Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Love Battles on the Floor ❯ Chapter 2

[ A - All Readers ]

Something for the readers: First off, big tinky to Miri-chan. If you're reading this, here's where you get your say. Second, I tried to write this in story-script form (which is how a normally write these things), but it didn't work out. Noooo problem, we writers adapt to stuff like this. Third, it took a bit of research for these next chaps, so nobody get mad. Finally, lemme know what y'all think by (keep) sending in your words to me. Now on with the program.

The next day, Boss was as happy as a clam, mainly because he slept well last night thinking about Bijou and how to win her heart. Nothing's gonna keep me from Bijou today, he thought to himself. Everything's going to go my way.... Boss kicked back at the table and waited for the rest of the gang to arrive, enjoying the silence of the day. "I wonder if these classes will be a lot of work..." he told himself. "No matter, It will be worth it to make Bijou all mine after today. Then no one will take her from me, not even Hamtaro. Hah, ha ha ha."

"Don't stop dancing, Boss. Zu, zu, zu..." Snoozer puts in his two seeds.

"Believe me Snooze, I will... with Bijou by my side... hee hee!"

Maxwell was the first to arrive at the clubhouse, with binder in hand. "Hey Boss, are you ready for today's lessons?" he asked.

"More than ready." Boss answered.

"Good, because the lessons I have here are great ones."

"Will there be any contact?"

"Dancing requires contact, at least these do."

Pashmina, Penelope and Miri arrived next, and Dexter soon after. Once he had Pashmina in his sights, Dexter wasted little time. "Did you sleep well, my darling?" he asked.

"Not right now Dexter, the hour's too early." Pashmina answered.

Dexter was hurt. He just got there and was already shot down. "I'll ask again later."

"Hey what am I, chopped liver?" Miri asked.

"Of course not, you're sweet like dew." this of course came from Stan. "I'm ready to give you ladies a lesson you will never forget."

"I can't step in for two seconds and you're already doing that casanova crap?" Sandy retorted. "Like, get a grip."

"Don't start hounding me, sis. It's too early."

"Don't you love siblings?" Dexter asked.

"Siblings always fight each other," said Snoozer. "It's how they say they care...." and back to sleep he went.

Once everyone got there, the hams went outside. After that, Maxwell and Stan took center stage and started the class. "Okay peeps, here's how it's gonna work," Stan began. "I know that there aren't that many girls around, so they will choose whom to practice with. So let's respect the decision of the ladies and not get mad. Hopefully, this time won't be like last time when somebody ruined the day for us. I won't mention any names, but you know who you are."

Everyone turned to Dexter and Howdy, "What?!" they said in unison.

"Okay, now let's let the girls choose their practice partners." said Maxwell. "Just remember though, some of the guys are going to pair up as well."

"Do we have to practice with a partner?" asked Pashmina.

"Okwee?" Penelope adds in.

"Not really," answered Maxwell, "but it would be more fun that way."

"Well come on Maxy, let's like... cut some rug already." Sandy said, half excited, half impatient.


After the pairs were made, the lessons began. Obviously, Sandy decides to dance with her teacher/favorite ham Maxwell, Oxnard and Pepper, but there were some odd mixes as well. For one, the two rivals ended up dancing with each other and neither were happy with it. But at least their "target" wasn't dancing with the other. "Don't touch me." said Dexter.

"Fine, I won't." said Howdy. "Don't touch me either."

"That's part of the plan."

"You're not too bad of a dancer." said Pepper.

"Thanks," said Oxnard, but then admits, "in truth, I'm trying not to step on you."

"You're doing a good job."

The oddest couple, which caught a lot of attention, was Stan dancing with Bijou. Boss of course was slightly ticked about this decision, but decided to keep a cool head... and an eye on the couple. Just let it slide, Boss. he thought, save your strengths for the right moment. Panda and Miri was the carefree couple. Miri chose him off the top of her head and Panda was just happy that he didn't have to dance with one of the guys. Pashmina just acted like she was taking lessons. Being able to convince the teachers that she could learn through watching, she dodged the bullet known as dancing. "Okwee, Okwee!" cried Penelope.

"You can go and dance, Penelope." Pashmina said. "Don't let me stop you."

"Ok-weeee!" tugging away at Pashmina.

"No, I'm not in the mood for dancing. But you go on and do your thing, I wouldn't want you to have to sit out because of me."

"Ok-yooo!!" so off Penelope went sadly.

But it wasn't for long, "I'll dance with you Penelope." said Cappy, who had been dancing alone.

"Okwee!" Penelope cried happily.

Hamtaro, who was dancing alone near Boss, noticed Pashmina sitting by herself and decided to dance over to her, "Are you tired of dancing, Pashmina?" he asked.

"No, that's not it." Pashmina answered. "I just don't want to dance."

"Why not?"

"I just don't want to, okay?"

"You're just sensitive about what the rest of us will say. C'mon and join us, I'll even dance with you so you won't be alone."


"You'll never know how you'll do unless you try."


Too late, Hamtaro dragged Pashmina into dancing, making her slightly embarrassed. "You'll thank me later." Hamtaro whispered to her. This turn of events brought some eyes towards them, Hmf, Good. Now someone else has to worry about him. thought Boss, Now if Stan were only that easy.

"Great, now we have Hamtaro to deal with." said Howdy.

"I guess so." Dexter adds in.

I knew I should've danced with him. thought Bijou sadly, but zen again, I don't want Boss to have a cow. Even zough I believe he's hiding it with me being with Stan. Next time, I dance by myself, so no one gets mad.

"Hey babe, what's wrong?" asked Stan.

"I'm trying so hard not to make Boss angry." Bijou answered.

Afterwhile, lunch came around and everyone chows down on their favorites. "Dancing sure works up an appetite." said Oxnard.

"It sure does," adds Cappy. "And by the way we were moving, we deserve it."

"It's actually quite fun, too." says Hamtaro.

"Don't get your hopes up on stealing Pashmina from me," said Dexter. "I'm going to see that you don't get far."

"And I'm going to see that you two don't get far." says Howdy.

"Hey Howdy, that's a new apron you got on."

"Of course it is, four-eyes. This is my 'step to it' apron."

Howdy's apron was blue and had multicolored footprints on it. "Interesting." said Hamtaro.

"Today was really going great, Max." said Stan. "The lessons were easily taught and learned."

"That's right, Stan." Maxwell agreed. "After lunch, the rest of the lessons are going to be great."

"Bijou, this is a great day, huh?" Boss asked.

"Magnifique." Bijou answered. "The dances were great, just like ze food. Now if we only had some music for it all..."

"Yeah." said the rest.

"Okyoo." said Penelope.

Suddenly... "Hey, where's that sound coming from?" asked Panda.

"I hear it too," said Hamtaro. "Hiff, hiff, and it comes with a smell."

"Say what?" said Maxwell and Stan.

"This way!"

Hamtaro and the hams followed the scent and the music and were amazed at what they found.