Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ A Ham Ham Getaway ❯ The Cat and the Cave ( Chapter 3 )

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A Ham Ham Getaway: The Cat and The CaveRyouga's best friend

AN- The Madness continues! This is slowly becoming my most popular work and I'd like to take this moment to thank everyone that read and reviewed.
Anti-blast, Black Mistress, Light Sneasel, Martial Arts Master, Lauren, HyperKatz, Entricita, LigerZeroUnit, Aumari Slyverblade the Cat, CTRNikkiM, Alex Warlorn, seadragon1012, AeroShamu, T'laren, Kara Carne, MajorBrendon, Nimmi, Drager, Safire Ranmako, Sudz, Moogle64, and anyone else I missed YOU GUYS ROCK!!! (Gives them all 100 point badges)

Anyway back to my notes. This next chapter is full of action, with a dash of drama and some mixed up romance. Urd (from Oh! My Goddess) returns for another cameo though this time there's even a little bit with Keiichi and her sisters Belldandy and Skuld. Nonetheless On with the Fic!

"Maxy lookout!"

The Ham hams turned to see Sandy and Maxwell barely tumble out of the way from the pounce of a large cat. His slightly chubby frame was cover with shaggy, brown hair striped with black. His eyes were two different colors, one yellow and the other blue. Though both were focused on the hamster couple at his feet that cowed to his low growl.

Laura was in complete shock. At her present size the feline towered over her. She knew he wanted to eat all of them that thought terrified her and shook her to the bone. The hunger in its eyes devoured any courage she had and nullified the traditional flight reaction leaving her frozen.

The Cat inched ever closer to Sandy and Maxwell. The pair entwined their paws and shut their eyes. "I love you Sandy."

"I love you too Maxwell." The beast's paw came up and then 'Thwack!' An acorn nailed the cat right between the eyes causing it to stumble back.

"Stay away from my sister you creep!" Stan exclaimed shaking a clenched paw. The formerly trapped hamsters took this opportunity to join the others.

"Now's our chance everyone, this way!" Boss commanded. There was no argument as the others rushed as fast as their paws could carry them. The fled higher up till escape came into sight. A small cave, probably abandoned by some other wild rodents, was dug into the hillside. "Quick to the cave, we can lay low there until the cat leaves."

"Wait" Pashmina's concerned voice caught everyone's attention. "Where's Laura?"

"She must still be down with the cat." Cappy stated nervously. Without a second thought Hamtaro started to sprint back to their picnic spot.

"You guys head for the cave, I'll catch up," he shouted back.

"No Hamtaro. Don't be a hero!" Bijou wailed. Boss placed a paw gently on her shoulder.

"Come on Bijou," She reluctantly complied. They, along with the others, headed into the cave to wait.

* * * * *
Laura didn't move or even scream as the cat casually approached. He loomed over her, both eyes sparkling with malice. She had never been more afraid in her life. * He's really going to eat me *.

"Ooopa!" The now familiar voice of Hamtaro trumpeted as he jumped through the air, landing right on the cat's face. "You leave Laura alone," he bit into the cat's tender nose. The cat recoiled with a painful howl. The hamster practically bounced to the ground and grabbed her paw. "Come on, this way," He gently tugged her in the right direction and they were off. She didn't even know she was running until they were almost there. She glanced back to see the last thing she wanted a very angry feline. She let out a shrill scream as they almost dived into a small cave of dirt with the cat right at their heels. They tumbled and rolled until they lay at the feet of the others in a tangled heap, exhausted.