Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Stings Strikes Back ❯ Stings Returns ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Here's Part 5, Some of the characters that appeared in part 2 will return

Disclaimer: I do not own Hamtaro, Ritsuko Kawai does. I do not own Chaos, Ziggy, Mitsurugi, or Seung Mina, Namco Does. I do not Own any of the DC members, Yami Hamtaro does. I do own, Bolt, Isaru, Daniel, Matthew, Blade, Dagger, Isaru's Crew, Yusuke, and Certain Future Characters

Chapter 1: Stings Returns

It was a clear day outside, no clouds in the sky. We now see Isaru walking to a building in the road

Isaru-I wonder what that is?

Isaru walks up to the Building, there was a sign that said "Saffron's Bar"

Isaru-A Bar. I am getting kinda hungry

Isaru enters the bar, I wasn't crowded. There were only 5 or 6 people there. Isaru goes up to the Bartender, Saffron

Saffron-Welcome. how may I help you?

Isaru-I'd like a Sunflower Shake Please

Saffron-Coming right up

Isaru Waited for his Shake

???-hey, Alice. Isn't that Isaru? The kid that hangs out with Blade?

Alice-yeah, Bulky told us he beat him

???-hard to believe that a Squirt like him could beat a Strong Hamster like Bulky

Alice-yeah, but he's no match for Cyborg, right Morph

Morph-yep. Let's have a word with our winner here

they both go up to Isaru and Sit Between him

Isaru-Can I help you two?

Alice-we heard that you were able to defeat Bulky

Isaru-yep, sure did

Morph-well, we think that we need to teach you a lesson about hurting our buddy

Isaru-you two goons work for the Dark Circle

Saffron comes back

Saffron-here you go


Isaru begins Drinking

Morph-yeah, whatcha gonna do about it

Isaru-I dunno, Maybe arrest your Master

Alice-do that and you'll pay

Isaru-If Bulky couldn't beat me, what makes you think you'll beat me?

Alice-you asking for a fight

Isaru-sure am

Morph-then let's go

Saffron-take it outside

Isaru-make sure no one touches my drink



Alice-you ready

Alice and Morph had their Staves

Isaru-yep, I'm ready

Isaru had his Nunchaku

Morph and Alice-Let's go

meanwhile, at Dark Bandit HQ

Duriel-how's our Machine coming?

Worker 1-good sir, just a few more adjustments


Bolt-Master, what does this thing do?

Duriel-this is a Portal Machine that leads to The Realm of No Return

Bolt-what are you going to do there?

Duriel-i'm going to revive Stings, and send him to destroy Blade

Bolt-will it work?


Bolt-well, we'll reset the Portal just incase it closes


Worker 2-it's done

Duriel-excellent, set it to The Realm of No Return

Worker 1-yes sir

the portal opens

Duriel-wish me luck

Bolt-come back alive

Duriel-i'm always alive

Duriel enters the portal

meanwhile in the Realm of No Return

Stings-Master.....why did I have to Lose to Harmony. I should have taken her out first. I wish I could Escape this Place

???-then your in Luck

Stings-who's there

Stings then sees a shadow of Duriel

Stings-who are you?

Duriel-come, your Master is waiting

Stings-you can get me out of here

Duriel-sure can

Stings-thank you

Duriels eyes Glow

Stings-what's tha......

Stings collapses

Duriel-sorry about that

Meanwhile at the Bar

Isaru-Phew, glad that's over

we now see Alice and Morph brutaly beaten by Isaru. Isaru goes back into the bar and finishes his drink, then someone comes in

???-excuse me, Isaru


It was Yuko, he was a yellow Hamster with a white stipe on his belly

Yuko-we have a bit of a Problem

Isaru-what is it

Yuko-can we talk in Private

To Be Continued

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