InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Laundry ❯ King and Queen ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own, please don't sue!


Chapter 6: King and Queen
Pairing: Kagome/Hollow Ichigo
Rating: T
For: Minogaki TenTen and Nasuki- formally Orihime Girl


Kagome was cleaning the shrine's storage room—one of the many duties she'd inherited from her grandfather when she had taken over the shrine—when she heard a thud come from outside. The sun was already setting and the shrine grounds had been closed to visitors for the day. But there really wasn't any reason for her to get too worked up about it. She was in her time now and it was surely much safer than it was five hundred years ago.

Setting aside the box that she had been dusting off, Kagome made her way outside. At first she didn't see anything, but as she rounded the corner of one of the many small buildings a gasp escaped her and she darted forward to the prone form of a young man. She kneeled down beside him as soon as she reached him and looked him over for any injuries.

He looked badly beaten and was bleeding from a few scrapes, but other than being unconscious he looked like he would be fine. He was dressed oddly in a black haori and black hakamas and had a large black sword that reminded her vaguely of Tetsusaiga. His soul felt a little weird, but she didn't feel anything threatening to her right now so she decided to ignore it until he awoke. But there was one thing that drew her attention over and over as she surveyed him. It was his bright orange hair that stuck up in all directions.

Kagome was just about to go retrieve her first aid kit when something caught her eye. In the boy's hair there were white fragments of…something. She reached down to pick out a piece for further examination, but when her fingertips made contact with the substance she felt the jewel around her neck pulse before everything went black.


Waking up was one of the strangest experiences that Kagome had ever had, and that was really saying something. She definitely wasn't on her shrine grounds anymore. Instead she found herself lying on what felt like a large piece of glass, and she was staring up at the sky. It was a beautiful nightscape; it looked like someone had stuck millions of diamonds in pitch. The moon was large and full and illuminated her surroundings nicely.

Sitting up cautiously, she looked around and noticed that she seemed to be on the side of a tall building. The ground looked like it was a few hundred feet in front of her. This gave her a massive wave of vertigo and she had to lie back down for a moment. `Did I hit my head??' She thought for a moment as she tried to figure out where she was. `What in the world happened?' Everything was a blur. She had been at the shrine in the early evening when a boy had seemingly fallen onto the grounds out of thin air. If she hadn't seen all that she had when she was younger, she would have sworn that she was crazy. But at this point she didn't think that anything was out of the realm of possibility.

She tried again to sit up and then stand while struggling to keep balance in the disorienting world. Surely there had to be a way out or another person around somewhere who could explain things to her.

Kagome looked around and realized that she was more-or-less trapped. The building that she stood on was completely level. At one end there was a vertical street that she obviously wouldn't be able to walk on, and at the other end was nothing but sky due to the building ending. The spaces on either of the sides between the other buildings were too far for her to jump. What was a girl to do?

She was still looking around for anything that could help her or give her a clue as to where she was when she caught a shadow out of the corner of her eye. Turning quickly, she was greeted with empty space. It was nighttime. Maybe she was just seeing something. A cloud passing in front of the moon perhaps?

Returning to what her search, she was startled when she saw another shadow move quickly to her right. Her heart was starting to beat faster now as she found nothing but emptiness again. She was in a strange environment, unarmed, at night, and secluded to a large but limited space. Things were not looking good for her if she were to be attacked. She placed a hand at the base of her throat and was relieved to still feel the jewel, but when she tried to call any of her purifying powers to her hands nothing happened.

Kagome almost screamed when another shadow darted over her this time. But unlike the times before, when she turned to face where her supposed attacker should be, he was actually there. It was a boy in his late teens, maybe a year or two younger than herself, but definitely taller. He was leaning in a nonchalant manner against a vertical pole which would normally be horizontal and sporting a flag of some sort.

He looked almost exactly like the boy she'd found injured at the shrine, except that his colors were completely inverted. His hair, skin, and clothes were a stark white that reflected the light of the moon almost causing him to glow. His stance spoke of someone laid back and possibly friendly. She probably would have bought into that too if it wasn't for the expression he wore on his face. It spoke of sadistic urges and screamed that this was someone to be wary of.

“Well what do we have here?” His sharp, echoing voice sent a chill down her spine and made her muscles tense in anticipation of possible danger. “It's not often that someone comes to see me. I usually have to come to them. Of course,” he paused as he pushed off of his pole and appeared in front of Kagome in an instant. “They never are very happy to see me.” The smile that accompanied the last sentence was more of a twisted smirk as his eerie black and yellow eyes sparked with something that she couldn't identify.

“Where am I?” Kagome questioned in the steadiest voice that she could muster as she tried to stand strong in front of this man.

The unnamed man chuckled darkly as he began to circle her with an appraising look. “Look at you, asking questions before even introducing yourself. How rude…”

Kagome swallowed thickly before taking his bait. “My name is Kagome Higurashi. And you are?”

He laughed at her again. “I have no name, girl,” he answered with another one of his twisted smiles.

“Now who's being rude?” She mumbled. But she quickly cursed her mouth and having to have the last word when she felt something suddenly binding her arms behind her. She stumbled forward with a start and turned as much as she was allowed to see that her arms were bound by a long, black piece of cloth that was attached to the hilt of a giant sword wedged vertically between one of the windows and the steel of the building.

She was now not only trapped on a building, but tethered to a sword. Anger was starting to override her fear. “Where am I?!” She demanded again.

“You are in the inner-world of my king, fair lady,” he mocked her with a deep bow. “But it won't be his for long. One day I'll take complete control and become the king,” he explained even though Kagome only thought that he was crazy. He drew closer and closer to her as she backed further and further away until her back was eventually flush with the massive sword she was attached to. “And every king needs a queen.” His echoing voice deepened as he reached up to run the backs of his fingers across her cheek.

She shivered as his chilled hand caressed her skin but left heated and sensitized trails.

Kagome could move. She could barely breathe as the same pale hand trailed across her jaw, down her neck, and stopped beneath the jewel. “With your power I could take control tonight. What do you say? Would you like to be the queen and watch me conquer all the worlds?” His face was dangerously close to hers now and Kagome briefly wondered if she would faint and be released from this world.

This man wasn't someone to be cautious or wary of…he was someone to be feared. She could tell that for all of his big talk and high ambitions, if he was ever released from wherever they were, he would have the strength to back it up.

Being this close to him was terrifying and exciting all at the same time. Adrenaline coursed through her veins giving her a light-headed feeling as his fingers continued to trace along her neck and collar. Her breath began to come quicker when she felt his warm breath on her ear. “This is a lonely world. The only interaction I get here is with the idiot king and the old man. I've always wondered what the company of a woman would be like.”

She could practically hear the smirk on his lips as he continued, but as her mind began to get lost in his voice and actions she couldn't bring herself to care.

His hand began to trail lower, slowly parting the top of her priestess robes so that he could stroke the smooth skin that made up the swell of her breast. She had to stifle a soft moan as his knee parted her legs and applied a delightful pressure on her center. She closed her eyes as his now husky voice continued to echo in her ear while his breath teased her neck. “So what do you say? You can either be the queen by my side now or die by my sword when I free myself later. Together, we could watch the world burn.”

Kagome had been seconds from falling completely under his spell and giving in, but it was the last thing he said that ripped her out of her haze and brought her back into the moment. If she helped to unleash this person and granted him the power than he wanted, she would more than likely have a more violent repeat of Naraku on her hands. And she would never allow an evil like that to roam the earth again.

Using the sword as leverage, Kagome wedged her knee in between their bodies and pushed him away before trying to kick at him again but missing. “No!” She screamed at him. “If I have anything to say about it, you'll stay here until you die!” She tried to sound as firm on this point as possible but knew that she probably didn't look the part. She was still trying to even out her breathing and she was almost positive that her face held a heavy blush. Hopefully he wouldn't be able to tell much in the dark of night that still surrounded them.

She had expected him to be angry or disappointed or persistent, but she hadn't expected him to start laughing at her. “Well, damn! And I was that close too.” That damned smirk was back. He glanced up at the sky above them which was beginning to lighten quickly. “It looks like the current king is waking up. That shop owner probably came to get him.” He turned back to Kagome and called his sword back to him. “That means it's time for you to go. But don't worry, I'll find you once I take reign,” his words and the world faded until Kagome was left in darkness once again.


When Kagome awoke yet again, she was on her living room couch. There was a note on her coffee table from a man named Urahara. In the note he apologized for any trouble that may have been caused and left a number for her to call if she had any questions.

Kagome simply threw the note away wishing to forget everything that had happened in that strange world. She reprimanded herself for ever considering what the sadistic man had offered and repeatedly told herself how evil he must have been and that she was glad that she would never have to see him again.

She told herself that he hadn't had any real effect on her and it must have all just been some sort of trick; dark magic or a spell. But no matter what she told herself during her waking hours, it didn't stop the dreams she had of piercing yellow eyes.


AN: I honestly couldn't think of any way to go but “dark” for Hollow Ichigo! Considering we had funny with Grimmjow in the last chapter, I think that it's fine ^_^ I hope parts of this chapter weren't too much like the last one! Can you tell I'm steadily working up to doing something lemon/limey?? x3 I've never written a full lemon before, so we'll see how that goes. Let's see…up next is Hisagi! I already have the next four planned out in my head so they shouldn't take too long :) I hope you guys are still enjoying everything! Let me know what you think and/or would like to see :D See you guys later!