Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Never Again ❯ Escape ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Never Again

By Pegasia Silverfeather

Authors Note: Special Thanks goes out to Aerosmith for the song "Jenny's got a gun." Although this is not a song-fic the song did bring me to the realization of the abuse of our country's children. It is to them and the children I have dedicated this.


He tossed in his bed. His sleep was unsound. Yet who would when they had his memories. Those painful unforgivable memories that would haunt him for the rest of his life.

Sure, during the day he would push the defenseless flashbacks to the depths of his troubled mind. The only proof of their very existence was the haunted look in his cold, emotionless glass blue eyes, which were hidden well by locks of his unruly chocolate brown tresses.

But at night, when his dreams relaxed his mind and the now powerful memories could force their way back to his present thoughts. Now there was a far different story. His screams went unheard for they were swallowed by the empty and cold recesses of the abandoned warehouse which was now his home.

"No! No! Please? No! I didn't do it father! NO! No! NO! " His deep voice rang to the rafters yet did not echo. His lean frame struggled against some unseen villain. Finally his tosses and turns threw him off of the small cot and onto the cold floor.

He jumped up with a start and with a flash pulled a gun. After circling around him he holstered the gun in the back of his jeans and sat down on the cot. His hands went to his face as he wept to himself. The sweat dripped from his medium length hair and onto his white tank top on which large circles of perspiration proved his delma.

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She again cried that night. The tears brought on more tears. Soon her pillow was soaked with them. She buried her face in her pillow. Her long honey blond hair spread loosely across her bruised and swollen face. Her face stung as she cried.

"When will somebody notice? When will somebody care? When will somebody get me out of here? God, what did I do wrong?" She asked herself.

Then she heard it. The loud shuffling steps of her uncle. He was coming again toward her room. A thought crossed her mind. Her mind screamed that she had to leave. This could not happen again.

She reached under her bed and grabbed the ready black book-bag. Quickly she ran to her window and opened it wide. With a leap of faith she landed on a knee and a hand. Not bothering to look up she dashed out into the shadows of night. Her long skirt and blouse did little to protect her from the cold of October nights but it was her only chance at freedom.

As she walked in the shadows along side the road her mind pestered her. ' Stupid girl, where are you gonna go? Nobody wants you remember? You have no money! No food! No place to sleep. The police will find you and guess where you'll be? Right back there except you won't have a window!"

Finally as her feet grew weary she realized that it was raining. She looked around for shelter and she saw a large abandoned building. Her feet flew splattering mud and water over her face and clothes. It didn't matter any more because she was free,

As she reached the front of the building she scanned for a window. Surely it would be a waste of time trying the door. She saw the open window to the left and climbed in. To her suprise she did not land on the dust floor that she had imagined. But instead on a firm warm...something. She screamed in pain as the landing reminded her of the possible cracked ribs that her uncle so graciously gave her.

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He was pulling off his tank top when something hit him from behind and pinned him face down. It wasn't hard like a rock or painful like a bullet. The thing was soft and cloth-like. He wasn't sure what it was until he heard a loud agonizing scream of pain. He shot up and pulled his gun only to look into the puffy red eyes of a girl his age. Her face was black and blue and dried blood was caked around her nose and lips.

He re-holstered his gun and bent down to help her up. Instead of her grabbing his hand as he'd expected, her eyes went wide in fear and she scuttled backwards until she hit the wall

"No, no please I didn't know you were here. I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me!" She pleaded automatically. He shook his head. The signs were all too familiar for he had done them himself. The boy got up and walked across the room and put on his tank top then closed the window.

His face frowned as he glanced over and the girl was still crying. He would give her some time to think and he left the room to go work on his laptop in the rigged utility room. Maybe he could find out who may done this to her later

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She was more then suprised when the "thing" she had landed on turned out to be a shirtless young man. Even more suprising was the understanding in his eyes after he put the gun away. But she had experience that eyes lied. When he reached out his hand to her she scooted back as far as she could and pleaded with him. It had been at this time that he had walked across the room and put on a black tank top that was crumple on the floor and closed the window shaking his head. He the frowned and left the room.

She was uneasy and slowly stood up trembling. As she walked across the room to the window she kept mentally kicking herself. When she tried to open the window it wouldn't budge. Great! Just brilliant! Now she had to find another exit. Lord only knew how many people were in this place.

The girl walked blindly along the dark hall until a deep masculine voice called out. "Hey come here. Are you all right?" She turned around to her left only to see the boy looking at her his face a shilowette against the light of the laptop. "Yes, Yes sir I'm fine. I just...I just..." her voice faded away "ran away."

"What's your name he asked getting up."

She took a step back until she realized that he was pulling another chair for her.

"Relena sir. Relena Darlin."

The man's face fell.

"You're an orphan? I heard that your father and mother died last year." He said confused. "You are Governor Darlin's daughter no?" He asked.

"Yes sir. But now I live with my uncle."

"Is he the one who did that to you?" He asked pointing to her face."

She paused. Should she tell him? Why not. "…Yes. This isn't the first time either. " She said softly.

His fists clenched till she noticed that his knuckles were white.

"They just don't care!" he said shaking his head.

"Who sir?"

He looked up at her.

"How old are you again?" He asked genuinely curious.

"16 and a half sir."

"I'm only 17! Stop calling me sir already!" he said with a hint of a smile on his face.

Her swollen lips curled giving her a beautiful smile.

"Your soaked. Did you bring any extra clothes?"

He said a he saw her shiver.

"Yes s-uh sorry." She said her brows knitting.

"The name's Heero." He said sticking out his hand. "And the bathroom is over there. He said pointing at the door behind her. " Go change into some warmer clothes. I'll set up a place for you to sleep."

"Hero? Is that some type of joke? You are crazy!" She shrieked.

An expression in his face showed how serious he was. "First of all it's H-E-E-R-O. It's Japanese. The full name is…" He shook his head. "Adin Heero Yuy Lowe Jr."

"Why not just go by Adin?" She asked.

"Thank god you didn't pull a Maxwell! He asked why I didn't go by Jr." He said shaking his head.


"Oh yeah my friends. We're all orphans…or runaways. I introduce you to them later. But first go change and I'll get Trowa and Wufei to take care of your face. It looks like your nose is broken. Is there anything else that might be broken?" He asked.

"I might have cracked a couple of ribs." She said getting up and going to the bathroom.

Heero left and ran down the hall. He stopped at the workout room. There a young Frenchman and a Chinese boy were doing acrobatics.

"Guys we've got a girl in my office. She looks pretty banged up." Heero said sternly.

"That's your problem Yuy! It's not or responsibility if your girlfriends sneak in her and get beat up!" Trowa said.

"Guys, she crashed in my window and landed on me!" Heero said in a cold tone. The two young men shrugged. "Likely story, it's what they all say" Said Wufei

"She was attacked by her uncle and she ran away. She has a broken nose and a couple of possibly broken ribs. Now, are you gonna keep doing flips or are you going to help her?"

"What! Her UNCLE did that to her? Injustice!" Wufei said storming out of the room. Heero's face cracked. Wufei was always melodramatic but this was outrageous.

"Ham!" Trowa yelled after Wufei. Heero ran after them.

"Jeeze with the way this operation works you'd think it were run by clowns!" This made Trowa grumble.

When they got to the room she sat in a chair in a light blue Skirt a white shirt and a midnight colored vest.

"Dear god! Not another Quatre!" Wufei said with a smile. "Hey- um Heero help me out here-?"


"Relena we're going to re break your nose to set it. So hold still Ok?" Wufei said

She nodded and he took a stained cloth and placed it under her face. Placing his skilled hands over her face, Trowa jerked quickly and a sickening sound filled the room. Relena only closed her eyes.

"She's a very brave girl Yuy." Trowa said "now Relena we're going to take a look at your ribs."

"Who's WE white boy!?!" Wufei said shoving Trowa aside. "Ok Your gonna need to take off your shirt. And NO I'm not getting fresh." Wufei said.

Relena couldn't hold it anymore. She bursted into giggles.

"Sorry. It's just…(giggle) I really wasn't expecting comedians for doctors." Relena said softly.

"Well me and Trowa here were in a traveling international circus. I was a bearded lady and he was the dwarf as you can see things change."

Relena let out a large amount of giggles.

Trowa reached over and head locked Wufei "I'll dwarf you!" Said the tall Frenchman.

"Dear lord! Heero where do you get these guys?" Relena asked.

"Harvard" All three replied.

"Huh?" She asked

"We're mercenaries. More often then not though we make em die laughing." Trowa said as he and Wufei wrestled on the floor.

"Guys, the ribs. NOW!" Heero yelled.

"Ok, Ok." Wufei muttered to him and Trowa looked at each other. "Grouch" they yelled.

Wufei can over and gently lifted the shirt up. "Well, the ribs aren't broken but they did take quite a thrashing. She's gonna need at least a week of recuperation." He said.

"Damn!" Heero cursed.

"What?" Trowa asked.

"Where's she going to sleep guys?" Heero asked.



"Well, Ali Quatre has his 5 sisters and the thirty thieves staying with him." Wufei said

"Hey, that was never really proven!" Trowa piped in

" We can't bloody feed her to Duo. She's get lost walking threw the heaps of dirty laundry and piles of comic books. I have the smallest room. Trowa practically has a whole damn circus living in his room. That leaves…."

"Yuy, that's you!"

"Oh yeah great word play Trowa. You Blooming idiot!" Wufei piped. This was followed with Trowa and him once again on the floor wrestling.

"Fine! Wufei, since your ever so helpful tonight please go get some of Maddy's old clothes out of storage and bring up blankets and a cot. Trowa, you can help.

He said grabbing Relena's hand and racing out of the room. When they both finally reached his room Heero laughed until he cried.

"Goodness Heero what is this place?" She asked.

"Welcome to fort haven." He said in between fits.

"Those two are certainly a number." She said softly.

"Oh wait till you see the weirdest one."

"Let me guess? Duo, That's the one that they were worried about his dust bunnies catching me."

"How did you ever guess." He said sarcastically.

"I have a question though," Relena said

"Fire away" he said as he moves some furniture across his room.

"You said that you were all runaways and orphans but then you said that you were mercenaries at Harvard?"

"Oh that. It's simple. Harvard was the medical base that Wufei and Trowa came from. Quatre, Trowa, Wufei and Duo are orphans that were trained for the army and I was a runaway who got caught up in it."

"Runaway?" Relena asked. Just then Wufei came in with a cot, a pile of blankets and a large box with the word "Maddy" on the front in his arms. Then Trowa came in juggling twenty green balls.

"TROWA! What have we told you about juggling the grenades!" A small Arabian boy yelled. "Oh hello miss, I'm Quatre and these two fools are the reason I have 6 locks on my door." He said with a smile.

"For your information Quatre these are smoke bombs and we're not the one harboring the 30 thieves!"

Quatre snorted.

"Nice to meet you." Relena bowed.

"Hey! Why didn't she bow to us?" Wufei said as he elbowed Trowa causing him to drop a smoke bomb. Suddenly every one in the room was out in the hall coughing fits.

'Fwack!" was the sound of a bible going up the backside of Wufei' and Trowa's head.

"You've just been touched by and angel goodnight!" A boy with blue eyes and a long brown braid walked away, his bible firmly tucked in his arm.

"That was Duo I take it?" Relena said between giggles."

"Owwwiiieee! I can't help it if the Wonder Blunder struck again!" Wufei said sarcastically.

"Whatever you say Incredible Joke" Trowa said between coughs.

At this Relena slapped her forehead. "Ow that hurt!" she said rubbing her forehead.

Wufei turned to Heero "Add self inflicted concussion to the list."

"Lordy this is going to be interesting." Relena thought