Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Raining Forever ❯ Boulevard of Broken Dreams ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Raining Forever

I watched as the rain trickled slowly down the stained-glass pane of my window. The beautiful bright colors reflected of my eyes that starred into oblivion. The burned an image into my mind that I felt would stay forever, until I was rudely reminded by sight when I turned around to see the dusty building I stood in for what it really was, beautiful only on the outside and whilst gazing out. The pattern on my window was one of true tragedy. It depicted a young man, bleeding, in the arms of another boy. All of the windows in my sanctuary were different, one had two boys entwined around each other while nailed to a cross, the people surrounding them had hateful looks.

I walk a lonely road
The only one that I have ever known
Don't know where it goes
But it's only me and I walk alone

I am probably demented. These images make me feel like I'm not alone, that it isn't just me hurt by my love. My friends have abandoned me, they asked for the truth and I gave it to them. I poured my soul out to them, the one I love just stared at me with cold eyes whilst the others looked at me in disgust. I ran, they no longer cared. I wasn't a comrade. I was a travesty, too disgusting to be fully human. My favorite window has a man in a black robe and holding a scythe another man is embracing him from behind, the second man has white clothes and while the other is surrounded by darkness he has glowing white light radiating from behind him.

I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Where the city sleeps
And I'm the only one and I walk alone
I walk alone. I walk alone. I walk alone. I walk alone.

They all seem vaguely religious, the stained panes, I do too, on occasion. People judge me, people hate me, people see me as happy, that I don't worry about things. What? Him? Oh no! He's just as innocent kid, there isn't a fifteen-year-old out there who is cynical or moody! Oh certainly he isn't depressed. He's too young! Their all just ignorant bastards, nobody cares.

My shadow's the only one who walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
'Til then I walk alone

Why to some people think that a boy my age can't fall in love? I've been through so much shit I might as well be fifty. I do plan to die young and with my occupation, death is an easy thing to acquire. One minute slip-up and I'll be dead faster than you can say "GO TO HELL, ASSHOLE!"

I'm walking down the line
That divides me somewhere in my mind
On the borderline of the edge
And where I walk alone
Read between the lines of what's
Fucked up and everything's alright

I feel like rain sometimes. Starting out as a solid body of water, slowly being taken from until all that was taken from me just falls all over everyone surrounding me, which usually is just myself. The others probably just look at me with hate and disgust. Every time I break they just wait until I become a scab, the remnant of what was once painful, only to become an irritating spot on your elbow. That's all I am now, to them. I bloody fuck up who hasn't even got a real home. That's right, and my addy is 1788 DoesNotExist drive.

Check my vital signs to know I'm still alive
I walk alone. I walk alone. I walk alone. I walk alone.
I walk the empty street on the Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Where the city sleeps

Faintly, I heard a slight creaking sound. I didn't think about it. In an old building like this one, things creak. I continued to trace the streams of water on my window. I felt myself tense when someone put their arms around me.

"We've missed you, Duo," I heard Quatre say behind me. I closed my eyes.

"You haven't any right to be here. This is my sanctuary."

"It's all right Duo, we still love you," Heero said. I opened my eyes and looked up into deep blue eyes.

And I'm the only one and I walk alone
My shadow=s the only one who walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I was that someone out there will find me
'till than I walk alone.

I sagged in his arms and sobbed. "I don't believe you. First impressions are always strongest. I saw your reactions. You can't stand what I am."

I felt something wet hit my cheek and saw that Heero was crying. "Why do you feel this way? I swear I love you too."

AWe can=t hate you for something we are ourselves,@ Trowa whispered. I turned and looked at him in shock, he had Quatre in a comforting embrace, both had a sad look in their eyes.

Quatre shook himself from Trowa and walked to me, the older boy following him(1). "It's okay Duo. We were surprised, not hateful." He and Trowa joined Heero in hugging me.

I felt like I was floating. I have finally gotten my happy ending. I'm no longer alone. I love Heero, and Heero loves me. Wufei was a little shocked to discover his comrades were all together, but he'll get over it.

1-If you pay attention and actually look at Trowa, you can tell he is not fifteen, I am fourteen and I spend a lot of time with fifteen-year-old males, and they aren't as mature looking at Trowa is.

I don=t own Gundam Wing or The Boulevard of Broken Dreams. They belong to Bandai and Green Day, respectively.
