Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Dancing with the Enemy ❯ late night dance ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Yes I know I am late with my update, but it’s been hell. Things have been gong wrong with my computer all week. I hope you all enjoy the following chapter. I will not say when I will update because, in all honesty, I don’t know when I will be able.
Thanks for all the reviews!
Disclaimer: I do not own HP or the song “As the world falls down.” That belongs to the genius David Bowie. Hmmm…He is so attractive. Ha! Anyway. Continue and please take no notice of the rabid David Bowie fan…

Dancing with the EnemyChapter Fourteen- Late Night Dance
October 31

After Hermione and Blaise helped Draco to the hospital wing to be checked out by Madam Pomfrey, Blaise said goodnight to his best friend and Hermione.
Draco was sitting in the hospital bed, his back against the rails, the bed sheet thrown over his legs. Hermione sat in a chair next to his bed.
Not a word had been said by either one of them for the past half hour.
“Thank-you,” Hermione whispered to him, smiling lightly.
“You’re welcome,” he replied, still not looking at her.
“Draco, whats wrong?” she asked him, taking the hand that was lying on the sheets.
“You-You let him touch you,” he hissed.
“What? Draco! I would never let anyone except you touch me.”
“I can smell him on you.”
“He nearly raped me. What do you expect? Draco, please don’t be like this.”
“Why didn’t you try and stop him?”
“I thought he was you. I was walking to the bathroom and I felt his arms around me. And then he pulled me in the alcove. You can’t think for a minute that I would rather have Theodore Nott’s hands and lips all over me when I can have you?”
“I-I’m sorry…I was just angry. You know, that he touched you.”
“Be glad he didn’t kiss me.”
“He didn’t?” Draco questioned, smiling.
“Nope. I told him if he did, he would loose them.”
Draco laughed and Hermione giggled, still holding onto his hand tightly. Suddenly Draco because serious.
“Come here,” he said, pulling her onto the bed so that she was straddling him. He held onto her hips. “Promise me, that from now on…you’ll always carry you wand, or you let me come with you everywhere.”
Hermione brought her hands up to his face and cupped her hands around his face.
“I promise.” Draco smiled and closed his eyes, sighed and leaned back against the bed.
“Good.” Hermione smiled and leaned down, kissing his cheek and laying her head on his chest.
After Madam Pomfrey checked Draco and gave him the okay to go, Hermione gathered his coat and shoes for him. After he put them on, they made their way to the Slytherin common room.
“Shall I walk you down there?” she asked.
“Sure,” he replied, gripped her hand in his. They walked down the long stone corridor and soon reached the Slytherin Common Room, concealed by a portrait of a snake on the stone wall.
“Purity,” Draco said, making the portrait lift and the stone wall broke apart to let the two in. As soon as everyone saw Draco and Hermione enter the room, they broke out in applause.
“Good work man,” said Blaise, coming over and shaking his best friend’s hand.
“Thank-you,” Draco replied, smiling at Blaise. The dark skinned boy smiled at Hermione and kissed her cheek.
“Thanks Herm, for looking out for him,” Blaise said, smiling at the two of them.
Draco and Hermione made their way to Draco’s Head Boy room.
“Well, I better get to my room,” Hermione said, as Draco stripped his shirt.
“No…Hermione, would…would it be too much to ask, if you could stay here with me?”
“Here? In y-you’re room?” she asked. Of course she wanted to; she had wanted to spend a night sleeping with Draco ever since they started dating. But she didn’t think he would come out right there and ask her too.
“Yeah. If that’s okay,” he asked. Hermione blushed and turned away from Draco. “Whats wrong?” he asked her, standing and wrapping his arms around her from behind.
“I-I don’t have anything to sleep in,” she replied, mentioning to her white dress.
“Is that all? I can give you a shirt,” he stated, kissing her neck and shoulder. Taking his arms away from Hermione, Draco walked over to his closet and pulled out a black button down shirt. “Here,” he said, handing the shirt to her.
“Just this?” she asked. As much as she wanted to sleep in just the shirt and her panties, she thought that Draco may feel a little strange.
“Of course. Hermione, I respect you and know you are not ready for the next step in our relationship. These hands,” he said, showing her his hands “will only stay here,” he placed his hands on her waist, “all night long. Unless of course, you want otherwise.”
“Stop being a flirt,” she whispered. Draco smiled and hugged her once more before pushing her gently towards the connecting bathroom.
“Go on, hurry up,” he said, laughing at her.
Hermione giggled and walked into his bathroom, which was very much the same as her’s was except that everything was silver and green. She stripped out of the white dress, folding it up carefully, and slipped the black shirt over her head, which fell to about mid thigh. She pulled her hair out of its ties and let her long brown hair fall to her thighs. She turned the tap at the sink and used the cool water to wash the make-up off her face, drying her face on the small green hand towel. Taking one final look at her face and appearance, Hermione picked up her dress and walked back into Draco’s room. Only to see him standing at the window, his hands gripping the rails, his naked back muscles tightly clenched. Hermione put her dress down and walked over to him, wrapping her arms around his torso, lying her head on his back.
“Are you okay?” she asked him.
“I was so scared Hermione. When I saw him on you, I thought I was too late,” he whispered, sighing as Hermione kissed his pale skin.
“Everything is fine Draco. He didn’t hurt me at all, and I am so happy that you were there,” she replied, smiling.
“Hermione…?” he asked, turning around.
“Yes,” she asked, looking up into his eyes.
“Dance with me?” he asked. Hermione smiled softly, taking his hands and moving the two of them to the center of his room.
Draco picked his wand up from the end of his bed, waving it and making soft music play.
There’s just a sweet love
Deep in your eyes
A kind of air jewel
Opened and closed
Within your eyes
I’ll face the sky
Within your eyes
Draco held Hermione’s waist in one hand, while his other held her right hand. Hermione’s left hand sat on top of Draco’s shoulder while her other hand was being held by his. They started swaying lightly in a waltz movement.
There’s such a fooled heart
Beating so fast
Its such a good dream
A love that will last
Within your heart
I’ll face the moon
Within your heart
Draco swayed her, dipping her low and pulling her up gently, dancing around the room slowly and dipping whenever he could. Hermione closed her eyes and marveled in the feeling of their dancing. She loved the way that she felt when they danced, she felt it every time. It was like butterflies. Draco kissed her cheek, making her sigh, a smile appearing on her soft pink lips.
As the things sweep through
It makes no sense to you
Every field that’s glass
Wasn’t too much fun
But I’ll be there for you-oh-oh
As the world falls down
They slowed their dancing, Draco letting go of her hand and placing it on her waist, bringing her closer to him. Hermione wrapped both her hands around his neck, hugging him close.
“Hermione…” he whispered, making her open her eyes and look up into his storm grey ones. They continued to look at each other as the song slowed down to a stop and the two stopped moving altogether. Draco lowered his lips to her’s, kissing her softly at first, and after Hermione opened her mouth to him, he entered his tongue into her mouth.
Hermione sighed, brining him closer to him.
He maneuvered them over to the soft bed, still kissing her. Hermione fell onto the bed, Draco soon following, lying atop her beautiful silken body. Hermione’s hands lost themselves in Draco’s blonde hair, pulling his face closer to her’s. His hands stayed on her waist, every so often moving up and down her sides gently. They ended the kiss, Draco’s forehead against her own, both of them breathing deeply.
“You’re amazing,” he whispered, kissing her cheeks lightly. Hermione smiled and closed her eyes, snuggling deep into his naked chest.
Draco pulled the green sheets over them brining her into his arms, kissing her forehead gently before closing his own eyes to join Hermione in dream land.
Hermione was still half awake, loving the feeling of the two of them hugged together. She wrapped her arms around his torso, breathing in his beautiful scent.
“Hermione…” he whispered in his sleep, “I think I’m falling in love with you.”
Hermione gasped and looked up to see his eyes shut and his breathing showing he was asleep. Maybe he didn’t mean it. Maybe it was just a slip of the tongue.
Smiling lightly, Hermione looked up at her beautiful Slytherin.
“I think I’m falling in love with you too, Draco.”
Finally, she joined her beautiful amazing boyfriend in the land of nod.
Well? Whats the verdict? This chapter okay? It was pretty long huh? Did you guys like the dance? It was only minor but it was symbolic.
Reviews wanted!
Pleas let me know if you like this story.