Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Untitled ficlet ❯ Untitled ficlet ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The alarm clock went off at exactly 6:30 AM as usual. And, as usual, I let it ring until I felt the urge to smash the damn thing into oblivion. I blindly flung my arm to where the annoying bleeping sound was coming from - and fell flat on my face in my momentum with a formidable crash, followed by the longest, vilest string of curses my blurry mind could come up with at that particular hour.

I pushed myself up off the floor, grabbed the first pair of jeans and tee shirt I found on my way and dragged my sorry butt to the bathroom for my morning shower. That done, I sluggishly headed for the kitchen, where I found Heero busy with the coffee maker.

“You fell out of bed again?” he asked without turning.

“What d’you think?”

I plopped heavily down on a chair and slumped over the table. I fucking *hate* mornings.

He smirked and handed me my mug - the one with a bunny smashed into bits and pieces in the middle of a highway that says ‘Road Kill Café’. I find it somehow appropriate.

“Here. This should make a relatively decent human being out of you. Careful, it's hot.”

I scowled at him before raising my mug to my lips and blowing into it. He chuckled.

For a few seconds there, I felt the urge to wipe that smirk off of his face with the back of my hand. I just didn’t understand that guy. It was beyond me, really, how he could be so cool, so early in the morning. Hell, he’s always cool and calm. Nothing ever fazes him, or gets on his nerves.... Well. There *are* a few things (like me). Sometimes. But that’s not the point.

However, any hostility Heero may have inspired in me vanished the moment I sipped at my coffee. Strong, black coffee, with just half a sugar and a drop of cream. Bless the man. He sure knew how to rub me the right way. Although, I *did* deplore the fact that said rubbing wasn’t a bit more...literal.

Just as he was about to leave for class, bag slung over his shoulder, he paused in the kitchen doorway.

“Duo. Remember where I put the full laundry bag three days ago? It hasn’t budged. You’re aware that it’s your turn to go to the Laundromat this week?”

“Aww shit...Forgot about that. Look, I’ll do it tomorrow, I promise.”

He sighed. “No. I finish classes earlier than you, today. I’ll get it...”

I beamed at him. “Heero, you’re the best -”

“...but, in return, you’ll have to do the dishes all weekend.” he finished, looking pointedly at me. My face fell. If there was one thing able to equal my burning hatred for mornings, house chores would be it. Who would have thought ‘normal’ could be so mind-numbingly tedious sometimes?

“You suck.” I mumbled, face hidden behind my mug.

“No, I don’t. Though I wouldn’t mind, you know.”

It took a moment for my mind to process Heero’s words, but when it did, their meaning hit me in the face like a ton of bricks. I sputtered, choked and ended up spilling the contents of my mug all over my lap.

“...Come again?!” I croaked at his retreating back. I was answered by a chuckle.

“For you? Anytime.” And the door slammed shut.

I gaped. And then gaped some more.

I eventually stopped staring at the kitchen door, and instead looked down at the mess I’d made on my jeans. I got up and headed for my room, cursing both myself for my clumsiness and Heero. It was *his* fault after all. Playing mind games with me.... What did he mean anyway?! That he actually wanted to...nah. He must have been joking. But since when did Heero make lewd jokes?

The bastard.

I absent-mindedly grabbed a new pair of jeans off of the pile of clothes currently heaped at the foot of my bed, slipped them on, grabbed my bag and took off for the bus stop.

I was still feeling a bit...out of it. I mean, I've fantasized quite a few times about Heero -- he *is* pretty damn good-looking -- and I'll admit that I may have had the teeniest crush on him way back when. What can I say? One needs some measure of distraction when one isn't busy blowing up places.

Back then, I wasn't aware that I was gay per se, but it's true that I did spend a good part of my spare time thinking about him. Or bugging the hell out of him, if he was around. And believe me -- he bugged me right back, too. Although it took me quite a while to catch onto that. It's not that I'm dense -- I'm a very quick-witted guy, thank you very much -- but Heero does have a very special brand of humor.

The bus arriving briefly interrupted my thoughts, but as soon as I'd found myself a seat, I let my mind wander back to Heero.

So, yeah. Once the war over, I didn't really know what to do with myself. I went back to L2, like I always said I would. I went to Hilde, to see if she could help me find a decent place to live and a job. She offered me to work for her and let me to stay at her place while I looked for my own, but the state of housing being what it was on L2.... Anyway. As it was, a year later, when we had to deal with the whole Marimeia/Barton mess, I was still looking.

I did think about Heero from time to time. It had become something of a habit, to wonder what the hell he was doing. I kept meaning to try to get in touch with him, but I just hadn't had the time for it. Too much of my own shit to deal with. I was busy angsting over the atrocities I'd committed during the war, or over the fact that my life was going nowhere. And when Hilde started living a life of her own, meeting new people, going out and stuff, while I was being antisocial and depressed, it made me feel like the mother of all heels. She tried to pull me out with her -- bless her heart, did she try. I just didn't want to hear any of it.

Seeing Heero after such a long while felt damn good. And I daresay that he seemed pretty happy to see me too, in his own very special Heero way.

Once the mess done and dealt with, the guys and I had a reunion of sorts. We hadn't really remained in touch during that year, and damn, catching up with them all felt good. It felt kind of like the old times, but without the gore. I wasn't too surprised about the directions Quatre and Trowa's lives had taken -- one being a corporate shark, and the other leading a peaceful (but, no doubt, adrenaline-filled) life at the circus. Wu Fei...well, he slipped a bit. But he was our pal, and he really seemed sorry about that little fuck-up. And we were all very happy for him when he announced that he was going to start a career at the Preventer's organization.

To say that I was floored when Heero told us that he was now studying computer science and programming at university, and that he was also minoring in literature is a huge understatement. I'd have pegged for anything but the scholar type. And that mortified me plenty.

It also made me realize that, in fact, I knew virtually nothing about the guy I considered being the closest thing to a best friend I'd ever had. That, and how painfully I'd missed him during the whole year.

I told him that -- might have possibly teared up while doing so, too. All I can say for my defense was that the damn punch they served at Relena's New Year-slash-Peace Celebration party was way stronger than I'd given it credit for. Anyhow. I think I may have angsted at him about the crappy state of my life right then, and how much of a loser I felt compared to everyone because I was doing jack shit with my life.

At any rate, that's what he told me I'd said when showed up a week later on Hilde's doorstep, looking for me. He spent a week with us, during which he and I had quite a few long talks about life and expectations and whatever. He told me that he'd been confused and a bit clueless as to what to do with himself too at the end of the war. He made me question myself. He made me think. A lot.

And when the time came for him to go back to Earth, the bastard had managed to slip into my mind that maybe school wasn't such a bad place to start.

That's how I ended up on Earth, studying engineering and sharing a three-room apartment with one Heero Yuy. And even though things weren't perfect -- our apartment was small and cramped, our only car was regularly violated in some way, we were broke; all those cute details -- as far as I was concerned, they were a sight better than when I was living on L2.

It was about then, I think, that I decided to give my sexuality a shot. Since I actually had the time to dwell on it, now. I dated around a bit and messed around a lot. I tried with both guys and girls. I like both, but with guys, there's that extra *je ne sais quoi* that it makes it all the more...interesting.

For a while, those flings satisfied me plenty. And boy was I horny. Understand me -- I had *a lot* of catching up to do in that particular area. It made me see the world in a whole new light -- and consider having sex with people I shouldn't consider having sex with. Namely, my best friend and roomie, Heero.

It all started out pretty innocuously. At first I'd asked myself if Heero was getting any nookie too. He was my best friend -- I didn't want him to miss out on the good stuff! But the more I got to know Heero, the more I figured that he was very capable of taking care of himself. Didn't stop me from wondering about it, though.

He musta been really discreet about it, too, because I never noticed anything. Oh, I never brought anyone home -- I respected Heero too much for that. Besides, our flat's walls are too thin. I tended to spend the night at whoever I was with's place and then go home. And since there have been quite a few of those, who knew what Heero'd been up to in my absence?

That thought then started creeping up on me at the most unsuspecting moments. Like when I was making out with someone, I'd wonder if Heero did this with other people, and if he liked it. I even imagined sometimes what he'd look like during a make-out session. I would have bet that he looked amazing. That's when he started worming himself into my wet dreams and night-time fantasies. And when my sexual activity started its steady decline.

And this morning Heero had said that he'd come for me anytime. Oh god, the visual. I could barely stand it.

I was pulled out of my thoughts as the bus slowed down next to my stop. As I was about to get off, I noticed two charming young ladies staring at me. Well -- staring at my crotch, more precisely. Then they raised their heads and smiled at me. I blinked, surprised and flattered, and smiled right back. The door slid open, and just when one of the girls opened her mouth -- probably to ask me my phone number, or my name or something; what can I say? I'm a sexy son of a bitch and I know it -- I jumped off the bus, turned around and blew her a kiss. There. That would brighten up her day, no doubt.

During the day's first class, I had an epiphany of sorts. Why not just enjoy the incredible mental image Heero had given me this morning, indulge in the idle fantasy or two, and then see what happened when I got back home later today, instead of agonizing over whether it was a simple joke or if it meant more? Also avoid getting my hopes up too much, because you never knew.

As the day went by, though, I noticed -- even through the happy haze I'd surrounded myself in -- that people were staring at me. And a lot of those stares were directed at my crotch. I also received an unbelievable number of smiles. Which kind of baffled me, at first. I don't wanna sound like I'm bragging or anything, but it seemed like every breathing creature on the planet seemed to have his or her sights on me today. Now, I wasn't going to complain -- I do so love the attention.

All in all, this was a very good day for Duo Maxwell. My best friend-slash-crush hit on me the moment I woke up, and now I was being ogled at by the whole campus. I felt so wanted.

And by the time I got home, I felt like fucking Superman.

Heero wasn't there when I arrived. So, while I waited for him -- partly anxious as all hell, partly dying with anticipation -- I put some order in the house. Eh, I had nothing better to do. When I finally heard his key in the lock, I dropped what I was doing, smoothed a hand through my bangs and down my braid, and went to greet him with my most dazzling smile.

"Hey, Heero," I said, leaning against the kitchen's door frame.

"Duo," he answered, dropping the full laundry bag on the floor. "Don't forget to sort your stuff out in there."

"I won't."

He raised his head and looked at me. I increased the power of my smile by at least a hundred watts. His gaze traveled slow from my face, across my shoulders, down my torso and finally rested on my crotch.

I briefly wondered what was it with my dick that attracted so many looks today. Not that it bothered me, of course.

I shot him the most smoldering gaze in my repertoire. He was going to give in to me sooner or later. I could sense it. I wasn't going to let doubt get the better of me. Oh, no sir.


"Heero?" I intoned, the thousand-watt grin still plastered to my face.

He moved closer to me -- probably to get in the kitchen, probably just to be close to me, who could tell? -- and I jumped on the occasion to press up against him as he passed me by.

At first he seemed a bit baffled, but that didn't last.

"You were saying?" I asked in my best, tried-and-true husky tone, leaning closer to him, my eyes glued to his lips. His breathing was harsh now, his cheeks just a tad bit flushed...And I was close, oh, so close....

Heero's lips stretched into a smirk and a hand brushed against my crotch, startling the hell out of me. I looked down, to see just what the hell he was doing...when I felt him zip up the fly of my jeans.

I froze.

"You idiot," I heard him say. "Don't tell me you walked around all day with your fly open?"

Well. This was embarrassing.

I wanted to die right on the spot.


I did the shifty eyes thing and started backing away when Heero suddenly pulled me to him and pressed his lips against mine.

Right then, I was so *not* expecting that. My arms hung limp at my sides and my mouth...was rather lax, now that I think of it. It was only when Heero swiped his tongue against my teeth that my brain, senses, instinct, whatever -- decided to kick in.

I happily sucked his tongue into my mouth, nipped and licked at his lips, before once again entwining my tongue with his. He slipped his hands beneath my sweater, and pressed himself harder against me. I sighed into the kiss and combed my fingers through his hair, enjoying the tickle of some of the coarser strands at the nape of his neck.

We eventually broke the kiss off and raised our heads, panting.

" weren't joking this morning, were you?" I asked.

Heero smiled, if a bit hesitantly. I almost melted on the spot, it was so...*sweet*.

"Well...I threw a bait, and waited to see if something would bite. You did. So now I can safely say that no, I wasn't joking."

"You bastard."

Heero's sweet little smile turned into a full-blown smirk, and he pinched my waist before leaning in to give me another mind-blowing kiss.

Damn, but I could so easily get used to this kind of intimacy with him. So very easily.

So maybe our lives weren't perfect. Maybe we still had a long way to go. But, with Heero by my side, the ride promised to be of the most interesting kind....

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