Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Yaoi Challenge Reply: You've Got A Friend in Me ❯ The Challenge ( Prologue )

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The Challenge


Its A Yaoi Fanfic Challenge

Author: goddess no tears

A Yaoi Fanfic Challenge

-Hey its me, well I've noticed that a lot of fanfic challenges are

going on right now, and so I couldn't help but make my own.

Most challenges are about straight couples,

but I'm a fan of Yaoi [tho I don't write yaoi fics]

and there's not much fanfics around with yaoi.-


Some thoughts:

- Yaoi [duh!] Any couples are fine.

You can even make the couples non tradional

(ex: Heero & Trowa, Quatre & Wufei).

/a lot of people like couples like that. Its always nice for a change!

My favorite yaoi couple is Duo and Wufei [5x2, 2x5 always!] /

- It can be a dark, humor, romance and/or mystery fic.

- Bashing? That's fine with me! lol..but please, don't be too harsh!


(Use these quotes in your story somewhere and be creative.)

1. "How the heck did I end up with gum in my hair?(!)"

2. "Wait...why is there only crackers in the refridge?

Where'd all the food go?"

3. "Ahh, the night is so beautiful. Hey what is that over there?"

4. "Here's some advice, never...I mean never do that ever again!"

~Yeah that's about it! I hope you guys are up to the challenge,

I know its pretty hard and all, but I know the stories will be great!

Just wanna thank all you people who read my first fic and reviewed!

You guys are the best.~