Harukanaru Toki No Naka De Fan Fiction ❯ Unbroken ❯ Education ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A Haruka Naru Toki No Naka De Fanfiction
By SailorLight22
Chapter 5 - Education

I do not own these wonderful bishies, only the plot to this ficlette.. ANY replies would be appreciated, be easy though, k?


WARNING! This chapter contains humor and innuendo! While I'm sure no one minds, I just wanted to warn you. Without further ado, here you go! (Don't forget an apple for the teacher!) XD


After several minutes, Yasuaki released his grip, raising himself on unsteady arms to meet the younger man's eyes as he kissed him breathlessly. "Are you all right? That was... I didn't mean to be so rough with you, but.."

Eisen shook his head, smiling. "No, it's fine! You didn't do anything wrong, it was perfect, Yasuaki.. Thank you so much.." He blushed, burying his face against his partner's chest in embarrassment. "I wanted you to do it, so don't worry."

The priest sighed contentedly, his breath slowing as he relaxed. "I don't understand why I felt that we needed to do those things so soon," He murmured, closing his eyes. "But I'm happy that we did, Eisen. I love being close to you like this.." He tightened his arms, kissing his partner again before pulling away.

Eisen sat up quickly, covering himself as well as he could. "What..Oh!" Blushing painfully, he realized that they were both in serious need of a bath. Grateful for the cave's darkness, he located the cloth they'd used to clean their wounds, struggling to find a way to broach the subject. "Ah.. Yasuaki, when I brought you here.. I think there was a pond.. Back that way." He could see the older man's confused expression, even with the dim light of the almost-spent torch. "Would... Would you like to go there? We could bathe, and wash our clothes.. Your shirt was ruined, but you didn't get too much blood on your pants, it should be easy to rinse them.." He trailed off, noticing the man's amused expression. "What is it?"

Yasuaki raised an eyebrow, smiling. "Do you want me to bathe with you, Eisen? I wouldn't object, it was rather dark in here before.." He paused, chuckling at the horrified look on the younger man's face. "I couldn't see you properly," He said, moving closer. "But other than my shirt, these are all I have." He gestured vaguely to his pants. "If I take them off.." He left the obvious conclusion hanging.

Eisen winced in mortification. "I could go back and get your things! Then, you'd have some privacy, and spare clothing.." He frowned, looking away. "If I didn't know better, I'd think you were making fun of me, Yasuaki."

The priest laughed quietly, shaking his head. "No, I'm not making fun of you, Eisen. If you want to do this, I don't mind. I won't tease you again, I promise. Forgive me?" Eisen wavered between surprise at his tone, and exasperation.

"You're almost a different person now.. You were always so serious before. I..I think I like it, though." He smiled shyly, fidgeting.

Yasuaki frowned slightly. "I don't feel very different, but I do notice some things that were once unimportant or confusing to me becoming less so. Before, the concept of idle talk escaped me. I never felt a need to make people feel relaxed, or to speak comfortingly. Now, I do it without thinking. Does it bother you?"

Eisen shook his head. "No, it's fine! I don't love you because of what you say, I love you for being who you are. That hasn't changed, you're still the same person. And I don't really mind the teasing.." He blushed. "I just didn't expect it. It's nice to be able to just talk to you though, I felt foolish when I tried sometimes." He pulled his outer robe over himself, rising. "I'll go get your things, if you want to clean up a bit. Is there anything you need before I go?"

His partner smiled, shaking his head. "No, I'll be fine. Will you meet me there?" He bent slightly, stroking the younger man's hair. "Be careful, Eisen. I don't sense anything dangerous, but still.." He paused, seeing his lover frown. "I know that you're strong, and can take care of yourself. I just don't want anything to happen to you." He straightened, walking to the entrance. "I love you.." He said, looking over his shoulder as he left.

Eisen stared after him, smiling foolishly for several seconds before shaking his head. 'I can't believe this,' He thought, resisting the urge to laugh. 'I should go, he'll be waiting for me..' The thought brought another smile, and he quickly located his shoes, slipping them on as he made his way to the cave mouth. Looking around briefly, he started back the way he'd come, noticing that the second trip was much faster.

Seeing the familiar clearing ahead, he quickened his steps, scanning the area intently before stepping fully into the open. Spying the discarded pack on the ground, he lifted it, slipping it onto his back. His eyes fell on the damaged turf, and he shook his head at the sign of recent battle. 'I don't understand what happened to me,' He mused, 'I don't think I've ever been so angry before..Perhaps that was the reason, because that monster said those horrible things about Yasuaki..'

He sighed, recalling the demon's terrible words. 'Yasuaki isn't just a doll! Even before these things happened, he was special, but still human! There was nothing to make me think otherwise.' He pushed the memories away, turning to leave. A small object glittered in the sunlight, catching his eye. Bending, he saw that it was one of his partner's hairpins, and he smiled, tucking it into the fold of his sleeve until he could return it.

He left the clearing, backtracking until he heard a quiet splash. Moving in the direction it came from, he slipped the pack's strap from his shoulder as he walked. Looking up, he froze. Not twenty feet away, Yasuaki stood in the pond. The water covered him to the waist, the ends of his long hair trailing along the still surface behind him. Eisen shivered, awed at the sight of his partner's lean body. Unnoticed, the pack fell from his shaking arms, landing on the ground with a muffled thump.

Yasuaki half-turned, his movements relaxed as he sensed the younger man's presence. Seeing him rooted to the spot, he smiled. "Is there something wrong? You seem upset.." Glancing down, he laughed. "I see. Is it unpleasant, Eisen? I didn't think you would return so quickly, do you want me to leave?"

Eisen shook his head slowly, averting his eyes before he replied. "No, it's fine.. I was.. I didn't.. I'm sorry!" He closed his eyes, breathing deeply. "Take as long as you need, Yasuaki.." He winced slightly as the priest chuckled. Hearing him move closer, Eisen turned his back quickly, his heart jumping in his chest as he tried to ignore the heat in his face. "I..I found one of your hairpins too, so I brought it back with me..!"

He jerked in surprise as his partner replied, his voice so close behind him that he could have only been inches away. "Thank you, but I believe I'm finished."

Fumbling for something, anything to say, Eisen bent swiftly, snaring the strap of the nearly forgotten travel pack. "I'm sorry that there isn't anything but the blanket for you to dry off with..It never occurred to me that either of us would need.. Here!" He offered the silent man his things, his face warm as he turned enough to make sure that the other's grip was secure before he let go.

Yasuaki raised an eyebrow at his partner, wondering at his anxiety. "Thank you," He said, frowning slightly. "Give me a moment, and I'll go if you like."

Seeing his expression, Eisen shook his head. "It's fine, take as long as you need. I don't mind waiting.." He trailed off, fidgeting nervously. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to be.. You don't have to leave, if you don't want to." He mumbled, fighting the urge to look away. "If you want to stay, I don't really mind."

He averted his face, looking up. "It's still early, I think. When everything dries, we can go home, it shouldn't be very long.." He blushed, hearing his partner search through the pack for a change of clothing. A moment later, he sighed in slight relief as he realized that the priest had donned his trousers first. His breathing slowed, the tinges of pink fading from his face as he turned to smile at the taller man.

"At least we thought that this assignment would take a bit longer, because it would have been unfortunate to have your only shirt torn up like that.. I didn't want to do it, but there wasn't any other way to get it open without hurting you more." He shivered at the thought of the man's now healed wound. "It was horrible, but that doesn't matter now."

Yasuaki shook his head, dropping his clean shirt on top of the discarded pack. Stepping forward, he took the younger man's hand, pulling him into his arms. "I was never concerned about it," He said, wrapping his arms around the startled monk. "The only thing that concerns me now is the fact that you were safe. Even if I had not lived, it would have been enough to know that you had a chance." He tightened his grip, his voice low. "I remember being afraid, Eisen. I couldn't help that, but it was fear for you."

The smaller man frowned, returning his embrace. "You shouldn't have needed to protect me, so all of this is my fault. If you had died because of my weakness, then I would have deserved to die with you. Nothing was more important to me than saving your life, Yasuaki. I can't let other people fight for me anymore, it's my responsibility to help as much as I can."

He sighed. "I don't want something like this to happen again, for someone else to be harmed in my place. The thought of causing another person's death through cowardice is too shameful to bear." He pulled away, meeting the taller man's gaze steadily. "I want to be stronger, to be able to protect the ones that I love most."

Yasuaki nodded. "I understand. I felt the same way when I realized that I could no longer fight. Still, I was sure that you would be strong enough to continue, and you were. You were never a coward, Eisen. Your reluctance to fight came from kindness, not fear or weakness." He smiled, stepping back. "I should let you bathe, now. Don't concern yourself with such things, there will be time for training when we return to the others."

He retrieved his pack, pulling on his shirt. "I'll wait for you, back there." He pointed in the direction of their temporary camp. "Please, take whatever time you need. There's no hurry, so long as we return by nightfall." He smiled reassuringly, turning to leave. "I rinsed my clothing already, so you don't need to worry about it. If you need to wash your own, just hang them with mine."

Eisen nodded, blushing as he remembered the original reason for their need to bathe. Watching the older man walk away, he began to remove his outer robe, noticing several light bloodstains. He shivered, kneeling beside the water's edge. He scrubbed the stained areas gently, relieved when the blood lightened gradually. He wrung out the material, pleased with the almost invisible marks that remained. Rising, he quickly located his partner's pants and slung his robe beside them on a low branch in the sun.

Glancing around hesitantly, he returned to the pool, untying the sash of his thin underrobe as he went. Allowing it to slide off his arms, he dropped it to the grass before wading into the cool water. Blushing furiously, he also removed his final garment, rinsing it well before tossing it next to his robe. He sighed, washing as well as he could with his hands. 'I hope that he isn't upset with me,' He thought, 'I just couldn't do this with him watching..' He rinsed his hair, shivering at the thought of the other man. 'I never imagined that he was so..' He laughed, embarrassed.

"I shouldn't have looked, now I can't help remembering.." He whispered, shaking his head. Turning, he glanced in the direction taken by the other man. "I wonder what he thinks of me now.. I should have tried to explain, to make him understand that we.." He blushed, shaking his head. 'I can't even say it to myself! How am I supposed to tell Yasuaki?'


Eisen returned to the cave, still confused at how to broach the subject of what was happening between himself and his partner. He nibbled his lip in worry, deciding that it may be best to wait until they'd reached the compound. 'If he truly doesn't understand, I want him to be happy for as long as it lasts,' He thought, 'I don't want to spoil what little happiness I can give him, not so soon..'

His thoughts ground to a halt as he entered the cave. Yasuaki had repacked their bags, and taken them to the doorway. In the time left before Eisen returned, he'd dug out a comb and untangled his hair, leaving it to dry in long slightly-waved sections across his back. Eisen swallowed harshly at the sight, his face heating as he stared. Yasuaki turned, seeing his partner at the cavemouth.

"I wondered if you'd take my advice." He said, quietly. "I put everything away, so you wouldn't need to when you finished." Eisen nodded dumbly, and shook his head to clear his thoughts somewhat before replying.

"Thank you, but you didn't have to do that.. I'm sorry for taking so long." He smiled nervously, seeing the genuine affection in his older partner's face. Guilt surged up, a choking sensation that forced him to avert his face sharply, lest the man see his eyes tear. Yasuaki stepped forward, circling his body until the smaller man was forced to meet his worried gaze.

"Eisen? What is it?" He asked, curious at his partner's sudden unease. The younger man shook his head, still avoiding direct eye contact. Yasuaki frowned, taking him by the shoulders and pulling him close. Feeling him resist, he tightened his hold until the monk sighed tiredly.

"You shouldn't.." He whispered, gripping the front of his partner's shirt. "I didn't want to do this now, but I think we should..talk about what happened." Yasuaki raised an eyebrow, growing concerned.

"Do you regret it, Eisen? I know that it was most likely too soon for.. Physical intimacy, but I won't touch you again unless you wish me to. If I've upset you, I apologize.." He trailed off, feeling his partner begin to shake in his arms. "Eisen?"

The younger man pulled away, not surprised to feel the telltale moisture on his face. "It isn't like that, Yasuaki. I thought about what to say, while I was gone, but nothing sounded right. I wish that there was an easier way to do this, but I can't think of anything." He laughed quietly, mocking his own weakness. "What we did..It was wonderful, I won't deny that. I just can't help thinking that you might not truly understand..what it means." He glanced upward, hearing the taller man's sharp hum of confusion.

"I know that you're the only one I want, Eisen," Yasuaki frowned, meeting his eyes. "And I understand perfectly. I love you, and doing things like that with someone is a way to express that love." He leaned close, wiping the smaller man's cheeks with his hand. "Even if my feelings were dulled before, I knew about the physical aspects of a relationship. The significance of what happened is clear to me, and I wish that I had made my understanding plain to you." He sighed, pulling his partner close again.

"Stop thinking of such things, Eisen. I promise you that I won't do anything without knowing what it means, to you and to myself." He rested his chin on the monk's soft hair. "If you don't want me to touch you, tell me. I truly wish that I had taken more time to explain, but you were so close.." He trailed off, smiling at the younger Hachiyou's soft blush. "I wanted to give you as much of myself as I could, to show you that what I felt was real."

Eisen shivered, suddenly reminded that he was clad only in his innermost robe. Forcing down his discomfort, he shook his head. "I didn't want you to hate me," He whispered, looking away. "I thought that you might be angry, because I could have stopped you.." The man shook his head, cutting him off.

"No, Eisen. I would never have been angry with you for that. Even if I hadn't known, I would have enjoyed pleasing you.." He smiled, stifling a chuckle at the younger man's surprised jerk. "I also enjoyed it very much, I assure you." He lowered his voice, dropping the teasing note. "I'm sorry that it worried you, but I don't regret anything that we've done. If I had a choice, I would do the same things as before."

Eisen sighed. "Don't be sorry, Yasuaki. I'm not really upset, or worried. I just can't believe that I ignored something so important." He backed away, smiling up at the taller man. "I wouldn't change anything either. It's terrible, but after so long..." He blushed furiously, laughing. "I couldn't think of anything but you. If you were to ask, I'd have to admit that there was nothing more important to me than how good it felt to be with you like that.."

The priest nodded, taking the smaller man's hand. "I understand, I was thinking the same." He tugged the monk gently back into the cave's interior. "Would you like to sit with me until our clothing dries? It shouldn't take very long, but since there's nothing else that needs our attention.." He paused, smiling down at his partner. "I'd like to spend more time just being with you."

The younger man nodded eagerly. "I don't mind, if that's what you want.. Do you want to wait here, or outside?" Yasuaki thought for a moment, shaking his head faintly.

"Here is fine. This place holds..Fond memories." Eisen laughed, pushing him teasingly.

"You really are different, Yasuaki. What am I going to do with you?" He blushed at the priest's hopeful expression, only half in jest. "That's not what I meant! Honestly, were you always like this, under the surface?" The man chuckled, shaking his head.

"No, I don't think so. I thought about things, but they didn't register as humorous. When I think about it now, there are many things that make me wonder how often my lack of understanding led to a joke at my expense." He smirked quickly. "Is that strange, Eisen?" He seated himself in a patch of faint sunlight, drawing his partner down beside him.

Eisen smiled, shaking his head as he made himself comfortable in the warm sand. "No, I think it's normal to wonder if people think you've done something funny. I catch myself worrying about it often." He leaned against the taller man, nudging close until the priest wrapped an arm around him. "Hm, better." He sighed, relaxing. "No one means to be cruel when they laugh, though. Everyone makes mistakes, and some of them are just amusing."

Yasuaki nodded in understanding. "At least I have someone to tell me these things," He murmured, settling closer. "Thank you, for everything."

They sat in comfortable silence, watching the day pass slowly until Yasuaki shifted, stretching reluctantly. "I'll go check our clothing. Wait for me?" Eisen nodded sleepily.

"It should be fine now. I'll bring everything outside, and we can go." The priest smiled, helping his partner rise.

Eisen brushed himself off, smiling his thanks as the older man released his hand and left. Gathering their packs, he walked into the clearing, turning as he heard the priest's quick return. "Are you ready?" He asked, seeing the now-dry clothing in his partner's arms. The man nodded, handing him his robe with a small smile. Eisen pulled it on, arranging it comfortably. "Thank you.. Do you want to put your pants away?"

Yasuaki nodded, opening his pack and placing the roughly folded garment within it. Lifting it to his back, he took the younger man's hand with a sigh. "Let's go?" The monk nodded, falling into step beside him.

The walk back to the main road was short, the time spent in idle conversation with an occasional squeeze of joined fingers.


As the walls of the city came into view, Eisen blushed and reluctantly released his partner's hand. The older man glanced down at him in confusion, but made no comment. Smiling brightly, the monk remained close beside him as they walked, ignoring the impulse to rejoin their hands. While he felt no shame at being seen that way, he thought that perhaps it would be best to wait until they'd reached the compound before demonstrating his affection so boldly.

The silence between them no longer seemed awkward, the feeling of things unspoken replaced by a sense of deep contentment. Yasuaki allowed himself a small smile at the relaxed movements of his companion. Before, there had always been a slight edge to his feelings, a trace of vague unease, for lack of a better term. Now, the younger man showed no sign of trepidation, his emotions clear and unweighted.

The priest noticed several of the more familiar members of the crowd giving him startled looks, and remembered that to them, he must have seemed like a different person. After a moment, he shook his head, amused.

"Am I truly so different, Eisen?" He murmured, looking at the younger man. "The townsfolk seem alarmed, should I be more serious?"

Eisen frowned, looking around slowly. The older Hachiyou was right, there were many eyes directed at them. "No, do as you please." He said, shaking his head firmly. "If these people don't like you as you are, it doesn't matter. You shouldn't act the fool for their sake, Yasuaki."

Surprised, the taller man raised an eyebrow at his partner's almost belligerent tone. "Do their looks bother you, Eisen?"

He nodded. "It is rude of them to stare. They act as if they've never seen a happy person before, and I don't think they should be so obvious. Such things are inexcusable." He lifted his chin, casting decidedly unfriendly glances at the nearest of their 'audience' as he quickened his steps. "Let's go, Yasuaki. The air here has turned a bit rancid for my taste."

The crowd parted with a murmur, avoiding the usually cheerful man's thunderous expression. Yasuaki lengthened his stride, keeping pace with his angry partner as he ignored the whispered conversations from behind. Stray comments carried over the rest now and then, mostly directed at the shorter man's deliberately loud statement. Yasuaki shook his head again, wondering at the abrupt change in the monk's bearing as he stalked towards the now-visible compound. 'Even after joining the priesthood, he still holds to his upbringing,' He mused, silently. 'The proof of his heritage remains, in spite of his sacrifice..'

Entering the gates, Eisen turned to face him. "Do you want to go ahead? I don't really mind having people see us like this, but I can keep my distance if you like.."

The priest stopped, staring at him in surprise. "Why would I go without you? We left together, why would our return be different?" He frowned, shaking his head. "I see no reason to avoid being with you, but if our.. closeness.. troubles you, then perhaps it would be best to.." He paused, unsure of how to proceed.

Eisen bit his lip, looking away. "I..Don't mean to be harsh, but the subject never occurred to me. Do you want to let them know what happened? To you, I mean!" He blushed furiously, wincing. "I don't think anyone needs to know about..the rest of it." He stammered, embarrassed. Yasuaki smiled, stepping closer.

"If you want to stay beside me, then do so. Let anyone who cares to look make their own assumptions, Eisen." He turned, glancing over the empty yard. "If you don't want the others to know how I feel about you, I'll do everything I can to avoid drawing attention to it. I don't know what they think of me, or of how I used to be.. But I know that some sign of my feelings must have been obvious, even though I said nothing." He frowned, remembering the pointed looks he'd received from a certain General, looks that had gradually become more amused until the man had accosted him for a 'talk'.

The younger man nodded, his face relieved. "I don't care if they know," He stated, smiling. "I thought it might be awkward to explain, but if you aren't going to be openly...affectionate, that's fine. I can wait as long as you like, I only want to see you happy, Yasuaki."

The priest nodded in reply, leaning suddenly close. "I don't mind being affectionate, Eisen," He whispered, "But if I may, I think I would much prefer to keep you to myself for a time.." He chuckled at his partner's wide eyes. "Shall we go? The other Hachiyou are undoubtedly awaiting our return." The younger man nodded absently, following his partner into the courtyard.

As they neared the main building, there was a cry of greeting from within, and the pair halted as the screen lifted to reveal several of the other guardians. Smiling brightly, Tenma and Shimon crossed the walkway to meet them, followed by Tomomasa and the slender form of Akane. As Yasuaki stood bemused, Eisen launched into a detailed account of their mission, frowning as he recounted his hesitation and the resulting injury to his partner. He began to apologize, but was cut off by a hand at his elbow.

"Stop," The priest said, his eyes narrowing slightly. "There is nothing to be sorry for. No matter the reason, I was unable to fight. You defeated your opponent fairly, and saw to my safety until I recovered. If not for you, I would have died!" His heated words drew astonished stares from the group, their eyes darting from face to face as the two conversed.

"I can't ignore the fact that it was my fault, Yasuaki-san. If I had done my duty properly, you would never have come to harm, and of course I took care of you! I would never have simply allowed you to..!" He shook his head, noticing the glances that lingered on him. "None of that matters now. Even though I brought you to harm, you've healed and the demon beasts are no more. I won't apologize for saving you, but it would have been much easier if there hadn't been a need for it. Would you like to explain..?" Yasuaki raised an eyebrow, smirking.

"Of course, unless you would rather continue our obviously fascinating disagreement?" His teasing tone had the desired effect, bringing assorted coughs and smiles from their companions. "The demon who struck me wielded a poisoned blade," He began, addressing the group. "After Eisen dispatched it, I asked him to return here for assistance, but he refused. He carried me to shelter, and tended my wounds." Akane opened her mouth, a question beginning to form as the priest held up a hand.

"Please, I will explain. Neither of us remembered the poison until much later, when it became obvious that something was very wrong." He met the girl's eyes seriously before regarding the other men. "I could sense that there was something amiss, but before I could mention it, I found that I could no longer breathe." Akane and Shimon gasped. "Eisen saw my affliction, but there was nothing to be done. I died."

Stunned, the four stared at him in quiet horror, their expressions tinged with confusion.

Smiling slightly, the priest shook his head before continuing. "Eisen refused to leave me be, and forced air into my lungs to keep my heart beating. Though I was dead, he sustained me with his breath, and I was visited by a God. The prayer that Eisen sent up was heard by It, and It came to my aid." He glanced at his partner, realizing that he still held the smaller man's arm. Dropping his hand, he turned to face the others.

"The God consented to heal my wounds, and restored me to myself. Before It departed, I was also given a gift." He gazed seriously at the still-confused priestess. "The God told me that your influence had changed me, Miko. In addition to reviving me, the God completed the process that you began." He smiled slowly. "It said It would awaken my heart, giving me the ability to feel as human beings do." He laughed quietly at the open amazement on the girl's face. "After I awakened, I saw that it was a good thing." He sent a surreptuous look in his partner's direction.

The younger man forced himself to stay still, resisting the urge to fidget. Unnoticed, the eldest of their companions raised an eyebrow in silent amusement at his discomfort. After a moment, he nodded to himself, returning his attention to the taller Hachiyou's words.

"When I discovered the state of my apparel, Eisen retrieved the spare clothing that had been left behind, and we both cleaned our things before returning here. Neither of us sensed a lingering presence at the battle site, and we encountered no other demonic beings." He concluded, sighing quietly in relief.

After a beat, the blonde Hachiyou smiled tentatively. "I..Think that's wonderful, Yasuaki-san! Not your injury, but.." He flushed, laughing awkwardly. "Forgive me, I'm happy that you're all right."

Tenma nudged the boy with his elbow, snickering. "I'm sure they understand," He said, smiling up at the priest. "I gotta say, I think that's the most I've heard you talk since I met you." Akane made a noise of exasperation, stomping his foot discreetly.

"Tenma-kun! You're so rude!" Glaring at him for a moment, she turned back to the amused group. "I think that Tenma-kun means he's glad too. Are you sure that you're all right, Yasuaki-san?" She asked quietly, concerned. Seeing his nod, she smiled brightly. "Then everything is great! I'm so glad that you gained feelings, it must be strange to suddenly wake up like that, though.." The man smiled reassuringly.

"It was.. Disconcerting at first, but now I think I'm becoming more accustomed to it. Though I don't notice many differences just yet, I'm certain that with time, things will begin to change." He directed another glance at the violet-haired monk, this time waiting until he was acknowledged before looking away. The light coloring on the man's cheeks was endearing, and the priest smiled at him fondly.

"Has anything happened in our absence?" He asked, serious again. The four shook their heads, and the priest smiled. "Perhaps the demons are beginning to see that sending their beasts to fight is useless. Soon, they will have to desist and face us directly." The prospect brought an almost eerie cast to his smile. "Once they are no more, the kingdom will prosper."

The other Hachiyou shivered at the pleasantly vicious tone of his voice. "Ah, well," Tenma cleared his throat. "It's great that you two got back, I think I'll just go train some more.. You never know when we might be needed." He waved, walking around the side of the main building in search of his partner. Shimon also smiled, backing away.

"I promised Inori-san that I would help him with some of the village children's studies, so I guess I'll be going too. Congratulations on your fight, Eisen-san!" He left, casting a glance at the monk as he passed him. 'Poor Eisen,' He thought, smiling. 'Having something like that happen so suddenly, it must be like he has an entirely new partner..'

Akane shook her head at the obvious retreat of the two boys. She'd known their excuses for just that. Smiling in exasperation, she turned to study the remaining three of her Hachiyou. Tomomasa was unruffled as always, though he was eyeing the priest in a calculating manner. Eisen seemed nervous, but happy, and she noticed with a start that he was empty-handed. In all the time that she'd known the gentle man, she had never seen him without either his flute or a strand of beads in his hands.

She wondered at the change, sneaking a glance at the formerly aloof onmyouji. While he retained the air of calm politeness, she could now see a trace of contentment beneath the surface, a warmth in those mismatched eyes that had once seemed so empty. He met her eyes questioningly, and she flushed guiltily. "Are you sure that you've recovered, Yasuaki-san?" She said, hoping to cover her discomfort at being caught staring.

The priest blinked, curious at her tone. "Yes, I believe I'm fine, Miko-Sama." He replied, "Thanks to Eisen's most excellent care, I can't imagine feeling any better. He saw to my needs most admirably." The shorter man coughed slightly, studiously avoiding the other's gaze as he smiled down at him. The girl raised an eyebrow, catching a note of.. something.. in his simple reply. Replaying his words, she gasped, wide-eyed as her mind put together the teasing sound of his words, his newly-aware state and the younger man's embarrassed fidgeting.

"Ah! I forgot to.. Fuji-Hime wanted me to look at her new kimono! I'm so sorry, I have to go!" She fled, the sleeves of her top fluttering behind her as she dashed up the stairs, much to the quiet amusement of the eldest Hachiyou.


Tomomasa watched the two, his eyes narrowing slightly. 'Something more than they've shown has changed between them,' He mused, 'But what? Eisen is almost desperate to avoid looking at him, and Yasuaki seems to be..' He laughed suddenly, covering the sound with a well placed cough. "Could I speak with you for a moment?" He asked, drawing the pair's attention.

Eisen nodded, confused. Warily, Yasuaki glanced at the general, one eyebrow raised in silent askance. The older man smiled, gesturing to the far side of the compound. "Let us go somewhere more comfortable, then. I have some questions about your mission, it will only take a few minutes."

The three Hachiyou crossed the space in silence, stopping as the eldest indicated a nondescript doorway. "This will do, please make yourselves comfortable. I will return shortly." Closing the door, he motioned for a serving girl to approach, requesting some tea. When she returned, he thanked her with a practiced smile. "Thank you, my dear. Would you see to it that we are not disturbed?"

Leaving the girl with a light blush, he entered the room once more, carefully placing the tray on a low table. Filling the cups, he offered one to the youngest first. "I hope it's to your liking," He said, smiling slightly.

Eisen smiled shyly in return, raising the cup to his lips. Yasuaki accepted his own cup, taking a small sip before he spoke, going straight to the issue at hand. "What do you want, Tachibana? You didn't bring us here for tea, surely."

Eisen choked on his tea, his eyes watering. "Yasuaki!" He admonished, coughing.

Tomomasa's smile widened imperceptibly. 'No honorific,' He thought, tapping his chin with a finger.

"Indeed," He said, ignoring the young monk's omission for the moment. "I wondered if you two had finally resolved your situation."

Yasuaki's frown became glacial. "Situation? Tachibana, we seem to have had this conversation before. Do you have nothing better to do than pry into the business of others?" The General's eyes widened.

"Why, I do believe you're angry! But as for our previous 'conversation', no, I do not remember any sort of definite answer from you." He paused, eyeing the pair. "Did you really allow such an excellent opportunity to go to waste? You were alone for some time, didn't it occur to either of you that perhaps..?" He trailed off, smirking at the dangerous glint in the priest's mismatched eyes.

"That is none of your concern." He stated, a slight edge to his words. Alarmed, Eisen glanced between them.

"Tachibana-san, what is this about? I'm afraid I don't understand." The man chuckled at his confusion. Sipping his own neglected drink, he sighed.

"I would hate to see you hurt, Eisen." He said, his eyes twinkling. "I merely thought that the two of you might have taken your chance to.. explore your relationship." Eisen gasped, his face heating.

Averting his eyes, he glanced at his partner. Yasuaki's brow was knotted with irritation. Forcing down his embarrassment, he met the older Hachiyou's gaze. "I appreciate your concern," He said, his voice cautious, "But why would I be hurt? I am capable of protecting myself, after all."

Tomomasa's eyes widened innocently. "I'm certain that you can protect yourself. I've never doubted your abilities in that area. However.." He leaned back, tapping his ever present fan on one knee. "I wondered exactly how far your education had gone in other aspects." Eisen blinked, his confusion apparent. Yasuaki also seemed bewildered.

The General sighed, pressing a hand to his brow. "It seems that I will have to explain," He said, obviously amused. "I was referring to your education in matters of a... sexual nature?"

He waited for the young man's spluttering to subside before continuing, studiously ignoring Yasuaki's rising ire. "As I was saying, I wouldn't want you to be injured due to your mutual lack of experience."

Eisen shook his head, speechless. Yasuaki took his silence as a chance to finally speak his mind. "I fail to see your part in this." He said, his words sharp. "I doubt that anything productive will come of further discussion on the subject. Was there anything else you wanted?" He asked, taking his partner's hand in readiness to leave.

The man waved his hands placatingly. "Wait, please. I understand that this may seem.. rude, but I am genuinely concerned. While nothing can compare to being joined with your lover, it can be very painful and even dangerous if one is inexperienced." He paused, seeing a slow look of horror cross the priest's face.

Yasuaki stared at his partner, aghast. "Is this true? Have I harmed you?"

Eisen stared at him, blushing furiously. "No! I swear, I'm fine. I..I don't know if what Tachibana-san says is true, though.." He mumbled the last, looking away.

Tomomasa watched them in open astonishment. "You mean that you.. Really did..?" He forced himself to remain calm. "Besides that, if neither of you have any knowledge of such things, how did you manage to avoid it? Without careful preparations, there is always discomfort, sometimes severe!" He turned to stare at the priest almost accusingly. "Didn't you use anything? Oil, or even just saliva? Surely you didn't take him dry?!"

If possible, Eisen's face grew hotter at the man's shocked queries, his hand tightening in his partner's. Feeling his renewed grip, Yasuaki glanced at him quickly. Turning to face the older man, he narrowed his eyes at the seemingly horrified General.

"Of course I didn't! And what the hell do you mean, 'dry'? It's none of your business, but both of us were at least sweating, how could we not? Why would we have needed oil?"

The older Hachiyou wore an uncharacteristic gaping expression. Shaking his head ruefully, he sat back. "I believe that there has been a misunderstanding of sorts. Am I correct in assuming that the two of you have engaged in sexual activities?"

Eisen gasped at his bluntness. "Tachibana-san, please!" He closed his eyes tightly. "What does it matter? We love each other. S..Sex is natural between lovers, isn't it?"

Tomomasa shook his head. "It is," He started gently, "But without at least some precautions, sexual relations between males can be harmful. Without some form of assistance, even the slightest penetration is almost impossible, and unbearably painful!"


After a long moment, the man leaned forward again, his face intent. "You...Still don't understand..?" Two pairs of wide eyes answered. Stifling a groan of exasperation, he laughed behind his fan, struggling to regain his composure. After a short time, he sighed.

"I see that you don't. To state the obvious, whatever you two did was not, strictly speaking, sex. Don't tell me!" He exclaimed, raising a hand when he saw the priest open his mouth indignantly. The protest averted, he relaxed. "There are many ways for lovers to be together physically," He continued, refilling his cup. "But not all of them are literally sex. Until you actually experience it, you wouldn't understand the difference."

Eisen nodded dumbly, his face scarlet. Yasuaki glanced at him, frowning at his obvious discomfort. "I suppose that is true," He admitted grudgingly. "So why are you insisting that we hear this from you?"

Tomomasa smiled, shaking his head at the other's unwilling interest. "If the two of you are going to be together, shouldn't you know what to expect?" Clearly amused, he closed his eyes in thought. "I think that I should at least try to be helpful, since I assume that neither of you has anyone you'd rather ask?"

Neither replied. Sighing, Tomomasa reached into his voluminous robes, producing a flask of saki. Filling his cup, he pulled up one knee, leaning against the wall in a relaxed posture. After taking a sip, he smiled. "Well, perhaps I should start with the basics. Then I could tell you about the more... adventurous methods." The two stared at him apprehensively, causing him to smirk. "Since you've obviously managed to figure some of it out on your own, I expect you will both prove to be quick studies."

Eisen tightened his grip on his partner's hand again, moving closer as if to take comfort in his presence. Yasuaki squeezed his hand reassuringly, giving him a small smile.

Tomomasa positively beamed, tapping his fan idly on his knee as he began. "Firstly, I think I should answer your question, Yasuaki. That will got the matter out of the way, and then I can go on to other things."

The priest stared at him, his eyes narrowed in thought. "My question? Which one do you mean?" He asked warily. Beside him, Eisen swallowed audibly.

The general frowned. "Just a moment ago, you asked why you might need oil?" Yasuaki nodded slowly. Tomomasa's smile returned full force. "Well, you would want to use oil or some other relatively slippery substance for your hands when you decide to.."


Almost an hour later...

Takamichi carefully strode down the walkway, his arms piled high with various scrolls and writing implements. As he passed a room near the end of the building, the door flew open, disgorging a hurtling form clad in pale green robes. All the man had time for was a startled exclamation, unable to avoid the collision.

Landing with a painful thud, he shook his head in confusion as he replaced his glasses. Looking around, his eyes fell on a small figure, already several yards distant. After a moment of shock, he realized that it was Eisen, sprinting rapidly in the direction of his quarters, hands pressed to his flaming cheeks.

Climbing to his feet, he stared after the younger man, bewildered. Looking into the room he'd come out of, he blinked as he took in another strange scene. Leaning against the far wall, his partner all but roared with mirth, helplessly clutching his stomach with one hand while struggling manfully to avoid spilling the cup he held in the other.

Across the room, Eisen's partner sat at a low table containing two cups and a tea tray, all overturned. The expression on his face was one of shock, his eyes wide and somewhat glazed. As Takamichi stared, the previously stoic priest blinked, scrambling awkwardly to his feet. Muttering to himself, he strode quickly to the door, his eyes slightly wild.

Brushing by the stunned scholar, he murmured a quiet apology, heading in the direction taken by his partner. Takamichi frowned, turning to look at his own partner, who seemed to have regained his composure somewhat. "What in the world was that?" He demanded, his tone exasperated, "What did you do now?"

The older man chuckled, rising to leave. "I took the liberty of explaining a few things to them. After all, is it not the duty of an elder to instruct the younger?"

Takamichi scowled at him suspiciously. "Exactly what did you 'explain' to them to make them react like that?" He asked, allowing his partner to pass through the doorway.

Tomomasa smirked, looping an arm casually about his partner's waist, leaning his chin on the shorter man's shoulder. "They've decided to be together, and I explained the relationship issues that they needed to know about." He paused, frowning thoughtfully. "Actually, it was rather surprising," He mused, "I don't think I've ever seen Eisen move that fast." Shaking his head, he nestled his face into the side of his partner's neck. "Would you like to know what I told them just before he left?"

Takamichi shook his head firmly. "No."

His partner nipped quickly at his ear, and told him anyway.


Later that night, Eisen lay on his futon, one arm slung up to cover his eyes. He couldn't believe how humiliating it had been to sit in that room and listen to Tachibana-san's blatant descriptions of physical intimacy. Sighing, he shook his head. 'I can't imagine how he knows all of that!' He thought, blushing. While some of the things the older man had mentioned didn't seem too bad, others were almost incomprehensible to the still innocent young man.

'Especially that last..' He mused, shuddering at his reaction to the man's rather graphic description of an act that he claimed all lover's should try at least once. 'I almost ran poor Takamichi-san into the ground trying to get away from there!' He groaned with embarrassment at what the studious man must have thought. 'I just couldn't stand it, with Yasuaki sitting there gaping at me when Tachibana-san said that, it was even worse than what he said about needing oil to.. to..' He couldn't even bring himself to think it.

Yasuaki's face had paled horribly, and Eisen wondered if he'd only sat through the rest out of shock from that single statement.

The thought forced him to chuckle reluctantly, even if it wasn't all that amusing. 'I can understand Yasuaki's reaction, but he would just be using it. I'm the one that would need it..' Shaking his head, he stood. Willing away such thoughts, he crossed the small room, taking his sleeping yukata from its hanger. Slipping it on, he returned to his bed, pulling back the blanket and sliding under it.

He blew out the single candle that burned nearby, lying back in the dark room. It was silent, with only a few noises now and then to remind him that he was actually in a populated place. His rooms were far from the rest, in a smaller side building that had no other occupants. Rather than feeling isolated, he often found himself enjoying the stillness that came with being set apart from the main building. Sometimes he would sit outside, playing his flute softly when he couldn't sleep, never having to worry that the music would disturb anyone.

Tonight, he felt strange. The room was still as quiet, and comfortably warm, the bedding as soft as ever, but he couldn't seem to shake a feeling of wrongness. Rolling onto his back, he stared at the invisible span of the ceiling, his eyes growing heavy as the minutes dragged by. Finally, he fell into a light sleep, the feeling of discomfort following him into his dreams.


Well, that's all for this part. In the next, prepare yourselves for something a little different ^_^