Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Tank Police Division 195 ❯ Hide and Seek ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Tank Police Division 195
Chapter Thirteen: Hide and Seek

Trowa and Wufei came back with Noin and Milliardo in tow. A few moments passed before Quatre returned.

What's the news, Winner? Captain Scot asked.

The 70th regulars are sending a couple of officers over to get Keeper, Captain. Quatre replied.

Good, then we'd better get over there too.

May I ask why? Heero inquired.

Let's just call it screw-up insurance. Now mount up, and I want everyone to keep the secondary radio tuned in to the regular police band so we can monitor the situation.

One thing about his case bothers me. Quatre mused en route to the 70th's precinct. Why are we still on this case at all? Isn't arson more along the lines of the regular police's jurisdiction?

That bothered me as well so Heero and I did a little research. Trowa said. It would appear that Tseratopolis isn't your ordinary elderly bookstore owner. He used to design explosives for Megaton Industries, Inc..

So whoever ordered those goons to blow up the book store wants some explosives made, that still doesn't explain why we're involved.

Think about it like this: Wufei said. The kind of explosives Tseratopolis used to make are custom jobs that use some rather pricey ingredients that only a large corporation like Megaton can afford. Whoever is trying to get to him must be really high up in the underworld's food chain, otherwise there would be no point in even bothering the old man.

In other words, the regular police can't handle it because they wouldn't have a chance. Trowa nodded. People like that usually have powerful connections to the black market and can buy weapons the regular police aren't equipped to handle. On the other side of the spectrum, the military can't be asked to step in because, let's face it, crime lords aren't their problem.

So it falls to us. Quatre sighed. But, wait a minute, exactly how did you manage to get that info on Tseratopolis?

heer was military and I was with the Red Commandos, you do the math.

You hacked the database?!

Before the taller man could answer, the secondary radio flared to life announcing that Keeper had managed to escape from the regular police, stolen a car, and was making for the warehouse district. Once the message had repeated itself, the Captain broke in on the main radio.

All right, head for the warehouse district. We can't let that girl get away. I knew the regulars would screw up, bunch of incompetents

Oddly enough, that's what the regulars say about us. Wufei muttered.

That's what everyone says about us. Quatre snorted.

At the warehouse district, a lone figure leapt out of her stolen vehicle; the sound of approaching police sirens adding to the panic she was feeling. Mind reeling and heart pounding, Keeper ducked into the first building she came across. The regular police arrived a few moments later. Shortly thereafter, came the crew from the 195th.

I give you lot a simple task and look what happens. Captain Scot said to the members of the regular police. Honestly, letting an unarmed individual steal a vehicle from you. Have you no pride?

She wasn't unarmed! She stole my gun from me! one of the regulars bristled, instantly regretting it.

That's even worse! I'd lecture you but we've wasted enough time as it is. Everyone except Maxwell spread out and search the area!

What should I do then? Duo asked.

You get on the radio and tell the dispatcher to have this area blocked off. Then I want you to call back to HQ; update them on the situation and then join the search.

Got it. And he jumped back into his tank while the captain rushed off to join the hunt.

This particular warehouse area had four buildings: a main building, two storage buildings, and one that housed a generator.

Sure is dark in here. Quatre muttered. He and Heero had teamed up to search the main building.

We can't risk turning the lights on. Heero whispered. We might alert the suspect to our presence.

But we don't even know if she's in here. Turning on the lights would make her easier to find and we might startle her into revealing herself.

Point noted. Let's see if we can find a light switch.

It was a good forty minutes before they were able to locate the main power switch. Let there be light. Heero quipped as he flipped the switch. The room remained dark.

God you ain't. Quatre snickered. Heero pointed his flashlight directly in Quatre's face. Aagh! You bastard! Heero only chuckled evilly and pulled his half-blind friend out of the room.

Trowa and Wufei had been through most of the first warehouse around the same time Quatre and Heero were looking for the light switch. So far they had turned up nothing but some rats, mice, and the occasional cockroach.

Wonder what they used to store in here. Wufei said, it wasn't a question, more like idle conversation.

Whatever it was they didn't want to leave it lying around. Trowa replied. All of the boxes are empty. A sharp cry came from above them followed by voices yelling and footsteps pounding on the metal catwalk. Sounds like they found Keeper. Come on! Both men barreled up the stairs. Wufei radioing everyone else.

The lithe form of a woman tore across a catwalk, the regular police hot on her heels. She clutched the Beretta she had stolen tightly to her chest, silently praying she'd have no need of it. Down the steel steps she ran, knocking both Trowa and Wufei out of the way. Deciding that she wasn't moving fast enough if the tank police had tried to cut her off at the stairs, she jumped over the railing. Keeper landed on something soft

Heero and Quatre had rushed over as fast as they could when the radio call went out. The warehouse Wufei and Trowa were in wasn't far from their location and they entered, guns drawn. They never expected an ambush from above as a shapely figure landed right on top of Quatre. Heero, reacting on reflex, trained his gun on it.

Oh great the young woman groaned.

Put the gun down, and then get your hands where I can see them. Heero ordered.

What about me? Quatre grunted. This isn't exactly a comfortable
position, Yuy!

One thing at a time. Was the smug reply.

Sadistic bastard

You know, there are plenty of guys who would pay a fortune for me to sit on them. Keeper said blandly.

That may be true, lady, but right now I'm sure not one of them. Trowa, Wufei, Duo and everyone else came running over at that moment, and trained their guns on the dark-haired damsel.

All this fuss over me? I'm flattered. She chuckled mirthlessly as a nervous officer retrieved his stolen gun from the ground.

Once they were all back at the 195th, Keeper was put in a holding cell to await questioning. In the meantime, Captain Scot and company went through the task of finding out just who Keeper was.

Anything yet, Sally? Noin asked.

She's not in the city database so I'm going to start checking the national ones. Officer Po replied. It's going to take a little while to match her fingerprints. Une walked in carrying a folder. She shoved it into Captain Scot's hands.

What's this? he asked.

Paperwork. Get on it. Une demanded and walked out without any further discussion.

Looks like she's not giving you any chance for excuses, captain. Milliardo said. I think you'd better get started, sir.

I know, I know. Captain Scot grumbled. Keep an eye on things here and let me know of any new developments. He walked out dejectedly.

Don't be so glum, sir. Noin called to him. At least we didn't blow anything up today.

Don't say that so close to quitting time, Noin! You'll jinx us! Milliardo exclaimed. As if on cue


BARTON! MAXWELL!! YUY!!! Chief Une's enraged cry echoed through the station.