Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Silent ❯ Chapter two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Silent Chapter two:


*beep-beep. beep-beep*

" I knew that vacation they gave us was too good to be true!" Duo moaned, stroalling into the room, hands behind his back, braiding his still damp hair, the jockers mask out in full force. "Stupid, damned scientists; Stupid, shinigami-damned missions!" Duo muttered darkly, voice barely above a wisper.

The other four pilots, already seated, ignored the braided pilots first comment, not hearing his second.

They had been hiding out in their current safehouse, 'on vacation', as both Duo, and the scientists had put it, for almost three weeks. Duo, being the first to arrive, had had time to, much to his amusement and joy, and his fellow pilots bad luck and annoyance, had to set traps, plan pranks, and mess the place up by moving things from one room to another.

He had also had time to, unknown tot he other pilots, raid the libary, 'borrowing' as many books as he could hide in his room. Whenever he wanted to read or have some time to himself, all he had to do was blast one of his old Manson, Papa Roach or Green Day CD's on his stereo, and the other pilots would avoid that wing of the mansion like the plague.

HE always played the jokester, the prankster, hiding behind the old, well-used mask.

HE was the group's soul, the one who always managed to lighten their mood, to cheer them up and to distract them whatever their troubles were. How long had they known eachother? How long had they been comrades? six, eight months? How many times had he reassured Quatre and comforted him, listened to Trowa when he needed to talk to someone, tried to help Heero out of his shell, helped Heero with his computer hacking, comforted Wufei during his nightmares of his colonies destruction? Countless times.

How many times had they tried to look beyond the mask, tried to see the real him, comforted him during his nightmares, listened to him when he needed to talk, helped him with his missions? The answer, simple. Never.

They'd never even attempted to help him, to look behind his mask. They hadnt even realised that there was a mask.

They didnt even see it, how it tore him apart. Not only did they not try, try to look beyond the mask, they'd finally done it, they'd gotten together. Trowa and Quatre, Heero and Wufei. Duo was happy for them, sure, he'd even joined in with Wufei and Heero once, after a particularly long, hard mission, but... neither Heero nor Wufei had had that special place in their hearts that Duo really needed. After the first time he'd 'joined in', and they had treated him no different, forgotten, even, that he was still there, he refused their invitations..

"Mission detail, Yuy?" Wufei asked, glaring at Duo, eyes softning slightly as they turned back towards his lover.

"Infultration mission. Al five pilots required, two gundams only. 04 and I will provide a distraction should you be detected. 03, your job will be to hack into the computer mainframe and retrieve the required data, as well as infect the system with sevral viruses to keep them busy. 05, you will accompany 03. After the data has been retrieved, both of you are to target two individuals that shall be visiting the base; Treize Kushrenada and Zechs Merquiese, both of whom will be in this section of the base." Heero indicated on the blueprints, spreading them out on the table.

"You are then to immidiatly leave the base, hedding towarde the woods surrounding the compound, where three bikes will be hidden; One for 03, one for 05, and one for 02" Glancing up at Duo, re-reading the mission plan, praying that there was a mistake, before glaring at him full-force, continuing.

"02, your job is to plant the explosives around the base, distract guards headded for 03 and 05, and to try not to mess uo. This could be our last mission if everything goes according to plan. I dont want any screw-ups." Heero warned, all eyes turning to Duo.

Duo just grinned, an innocent 'who, me?' look covering his face.

(Duo's Pov/ thoughts)

Why do they always assume it'll be me who screws up? They've all messed up at some point or another, infact, Quat's messed up way more times than I have! He's so kind-hearted, and there's that whole zero-system shit. He almost killed Tro, and a whole colony! And Wufei! He'sso hot-headded, he's made more mistakes than I ever have! Why do they always assume that it'll be me?!

(end of Duo Pov/ thoughts)

* * * * * *

02, 03 and 05 had sucessfully hidden their bikes and infultrated the base.

Duo, leaving Trowa and Wufei in the controal room, headded towards the other side of the base, setting up explosives on his way.

'Stupid.....<grumble>.....Shinigami-damned missions. Why am I not only the one to recieve a warning, but the only one without any backup?! At least this war'll be over soon. But..... then what?! I've got no family, no home, no place to go, no education, nothing. The guys wont want me hanging around with then.... Bad Maxwell, bad! Consontrate! You're handling dangerous equiptment here. Oh. THat's the last of 'em. Time to go and find Tro and Wu and get outta here!.'

Duo, grinning slightly, slipped through the sh\dows, hedding towards His Excelency's private rooms, where 03 and 05 should have already have been.

Duo sneaked through the base undetected, grinning manically as he caugh sight of Wufei and Trowa, crouched in the shadows, completely focused on His Excelency's rooms, completely unaware of what was going on around them.

Duo's manic grin faltered. Three hevaly armed guards' gaze's were focused on Wufei and Trowa, guns raised, approaching, ready to attack his unsuspecting comrades.

'Shit! 'Fei and Tro...They wont make it unless by some mirical Hee-chan and Q-bean start that distraction now...Oh, fuck, I can't believe I'm gonna do something this idiotic' Duo thought.

Duo drew his gun, shooting three bullets in quick-sucession, not having time to attach his silencer, instantly killing two of the three guards. The other, however, had time to raise his gun,aiming it and shooting it at the alarm, setting it off.

The deciesed guards, it appeared, had had friends, friends who, hearing the gun shots and alarm, started shouting orders and running in their direction.

Wufei and Trowa never saw the bodies of the dead guards. All they saw was Duo, gun raised, and heard the alarm, seeing the broken glass, the approaching guards. They were forced to abandon the mission, quickly breaking through an air-vent, not giving the braided boy a second glance.

'Goodbye Wufei, Trowa. You guy's need someone to distract them untill you can get back to the bikes and call in the cavalry. It was nice knowing you all...I just wish you'd known the truth....I didnt have a choice. Your lives, or theirs and mine. I made my choice, and now, I have to face the conciquences. On my own. Shinigami help me.' Duo wispered, prepairing himself for what was to come.

end of chapter two

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