Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ tournament of fate ❯ Round 3 ( Chapter 11 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Here's chapter 11

chapter 11: round 3

naemond was sent to the hospital wing, so far Span and Naemond were disqualified for loss in the tournament. Now everyone except Naemond was at the Breifing room

Joseph-welcome back everyone, so far 2 people were disqualified, let's move on

the randomizer took off Patrick and Naemond

joseph-let's continue

the randomizer starts again

Joseph-the first Battler is....

the randomizer stops on Bulky

Joseph-bulky is the next combatant in the tournament

Bulky-awesome, i can't wait to take someone down HARD!!!!

Joseph-uh...yeah...anyway, begin again

the randomizer starts again

Joseph-the next Battler is....

it stops on Isaru

Joseph-Isaru is the next battler in round 3

Bulky-oh yeah, time to ruin your life

Isaru-yeah....woo-hoo (geez....just my luck)

Joseph-all battlers report to the arena immediately

bulky and Isaru went to the arena, the others followed

at the arena

Joseph-both battlers ready


Isaru- * nervous* ready

bulky's ax had a large split in it going half way thorugh the entire tip


bulky made the first shot

Bulky-prepare to die

Isaru-oh no

Isaru get's hit, doesn't do a lot of damage though

Isaru-agh.....uhhh...that's it

Isaru makes an attack, but bulky deflects the attack

Bulky-man, your such a weakling

Bulky throws him high in the air, then comes straight down


Blade-Isaru!!!! get up, please

Isaru doesn't move, he turns over on his back side

Bulky-let's end this

Bulky steps over to Isaru

Bulky-time to die

Bulky makes an attack


Isaru's eyes open and immediately dodges bulky's attack


Isaru appears behind Bulky

Bulky-how did he...

Isaru attacks


Bulky get's knocked down

Isaru-now who's the weakling?

Bulky-ok tough guy

Bulky attacks, but Isaru dodges

Isaru-time to end this

He launches his most powerful attack, Fury. He launches multiple strikes and finishes with a powerful Blast, sending him flying and landing behind him


Joseph-Round 3 is over, the winner is Isaru

Isaru-i did it, i actually did it.....ALRIGHT!!!!



Angel hugs him

Angel-oh Isaru, i knew you would win, i just knew it

Blade-way to go Isaru


Joseph-everyone report to the Breifing room

everyone is headed towards the Breifing room, then Blade stops

Dagger-what's wrong

Blade-i just noticed


Blade-about hamtaro....i think i met him before

Dagger-you did!!

Blade-Maybe.....wait a minute, i remember

A flashback begins,finding hamtaro locked in the dark circle castle while blade is escaping, he's a lot younger than before, and he didn't have laura has his owner

Blade-hey kid


Blade-need help

Hamtaro-yes, can you please help me

Blade-sure, hold on one second


blade runs over to his new friend

Blade-hey matthew


Blade-can i see that pencil of yours

Matthew-sure, *Matthew hands over the pencil to Blade* what for

Blade- i just need to help this kid out


Blade runs over to Hamtaro's cell and free's him

Hamtaro-thank you

Blade-no problem

Matthew-come with us, you need our help to escape


Blade-by the way, what's your name


Blade come with is Hamtaro


The flashback ends

Blade-now i remember, that time at the Dark Circle Castle

Dagger-you met him there

Blade-it looks that way

Dagger-don't worry about it, let's hurry


To Be Continued

this part of the Flashback will be in Part 4, plus Matthew's profile will be in part 4 also

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