Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ ~~Harry Potter Meets Vampire~~ ❯ (3) ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 3

I woke feeling refreshed. It had taken a lot out of me from refraining from killing the two boys. If I had been as heartless as my father and siblings then I might have killed them both without a thought. Good thing I wasn’t or Dumbledore would have had my head.
I looked down at the two boys that had unconsciously curled up at my sides while sleeping. They both looked like angels. I felt the marking on the Potter. It was the first time I had really marked someone. Usually I would kill my victims, so they couldn’t tell anyone about who I was. Plus, my father and family excepted me to be like them. A killing machine. If I was like them I would still be with them. From what I knew about the Potter family was little. They were highly respected for their kindness. Always helping others and never leaving a man behind. I had also heard that this Potter was part of a prophesy. Something about killing some great terrible guy. The vampire race was always ignoring the wizarding race completely. Unless they bothered us or something. We only used the humans around us as tools and food. Sadly enough for the Potter family, this boy was one of the only Potters left. The others had somehow been killed off. But I’m sure that he had family from the other side of his family to take care of him.
For the Malfoy’s case. I’m sure he gets plenty attention from his family. Being the only heir too the pureblood Malfoy line. And his mother was also a Black. Two famous families. Very powerful families. This kid was going to one day become very, very rich. Oh yes. I remember now. The Potter line has one unusual trait to their male side. From what I’ve heard, the males in their family can bear children. Odd isn’t it? I wonder if anyone has told him yet… he would and should be very popular with both sexes already though. The kid has a face of a innocent child. Hard to believe he’s gotta kill someone later in his life.
I unwrapped my self carefully from the boys and went to bathe. I had a private bathroom, like all the rooms in this tower. I’m just guessing that Dumbledore had just put the onsen in here because he had heard I had lived in Japan for a while. I stepped in the shower making the water hot. Well, very hot. Since I’m part vampire and wolf demon. Only one part of me generates heat. So I become very cold most of the time. My wolf part of me craves the heat. Washing myself down I stepped out and wrapped a towel around my waist and took another to dry my hair.
I walked out of the bathroom to find the two boys sitting up looking around drowsily. I waved at them grinning when the caught sight of me. I saw them both blush and look away, and yet still not at each other. The walls told me that they hated each other since a encounter on the train here in their first year. It had lead to a series of taunts, glares, and pranks on each other.
I made a silent vow to myself to make those to like each other. At least a little bit.
“Like what you see boys?” I asked teasingly. I could see both of their faces bright up with heat. Laughing I went into my walk-in closet. I had talked with Dumbledore a while ago about clothes. He had given me some catalogs from some expensive clothing brands. I had picked out what I wanted and he bought them for me. What that man was up to I didn’t know.
I stepped into the view of my mirror that hung at the end of the walk-in. I had to say those many years in Hawaii did me well. My father had sent me there for almost half of my life, saying that it was as far away he could get me.
My tanned body was my pride and joy. I had spent countless hours tanning at my private manor. I could always feel the eyes of the neighboring ladies of the houses glued to my body. My father had always found it annoying that I had tanned myself. Saying that vampires were supposed to look like the dead. Not some dumb surfing jock. Every time I head those words come from his lips I nearly hexed him. Surfing was a wonderful sport. The people of the Hawaiian islands had made that sport. I had come to love it in my stay there.
My pitch black hair hung down my head all the way past my abdomen. It was one of the only things my father liked about me. My family was renowned for our beautiful hair and nice bodies.
On the other hand, my mothers family was known for their eyes. Mine were an odd color. Sliver. Nobody in history of my families had sliver eyes. I was the only one. But my mother said my eyes were most beautiful in the world. The shone through the darkest nights and was always noticed on the brightest days. But those were only about facial features. Both my families had pasts on other things.
I picked out a red t-shirt that was made of silk and had a hood. Ripped dark blue jeans and slippers(for you haoles(Caucasian, or someone who acts like one(sunburn)) out there slippers are flip flops). I didn’t really like shoes, much, ok not at all. My wolf demon in me says the less clothes the better. Plus the time in Hawaii had made me accustomed to wearing slippers.
I stuck my head out of the closet door to look at the two kids.
“You go, I go stay come.” I told them going back into the closet too look for my hat. I heard Harry ask.
‘I used pidgin again didn’t I?’ I cursed under my breath.
“Damn habits.” looking back out again I explained my earlier words.
“You guys go down stairs I’ll come in a sec. Sorry about that. Old habits die hard they say.” The two walked over to the door. Draco stopped before leaving and questioned me.
“Old habits?”
“Old habits indeed.” I said smiling. After looking though my wardrobe I gave up looking for my hat and went down stairs. I found the two looking around the common room, as they called it. I silently made my way over to Harry who hadn’t noticed my presences yet. Standing right behind him I breathed out on his neck.
“I’m guessing you both might want to see your friends for a bit, before we start lessons.” He jumped and faced me. His checks turned a cute pink.
“Y-yes I would like that.”
“K, we go then? Lead the way wonder boy.” I told him. He walked to the door leading out of the tower and tried to open it. But to my amusement he found it locked.
“You gotta unlock it boy.” I chuckled on the side. He gave me a questioning glance. I heard him mumble to himself.
“Yea, don’t you remember the password Dumbledore gave ya?” I said pulling my wand out.
“Lucifel.” The door clicked open. I pulled in my ears and hid my tail before going out. Malfoy followed us into the hall. As we were walking Malfoy asked me.
“Who or what is Lucifel?” I faced him while still walking.
“Lucifel is my goddess. She defied most laws in Eden. Making her a criminal. She had a child with her own twin brother, Michael. But she was also the lover of Raphael’s wife, Gabriel. But that was a secret. Raphael knew about their love too. It was him that suggested that if they got married no one would suspect that Lucifel and Gabriel were lovers. Raphael married Gabriel because he wanted to be royalty. By marring Gabriel he became a archangel. You see. Raphael and Michael secretly loved each other. But would tell no one, not even each other. Lucifel wanted for Raphael to steal Michael away from her. Lucifel is the God of Lust. She wanted to make Raphael submit to her. The two had fought for years during their high school years. Fighting for, well, Michael. But the twist is. Raphael and Lucifel’s love for Michael was forbidden. Neither of them could love Michael. Because Raphael was a guy, and Lucifel was Michael’s twin. Both of their love was against the law and was punishable by death. So in short, Lucifel is my God, the of Lust. If anyone defies her I’ll kill them.” I smiled showing my fangs. My story had an audience. Since I had kinda started when we had reached the Great Hall. When I finished some students were interested in the story. A girl with light brown hair cradling a large book questioned my story.

“How can Michael, one of the highest archangel do such a crime. Its impossible.”
“Ah, but you see. Know one knew of their love. Not even God himself. Lucifel had left God behind after she was kidnapped at a young age. The whole thing left her in a mess. She had then vowed that God was a bad man. He didn’t care for weak people. He treated everyone as equals. The good and bad. So she left God. Her brother, Michael, was the one that brought her threw the mess. Making her whole again. So she came to love her brother. In a sense, twins share perfect love. So though no one knew. Michael also put pressure on people that showed liking towards Lucifel. So in the end, after Lucifel died of the Black Cancer. Michael and Raphael came to love each other.” Most of the first and second years were listening to my story intently. While some other third and fourth years looked up now and then. The chestnut head gave me a small glare.

“How would you know this. I’m sure all of this happened thousands of years before you were even thought of.” I smiled at her.
“Little human, why do you think Vampires have wings?” I asked her.
“Well its kind of obvious. Its because of the relation to bats. Both bats and vampires have wings and fangs.” I smiled more evilly and closed my eyes.
“Wrong little akamai. Its because the Vampire line is straight descendants of Lucifel herself and her brother Michael.” I stepped back from the group that had formed around me. Breathing in I let out my wings. Their black feathers floated down around me. Creating a small circle of pitch black feathers. The whole room was in seconds covered in black beautiful feathers. The students stood in aw.

“You see. After Lucifel and Michael had their child. Lucifel gave it up to the Marquis Sakura family. She was dying from the Black Cancer that was spreading rapidly in Eden. That child had no idea who his parents were. In time. Michael’s adopted son Chihaya, had a child with Kagetsuya. Who was in turn a white angel. A disowned angel of the Sakura family. For he became a fallen angel for love Chihaya, a male black angel. Chihaya was the first Black angel ever recorded. The Black angels had a gene that prevented the Black Cancer from harming them. The first black angels besides Chihaya were born from humans and White angels. But if they fell in love with humans the chance of getting the Black Cancer was thirty percent stronger. It was already at fifty in Eden. By going to Earth it became ten percent stronger. So falling in love with a human gave the White angels a ninety percent chance of getting the Black Cancer. But the birth of the Black angels were about to change all of that. A couple of years after Chihaya was born, more Black angels were born. They were even stronger then White angels. Soon all of the Angels in Eden became Black Angels.

But now back to Chihaya. Kagetsuya and Chihaya found out that Black Angels both male and female were capable of becoming pregnant. Kagetsuya and Chihaya’s first child, Kira Sakuya, was indeed a black angel. Their child had fallen in love with Michael and Lucifel’s child, Katou Marquis Sakura. So both angels became fallen angels. The line goes on and on. All becoming fallen angels and turning black. Somewhere along that line the fallen angels found that if they wanted to live on Earth they had to gain some sort of life source. Most of their power had come from the power in Eden. Without that magical power they couldn’t live, and they couldn’t be satisfied with just normal human food. So the resorted to taking the blood of humans. And thus the Vampire line was born.” I really did look like an angel if I do say so myself. My black wings were not like the lower class vampires. Theirs are really like bats. Scaly and cold. But those that are straight descendants of Lucifel and Michael had feather wings. But the kids didn’t need to know that just yet.
The chestnut girl asked me again.
“I don’t see why you would know this. And I’m sure not all Vampires have feather wings. And why did you call me akamai?” A very clever girl.
“It means smart. So I just called you smart girl, in pidgin. And you are right about not all vampires having feather wings. Only straight descendants from Lucifel and Michael have wings like mine. So that means the only vampires with wings like mine are those of the head vampire family.”
“Can you tell me more about this Black Cancer? It seems dangerous.” She asked. The crowd started to vanish. But before I could answer her question. Harry came up and talked.
“Hermione. Can you please talk about this some other time?” He more or so told her while pulling on her sleeve towards the Gryffindor table.
“I’ll give you both ten minutes.” I told them as they both walked away. I turned and walked up to the teachers table. All the teachers were there save the Care of Magical Creatures teacher. That’s right. I’ll have to teach them about Magical Creatures. I wonder which I’ll show them first. I pondered. I remember coming across tons of different Magical Creatures in my time. From when I was in Japan I saw tons. They had many different ones there. Including the Chinese Fireball, I had never thought that dragon would be in Japan. I thought it was only in China. I had been fishing at time. I had been out at a lake in a mountain. I felt a large rumble and a large Chinese Fireball had come rushing down from the mountain, crashing into the lake. Sadly enough it was dead. It had been a female, about three hundred years old. I had looked up from where the dragon had come from. Straight up on a high cliff I saw five men. Dressed in robes. Poachers. I had let out my wings and went up scaling the cliff. Evidently the poachers had apparated. I had then found myself in front of a large cave. I could hear small cries coming from the inside of the cave. I had guessed it. They were trying to get the babies. Undoubtedly killing the mother for her skin. Inside the cave I found a small nest with five baby dragons crying loudly.
What to do? I had thought. No one had really told me a lot about dragons. So I took off to my small house I was staying at. It was a summer home of my families. So it too like all of my families houses had a large library. I searched though the large dusty books and found the one I was looking for. “Care for baby Dragons” I had gotten it from a merchant a while ago. He said something about knowing I would need it one day. Boy was he right. I then searched for the right dragon baby. Taking off again towards the nest. When I reached the nest I found a man with a large black robe. A black hood covered his face. He was holding on to a screeching baby dragon. Without thinking I ran towards him grabbing his neck and breaking it in half. I threw his body into the lake below.
That’s for taking the life of a dragon. I loved dragons they were such bravura creatures. I picked up the baby cradling it in my arms I returned it to its siblings. The huddled close together. Making soft cooing sounds to their frightened brother.
After that I had taken it upon myself to raise the baby dragons. They turned into wonderful fledglings. Growing into large powerful dragons.
Maybe I’ll show those babies to them. I had decided. In three days after I called them to me. I’ll show the two boys five fifty year old dragons. Great beasts, they were.