Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Nobody's Eden ❯ The Trinity ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Nobody's Eden Ch4
OK. I have totally outlined the entire series for this. I am so eager to get to the good part, I am forcing myself to write this next bit. So. Please review. It makes me continue.
Again, I do not own Gundam Wing or anything. Just the plot line. No stealing!
Relena should have felt scared. She was in a place unknown to her or to any other man or woman. She stood on a small platform protruding out of crystal clear waters. In front of her were three more platforms similar to hers, yet they seemed more majestic and much more grand. All around her she searched for doors, windows. She found none. Just the same crystal waters streaming down in a perfect circle from a dark, star dusted sky. No. It wasn't sky. It looked like the sky she saw every night but without the hints of man. The clouds of black smoke, the reflection of city lights that formed a hidden veil to hide the stars form the unworthy eyes of mortal man. The waterfalls seemed to come out of nowhere. With a sky so beautifully dark blue there should be no light in the place she stood waiting but it was as clear as day. And still she felt no fear.
As soon as her eyes pivoted from the spot on the sky they were focused on, she saw three women standing on the platforms she had seen when she first awoke in this paradise.
The women were very different. The one on the far left platform had green hair, in many different shades. She looked like a tree in disguise. Her skin had a perfect olive tan, one that women in her age would pay thousands for. Her eyes were not any particular colour. She would look one second to see blue eyes and blink to find them yellow the next. She had a look of serenity and kindness on her face, and a wisdom that came from only years of age and experience, evident form the lined that formed the middle-aged look. Her cheeks were tainted with a light pink showing the freshness of her nature. She smiled. She felt like she was staring at a friend, though she had to admit, she had not seen anyone even close to a resemblance of this woman in her entire life.
The woman on the far right platform was younger looking than the woman on the left. She looked about 20, even though something in the back of Relena's mind told her otherwise. She had red hair. Fiery red. But much like the woman on the far left, it reflected many different shades. All of the most well paid beauticians in the world would not be able to duplicate this woman's hair. This woman had a skin that was almost yellow to the eyes, much like that of the Orientals. It went pleasingly well with her hair, and the eyes that changed every second of passing time. In those eyes, she could see emotions of all varieties. Fear, cowardice, happiness, love, anger.
But the woman that vexed her the most was the one in the middle. She was younger still, looking only 13 to her mortal eyes. She, like the other two, wore pure white robes akin to the ones she wore in her vision. She had pale white skin, a trait that marked the Sankanese from other people. She also had raven blue hair that flowed like the falls around them down her small back. Her eyes, unlike the other two, had only pupils. They showed no emotion, except a contagious sense of enlightenment. She did not smile. She only stared at her. Her eyes were searching for something, and she found that Relena did not have it.
“Malice. Evil.” The young girl spoke. “You have none. That is what I was trying to find. You needn't worry. We have consulted to our meeting. If we hadn't you would not be able to see this place.
Relena should have been shocked. She remained as calm as the sky above her. She dropped to her knees on her small platform and not once did she let her eyes free themselves from the piercing pupils of the child.
“What you feel to be correct about your vision is as you say. That was you. Do you know why, Relena?”
Relena shook her head. Thinking to take her answer to more respectable step she replied “No. As I am sure you well know, that is why I am here. To find out why I would se myself in such a fashion.”
The child smiled. She could sense an obvious strength from the woman fate called the Sankanese Queen. “My name is Oreal. You know this, though. You are wise in the art of the scriptures as is your brother. You also know that the deity on your left is Akhmen, and on the right is Sarth.”
Relena nodded. She had always believed in the scriptures. She had never thought, though, that she would ever come to a time or place where she would have to use them.
Sarth spoke to her. “You may be very well trained in the scriptures but you have no idea of why your vision happened. We do.”
Akhmen took over. “Something went very wrong in the past. We should have never been found. The kingdom of the Sank was designed to be hidden from the eyes of the world. The Russians should have never found this place.”
All three Deity's began to recite, as though their words were a poem. “Everyone that exists today exits because we need them to. They are all people from the time when things went wrong for us. If we had not been found, we would still exist in the garden of Eden. The day Eden was breeched is the day we lost contact with the people of the Sank Kingdom. These people are here today to do what they should have done 1000 years ago. The Russians should not have found us. The priest of the great temple will not forget this time round to raise the veil concealing us from the world. The guards on the gate that should have warned the villagers of the kingdom of ships on the horizon will get to the city in time. The massacre that happened when the Russians found us will have never happened and the Sank Kingdom would not grow to become a nation of the world. The scientists of our kingdom that helped create the colonies would not exist and the war that has just passed will not happen. There would be no Gundams, no mobile suits. The rest of the world will rebuild itself from the point that they miss this place instead of finding it. Eventually the world outside will come together as one and learn of the trinity in their hearts and the veil will lift willingly to reveal one nation in all its glory; a nation that is a wider version of Eden. The world shall be a kingdom of Gods and enlightenment and purity. The rest of the universe will form and see us as the way they should evolve. The universe will become complete. Can you see how important this is?”
Relena understood. But this failed to answer her question. Why was she in that vision?
“You were in that vision” Oreal spoke to her “because we needed to show you your place in all this. You will assume the place of Queen of Eden in the time before the finding. Everyone else in the present world will assume their respectful places in this time. They will replay history, as will you, and make it right.”
Relena felt something stir inside her. She felt needed. She felt the way she had when she had spoken to the Earth of her intentions of worldwide pacifism.
“You will now be taken to that time. Your first instruction is to tell the high priest of everything we have just discussed. He will believe you. You, to him, are as we are. You are the link between him and we, the Trinity. He must know, and him only. You will be the only one to have any recollection of what has gone on in this chamber but nothing before that. You're life before our meeting will be erased and the only thing on your mind will be this mission. You will take on the life of the queen of old and her memories wit it. None else must know of this but you and the priest. Time is fragile and if we upset the movement of time then the veil will decide to break on its own, thus ending any chance we have of reforming the garden of Eden.”
Relena's mind was trying to absorb all of this, lest she forget. But suddenly, she lost her track and her mind de-railed. She thought again of Heero. She gasped in a sudden realisation. If she altered this time, the Gundams would not exist. The outside world would be forever off limits. Heero would be forever out of reach…..
Oh! Please review! I need at least 3 reviews to do the next chapter coz I got so much in store for or fave couple! I'm dying to let you know what happens it hurts! And for Miz_Lou over there, yes, I am getting to the bit explaining what Heero and Relena were doing together in the woods. It fits in the story some part later on. Later as in near the end later on.
I have decided that at one point I will insert a lemon for the sake of it. I am trying desperately hard to keep up with the other fics I start but never finish. So. I may not update them for a while since I am so obsesses with this one.