Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ A Ham Ham Getaway ❯ It's Magic! ( Chapter 1 )

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A Ham Ham Getaway: Meet the Ham Hams

By Ryouga's best friend

A/N- Well I managed to think up a way to continue the story (yah!). The story where Hamtaro's owner, Laura, gets swept up into a hamster's world for a weekend. This is part two, The wish comes into effect and that's when the real fun begins…

Laura awoke the next morning feeling refreshed since she could wake up later, it not being a school day. She sat up and stretched glancing over to the window, * a nice sunny day * she thought happily. She than frowned * too bad I'll be spend 3 hours of it on a bus * she mentally sighed as she swung her legs over the side of the bed and on to the floor. She glanced down to the cage on the floor to see Hamtaro scampering about happily, just the sight cheered her up immensely. "Morning Hamtaro" she greeted as she began to dress.

* Good morning * he replied mentally running to the front of the cage.

"I'll be away for the weekend so I don't want you to be trouble for mom and dad. I wish you could come too but you know Jamie's allergies and all" she explained genuinely sorry. After finishing she knelt down next to the cage.

* It's okay Laura I'll have the Ham hams to keep me company, you just have fun * he assured her even though he knew she didn't understand him. Though none the less she caught his understanding vibe and cheered up again. On that up note she said her good-byes to her family and hamster and left for the bus carrying her overnight bag. Hamatro waited for Laura's parents to head off before slinking away to the clubhouse…

* * * * *

Laura took a shortcut to pass through the park to get to her stop admiring the foliage and flowers. The sun working it's way through the late morning sky, in general a very beautiful day. The park was basically empty save a few early morning joggers leaving it in an odd kind of silence.

The stone in the front pouch of her overnight bag began to glow, catching the attention of the young girl. "Hmm.. That's odd. I don't remember putting any green lights in that pouch." Stopping to the side of the path she knelt down and opened the pouch. Light flooded out enveloping everything within five feet of the bag. Laura was so shocked she couldn't bring herself to scream, her entire body tingled with pins and needles feeling of numbness. Blinded and dizzy the girl began to stumble, trying to escape the dome of light. She tripped over an exposed root falling limply on the ground unconscious. The stone disappeared in an explosion leaving a shower of green sparkles. Laura's clothes dissolved and were instead replaced with a fine layer of fur matching her hair. Her form slowly shrank, fingers becoming paws, ears moving to the top of her head whiskers spouting from the sides of her nose… the end result a small brown hamster with yellow butterfly clips in her hair and a hamster sized duffel bag laying next to a large familiar tree.

* * * * *

"Hello, are you alright?" a worried female voice echoed through Laura's subconscious. She had a tremendous headache, which pounded along with the steady beating of her heart. * I feel like a bus hit me * she answered mentally allowing a small moan to get through. "Penelope, get the others we need to get her inside" the same voice continued a bit farther away.

"Oookyou!" a much younger sounding girl… replied?

A few moments later Laura felt herself lifted off the ground by several people amidst various sounds of concern. She could tell through her eyelids that they had entered a darker area, somewhere indoors. * I didn't know anyone lived in the park * the thought puzzled her for a moment, but she allowed it to drop. Eventually she was placed down on a soft bed of straw… or was it hay. She felt the touch of another person checking her pulse.

"Is she like, going to be okay Maxwell?" another girl asked reluctantly.

"Should be" a male voice responded calmly, "I mean besides the bump on her forehead she seems fine. She just needs some rest" there were many noises of acknowledgement and footsteps reseeding. The voices continued to converse in the distance but Laura could not make any of it out. Many moments passed before her pounding head dampened enough for her to open her eyes. When they first fluttered open her vision remained too blurry for her to really make anything out. A figure that was hovering over her turned and shouted.

"She's Awake!" It was the same girl who had originally found her in the park. Her fuzzy vision slowly began to clear as several more people appeared over her. Soon revealing their stout frames, large nosed, bright and colorful fur… * FUR?! *. Laura screamed and recoiled until her back was against the wall. She had a clear view of her company now, she was in a fairly large underground house full of talking hamsters.

"There's no need to be scared. We're not going to hurt you." The calm male voice came from a brown hamster carrying a green book under his arm. * This can't be happening, hamsters can't talk * She rationalized mentally her body still tense, her nose twitching with anxiety, and fur standing on end. * Huh?! * She glanced down at herself to she her body covered with soft light brown fur. * Ah! Now I know this can't be real. I must be dreaming… That's right I had a dream like this when I feel asleep in the park a while back. * The thought calmed her immensely.

"S-sorry," she managed to apologize despite this odd predicament. "You just startled me that's all. Um, Where am I?" she asked her first honest question.

"You're at the Ham Ham clubhouse" A nasally voice stated from the ground floor. A large white and gray hamster stood clutching a sunflower seed in his paws. * Oxnard? * She thought to herself in surprise.

"Ham Hams?" she asked confused.

"Yeah, we're like all of the hamsters in town." A tiger striped girl hamster replied. "So we come here an hang out together," Laura squinted she knew she had seen that hamster before… that was Hillary's hamster Sandy. The girl turned hamster scanned the other hamsters recognizing two others that belonged to her friends Kylie and June.

"Wow" she found herself saying, more in context to her observations than the answer to her question.

"Oui, but we have never seen you around before" an albino hamster asked with a French accent.

"Oh, my names Laura" she replied without thinking.

"Really?" An exuberant voice came from a few steps down on the staircase. "My owner's name is Laura, what are the odds of that?" He continued excited. She managed to catch a glance at the orange and white hamster she knew so well.

"H-hamtaro…" She stuttered quietly, not expecting him to be there. She didn't even notice him.

"So Laura why don't you come down to the table and tells about yourself?" Pashmina offered a hand up, which she reluctantly accepted.

"Okay" she replied as she came to her wobbly feet pitching forward almost falling down the stairs but ended up falling into the arms of another hamster only hitting her knee. "I guess I'm still a little dizzy" she looked up to the hamster who caught her feeling a bit embarrassed.

"No problem." Hamtaro's high tenor voice replied, * he's taller than I am… * the girl turned hamster noticed in idle observation. Pashmina covered her mouth with her free hand.

"I'm so sorry Laura, are you okay?"

"I'm fine I just hit me knee is all," her injury stinging ever so slightly. * I thought you couldn't get hurt in a dream. * She wondered spying a quick glance at her furry knee. She was led to the round table where she took a seat a top a sturdy wooden stool. Her brown eyes falling from hamster to hamster as they introduced themselves. Howdy, Dexter, Stan Sandy, Maxwell, Pashmina, Penelope, Cappy, Oxnard, Panda, Boss, Bijou and of course Hamtaro; some she knew others were a complete mystery. "Wow… I didn't think hamsters got together like this. I mean so many of you" She stated honestly.

"What about you Laura?" asked a curious Pashmina

"Ah, me?"

" Yes what iz your owner like?" Bijou continued. Laura paused for a long time trying to think of something to say. *What should I say, what should I say? *

"My owner is a very nice guy, very athletic and always so kind to me" she described the first person who came to mind, Travis. "But, ah, he's away for a while so I'm doing some exploring" she added hastily to her alibi. Hamtaro beamed barely containing his excitement.

"I love exploring!" he exclaimed. Laura could help but smile a bit, this is just the way she pictured her pet. "Have you every been to acorn mountain?"

"Acorn Mountain?" a puzzled Laura queried.

"Yes, it's a great place to hang out," Sandy spoke up.

"We were on our way there when Pashmina found you" Panda added.

"Do you want to come with us?" the scarfed ham suggested, the others booming in agreement. Laura was at first unsure but eventually agreed. The hams gathered their things and headed out Laura leaving the room last. Before she left she heard a sleepy voice drift from an elevated platform in the clubhouse.

"It's not a dream… it's magic…Zu zu zu." The human turned hamster froze and turned. There was another hamster she hadn't noticed before. Sleeping in a sock on one of the upper floors. She ran up the stairs trying to ignore the pain in her head and knee. * This had to be a dream, there's no other explanation * she thought franticly. Lying next to the prone hamster was a hastily scrawled note. It read:


I apologize for the mix up in your wish. There were some… technical difficulties. The Stone has transformed you into a hamster as you've probably already noticed but it should wear off in a few days, I'll make it up to you.

Your deity,

The Marvelous Urd


* * * * *

Back at Laura's house her mother and father began to worry, "She should have called by now" her mother fretted. "She should have arrived hours ago, I hope nothings happened to her."

"Oh don't worry so much I'm sure she's just wrapped up in a good time and it slipped her mind" he replied rationally. He head into the kitchen, "I'll just call Jennie's house to see if she's there." Humming he slowly made his way around the island and to the phone, just before his hand touched it there was a loud ~Bring~. Surprised he let it ring again before answering. "Hello?"

"Hey dad" Laura's voice greeted from the other line.

"Laura, how odd I was just about to call you"

"Really?" she questioned, "well I just wanted to check in. I'm sorry I didn't call earlier."

"Oh it's okay Pumpkin, as long as we know you're all right"

"Well I have to get going, tell mom I said hi"

"Don't worry I will" he waited for the other line to hang up first before putting the phone down. "What did I tell you honey? She just got excited seeing her friends" he returned to his chair and began to read.

* * * * *

Outside perched a top a telephone pole sat the strangely dressed woman Urd, a fancy phone in her hand attached directly to the phone line. "That should cover the girl's disappearance. That was close," the sound of relief was reflected by her voice. She had almost missed the call when she put that note in the hamster clubhouse. "This is far too much work for one mistake. Next time I'll stick to the rulebook," she grumbled slightly as she disappeared into a puff of white smoke.

To be continued…

AN- well there is part 2. Sorry it was a bit sloppy plot wise, I promise the next part will be much better. This was mainly to tie up the lose ends and not to advance the plot anyway.

Preview to part 3- Laura enjoys a day of fun with the Ham Hams. There's cat attacks, a Cave party and confused feelings in the next Ham Ham Getaway.