Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Plight of the Unicorn ❯ Chapter Nine ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Plight of the Unicorn

Chapter Nine

The slender figure silently watched the many hues of red and yellow that sparked in the blazing fire. The conversation that surrounded him was just a gentle murmur compared to the many thoughts that swirled in his head. `It's my own stupid fault. I mistook friendship for something more.' He continued to silently reprimand himself, `Fool. You knew he was too good for you. You knew he still loved Heero.'

"Hey earth to Quatre. You still with us?" Duo suddenly called out.

The blonde blinked as he gazed up, glancing over at the sorcerer who was resting his head against the Unicorn's side. "I'm sorry. I was thinking," the blonde claimed.

"About what?" the brunette inquired.

"Well, I know you have a lot to do with helping Heero become human again. Should we cut the lessons short? I'll just get in the way."

Duo snorted at the remark. "Nonsense. I'm sure I'll still have time to train you. I told you I would help with your magic and I never lie."

"But Duo you lied to those men chasing us earlier," Wufei commented.

"I didn't lie. I just stretched the truth a bit. There could have been a white horse and two riders who passed by earlier," he added with a smirk, "Besides Heero's a unicorn. Not a horse."

The creature snickered at the answer, the sound warped slightly when coming from a unicorn.

"That sounds so odd coming from you. Who would have thought I would ever have a unicorn as a boyfriend."

Zechs couldn't help but laugh. "Still no sex life for Duo." He then quickly slipped away as Wufei tried to hit him.

"I can't believe you said that," the Chinese man exclaimed, a faint blush covering his cheeks.

"You're boyfriend's being so cruel Fei. Can't you do something about him?" Duo protested.

The black haired individual paused a moment before commenting, "Wait a minute. I don't like you. Why should I help you at all?"

The brunette pouted before wrapping his arms around the Unicorn's neck. "Heero, they're picking on me."

<When are they not?> the unicorn projected in amusement. The two older males laughed at that, the blonde sliding back to sit by Wufei.

"So… anyone know where we go from here in fixing the unicorn back into my hot stud boy toy?" Duo asked suddenly.

Wufei sighed, shaking his head in annoyance. "You could have worded that better."

"But that's nowhere near as fun," Duo joked.

"I suggest we get some sleep first. We can discuss this in the morning. It's getting pretty late," the platinum haired man pointed out.

<That sounds like a good idea to me,> the unicorn agreed.

"Oh yeah, speaking of which, Quatre's been sleeping beside me lately. He's so used to sleeping with siblings he can't sleep by himself. You're not going to get jealous like usual are you?" the brunette stated.

"Its ok Duo. I'll be fine by myself. You sleep beside Heero," the blonde commented. `You're happy with Heero. I'm the one that should be alone.'

"Don't worry about it, Quatre. I'm sure Heero will be fine with it. Won't you dear?"

The unicorn stomped the ground once, refusing to answer.

"You're being a baby," Duo pointed out.

<I haven't seen you in over a year. I'm sorry if I'm a bit possessive.>

"This is silly. Duo can sleep in the middle. Heero you can be on one side and Quatre on the other. Or Quatre can sleep beside me. Either way works," Wufei exclaimed, disrupting the argument.

"I have such a smart brother," Duo remarked. He pulled his blanket out from the bag, slipping it over Heero as much as he could. He then curled up beside the creature. "Now bring your blanket over Quatre and come here," he ordered.

The slender blonde sighed inwardly, making his way over to the two. He pressed against Duo, careful not to hug him at all and pulled the soft fabric over them.

"See Heero. It's all fine," Duo remarked.

<You're right. Sorry I over-reacted.>

"Don't sweat it. I know the feeling. I missed you a lot as well."

"Everyone get some sleep. I'll put out the fire so it won't attract unwanted attention," Zechs announced. After the task was completed everyone settled down to rest, all quickly drifting off to sleep except one.

The young blonde sighed, leaving behind the warmth of Duo's body to sit in front of the charred remains of the fire. `Duo has Heero. He doesn't need me there.' He curled up, resting his head on his arm. `I'll be fine by myself. I'm used to being alone.'


As the days went by the travelers continued to journey. They weren't quite sure where to go but Duo had faith that eventually there would be a telepath in one of the many towns that dotted the country. `How the heck are we suppose to find this stone that amplifies powers? You think they would make this spell a little easier for us.'

<You think it's hopeless don't you?> Heero asked suddenly, noticing the frown on his boyfriend's face and correctly identifying what it meant.

"Of course not. Just difficult. You know me dear I never give up," Duo exclaimed with a smile, "I wonder if we can get Relena's parents to help. I mean I know we have to have a member of their family present. She might be with her daughter a lot though. I wonder if her father would help."

"No!" Zechs gasped out, stumbling back into Wufei's arms.

"Quiet, love, quiet. All is well," the Chinese man murmured, stroking the shaking individual's silver hair. The other three watched the action, completely confused.

"What's going on Fei?" Duo asked.

"Can we discuss this later please? There are things Zechs needs to work out emotionally before he can tell everyone. Just know that one of the items needed is already here and leave it at that," Wufei stated.

"What does that have to do with Relena's…" Duo's voice trailed off, violet eyes widening in disbelief.

"We can talk about it later," Wufei warned, his tone hinting of murderous intents of everyone didn't shut their mouths about the matter.

"Got it. Shutting up now," Duo remarked.

<Zechs, Wufei, you two stay behind for a bit. We'll go ahead and meet in at the next town,> Heero instructed.

"That sounds like a good idea. Thank you Heero," Wufei stated softly.

Duo gave both a friendly pat on the shoulder before walking past them. Heero followed steadily after him. Quatre gave the older blonde a hug against his back.

"He'll be ok, right?" he asked.

Wufei smiled at the worried youth. "He will be. You better go with the others now."

The blonde nodded before slipping away from them, yawning as he hurried to catch up to Duo and Heero. `I wonder how long I can go on without sleep?' he questioned himself with a sigh. `I'll be fine. I'm more worried about Zechs. I hope he's not in too much pain. Negative emotions are a very powerful thing. I know this first hand.'

"Quatre, you don't want to get separated from us!" Duo called out.

The young teen quickly made his way to them. "Sorry I'm just distracted."

"Worried about Zechs?" Duo inquired.

Quatre nodded in reply. The brunette smiled, giving his friend a reassuring glance. "I wouldn't worry. I've known him for a while. The guy always bounces back," Duo remarked, "And if the problem is what I think it is I would be upset if I was him too."

<What do you think it is?> the unicorn asked.

"Well I think he's related to Relena. Why else would Fei say we don't have to worry about one of the items needed for the spell."

The unicorn laid his ears against his head, snorting in hate.

"Now Heero it's not his fault. Zechs is great and you know it," Duo exclaimed, "Besides he's probably just a cousin of hers or something."

"His reaction makes it seem like something really bad happening in the past," Quatre pointed out.

"I know. He'll get over it. He has my brother to help him out. Plus he's strong, he'll bounce back no problem," Duo claimed.

<I suggest we hurry to the town. As much as I hate to even think it we might as well get a hotel so everyone can have a decent night's sleep,> Heero announced.

"But what about you?" Duo asked.

<… I suppose… I'll sleep in a stall.>

The brunette snickered, holding his side as he tried to stop himself. He let out a yelp as the unicorn nipped him on the arm.

"I'm sorry, babe. Couldn't help it. Don't worry I'll sleep out there with you. Quatre I'm sure Fei and Zechs wouldn't mind you staying with them for the night."

The blonde nodded faintly. `I hate being a burden to them.' The slender figure stilled suddenly, frowning. `What is that sound?'

"Heero, Duo, do you hear something?" He asked.

Both stopped as the trees in front of them jerked rapidly, several men garbed in gray matching uniforms burst forth.

"The Unicorn! Quick get the tranquiller darts out. Frank separate them!" the leading man hollered.

The chestnut haired sorcerer sprang into action, blasting one of the men with a ball of pure energy. The guard cried out as he dropped to the dirt. When one of the men advanced on Heero, the unicorn bucked up, hooves damaging tender flesh and bones.

"Frank! Do something!" One yelled. The black haired slender figure hiding in the back muttered several words, causing fireballs to launch at the three. Duo quickly placed up a shield, halting the fire in its tracks.

"He's too strong," the dark haired sorcerer commented. The leader nodded in understanding, taking in the situation. He then slipped towards the back, "Hit the blonde. He's not doing anything. The others will be distracted helping him."

The sorcerer nodded. He slid his hands forward, chanting once again. Quatre screamed as a wall of fire sprang up in front of him, surrounding him. Duo swore as he turned, casting a spell to snuff out the burning inferno.

"Attack the sorcerer now!" the lead guard yelled, ordering his men forward. Two other men scrambled out, one thrusting his fist into Duo's stomach as the other one elbowed him against his exposed back. Duo gasped as he collapsed to the ground, moaning in pain.

<Duo!> the unicorn screamed his vision red with anger. The creature bucked and kicked, ignoring where his hooves hit as long as they made contact. <Damn it, Quatre. If you can't protect yourself hide and let the ones who can do it!>

Heero then surged ahead, making quick work of the remaining men. He neighed as he glanced down at his handiwork, slipping back over to Duo.

<You hurt bad?> he asked in worry.

The sorcerer sighed as he rubbed his stomach. "Yeah, I'll be fine. Just need to rest it off. Are we close to the town? Quatre? Are you hurt?"

The blonde timidly came up beside him, "I'm fine."

<Quatre help Duo onto my back; that way he won't have to walk,> Heero instructed.

The young teen silently did as he was told, the negatives thoughts screaming in his head. `Worthless fool! You're father was right, you can't do anything right!' He trailed slowly behind the animal. I'm just a burden to them all. I only get in the way. They would be better if I were gone. I'm the reason Duo's hurt.

By the time they reached the town Quatre's decision was set. He quickly obtained a room at the inn, helping Duo settle in well Heero waited for the rest of the party. When the brunette finally drifted to sleep the blonde slid in the chair by the desk in the room. He thought for a moment before scribbling a note out. He then folded the paper in half, slipping it in Duo's bag. With one last longing look he left the room.