Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Flare and The Two Shards ❯ The Valley of the Dark Spirits ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Here's Chapter 7

Chapter 7: The Valley of the Dark Spirits (Part 2 of 2)

Matthew, Chaos, Zeena, and Sparkle are on a train headed to the Valley of the Dark Spirits. Chaos was with Sparkle. Matthew and Zeena were in separate rooms in Matthew's room

Matthew-so, we take this spot, then this path, go through here, and beat the Dark Bandits by 15 miles. Perfect. As long as nothing happens

Matthew leaves his room

Matthew-I wonder how Zeena's doing?

Matthew goes into Zeena's room


Zeena-oh, hey Matt. Come on in


Matthew sits on her bed

Matthew-You worried about the others

Zeena-maybe. But can I tell you something?


Zeena-i have this crush on a certain someone

Matthew-who (Please say Matt, Please say Matt, Please Say Matt!!!!)?

Zeena-there's this hamster i like...his name is Stan


Zeena-ever since we met, I've had this crush on him. I'm afraid to let it out

Matthew-Blade told me he's such a ladies man. He says all the girls want him

Zeena-well, he'll probably like me

Matthew-yeah, well, gotta get going

Matthew leaves and goes back into his room



Dagger-we're here!

Blade-everyone ready



Travis-I think so

Blade-ok, let's move on

Blade and co. arrive in a village called Terra Village

Blade-so this is Terra Village

Laura-this is a Hamster town also

Blade-yep, but we need to pass through here to get to the valley. Hopefully, Matt and the others are ahead

Blade and co. keep moving

???-psst, hey

Laura look at a Hamster in a light brown suit


???-you know a guy named Blade

Laura-yeah, why

???-bring him to me

Laura-who are you?

Laura-bring him to where I am, and I'll tell you


Laura runs to Blade



Laura-someone wants to see you

Blade-someone wants to see me?

Laura-yeah, he's over here

Laura brings Blade to the Hamster

???-so your Blade

Blade-yeah (his voice sounds so familiar)

???-I must warn you, there's a tale that there's a grave keeper in the graveyard beyond this town. They say, he stabs them with his scythe, and keeps their organs

Laura and Kana-EWWWWW!!!!!

???-but it gets worse. He takes their souls and burns their body

someone then Smacks the Hamster over his head and falls on the ground

Hamster-you moron, you were supposed to help them, not scare them

Blade-Seung Mina!

Seung Mina-hey Blade, long time no see

Blade-then he must be

???-oww, what was that for?!?!

Seung Mina-if your going to help him, try not to make them afraid

???-I was joking

Laura-so it's not true


Blade-I'm guessing your Daniel, am I correct

Daniel-ok, sorry I scared you. I bet some of you are going to have nightmares from what I just said


Seung Mina-that went perfect

Daniel-I tried my best

Blade-so, why are you here

Daniel-you have to avoid the Graveyard

Blade-but on the path we're going, we have no choice but to go through

Daniel-ok, but be very careful

Blade-will do

Daniel-ummm one more thing....can we come with you?

Blade-sure, the more the merrier


Seung Mina-thank you

Blade-no problem


Matthew-well, here we are

Matthew and co arrive in Terra Village, where Blade is

Chaos-the exit of this village will lead us into the Valley

Sparkle-well, let's go then

Matthew-hold up! We still have to get Information about the Ice Shard and the Water Shard


Matthew-(I wonder if Blade's here too)

they go to the Inn

Innkeeper-welcome, do you wish to stay here

Matthew-not really, we just came to ask a question


Matthew-did anyone named Blade come in here

Innkeeper-sorry, but no

Matthew-i guess he's not in this village

Back to Blade

Blade-now that we have everything, let's go


Blade-to the Valley of the Dark Spirits

Seung Mina-doesn't sound too pleasant

Blade-yeah, we have to pass the Graveyard in this place

Laura-I hope Daniel's story isn't true

Daniel-don't worry, it's not


Daniel-but the Grave Keeper part is


Blade-let's go then

To Be Continued

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