Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ A Picture Worth A Thousand Words ❯ Ch.1: Say Cheese! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: A Challenge Fic for Pickle-Kitten. My first Shonen-ai aka Slash, if I pull this off I demand some kind of award...
Summery: Colin Creevey, Photographer extrodinair, Just got the snap shot of the millinium.
Disclaimer: Look me in the eye and repeat "I am shit poor, I'm so poor I can even pay attension. I so Poor I don't even own this plot!" Think you can remember that?
Warnings(Be afraid be VERY afraid, this ain't Fish.): Ahem, this is SLASH, (MaleMale and FemaleFemale love) Incest too
(I can hear you screaming from here. Do tone it down please my head hurts.)
language too, and... Banana. (told ya it wasn't fish.)
By Nikikeya-chan again
Ch.1: Say Cheese!
Thinking Back
Colin Creevey walked down the hall from charms silently brooding, Ginny Weasley....What a pest! The girl and he had been at eachother's throats sence the first day on the train but REALLY!!!!
That morning's Charms class had almost lead to the distruction of the entire school....
Professor Flitwick looked up at the class from his stack of books, "Today is the day we will be reveiwing the Incendio charm! Now can anyone remember just what the incendio charm is...? Miss Weasley?"
Colin lowered his hand and groaned looking across the aile at the red headed girl.
Ginny looked flushed for a minute before starting to explain that the Incendio charm was a fire starting charm and blablahblah...Blahblahblahblahblahblah!
Colin looked at his charms book, she must have ate her's, she seemed to know the book line for line and then some. The boy groaned and shot the annoying girl a poisoned glare.
It wasn't that he didn't admire the girl's obvious intelligance, but did she have to answer everything so long windedly??
A few minutes later she stopped. Finally.(1)
Flitwick smiled and awarded Gryffindor five points for the exceptional knowledge of the charm, Colin rolled his eyes, oh well more house points never hurt, except in inflaiting egos.
Colin drifted off into his own thoughts, He had that newest role of film that still needed devloping...His brain then took the normal path, away from Photography to Green eyes, adoriblely messy hair, and lightning bolts.
Of course thinking of Harry got him thinking of Ginny and how she was trying to steal Harry, it was true! She'd known how he felt about Harry sence day one, and she was still going after Harry herself!
It seemed everytime Colin tried to get around Harry this year Ginny would always intervine! Well that wasn't total true... Sometimes it was Ron who got in the way.
But that was irrelavent. Ron was Ginny's brother, he was obviously in cahoots with the girl....
"Colin? Colin??"
Colin started looking up into a pair of hazel eyes, he gave a mental groan, "Yes Ginevra?"
The redhead dropped her books on the desk beside him and sat down, Colin gave her a look. Ginny arched an eyebrow, "Have you even been listening to the lesson?"
Colin scowled and then smirked, "Sorry, guess I must have dozed off during your speech."
Ginny gave him an exsaperated look and sighed, "We've been paired up to reveiw the Incendio Spell, then write a fifften inch essay on the topic of "In what lines of work would you need to use the Incendio spell". Due next Monday. Got it?"
Colin nearly died, he had to work with WHO!!??
....Well, okay, maybe it wasn't that bad. but still, why Ginevra Weasley??
As The Cauldron Brews
Potions class was easily Colin's favorite class, the only damper on his love was the Potion's Master, but the boy tried to ignore the old bat, which was easy sence he seemed much more interested in hovering over Ginny Weasley or Micha Whitham's cauldrons. (Micha was a tall lanky blonde Gryffindore who had all the ability of Neville Longbottem after being hit with a Confundus charm.)
Today's class was no different as Snape quickly lanched into a tirade over Micha's reather ill looking calming draught, which was supposed to be blue, but was instead an off orange color.
Colin tuned him out and focused on his own cauldron, the boy added twelve grams powdered Hens Teeth and then started on his Queen Anne's Root.
He then once again started to think about Harry, how Harry talked how he walked how he ... Made him forget his now burnt potion.
Cursing silently Colin tried to salvage his potion as best he could, he gave it a few stirs and added the Powdered Roots, then he added a handful of mint leaves a trick he'd learned, the potion stopped burning and turned from brown back to its original blue color, Colin sighed in relief only to come face to face with Snape.
"A very nice save mister Creevey, I must admit. But then it wouldn't have been nesisary if you had "paid attenion"!" growled the Potions Master venomously.
Just then the bell for lunch rang, everyone hurriedly brought their Potion samples up to the frount of the room, packed up, and left, Colin was stopped before he reached the door.
"Mister Creevey I wish to speak to you, over here now." came Snapes voice from the back of the room.
Colin winced and heaving a sigh turned back towards the man.
Rising storm
Ginny walked into the Great Hall, today had been a mess, all she wanted to do now is sitdown, get something to eat, and watch Harry talk.
High above the enchanted ceiling was overcast with dark rolling storm clouds, it was a radical change from the sunny skys that morning. Several people were talkin about how bad it was and how Owl post was probably gonna be cancled.
Ginny shivered, 'And there's a Murderer out there somewhere...? I hope he drowns, then he won't be able to hurt Harry...'(1)
Ginny sat down beside Hermione and looked over to where Ron sat alone, Neville Longbottem on his other side.
"Where's Harry?"
Ron shrugged and resumed shoveling food into his face.
Ginny scowled, leaning over to Hermione she said softly, "With the way he eats, you'd think my mother never fed us."
Hermione giggled and waved hi as Sally-Ann Perks and Janus Moon walked in with Parvati Patil and Lavender Brown.(2)
"I have to do a project with Colin Creevey for Charms." Ginny sighed.
"Poor you." muttered Ron between a mouthful of pie and chips, Ginny gave him a very soured look.
"So, You'll be doing most of the work?" Hermione inquired.
"Oh no, I believe he'll do his end of the work. Its just I really don't care for him much, he tends to be quite rude.
"Rude, you mean like busting into the third year showers while everybody's Starkers and snapping pictures!" said Ron indignantly.
"When'd he do this?" asked Hermione lifting an eyebrow, half wondering if her friend was lying.
"Last night, you must have heard the "howling"?"
"Oh yeah, they said it was Werewolves!" chirped Ginny excitedly.
"Er...Ginny? You take Astronomy, right?" Asked Ron.
Ginny nodded, getting a confused look on her face.
"Right then, pay better attension in that class from now on." said Ron offhandedly, Ginny scowled.
"Last night was a Qaurt phaze: Waxing, Ginny. The Full moon isn't for a while yet." explained Hermione gentley.
"Th' "howlin'" you heard was us all screechin' our heads off." said Ron bitterly.
Ginny suddenly turned bright red at the thought of a completely nude Harry Potter.
Hermione sighed and turned back to her Muggle studies book, "I'm dropping this class, a week from now I'll no longer be needing this book, I'm thinking of donating it to the school."
"Don't bother, I'll take it, Muggle studies in one of the electives I'm taking next year." Ginny said.
Hermione smiled and handed over the book, "Then by all means take it, I've memerized it cover to cover already."
The two girls ignored Ron as they discussed the class curiculum.
A Snapshot in the dark
Colin grumbled loadly as he walked up from the dungeons, it was probably too late for him to get any lunch, the halls were fairly dark the torches burning over head, it was a bit unnearving.
As Colin moved along the heavily shadowed Transfiguraion corridore a sound from up ahead caught his attension: rustling of cloth, heavy breathing and two hushed voices.
"Someone's gonna see us!" came a soft panicked whisper.
Colin peaked around the courner to see two figures leaned agianst the oppisit wall, arms wrapped around eachother in as they snogged, they were both obviously students, and the first voice had sounded destinctly male.
The first voice had sounded Very familiar, but in the gloom Colin couldn't get a clear veiw of their faces.
Just then the other person spoke up, Colin was a little shocked when he realized this voice was male too.
"You Gryffindors worry too much! So what if someone sees us! They can take a bloody picture for all I care!"
'Not a bad idea...' thought Colin devilishly as he pulled his camera out of his bag (Snape never allowed him to wear it during class.)
Sneaking forward abit he quickly lifted the camra clicked the shutter three times and then RAN!!!
behind him Colin could hear the startled crys of the couple he'd just startled senseless.
Someone up there must really hate me right now....
Colin hurried up to Gryffindor Tower he charged toward the painting of the fat lady screaming out "Paracelsus!" and then jumped up through the Poitrait hole into the common room.
Luckily the coomon room seemed empty and no one seemed to be chasing him, hurring up in to his dorm room.
Colin froze as he entered the room, he heard snoring coming from one of the fourposter beds, he then relaxed as he realized it was just Edwin Muddifoot.
The boy had been ill for several days now but refused to go to Madam Pomfrey, cause he hated hospitals. (He'd always been sickly and had probably spent more time in hospitals then any of his housemates combined.)
Tracey Beaulenger, Micha Whitham, and himself had ganged up on the smaller boy that morning and insisted that he stay in bed for the day, and that they would take notes for him.
Colin lit the bedside lanturn and peaked in at his bestfriend, noting the boy's pale skin and flushed, fevered cheeks, and the dark rings under his eyes, a testiment to the fact that he hadn't been sleeping well.
Colin pulled up the covers and tucked Edwin in, resolving to be extra quite so as not to wake his friend. He then gently brushed a sweat dreanched, piece of curley, honey colored hair out of the boy's face and pulled the hangings back to.
Moving silently back over to his own bed the boy pulled his Photo developing kit out from under the bed, it was dark in the room save the one lit lanturn by Edwin's bed, on the other side of the room.
But all the same Colin still wanted to make sure the pictures would be perfect, so after hoping in bed with his Camera and photo developing kit, he pulled the hangings around his bed shut and used his wand to conjure a small ball of soft red light, to hover over head.
Colin then set to work dipping the pictures in the magic solution that made them move, he then sat and waited...
Colin jerked awake, startled at the sound of a loud coughing fit, followed by the less than pleasant sound of retching on the other side of the room and worried voices.
"C'mon mate, s'alright- Someone go get Pomfrey."
Colin got out of bed just in time to see Micha go running out of the room, Tracey and the last male Gryffindor secound year Milus Jenkins were standing over Edwin's bed, the boy had got sick on the carpet from what Colin could see.
"Is he alright?" Colin asked coming over quickly.
Tracey bit his lip and Milus shook his head, "His fever's got worse. We sent Micha to get Madam Pomfrey."
Colin nodded sadly a knot forming in the pit of his stoumach as he looked his friend over.
Edwin was moaning and trashing about, his usually bright Hazel eyes half-lidded and dull. A tremor of chills ran through the boy and he thrashed about some more.
Tracey moved closer, using the bedsheet to wipe the sweat and sick from the boy's face.
Milus moving around to the other side of the bed reached out and pulled the top cover Tracey had used off, before pulling the others up around the trembling blonde and sitting down.
Colin ran to the shower returning a moment later with a wet washcloth for the boy's head, the two Purebloods looked up questioningly at him, but Colin just reached over laying the cloth on Edwin's fevered face.
Edwin let out a releaved sigh as the cool meterial touched his head and almost immediately the boy's restless thrashing slowed and then stopped.
Tracey gave a relieved sigh, Milus relised the breath he'd been holding, smiling softly and Colin finally allowed himself to relax a little.
Micha returned a few minutes later followed by Madam Pomfrey and Professor McGonagal.
The Matron and their Head of House then scoulded the boys for not telling someone about Edwin's condition sooner, before taking the boy down to the Hospital wing to be treated and telling the boys to get back to bed.
Sighing Colin had moved over to his bed, stopping to get into his nightclothes before going back to bed.
Edwin would be fine, Madam Pomfrey would take care of him like she always did...
'I'll go visit him first thing tomorrow.'
Pulling back the hangings Colin paused as he caught site of the Photo developing kit still sitting on the end of his bed with the Pictures he'd taken several hours earlier hanging above it.
Colin smiled happily snatching the now fully developed photos and liting his bedside lamp with a wave of his wand.
He then froze in terror his heart shattering into a billion peices at the sight of the scandelized glare and shocked gape being directed at him by the photos two freahly snogged occupants:
Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter.
----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
(1) This Takes place after Sirius escapes with Buckbeak. its the last three weeks of Class and they're reveiwing for finals. (Which I usually ignored so I have no clue how your supposed to review so...)
(2) JKR has said that there are two other Gryffiindor girls in Harry's year but I can't find there name so I improvised: in book one JKR gives the sirname Moon, with no attaching first name, gender, or house, she also gives the name Sally-Ann Perks but no speciffied house. So I put them in Gryffindor.
MY list of the Gryffindor Class of '98 are as follows:
Colin Micheal Creevey
Edwin Alexander Muddifoot
Tracey Rilus Beaulenger
Milus Octavian Jenkins
Micha Isaac Whitham
Ginevra Molly Weasley
Leticia Anne Crockford
Alethea Marius Bode
Llewellyn Jacinda Mockridge
Mildred Abigail Hobbs
Please Note: Cannon characters for the class of '98 (graduating date) Griffindors were not added cause I really don't want to have to re-read books 1-6 to find them, if you know their names please feel free to tell me and I'll add them.
Thanks for putting up with that, I'm hoping to get the next chapter up soon.
Thank you to: Pickle-Kitten and Squibakou for their help and encuragement.
Next Chapter: What The Hell Was That? (This chapter will be focused around our favorite Slytherin Ice Prince And the Boy-Who-Lived.)