InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Laundry ❯ I Meant What I Said ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AN: Newest installment! I have to admit though, Ulquiorra is probably the character that I know the least about, so bear with me and forgive any glaring errors with his character…

Disclaimer: I don't own, please don't sue!


Chapter 11: I Meant What I Said
Pairing: Kagome/Ulquiorra
Rating: T
Prompt: Acceptance
For: Haru Inuzuka, XxHaku-Spirited-Away-RoseXxXx, Kamichama12, Stebba stud28


Kagome waited in the hall outside of the young human woman's room. She wasn't sure what Ulquiorra was doing in there, but she was sure that she didn't want to know. He was often cold and unfeeling towards everyone, herself included, but she accompanied him everywhere he went. She had seen that so many others disliked him and thought that he needed at least one companion. She thought that perhaps he would open his heart to someone is he was shown how. But so far that plan hadn't been very successful.

When the pale man exited the room and saw her waiting for him, he simply stared at her blankly for a moment. Then he asked, “Why do you always wait for me?”

Kagome simply smiled at the one who had brought her in from the wasteland known as Hueco Mundo. She wasn't sure how she had gotten there and knew that the Espada male had likely only taken her from the sands because he found her “interesting,” but she saw something in him that apparently none of the others saw.

“Because I meant what I said,” she answered as she followed after him down the hall.

“I know,” was Ulquiorra's only response.


Kagome bit her lip and cringed as she watched Ulquiorra easily kill more of the creatures he'd been ordered to dispose of by Aizen. It wasn't so much the fact that he was killing, but Kagome could see no signs of remorse in his emerald eyes as he did so.

But she knew that he would need someone someday. When everything that he had ever done caught up with him, he would need someone by his side who knew what he had done and what he had gone through but would be able to accept his past. He would need someone so that he didn't go insane with guilt.

When Ulquiorra was finished with his task he walked past Kagome as he wiped his hands before asking, “Why do you insist on following me?”

Falling in step beside him and glancing at him with sad eyes, Kagome answered, “Because I meant what I said.”

Ulquiorra was quiet for a moment before he said, “I know.”


Kagome sat next to the bed in which Ulquiorra lay trying to heal him. He had gotten into a fight with another Espada and something was interfering with his natural ability to heal himself.

The woman by his side slowly worked on using her own powers to heal the gashes running along his chest before Ulquiorra said, “Your human emotions are wasted. They are nothing but limitations on what you could achieve.” He knew that the female held power, but she was often unable to full harness its potential.

Kagome was silent as she continued her task with a sad smile. She knew that he may never truly understand, but she could wait.

“Why do you ignore the obvious truth by holding onto your heart?” He questioned.

“Because I meant what I said,” Kagome answered in a tired voice.

Ulquiorra directed his attention back to her hands which were healing him as he said, “I know.”


Ulquiorra opened his eyes and blinked several times before the reality of the situation came to him. He had died. He was positive of the fact. Ichigo Kurosaki had ended his life in their battle. But the small particles of ash floating through the room and gathering to rematerialize his body told a different story.

He looked up from his position lying on the floor to see Kagome meditating with a glowing pink jewel in her hands. When she cracked open any eye to look at him she smiled softly before closing her eyes again and focusing on her task. He lifted his arm and watched as his hand formed before his eyes once more. Then he remembered the moments just before his “death” and reflected on the revelation he'd had.

Kagome brought her hands to her lap as she finished repairing and rebuilding Ulquiorra's body. She knew that he would need her one day, and now she only hoped that he could now understand why she was always with him.

Ulquiorra continued to look at his hand as he pushed himself into a sitting position. He directed his gaze to Kagome before slowly speaking, “You meant it when you said that you would stay by my side until I understood what a heart is.”

“I know,” Kagome smiled as she realized that he finally knew what she had truly meant.

“And you will continue by my side knowing what I have done?” He asked.

“Yes,” she answered simply.

Reaching out an unsure arm, Ulquiorra slowly pulled Kagome to his chest not totally sure what to do before saying, “Thank you.”

“Of course,” Kagome answered as if it were the most natural and obvious thing in the world.


AN: And there we go! I'm pleased with how that turned out :] What do you guys think? I know it's shorter than some of the others, but I knew that if I kept it short I wouldn't be as likely to screw up Ulquiorra's character. Anyway, I'm keeping this short because I have some more work to do on a few other chapters before my mass-update. Next up in the series is a pairing that I've never seen done before featuring Jin Kariya! I'll see you next time and thanks for reading!