Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ What if... MSTed ❯ What if...Duo couldn't talk? ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

What if… - MSTed

What if… - MSTed
Written by Lady Celestia
MSTed by Kaen-chan

\\*** What if...Duo couldn't talk? ***

All: We'd be happy.
Duo: … meanies… ;-;

\\He slowly awoke to the sunlight of another day.

Duo: 'Morning sunshine!

\\He groaned and put a hand to his head. Headache, major headache, but nothing that Aspirin couldn't handle.

Wufei: I'm Aspirin man!
Quatre: What happened to Justice Man?
Wufei: Screw him, right now I'm ASPIRIN MAN!

\\Duo put on his usual clothes and walked into the kitchen to find that everyone else was already there. He grinned at the different looks tossed at him:

Duo: How do you toss a look?
Heero: You rip off your face a throw it.
Duo: How enlightening.

\\Quatre's disapproving look at the mess that stood at the door, Wufei's 'Weakling' look,


\\Trowa's monotonous expression,

Trowa: ///_-

\\and Heero's Death Glare(tm). He opened his mouth...nothing came out.

Hirde: ::hums 'Joy to the World'::
All but Duo: ::Joins her::

\\A look of shock came to his face.

Duo: Like, oh no! I like, broke a nail! …like…

\\"Duo, are you all right?" Quatre asked, concerned as always.

\\Duo pointed to his mouth frantically.

Duo: I swallowed my gum!

\\"You want food?"

Duo: No, I want another piece of gum!

\\Duo shook his head.

\\"Then what? Can't you talk?"

Duo: …
Trowa: …
Duo:… Screw this!

\\Duo shook his head.

\\"NANI?! Duo?! Can't talk?!" Wufei screamed with ecstasy.

All: Halle~lujah!

\\Duo threw Wufei a "Shut up, I have a gun" look

Duo: Actually, I have a bazooka, but that doesn't matter.

\\and proceeded in chasing chibi-Wufei around the room.

Wufei:… Since when did I become a chibi?

\\"Duo, are you kidding us, or can you REALLY not talk?" Quatre asked suspiciously. Duo shook his head.

All: Halle~lujah!

\\Quatre smiled. "Good."

Dorothy: *-* ::goes onto one knee:: Quatre Raberba Winner, will you marry me?
Quatre: My friggin name is Quatre Yukito Touya Yamazaki Arashi Omi Owaru Weiss Reshin RABERBA Tomoyo Kamui Fuuma Ishida Ken Koushirou Izumi Aya Winner!!!!!!!!!!!

\\Duo glared at Quatre and wailed...silently.

Duo: How do you wail silently?
Heero: You-
Duo: Don't answer that!

\\He then proceeded to hold up a sign saying "And I thought you were the NICE one, Quatre..."

Dorothy: Would I be proposing to him if he was???

Quatre just smiled guiltily.

\\"Well, we can FINALLY have a day of peace," Heero said.

All: Halle~lujah!

\\"Right," replied Trowa.

Trowa: ::bows head and continues looking ethereal::

\\So, everyone went on with their daily chores

Pilots: Chores? When did we do chores?
Quatre: And I'm rich enough to hire a damn maid!

\\while Duo tried to get some sympathy from them.

Hirde: I'm selling sympathy for a buck!

\\"Come on, we're all friends, right? So help me here..." the sign read.

Wufei: If a friend is considered as a weak, feminine, inane, delusional baka… suuuure.
Duo: … That hurt.

\\"Well, Duo, if Trowa can do it, so can you!" Quatre said cheerily. *glare*

Trowa: But, I can talk to! See, I'm talking most fluently in who knows what language because most fanfictions are written in English, but I'm suppose to speak Japanese, and yet I'm considered Latin!
All: @-@

\\Heero sighed and sat down in front of his computer contentedly

Heero: ::to Duo:: See, I have pursued happiness.

\\while Trowa read. Duo, after unsuccessfully trying to get help, stomped into his room. When he came back, he put something he had written into his pocket at sat down.

Quatre: Doesn't she mean '-and sat down'?
Wufei: If we don't care, than you shouldn't either.

\\"How long do you think it'll last?!"

\\"Hopefully forever."

All: Halle~lujah!

\\"Peace and quiet! Duo's finally shut up!"


\\"Don't act like I'm not HERE!" the sign read.

Wufei: you're not, but the sign is!

\\"Weakling weakling weakling, now you can't even talk!" Wufei teased.

Wufei: My vocabulary is far more advanced than that!


All: They found themselves in Teletubbie land!

\\"SHUT UP, YOU JUSTICE OBSESSED FREAK OF NATURE!!!" Duo screamed. "Nani? I can TALK!!! Whoo-hoo!" Duo laughed.

Hirde: ::hums funeral song::

\\"" Quatre sighed.

\\"LOOK WHAT YOU DID, CHANG!!!" Heero screamed.

Heero: Chang? I never call you Chang do I?
Wufei: Never, Yuy.

\\"It's not MY fault!"

Treize: ::pops from out of hell:: Actually, it is.

\\"HAHAHA! Now that I can talk, I'll just make up for the time I couldn't talk. So..."

Relena: They all lived happily ever after!

\\Duo pulled out the sheet of paper that he had stuffed into his pocket. "These were just some topics I had prepared ahead of time to tor...I mean, entertain you with ^___^!

Duo: ^___^!

\\First victim, Hee-chan, about..."

Heero: ::Strikes Bond pose:: Yuy. Heero Yuy.

\\"I'm Heero Yuy, NOT Hee-chan..."

\\"ANYWAYS, about your personality, you really should do something about it, because while I was quietly watching, quiet, me! Haha, that's funny, but anyways, I saw that you really DIDN'T have a personality besides work work work, so..."

Duo: I seriously don't talk like that.
Wufei: ::cracks up::

\\And so Duo managed to squeeze in hours worth of talking into non-stop blabbering and individual annoyance. How...nice...

Hirde: Very nice.

\\At the end of the day, Wufei had three Gundam pilots (Heero, Trowa, and Wing Zero-fied Quatre) after his life.

Heero, Trowa, Quatre: ::takes out assortment of weapons and does the Charlie's Angels pose::

\\"It wasn't ME, I tell you!"

Trieze: Denial is bad for one's health my son.
Duo: ::hands him his priest collar::

\\"If you hadn't said your stupid little weakling speech we would have had more peace and quiet, you idiot!!!"

Quatre: ::turns to Trowa:: Was that you or me?


Relena: I love you too Heeeeeeeeeee-kun!
Heero: ::Twitches::


Duo: I think that was you Wu-man.

\\Lesson: Justice speeches will get you killed *watches in glee as Heero shoots at Wufei*

All: Halle~lujah!

To be continued…