Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Please Save My Soul ❯ Leaving For Australia ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Own. What? Own. Nadda. No. Own. Gundam. Wing. *understand?* Because I don't… O_O

Chapter 2: Leaving For Australia

Zechs and Relena just had a conversation on the people she was inviting to go with her this vacation, and since he had never met them before he didn't trust Relena to be alone with them. ~Especially this Akito boy.~ Zechs thought of what would happen if Alexia left Relena and this boy alone together. ~I don't like how this Akito sounds… I think he's out to get my sister.~ Zechs had a thoughtful and troubled look on his face for more than needed. Relena thought ~Dear god… my brother is going way over his head again.~

Relena coughed an "ahem!" to get his attention back to her. "Milliardo, don't worry, my friends are really good people. They won't do anything bad." "That's not the problem… I just don't trust you going alone with two people I've never met… especially this Akito." "… You think too much." "Well, it's for the good of you. I don't want you going alone with them." Zechs said sternly. Relena gave a low irritated sigh. "Then just what do you want me to do now??"

"How about inviting some of your other friends?" Relena and Zechs turned their heads to the sound of the intruding voice. There stood Noin with her arms folded across her, while leaning against the corner of the wall. She first gave Zechs a `I'll-handle-it-from-here' look and then smiled towards Relena.

Relena asked, "Then what do you suggest Noin?" "How about you invite Hilde, Duo, Quatre, or Trowa?… Or maybe even Heero?" At the mention of his name, Zechs had sharply given Noin a glare. "There is no way Yuy will waste his time on a vacation." Noin glared right back at him and said, "But I'm sure he'll go if he knew Relena was going."

Relena had a look of surprise, anguish, hurt, and then disappointment on her face all playing one after another. Then she looked down and cut in-between their bickering. "No."

Noin and Zechs stopped arguing with one another then they both looked at Relena. Noin asked, "Relena, why not?" "Milliardo is right… Heero wouldn't want to waste his time on a vacation… no matter if it was with or without me. So… no. I'm not going to invite him and I don't think he'll need to know about this vacation… not like he cares…" Relena responded still looking down at her folded hands in her lap, while saying the last part very quietly as if saying it to herself only. But Noin and Zechs heard; they just pretended to ignore it as to not start another quarrel with one another.

Noin walked over to Relena and gently placed her hand on Relena's shoulder. "Alright, he won't need to know… but I'm sure that Zechs is fine with you at least inviting Hilde, Duo, Quatre, or Trowa." Noin said tenderly to Relena. Relena first glanced at Zechs to see if he was okay with it… ~He seems to be fine with what Noin is proposing…~ so she nodded. "Okay I'll call them up right away."

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~

Once Relena had called Hilde and Duo up and told them about this vacation that her brother had planned for her, and asked them if they'd like to join her, they replied with a yes… or more like shouts of glory and happiness away from work and the boring place where they live.

Then she called Quatre up and asked him the same thing and he said he'd go, too. As for inviting Trowa… she asked if Quatre could ask him for her, since he and his circus troupe were on the same colony as Quatre. He agreed to do so and that he'd drop by tomorrow with everything set to go.

She couldn't invite Wufei or Sally because they were still out on a mission. At least that was all the information Relena could get out of the secretary at Preventer Headquarters. Once all that was done, Relena tiredly dropped the phone back on the cradle and headed upstairs to take a quick warm shower.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~

The warm liquid slid down her body, calming her tense muscles. She still had a look of sadness playing on her face. She had tried forgetting about the boy she had found on the beach… tried forgetting about the many times he said he'd kill her but never succeeded in doing so… tried forgetting about him as a whole.

<"There is no way Yuy will waste his time on a vacation." Noin glared right back at him and said, "But I'm sure he'll go if he knew Relena was going.">

~No… it's true… he doesn't care about me that way… he just cares about the peace I make for the world… he only cares about the Relena that makes speeches to stop world wars… but not me… not the real Relena…~ She felt something warm stinging at the corners of her eyes.

Tears… slowly welding up at the corner and then rolling down her soft cheeks. ~No… no… no! I will NOT cry anymore for him… no… no more tears… I will NOT waste anymore of my tears on him…~ But she couldn't help herself. Her heart had cried for him and still does, so she let all the tears fall down. She slid down the wall and sat there on the floor like a helpless little child who was lost in the world.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~

The next morning arrived too soon for her. Relena blinked her eyes rapidly while trying to adjust to the strong sunlight flooding her room through the large balcony windows. She looked at her clock on the small table next to her king-size bed. It read 7:17A.M. Relena shook her head letting her long golden hair flail around her and rubbed her eyes to remove the sleepiness.

One thing remained on her mind since she got up. ~How did I end up on my bed? And when did I change?~ The last thing she remembered was crying in the shower… which reminded her of… ~No! DO NOT think of him! Forget him!~ She closed her eyes and shook her head rapidly trying to erase all thoughts relating to him in her mind. Instead she focused it all on the coming vacation and her old friends.

Putting her thoughts elsewhere, more like on anything that wasn't related to Heero, while doing her business in the bathroom, changing into new clothes, and getting ready to meet Quatre, Hilde and Duo, and the others downstairs in… five minutes! ~Oh my god! How long was I thinking? I need to get going faster!~

She hurriedly put on a pair of socks, pants and a tank top, then almost ran out of her room and down the stairs nearly tripping on the last 2 steps. She gave a slight startled squeak of surprise and waited for the pain once she hit the floor but then something suddenly caught her. She opened her closed eyes to see… Akito.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~

Her breath had caught in her throat. Her widened eyes slowly traced his soft but masculine features… ~He's just the same as before I was forced to leave school.~ He still had his silky black hair spiked up a bit in every place and his deep brown eyes looking down at her. Akito gently pulled her up to a standing height and gave her a small smile before saying, "Are you alright?" Relena lightly blushed at her clumsiness and replied, "Yes, I'm fine, thank you."

Pagan came out of the kitchen once he heard the small squeak from Relena when she fell. "Miss Relena, are you all right?" Relena turned her flushed face towards Pagan and replied, "Yes, I'm fine Pagan." Pagan nodded to her and then turned to face the young man next to her.

"Oh, and who might you be? Are you one of Relena's old friends who have come to join her on this vacation?" "Yes, I am. My name is Akito Iwagato." Pagan gave a welcoming smile to him. "Well, Mr. Iwagato, welcome and please enjoy your stay here. Do you need a tour of the house?" (Did I make Pagan sound too much like a tourist guide or something?? O_O oh dear…) Relena cut in and said, "Oh, it's alright Pagan. I'll do that." Pagan nodded and bowed slightly then went back to the kitchen to finish breakfast.

An awkward silence had fell between the two after Pagan had left. Frantically trying to look for something to discuss with Akira about, Relena asked, "So, how have you been lately, Akito?" He smiled again. "I've been getting by and thank you for asking, Relena. Uh… who else is going on this trip with you?" "Oh! I also invited Alexia… you remember her right?" He nodded. "And I also invited some of my new friends. You'll meet them soon enough. They'll be here any minute." Just then the doorbell rang. "Don't worry Pagan I'll get it!"

She quickly walked towards the door and opened it to reveal her friends: Hilde, Duo, Quatre, Trowa, and his sister, Catherine. First they all greeted each other and then Relena requested them to relax in the living room for now. Once they entered in the house and Relena was about to close the door, but something running towards her caught her eye and she turned to see Alexia come running up the steps. Relena excitedly exclaimed, "Alexia! It's so good to see you again!" Alexia, still out of breath, said, "Wow… nice… to… see you… too… Relena!" Relena giggled then hugged her old friend tightly.

They entered the living room where everyone was seated and Relena introduced Akito and Alexia to Hilde, Duo, Quatre, Trowa, and Catherine, and vice versa.

Once introductions were done, Relena excitedly said, "Well, now that everyone's here, let's start packing things into the limo and get going!" "Oh boy! A limo! Woohoo!! Finally, riding in style!" Duo cheered. Hilde was embarrassed that her boyfriend would still do that, so she pulled on his braid… hard. "Ow!! What was that for??" "Shut up already! You're embarrassing me!"

Everyone laughed, excluding Trowa because he never did get the hang of laughing yet but he did give a small smile. Relena's old friends just sat there staring at him weirdly because they didn't' know him that well. Relena was the first to calm down then proposed that they start to get ready.

Everyone got their luggage into the limo and filed into the car. Relena and Akito were the last to get in but before she could go in Akito placed his hand on her arm, stopping her. She turned her head to him with a questioning look on her face. ~She looks cute when she does that.~ He chuckled quietly and just said it was nothing. She stared at him with that same look for a moment longer before saying "O… k."

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~

Zechs watched them like a hawk from the top of the stairs with Noin right behind him. Zechs scowled darkly when he saw Akito touch Relena's arm and said through gritted teeth, "I am really, really not fond of this boy." Noin placed her hand around his clenched fist, trying to calm him down. "Don't worry Zechs, it'll be okay."

Zechs breathed in deeply trying to calm himself down and then turned to Noin with unsure eyes. "How can you be so sure?" "Because I know Relena and I know that she has made good friends who wouldn't do anything harmful to her…I trust her. Don't you?" "Of course I trust her… it's just that boy I don't trust."

"Don't worry so much… now let's go back inside." Noin smiled warmly up at Zechs. ~Please Zechs, just let Relena and yourself have some quiet time… no matter who it's with.~ Zechs returned her smile then turned around a little so he could hug her fully. Zechs quietly spoke, "Alright, let's go inside now."

A/N: What's with Relena and Akito's relationship? What's gonna be happening during this vacation? Well, you'll find out soon enough… if 2-3 more weeks counts as soon enough.. o_O Anywayz… please review 4 me! **giving big puppy dog eyes** LOL