Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Rest for the Tortured Soul ❯ Hatred Kills ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack!

Hatred Kills

There is goes again. That glint in the shadows... the light that is bouncing off the gun of the assasin sent to kill me... murder me!

Even though the war is over, doesn't mean that all the hostility, hurt, and anger are gone.

If only people could understand. Walk around in my shoes for a while, see what I have seen.

But it is not to be.

When they have completed their mission, they will ignore the results of their actions. I am sometimes filled with sudden rage. I begin to believe that they actually ENJOY war. That they love the death of innocence and that fresh blood on, not only their hands but also, their souls is like a cup of coffee in the morning. They are ruthless! Looking out for only themselves and not give a DAMN for their own mother. They are selfish, conniving, murderous-


I can not accept that mankind can be that evil. There is something that everyone would fight for, die for! That man holding the gun- we have different views but... which one is right?

Here I stand, in front of this vast assembly of people that I am giving a speech of peace to, also announcing that I am donating 4 million dollars to the Peacecraft foundation to secure the fragile peace that is reigning in our universe. The majority of the people gathered are the inhabitants of this colony- my colony. These are the same people who rejoiced at my father's death. These are the same people that have been sucking up to me. Acting as if what they did in the past has no value and that Il'd forget.


How can I ever forget their cruel actions? Turning on my father who has done nothing but help them, it digusts me. If only-


Hatred kills.

Blood brings more blood and sorrow gives birth to itself. I will not continue the cycle of pain. It doesn't look like I have much of a choice. I have just received eye-contact with my assasin and he or she raises the gun to aim at my head.

I knew this day was coming but I never thought it would be this soon. It's only 3 years since the end of the wars...

I must have already fulfilled my destiny, completed my task I was sent here to do. That's alright with me.

At least I can say I made a difference.

I helped the fighting to end.

I did not let anger take control of my heart, soul, and mind because...

Hatred kills.