Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Nobody's Eden ❯ Looking For Answers ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Nobody's Eden Chapter 3
Okay. I managed to out-manoeuvre Lou's nagging this time. But, something compelled me to write this earlier instead of study my ass off for the exams coming soon. So, you'd better appreciate this!
Standard Disclaimer applies.
Relena's mind was dead. As she walked out of the once shockingly beautiful museum, she turned to face the dome. What she once saw as an architectural feat was now blank. It was an empty piece of rock that had been needlessly placed in the middle of her kingdom.
Before her eyes she could have sworn she saw it fade, as if being erased from her memory, but she was too zoned out to care.
Her mind reeled back and forth to what she had seen. The image of herself on the throne, the image of the palace that still stands today. Then she had an epiphany. She should go and see the temple.
The temple had been standing since before the Russians had found the country. Many who had heard of the temple thought that the museum was a near replica, but they were wrong.
The temple, ever since the fabled attack of the Russians, had been secluded by an immensely high wall and gate, made of marble and smoothed to the finest point to the extent that it looked as though it were crafted by the Goddesses themselves. The only part that was visible to the eye was the Northern spire that protruded quite far above the height of the wall. The gate was guarded as well as it was in the old times. The security was top notch.
On the wall itself were guardhouses, 50 of them, and the only gate, an extremely tall yet beautiful piece of workmanship, was guarded by armed soldiers.
There were very few people that were ever allowed in the temple since the raid. Nowadays, only the ministers of other temples and the royal family and friends were allowed to enter.
Relena walked up the beautiful brick lane. The lane was never tampered with since the days of old. On it's side were rose bushes and shrubs native to the country. She loved it. It was a reminder to her that there is still an earth and that man is not the only being on it.
As soon as she present herself at the end of the lane, the guards bowed down to her and parted to let her through the gate. She was surprised to find that it was already open…..
As she stepped trough the gate she heard it shut behind her. She had been to the temple many times but, unlike the museum, it never ceased to amaze her. It was her kingdom. It was what she owned. It was hers. Simply being in the place gave her a feeling…like she was in the past. Before there were cities of skyscrapers and motorised vehicles. She felt like a princess in one of her mother's stories.
She squinted her eyes clearly against the burning sun. The Sank kingdom was lucky. It had a very nice climate at this time of year and attracted many tourists, keeping it a very rich country along with the trade of Aremine.
She looked around the courtyard. It waas truly magnificent, and every second in that place she appreciated it's beauty./ She appreciated it's natural shrubberies, it's flowers, it's red brick patterned mosaic of a floor. She especially loved it's fountain. Aremine. Pure Aremine. It seemed that in the old days, everything was made of Aremine. It was not considered an expenve thing as it was abundant and in those times, beauty was not something that mattered. `My people were not vain….' She thought.
As soon as she was about to question herself as to why she had thought such a thing, how she had come to feel like she was more familiar with the temple than she actually was, she felt a hand on her shoulder.
It was the High priestess.
“So tell me, Your Highness.” The priestess said as she handed her some herbal tea “Why is it that you come here? I can sense that you are feeling troubled.”
Relena smiled. The priestess was a friend of hers. She was about 6 years older than herself, an very accomplished to get so far with her age. They had met when her father, Mr Darlian, had taken her to the temple as a child to get `joined'. Back then she was merely a priestess in training under her father's guidance. `It seems great blood passes on.'
Relena sipped primly at the tea in her hand. “I would like to speak to the Trinity. Something has happened regarding the days of old and I would seek their guidance through the matter.” The priestess seemed surprised. `Since when has Relena spoken in such a tone?'
“Of course.” She said, keeping her eyes firmly on the bowl in Relena's hand. It was shaking. “I will prepare the mediation room for you.” At that she clapped her hands and a woman dressed in a white robe came into the room.
Relena looked at the woman and a shooting pain went through her head. It was the same robe as what she saw the women wearing in her vision.
“NO! I must speak with the Trinity directly. I want to see the Trinity Stone.”
The priestess looked at her for a while. She looked very odd to her. She was more serious than before. She had lines underneath her eyes, and she could have sworn that her eyes were once blue…
She nodded. “I understand. You do realise, Your Highness that I cannot leave you alone with the stone and you will be at sword point throughout the entire session if you try to do anything suspicious. We cannot trust even the royal family these days.”
Relena gave a firm nod. She knew the risks. But she wanted to talk to the Goddesses so badly. She needed answers. She could be losing her mind, but she was too fixated on the fact that she had seen herself in a vision. `It can't be madness! It was to real!'
The priestess studies her for a while, watching the expressions of inner conflict form on the young princess's face.
“Please remove your clothes and follow me.”
Relena didn't shift her vacant gaze as she removed her blouse. She would go through this. She would find answers. Anything…just to get her thoughts away from `Heero…'
Relena walked down the marble hall naked, with great Aremite pillars towering over her. She felt grand. She felt like the queen she should be. She felt the whole country parting for her. She saw them all. She saw the women in white robes touching their heads delicately to the ground as she walked by. She felt her chin lift and her expression turn into a majestic thin line.
She stopped when the priestess opened a large oak door in front of her. “Please hold out your hand, Your Highness.” Relena held out her hand in one fluent motion. The priestess drew her knife from her side sash, and cut a small opening into her palm. Holding a small Aremite goblet beneath her palm she squeezed it until enough blood had been drawn.
The priestess release her hand, and motioned for the guards to open the door. IN there she saw the seal of the Sank kingdom imprinted in a large marble wall on the other end of the room.
“Behind this door is the Trinity Stone. You must address the Goddesses in their old names and in the old tongue. You realise that they do not speak the language we speak today. It is why you have been trained in the art of Mantra. You must always look them in the eye. You must never lower yourself. They search the preacher for signs of strength and respect all humans as individuals. Not as servants to their whim. Do you understand this?”
Relena nodded another firm nod. She felt so…much like a queen.
The Priestess dipped her finger into the goblet and whispered Mantra. The whispers were louder than they were intended to her. The whole world seemed to tremble at the words protruding form her mouth. She drew along the engraved lines of the seal and continued her whisper, now becoming hauntingly magical.
Before her eyes, Relena was consumed with light, lifted off of the ground, and taken to a place outside her own five senses….
More to come. Next chapter, Relena meets the trinity. And they have something to tell her about what she calls reality.
Please Review as I do love reviews.^^