Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Magic ❯ You're The Only Light My Empty Life Has Ever Had ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Do I look like I own Gundam Wing? Uggh...nooo I don't :(
AN:I apologize since this is going to be shorter than the past chapters. Please read the Key before proceeding, failing to do so would confuse you, but I've labelled the Flashback and Plain Text to separate them. I also apologize if my fic has little hints of OOC, since I'm really new at this thing...
Do you think I should write a lemon for the first chapter but put it in as a separate entry? I would gladly accept feedback regarding this matter. Thanks! :D
***Also, I'm thinking of embarking on a new fanfic while in the process of writing this one. So by the time I start writing that, the updates on this story might be delayed, but not too long, I apologize.***
Italicized Text = Flashback
Plain Unitalicized Text = Reality/Present
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"Take me to your heart
Show me where to start
Let me play the part of your first love
All the stars all right
Every wish is ours tonight my love..."
-- Got to Believe in Magic by David Pomeranz
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Chapter III - You're the Only Light My Empty Life Has Ever Had

"Good morning Mr. Yuy, did you have a great weekend?"
"No." Heero gave the woman his reply without looking at her and walked irritably to his office.
A middle aged secretary sighed and stood up steadily and walked over to his office. She handed Heero Yuy a thick Manila folder overstuffed with neatly stacked white paper." Colonel Une wants you to check over these and she wants them to be ready by lunchtime today." The secretary closed the door as she left his office, leaving a resounding sound of the door closing and her heels clicking.
When he supposedly thought about looking over the papers, he felt his eyes fall upon the picture frame that stood on his desk. It was plain and simple, the picture was taken on their wedding day. He could feel it as if it was yesterday. A content smile was plastered on his face, and his arm rested around the waist of his wife.
"Since when was the last time I smiled?" Having those depressing thoughts again suddenly made him frown."I smiled until the day she died."
He could feel his eyes blearing, and getting cloudier. He desperately fought to stop the unshed tears from ever shedding. "Not here, not now, not ever." He thought as he he faced the picture down roughly, to stop the distraction that prevented him from doing his job. He faced it down so roughly that a crack formed along the edge of the frame as it landed on the desk.
"Good morning, Mrs. Yuy. Did you sleep well?"
"Well thanks to you, Mr. Yuy, I didn't get any sleep."
She giggled at the thought. "Mrs. Yuy...sounds nice...I like it."
"Relena, are you happy?" This question made Relena turn suddenly to face him. As she turned, a puzzled look was on her face.
"Of course I'm happy, you don't have to ask me that, you know I always will be as long as you're with me." Her puzzled look slowly changed into a concerned, and warm one. She lifted her hands up to touch his face. "You know I love you more than anything else in the world." She smiled faintly and gently took her small hand away from his face before pulling up the covers to get up from bed. He watched her intently as she walked to the other side of the room, picking up the silk robe that fell on the floor and wrapped it around her waist. As he watched her, he could notice that her face was painting an unclear picture. She stared blankly as she peered through the windows to see the sun shine over the beautiful scenery. She seemed to have such deep thoughts, though Heero could not decipher the inaccesible expression on her face, as if it was a foreign language. The vision of her seemed to have mesmerized him, stunned him, it was all like a dream. Like it was too good to be true.
"I could do this all day, stare at her, even all my life." He thought as he grinned dreamily at her, like a lovesick schoolboy.
"What are you staring at?"
"Don't I have the right to stare at you as much as I want?"
Realizing that he had her stuck there, she shrugged and began to pick up the items of clothing that were scattered and tossed along the rich, carpeted floor that past night.
"I've always been jealous of the people of the people who have had the chance to live a normal life. They could just run wild and not worry about carrying the burden of...of such things that I have to despair about."
Her simple confession did not surprise him. He himself knew that she, though being rich and provided with everything she needed, had few privileges. He continued to watch her intently as she picked up the clothes.
"Well what are you looking at? Help me!"
He struggled to get out of the tangled sheets that got tossed around. He walked over, and scooped her up in his arms instead of helping her pick up their clothes.
"Heero wha---?"
She got cut off when he picked her up and spun her around in a circle and the clothes dropped and spun around the room. Relena felt dizzy after a little while. After a while, Heero himself got dizzy too. They fell on the floor, laughing and breathing heavily.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~
*~*End Flashback*~*
"Mr. Yuy! Please wake up! Colonel Une will not like this!"
Heero woke up to realize that he had been sleeping on his job. There he was, the perfect soldier, he never missed a day at work, nor was ever late to his duty, when he just found himself being woken up by his secretary.
"I'm awake, I'm awake." He said as he waved his hand to confirm it.
"Mr. Yuy, Colonel Une expects these papers in fifteen minutes. She will not be very pleased to know that you haven't checked on it one bit." She looked at him sternly, hinting that he was still slumped over his desk.
"Yeah I know that. How did you know that I was sleeping in the first place?" He glared at her, as if he was offended by her.
"Well I heard some noises, your voice. I could hear something that sounded something like a laugh. I hope this dosen't offend you but I thought that hearing you laugh was rather peculiar. So, I walked in here and I realized that you were dreaming sir."
"I was not dreaming." He snapped back. He stood up from his chair, straightening his clothes.
The secretary stood silent. She grew really scared and her hands became suddenly cold. She thought the next thing he would do was fire her and she thought that losing her job just because she couldn't keep her mouth shut would be a careless mistake.
"Very well, Colonel Une will be here in fifteen minutes, when I'm not done by then, I'll be the one to talk to her. You may now go back to your work."
"Y-y-yees Sir." She stammered as she prayed a silent thanks that she still had her job.
Heero ran his left hand through his hair, realizing what an embarrassment his recollections gave him. If word got out to Duo that he had been dreaming, Duo would have been cracking up so bad that drool would have trickled down the corners of his mouth. Of course, Heero wouldn't allow that. He would kill Duo first.
Once again, his eyes set on the now broken picture frame that held the only treasure he had. As he reached for it, he realized that the folder stopped him from looking at the picture once more. He gruffly grabbed the picture frame and put it on his desk drawer. He hesitated for a moment, and replaced the folder for the frame. Now the folder was out of his way he could do whatever he wanted without something reminding him of what he was supposed to do. Besides he was the perfect soldier anyway, he could stare at the picture for a little while more and then he would look over those papers in a matter of five minutes.
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AN: Once again, I apologize for writing such a short chapter. I didn't have any time to think or write out a lot and I just wanted to post this chapter as soon as I possibly could. And I already missed my personal deadline, which was just this Friday.
***If you want another chapter of this story, please review it, If I don't get enough reviews, I don't think I will continue it anymore because the main purpose of this story is to receive reviews***