah blah blah (Standard Disclaimers Apply)
I also don't own the poem "The Piercing Chill I Feel" or the song "Got to Believe in Magic" by David Pomeranz
An: I got the inspiration to write this story because I read a truly illuminating poem called "The Piercing Chill that I Feel" that is awfully short but very straight to the point. (I've included the poem in here right before the main story just so you get what I'm talking about)
***It has come to my attention that the story is way too much confusing so I've decided to take the Song it's not longer a songfic, but a story with flashbacks...Although I did put an excerpt of the song at the end of the chapter...***

Italicized - Flashback
Plain - Present
The Piercing Chill I Feel
The piercing chill I feel:
My dead wife's comb, in our bedroom,
Under my heel...
-- Taniguchi Buson (1760)
Ma gic
Heero felt a cracking sound of something he had stepped on and broke. His back instinctively gave him a chill down his spine that told him not to turn back to see what got caught between the solid floor and his heel.But he betrayed his instincts, as if suddenly, picked the split pieces of the article that lay on the cold floor.
"Shit..." Heero stopped his muttered curse as he saw the split object.
The comb... His thoughts drifted back to that comb. That comb brought back the past, the past that seemed so sweet when he was experiencing it, but seemed wretched and cold when he desperately dreamed about it again. The memories flashed through his eyes so quickly that he closed his eyes again to cherish it again...
"Heero, do you believe in magic?" She questioned him in a cheery tone, trying to find out if he still had some childlike sense within himself. "Hn. There is no such thing such as magic. Magicians only create illusions to ring money out of idiotic fools who believe in magic when there is no such thing." "Well do you believe it's magic when two forlorn people in the world find each other to love through all of the strangers they meet all their lives? I don't believe that true love is an illusion." Her question to the perfect soldier was left unanswered yet she expected that same gruff silence from him. For Heero was always a person of little or no words. "Heero do you think that magic can happen between us?" Relena suddenly asked, and after his reply, regretted asking it.
"Hn. Relena, when will you understand that I am incapable of loving you? You can never make me love you. If you can't no one will." He knew he had to deny his true feelings for her because expressing the conformity to reality would only destroy her. Relena lowered her head upon hearing his reply, finding it arduous to hide her falling tears because he could see right through her attempted facade. He attempted to utter words that would make her feel better but he himself was stopped by her own words.
"Heero, maybe you know already, I love you, I've loved you, but I guess that's a waste of breath since you don't really care about what I really feel. You are the coldest human being - no you're too cold to be human..."
There was a long silence after that. Heero felt as if a knife was plunged into his heart.He continued to stare at her eyes, after a few moments, she broke the silence by saying:
"Your heart of stone has broken me, but I promise you that I will never bother you again." She walked away, almost too abruptly, but she dared not to look back to stare at those eyes, those eyes that melted her like a hot knife through butter. That first love she had for him was still there, and it never will leave the chambers of her heart.
Heero felt a string of remorse and regret after not chasing her. He even felt more regret when he realized that she hated him now. He thought that love she had for him was no longer there, as if he set a bird free from its confines. He made an attempt to bestow his fate to the magic, the similar magic of the stars and he made a haste and desperate wish.
"If only love was really magic Relena, you taught me that it was, and I believed it, but after you have gone, it's nothing but a mere illusion that I can never get back. Damn you for making me miss you so much." He replied to the cold and empty room. "If only I realized that what I really felt for you sooner, then we could have done many..." His pledge of if only's and things that could have been done was broken by a stiffened cry and the muffled sound of a figure dropping down on the floor, weeping. His unconfined declaration merely triggered his mind to drift back to happier days, for he had nothing but those memories to hang on....
"Aw come on Heero, buddy, she's getting ready to marry some stranger she doesn't know, you're about to lose her, and still cannot admit your feelings for her?" Duo said to Heero as he put his arms behind his head.
"... It's been a long time since I've seen her, she probably decided to forget about me." Was the reply of the perfect soldier.
"Fine, do whatever you want buddy but don't go complaining to me when you lose her..." Duo said as he smiled and thought to himself:
"Hah. He'll sure realize what he really feels right at the last minute. Watch and see." He left the room with an idiotic grin plastered on his face.
"Are you really meant for me Relena?" He thought to himself as he glared at Duo's retreating back as he left.

Back to reality, Heero felt the disturbing winter chill grow colder as those memories came back flashing to him. He sat there, where he broke down, for a moment, and then got up to the fireplace. Heero continued his reminiscence after he stood up and walked over to the fireplace in search of heat.

Heero had showed up at her balcony that night, even he himself not knowing why he had showed up that night. He came to a conclusion that he visited her just to capture a vision of her. His body came into one with the shadows, Relena, unaware of his presence, still continued on with her deep sleep. He slowly crept into her room, finding it difficult to be near her since she had a very massive bedroom. As the moonlight came out of the dark nighttime clouds, his figure became visible. Relena unconsciously turned to the other side of her bed as she felt the moonlight shine on her face and bothering her sleep. He slowly moved to the side of the bed on which she was facing to see a glimpse of her delicate face. That face reminded him of how he could be weak. That face made him surrender himself to her charm. Somehow he felt that if he lost her, he would lose the only thing he could really cherish.
"I have to tell her tonight that I believe that magic can happen between the both of us." He whispered as he kneeled down on her bedside.
Even if his statement was a mere whisper, he had waken her deep slumber suddenly and as she opened her eyes hastily, he jumped back from the bed. She doubted his presence there and rubbed her eyes twice to make sure that it wasn't another trick played by her mind. She shook her head and tried to be certain that it wasn't another illusion that was just going to be there for a split second and then disappear on the next.
"Heero?" she whispered hoarsely, squinting her eyes so that she could see the blurred figure in front of her.
No reply was heard from him, the only sound produced was the slow but steady footsteps that headed towards Relena. He took her up in his arms and she rested her head against his chest. "Heero you never told me you loved me, you even denied it but somehow I knew that that denial was untrue." She continued to rest her head on his shoulder as he stroked her silky hair, trying to freeze that moment to eternity. She looked up at him, to stare at his London-blue Prussian eyes, those eyes that gave her the gate to his soul. Without any further words, his mouth covered hers in a sensual kiss. He rocked her gently, kissing her with all the passion he had kept locked inside for a long time. Words attempted to come out of her mouth, but it was stopped as the words came out of his lips.
"I love you, Relena, I always have. I never realized that until I knew that I was going to lose you if I didn't tell you the truth." He could feel himself building up and burning his desire for her. But his brain told him to stop. He wanted her, needed her so badly but he had to stop, if he failed to do so, he would only cause a problem. He broke their kiss, surprising her. Like him, she felt a certain longing for him.
"So it's you and me then huh?" He said huskily to her as he could feel her hot breath against his skin. Just looking at her gave him his answer and she kissed him once more, and fulfilled the longing they had for each other that night with endless love and unbridled passion.

Heero closed his eyes as he ended the flashback that changed his life forever. He realized that even though there was no hope, and no future from him, he still had those recollections to hang onto. He smiled faintly at the thought and went to his empty bed to be one with the darkness.

" Got to believe in magic
Tell me how two people find each other
In a world that's full of strangers
You got to believe in magic
Something is stronger than the moon above
'Cause it's magic when two people fall in love"
--"Got to Believe in Magic" David Pomeranz
AN: Okie Dokie, at least I'm done with that chapter! In due time, things will make sense, you'll find out the certain details,and how things go into place! So please be patient! Oh and do me one favor...please tell me of what you think of this story, and I would be very happy if you reviewed this story with pure honesty because this will truly help me improve the story. Thanks! :D