Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Magic ❯ Chapter 15

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Magic (Pending Title)
Genre: Magic, Comedy, language, maybe some angst, romance, drama, cuteness, self insertion, violence, snobby people-bashing (Relena included), teacher-bashing, wow this list is long-ness…… !
Rating: Possible R-ness. I haven't decided.
Summary: This is kind of like a Harry Potter crossover, but its not. The boys are attending a magical school full of wacky teachers and rooms.
Pairing: Odin x OC, eventual (takes forever) 1x2, 3x4, 5x6, 13xOC, SxOC, NxH I'll think of more when the time arises.
A/N: Sorry for being gone so long. I don't know why but my mind can't stay on the GW scene for very long. ::shrugs:: I'm here now and I'll try to update more often.
Rose Fury: Thank you for keeping in touch! So Relena's haughty? Hmmm…I never paid attention to that before. I'm glad you are still enjoying the story.
Bombayoni: Are you still alive out there? I haven't heard from you in soooo long. T-T I feel so neglected. ::wails::
Chapter 15:
Everyone gawked up to find beady two set of beady black eyes staring back down towards them.
“Tally-ho, down there.” A warm but gruff British accented voice called down. A penguin with bright yellow forked eyebrows stared down with a naturally grim expression. “Would you blokes mind terribly to help us?”
“Um…sure….come on down.” Nita was the first to move. She grinned up at the yellow eyebrow-ed penguin and motioned him down with a wave of her hand.
The penguin offered a beaky smile before jumping off the rafter with all the grace of a falling bowling pin with flailing legs. He hopped lightly off Libby's head and landed in her arms.
The hentai Goth blinked down owlishly at the flightless bird.
“'hello, there, love. M'name's Oliver. What do you call yourself?” Oliver looked up at Libby who smiled down at the flightless bird.
“Libby.” The red haired girl answered while returning the smile at the same time.
“Hey, there, I do say, Oliver, have you found anyone to help us, dear?” A sweet feminine voice called down. Oliver craned his head from his new acquaintance to look back where he'd come from. Just then a blue eyed penguin with obvious feminine features appeared. She was the standard black and white associated with a penguin. Her waist drew in to give her an hour glass figure. The feathers on her chest fluffed out to give the impression of her having breasts.
“Yes, Ameliana (a-me-lee-anna).” Oliver called up with a cheeky penguin grin.
“Cheery-oh then.” Ameliana said cheerfully. Without warning she jumped from the support beams. She fell with more grace than her grim looking counter part landing neatly in Quatre's arms. “Hello, blue eyes.”
Quatre blushed slightly then gave the feme-penguin a broad smile. “Hello yourself. My name is Quatre.”
“Well, Master Quatre, would it be a bother for you to escort my family and I to Master Shengoku's class?”
“It would be a pleasure, M'lady.”
Ameliana offered a brilliant smile that lit her azure blue eyes. She then turned and called up. “Come along children.”
At the same time a blur of black and red came plummeting down.
“Whoa! Hey!” Duo called and dived forward to catch the falling bird. Once he was under it, the bird flipped to land on his head. With a strong push off with its pale yellow feet, it went through the air again. After a few more jumps, it finally settled on Heero's shoulder.
The new penguin was black with a red underbelly. It struck a dramatic swordsman pose. Its narrow almond shaped black eyes glared at the Japanese teen it was using as a platform. “Hello.” He said quickly. His lips continued to move even after the word was said giving an impression of an old Japanese b-movie. “Who are you?”
Heero guffawed at the strange bird's behavior. “Heero Yuy.” He answered. His cobalt eyes sparkled with mirth as the bird began to twirl its paper sword around in one hand. He then laughed full heartedly as the bird began to `stab' his cheek as if poking something with a stick. “Who are you?”
Duo watched with an affectionate smile forming on his lips. Seeing the way the unruly haired teen interacted with the penguin chick was very heartwarming and oh-so-friggin-cute.
“Whoo-hoooooooooooooooo!!!” Came a battle cry. Like before, a blur of feathers came down from the beams overhead. And like before, the blur landed on Duo's head. This penguin was black with a light almost white pink underbelly. A matching pink bow was cocked to the side on its head. Merry blue eyes stared down into the braided boy's head causing the small body to lean forwards.
Duo held out his hands as the small bird began to teeter forward. “Hello, there.” He greeted.
The blue-eyed chick gave the teen a sheepish grin. “Hello, I'm Miranda.” She introduced herself then awkwardly righted herself in Duo's arms.
“Pip, Pip! Tally-ho!!” A third miniature penguin jumped down followed by a fourth. The third landed on the desk in front of Lee before bouncing off and latching onto the Japanese man's face. Lee stiffened and slowly bought his hands up to pry the bird from his face.
The fourth penguin landed on Talim's shoulder. The two exchanged cool neon green looks before settling into watching the long haired man wrestle with the black bundle of feather latched onto his face.

”So what's your name?” The redhead asked without taking his eyes from the struggling man.
“Pip.” The green eyed penguin answered.
“I'm quite happy you two are bonding nicely but could you please help me with this.” Lee's muffled voice called. Talim only sniggered.
“And what do I get if I do?” The teen asked innocently.
Lee thought of all the answers that came to mind with that one question before simply saying, “What would you like?”
Talim took his time thinking stepping slowly towards the man. His almond shaped eyes roved over the leather clad body. There were so many things he'd like from a man like Lee. “Hmm…I'll help you..” He said and pulled the penguin from the man's face. “…and you'll have to think of my reward by…let's say…Wednesday?”
Lee blinked owlishly as his vision was cleared of the yellow underbelly of the little penguin. “Uh…yeah.” He said. Not wanting the teen to think he'd gotten the best of him even if he had, he leaned in close until their lips were barely apart. “Wednesday it is.” He purred.
Talim gulped but covered it up with a seductive smirk. “I'm looking forward to it.” He said simply. He handed the penguin back to Lee who held said bird at arm's length.
“What am I supposed to do with it?”
“I'm Sunny!” Sunny cried and pouted in the taller man's arms. His small nub-like arms folded over his chest in a glower. Lee spared the tiny bird an apologetic smile before turning to the rest of his class. “Well, let's go drop them off.” He said to his remaining human students. “For the rest of you, try to stop acting like a jackass, ne?”
A/N: Sorry for the long wait! While the first `A/N' was written a loooong time ago, the other reason I took a while is because my other computer ate the first version of this chap. It took me a while to get this version up to the quality I wanted but I think I got it. Review and let me know you're still out there please.