Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ A Ham Ham Getaway ❯ A Ham Ham Picnic ( Chapter 2 )

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A Ham Ham Getaway: A Ham Ham Picnic

By Ryouga's best friend

A/N- And the so the story continues(yah!). The story where Hamtaro's owner, Laura, gets swept up into a hamster's world for a weekend. This is part three, The ham hams are spending the day up at Acorn Mountain, but there are unexpected events…


* * - Thoughts

The sun was high in the sky as the Ham hams hiked along the path toward Acorn Mountain. Laura couldn't help but feel she had been here before but couldn't place it, it was so hard to tell being about a tenth of her size. After a few minutes she gave up and turned her attention to companions. They all hiked along with a contagious happy demeanor, chatting amongst themselves. She had remained quiet for the most part distracted by the disturbing message she had received shortly before leaving. * I'm not dreaming. I've really been turned into a hamster, and I have no idea when I'll turn back… * She placed her hands behind her head and looked at the leaves high above.

"And were here" Boss announced loud enough to break her from her funk. The hamsters set down their packs in the small clearing. Pashmina and Bijou set up a pic nic blanket. The boys went out and gathered up some nuts and such, leaving the girls to have a moment alone. Laura almost didn't notice when the others joined her under a very tall oak tree.

"You look down," Sandy said straight away.

"Oui, was iz the matter?" They all looked really worried. Laura wasn't sure what to do, she couldn't tell them the truth. At least not directly…

"It's kinda of complicated," she began. * That's the truth *. The others waited patiently for her to elaborate. "Well… I've never really been around other hamsters before." * Not like this anyway *. "It's really awkward…"

"Why did you say so earlier?" Pashmina asked as the worry vanished. Laura felt herself blush and twiddle her thumbs. *I didn't even know hamster COULD blush* she thought half amused.

"Everything happened so quickly… I just kind of went with it," She continued in a quiet voice. She felt a paw on her shoulder, it was Sandy.

"I think we can, like, slow down some. Right ladies." She glanced up at the other Ham-girls.



"Thanks guys that's really nice of you…"

"No worries. Besides we Ham hams must stick together, no?" Bijou directed the question to the former human who felt more than a little awkward agreeing. Though the day began to pick up from there…

* * * * *

After everyone unpacked a game of soccer began, the boys split into two groups of 4 with Maxwell acting as Referee. The girls cheered excitedly from the sidelines, even Laura got in the spirit of things after being stunned that hamsters could play soccer. She was strangely proud that Hamtaro scored two goals and cheered that much more when he succeeded. Though the team of Stan, Cappy, Howdy and Dexter seized the day both teams had fun… which in the end is all that mattered. After that came Oxnard's favorite part, Lunch! They had a picnic lunch of seeds, nuts and popcorn. Maxwell and Sandy sat together a little ways from the others just enjoying each other's company as the others chatted. Though Sandy thought back to her earlier conversation with Laura and let out a small sigh. Maxwell squeezed her paw with boyfriendly concern.

"Something wrong?"

"Oh, nothing really. Just Laura, she told me she has never been around other hams before. It's kinda sad when you think about it."

"Yes… But I that would explain things." Sandy turned to face her boyfriend with a confused 'He ki?' "Well I've notice she doesn't act like most hamsters, even house hams like Bijou. She looks at everything like she's seeing it for the first time," he stated glancing briefly toward the others. Sandy looked thoughtful as she digested his observation.

"Now that you like mention it she doesn't talk much like a ham either…" also turning her attention to the other hams. They were currently in a round of booing at Howdy's last "Joke". Laura was nestled between Pashmina and Hamtaro looking a bit perplexed.

"I wonder…" Maxwell trailed of deep in thought. High above two yellow eyes flashed in the shadows of a low hanging branch, both fixed on the party of rodents. With a low "Mew" the cat began to work it's way down for its lunch…

* * * * *

"Ah come on people. You hams have no sense of humor" Howdy grumbled among sporadic boos. After a moment conversation began anew Dexter took advantage of Howdy's pouting and began chatting up Pashmina, quickly followed by Stan, and Boss stuttered and stammered to Bijou who smiled through it all. That left Hamtaro, Oxnard, Panda, Cappy and Laura to their own little circle. Laura remained quiet and merely listened to the others rattle on about their days, until a topic directly effecting her arose.

"So Hamtaro" Panda began, "I heard your owner is gone the next few days?" Hamtaro's mood went from exuberant to mild in an instant.

"Yeah, one of her friends is illergect…whatever that is… so I couldn't go."

"That's rough man," Oxnard said after munching down another sunflower seed. "But you know Laura would brought if she could."

"I know Oxy, I just miss 'er is all." He let out a small sigh that gave a stab to Laura's heart.

"I don't know." Howdy drawled, still a little bitter at being booed so enthusiastically. "Excuses are always the first signs…" he paused for dramatic tension.

"The first signs of what?!" Hamtaro nearly shouted. Howdy's eyes flashed.

"Of Desertion!" he shouted leaving an ominous echo.

"Dessert? But we just had lunch," a confused Hamtaro stated. Howdy smacked his forehead.

"Not desert ya fool, desertion. Leaving you behind!" he shouted.

"Laura would never do that… would she?" Hamtaro sounded on the verge of tears. The girl in question had past angry and went straight to enraged. She found herself standing with fists clenched.

"That is a horrible thing to say! I- She would never do something like that!" Howdy jumped back at the sudden explosion from the previously silent girl ham. Hamtaro looked over at her in surprise.

"Laura?" after a moment it sank in. "Your right how could you say that about my Laura." Now Hamtaro wasn't all the angry with Howdy, but he did feel he overstepped a boundary. The ham in question was very nervous as the girl ham continued to level an angry glare.

"I didn't mean nothin' by it. I was just getting back at him for booin' me. I'm sorry." Laura reluctantly took the apology that was not actually directed at her. Cappy swallowed and pulled his green cap over his eyes.

"She's scary when she's mad…" Panda merely nodded in agreement. Just as things calmed a cry rang out.

"Maxy lookout!"

to be continued…

A/N: Finally updated! Yahoooo! It's a bit shorter than I planned but I figured this would make a good cliff hanger. The next part is in the making "The Cat and The Cave" and will include what would originally be in this part. Look forward to some action, adventure and a dash of romance. Till next time!