Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Witch Way to Life ❯ WWL 8- Halloween ( Chapter 10 )

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Title: Witch Way to Life
Author: shad0w118
Archive: ,
Feedback: Yes, please. I appreciate it.
Pairing: 2+1, 3+4, 5+S, R+1
Rating: PG
Category: AU, Magic, Humour
Warnings: OOC Heero, Shonen ai, loosely based on Sabrina the Teenage Witch.
Relena Bashing

Notes: Since I didn't get any review, I'm keeping the last chapter. I'm wondering cos ppl mark this in story alert but I'm not getting reviews so I don't know how are readers liking the story. So please review and tell me what you think so that I may improve on the writing.

Disclaimer: I don't own them and the standard stuff. This is a developing friendship then turn relationship for the guys???

/-------/ thoughts
++++++ Scene change/ time passing
Chapter 8- Halloween
After the first date life went on as usual, they still hang out together with Quatre, Trowa and Wufei. Going to school, classes, basketball games and burger joints. Heero had planed to ask Duo out for Halloween date but his plans had to be put on hold as his parents called him for dinner, which he could not miss. It was a family reunion for Halloween with his Aunt Keira and it was in Paris where his dad Odin was currently working at the embassy as a translator. Mum had stressed that he must be present. So after school on Friday, Heero bid his friends goodbye and headed off home to prepare for his weekend trip.
Taking a quick shower and a change of clothes Heero was ready in 15 minutes to head off to his disastrous weekend with his parents and Aunt Keira. His aunt tends to introduce girls, guys, witches, warlocks, ghouls, trolls, even pixies to him. Her notion was that Heero need someone in his life thus has taken up upon herself to introduce that someone to him since if it depended on Heero it will never happen. Heero smiled at the notion. He did meet someone and prove that his Aunt is wrong about him. Actually it was Duo who made the move but it was just technicality. He will have to make it up to Duo when he comes back.
Opening the door to the closet, he step in and there was a crash of thunder and lightning when the door closed. Heero arrived at his Dad's Paris apartment closet. He could see mountains of linens, towels, boxes and coats and jackets. Opening the door and stepping out to greet the disastrous reunion and prepare for an evening fighting off pursuers his well-meaning aunt set on him. These are even going to be harder to ditch than Relena. They'll be able to track and teleport after him. There was this one witch so persistent that she went after him around the world twice, went to Pluto and back, detoured by the Big Dipper, went into an asteroid field and meteor shower, he even tried to dump her in the sun but she stuck to his tail like glue. In the end he tried to be frank with her and be right out mean, and say nasty things to her, still she was head over heels for him, which he does not understand. Most people find his attitude unbearable and him demure, cold and aloft. He just hoped that this years nominees aren't so persistent and will take no for an answer.
“Heero, you've arrive. I thought you ran away again and I'll have to send Cerberus to track you again. ” Aunt Kiera appear right next to him making him nearly jumping out of his skin.
It's not that funny cos there was tis one time she really did gave him a heart attack that he was Spirited Away by a passing Shinigami. His parents literally had to go through the 7 levels of hell to reclaim his spirit. That was when he was 5 years old. And he never ever wish for that to happen ever again. Involuntary out of body experience leaves you totally disoriented and unable to get a grasp on reality for weeks. Since his spirit was rip out forcefully, it just won't stick to the body any longer. Normal astral projection, there is still a link between the spirit and physical body. When the Shinigami rip his spirit out the link was not formed, his father had to perform binding ritual to reconnect his body and soul.
“Hello, aunt Kiera.”
“Glad you're here. Now come on, I've invited lots of handsome eligible bachelors and attractive single ladies who are just dying to meet your acquaintance.” She put her hand on Heero's shoulder and guide Heero to the dining hall.
Heero hid a groan but walked to meet this fate for the night.
~Duo's Room~
Duo was staring at the ceiling and he was bored. His plans for the weekend was ruined due to the dinner Heero suddenly had to attend. He himself put off his own Uncle Howard dinner plans just to be able to spend some time with Heero on Halloween. His Uncle had wanted to bring him to meet some nephew of a friend of his. No need for that now since he has Heero. But now he has to spend it alone cos Heero's not here with him. He pouted.
They were going to call for Pizza delivery and watch scary movies at Heero's. Heero even had readied the bowl of treats for tricker treaters. Now he is popping those treats into his own mouth.
~Odin's Lounge~
“…. this is Edmund, Edward, Elene, Elise, Ewena, Fiona, Felicia, Francesca, Frank, …….. Madeline, Matt, Mathew, Michael, Morgan, Neil, Natalie, ……………… Stanley, Stella, Sylvia, Talia, Terrence, Trish, Ursula, ………… Zack, and last but not least Zoë.”
Heero's hand was numb from shaking all those hands. The looks on those faces gave him the impression that they were very hungry and he was the main course. He could barely remember the faces and the names. Here was his aunt reciting all those peoples name, introducing them to him.
“Here, here, time for dinner everyone. Please proceed to the dining hall and take your seats.” Aunt Kiera announcement broke through Heero's thoughts.
Suddenly everyone was rushing to the dining hall to get their seats. As Heero passed by them, they were calling out to his for him to join them. Heero politely decline each and every one of them to join his parents and aunt at the head of the table. Dinner continued with his aunt pointing out characteristics and pointers on which candidate she thinks will be appealing to Heero. As she drone on and on and on. Heero's mind wonder back to what he would have been doing if he went on his date with Duo instead of coming here. He sighs to himself wishing he was with Duo. At lease it would have been fun and not boring listening to his aunt drone or feeling like a piece of meat.
They were about to have dessert when the bickering at the middle of the table broke out into duel. Two groups of witches and warlocks were throwing spells, curses and china at each other. The hall was erupting with sparks and smoke. At first others were trying to break up the fight, but getting hit by stray spells one too many times, those people began to join in the fight too. All too soon, the floor were littered with unlucky people hit with stun spells, transfiguration spells, and a variety of curses.
Heero had took the opportunity to flee unnoticed during the commotion. Arriving home Heero dropped on to the sofa tired from the nights events. Eyes closed to rest, he was surprised when someone came up from behind and covered his eyes with their hands.
“Guess who?” someone whispered to his ear.
Since its Halloween, I thought I might as well make update this for the occasion and since it's been sometime since I've updated on this.
I hope its enjoyable. Un-beta so forgive me for any mistakes.
Happy Halloween!!