Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The Black Rose Arc: One: The Black Rose ❯ chapter four ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter four: the black rose

// Thoughts of character

"Hey, Wufei, nice makeup! I heard you pulled last night!"

"Woman, that is none of your business!" A furiously blushing teen replied to his friend, Sally Po.

Wufei and Sally were both Goths, and, although Sally was a few years his superior, very good friends.

Wufei wore a black and white silk outfit. White silk floofy trousers (( That's how someone else described them, and I thought it sorta fit)), a black and gold dragon belt, black tank-top, and black and white long dragon jacket with the words ` Black Rose ' written underneath. A black onyx and amethyst dragon pendant hung from a white silk choker, his shoulder length ebony and silver streaked hair framed his delicate features. Black and white makeup adorned his features; silver bands covered his wrists and upper arms.

Sally Po, the only female Goth in the school, had an equally impressive outfit on. She wore a tight dark-green and white top with the words `psycho bitch in training' plastered across the front. She wore low-slung white leather trousers and a green and white studded belt. Silver jewellery covered her arms and fingers; deep green and white makeup her face. Her long blond, white and green streaked hair twisted in its customary style.

" So, did you?" A voice quietly asked behind him, causing him to jump in surprise. A faint snickering could be heard from behind him.

"Barton, injustice! And don't you encourage him, Yui! I don't know what's gotten into the two of you, you are worse than normal today.

Trowa just shrugged, Heero smirked.

Both Trowa and Heero were Goths too. Heero was the black rose's joint second in command with Zechs.

Heero wore his customary outfit. Low slung Black leather trousers, a Prussian blue and silver belt, a dark Prussian blue shirt, matching his deep blue-rimmed eyes. He wore dark blue lipstick, a single silver earring, a silver chain around his neck with a single silver angel wing hanging from it, and silver and blue rings and bracelets. A black and blue leather jacked was slung over one shoulder, a black rose with the same words as Wufei's jacket embroidered on the back.

Trowa wore low-slung tight forest green leather trousers, showing off his emerald bellybutton stud. A silver studded green belt was slung around his waist, a dark green and black top showing off his well-toned body. He wore a green leather collar with a single black rose on it. His strangely styled dark brown hair had emerald green streaks. Forest green lipstick and eye shadow adorned his features; dark green rings his fingers and wrists.

"Have any of you seen Treize or Zechs yet today?" Wufei asked, leaning back against his locker.

"Worried that they're having fun without you `fei?" Sally teased.

"Woman, must I say it again? Mind your own business! And, for your information, I was only asked because it is unlike them to be late." A slightly flustered Wufei replied, blushing slightly.

"Oh, dragon, you wound me. And here I was thinking you would have missed us just a little bit" Treize purred, startling and already unnerved Wufei.

"What is it with you people and trying to give me a heart attack today?! It's a conspiracy I tell you!" Wufei angrily ranted, not noticing the smirks and snickers all of his friends currently held.

"Hey, have any of you guys seen the new kids yet?" Zechs asked, finally interrupting Wufei's ranting.

"No, probably just another couple of jocks." Heero commented.

"Just what our school needs, even more `model students'!" Sally nodded, receiving agreeing nods from both Wufei and Trowa.

"No, actually. Milliado and I saw them this morning. We had the immense pleasure of watching them meet Relena, Mueller, Une and Dorothy. Isn't that right, Milliado?" Treize announced, smirking at Milliado.

"I thought I told you NOT to call me that at school! Yes, we saw them this morning. They look like promising kids, actually. And about our age, too." (( I said in first chapter- Treize and Milliado are fifteen, same age as others in order to make it easier-I know nothing about American schools!)

"And that's not the only good news. Do you want to tell them or shall I?" Treize asked.

"Humph! If you can call that good news! They aren't exactly the friendliest guys in the universe, but you can tell them if you must." Zechs replied, sounding slightly put off. They had NOT made a good first impression on him. Anyone who dared ignore HIS Treize (or Wufei) was not worth thinking about, as far as he was concerned.

"Well, are you going to tell us or do we have o guess?" Wufei asked, still annoyed with them for startling him.

"Although making you guess would be so much more fun, dragon, I believe none of you would be able to do so correctly. So, I'll just have to tell you." Pause.


"He. Sorry. Well, we've finally got some new Goths around the place. Quite cutie too. Both guys. Both Hot!" Treize commented, quickly adding "Of course, not as stunning as ether of you" when both Wufei and Zechs sent twin glares of ` you better rephrase what you just said is you EVER want to get any EVER again.

"Nether of them are that friendly, but it would be nice to make the black rose gang bigger. Although, one of them did look apologetic when his friend just barged past us. We'll just have to try and find them at lunch." Treize finished, receiving nods of agreement from the others.

"How come there are no other girl Goths in this stupid school! All of the girls, with NO acceptations as far as I can find, are straight and have the worst fashion sense ever! Who in their right mind would WILLINGLY wear PINK?!" Sally grumbled, turning to leave as the bell rang.

"Meet outside the library at lunch. We'll try and find the new guys then." Treize ordered, as they all parted ways, heading towards their different classes.

"See you in history, Wufei!" Sally called, blowing him a kiss.

"Come on, Q!!! You're going to be late! I'll meet you in the library at lunchtime. Come on, Q! You've got history next, so I'll catch up with you later, `Kay?" Duo babbled at Quatre, dragging him behind him for the nth time that day.

"Yes, Duo. Ok, Duo. Bye, Duo." Quatre murmured in what he hoped were the right places.

"See you in the library, Q! Later!"

End chapter four