InuYasha Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Genesis ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 2
Last night, Genesis had came into the life of Son Gohan. Having met him by the lake where he had found her brooding over where she felt her life her would take her. Knowing already that she could never go back to Veriza where uncertain death would await her if she should return. At that point, of time she was deeply hurt to know that the man she had thought she would love for all time would want to hurt her.
'I still can't believe the simple notion of him wanting me dead and for what; just to obtain the life my mother had worked so hard to obtain. Why Thorn? Why did you do these to me?' had been some of her thoughts during the huge dinner she had had with Gohan's parents, Chichi and Goku, along with his little brother Goten whom she adored.
Well after having a huge dinner with the Son family and discussing what parts of life she wished to share with them, Genesis had headed out with Gohan, who had offered her to stay at his place for however she liked.  
Now a day was ahead for Genesis, today she was going to meet some close family friends of Gohan. Her first meeting would be with Dende the guardian of Earth and his companion Mr. Popo. Now the flight there had been a bit un-nerving for Genesis seeing as she was deathly afraid of heights. Something she had fell to mention to Gohan during both times that he used that mode of transportation to get her to his parents' house and to the top of the apartment building that he was staying at. Yet for her the flight hadn't last that long for either one, so she had been able to mask her fear from Gohan. However, flying way up in the sky, with the ground nowhere in sight had caused Genesis to panic. Nearly costing Gohan to drop her in mid-air as she let out an ear-piercing cry for him to put her back on solid ground. But with soothing words from Gohan she had manage to endure the flight a little while longer till they arrived at the tower, where they were greeted by Dende.
"Gohan how nice of you to come by." said Dende "And it's to met you as well Genesis"
"How did you know my name, have we met before?" she asked with a puzzled look.
"Yes we have, you came to New Namek about twelve years ago wishing to use the Dragon balls to-"
"Revive my mother. Yet the dragon couldn't grant my wish because a year had passed since her death." she finished for him.
"Seems to me as if you've already met Dende. Haven't you?" said Gohan as he looked between the two.
"Yes we have." Genesis said with smile etched on her face. "Tell me how did a little guy like yourself come to being the guardian of this planet?"
That question was the start of a long conservation between Genesis and Dende as they talked about how he had came to Earth with Goku during the year of the Cell games. Gohan himself would jump into the story himself telling Genesis the events that had lead up to the Cell games, along with some of the things that had happen afterwards.
Genesis herself would tell them some things she had done after leaving New Namek to return to Veriza. Mostly she talked about her aunt and her cousin coming into her life a short time after her arrival back from her trip with her bodyguard Armand. Whom Genesis had told both Dende and Gohan about the yearlong relationship that had lasted between them. Also for the first time she would talk about her daughter Vera. Her one and only daughter that had died in an accidental fall from the third floor balcony. Something, which Genesis now believed, was no accident. After her mentioning of her daughters death she had fell silently.
Minutes would pass before Gohan said, "Well Dende I think that me and Genesis are going to leave know."
"Okay." he said, "And uh Genesis don't be a stranger." he added on watching as Genesis clung onto Gohan.
She would only nod her head as she prepared herself for the un-inevitable. "Look I'm just going to levitate us both down to the ground, so that you and I can just walk.
"As long as you stick close to the ground I can deal with you flying me to our next destination."
"Okay, but I wished you had told me about your fear of heights because then we could have went to go see Bulma first. I'm sure she would of given me one of her Hoover cars for our mode of transportation."
"Well I wish I would of thought of that." Genesis mumbled. "But how was I suppose to know that Dende lived way up in the sky?"
"Well know you know."
"And know you know about my fear of heights." she said, grasping her hold on Gohan as they continue to head of to there next destination.
Elsewhere in another dimension, a very pissed of wolfine named Jade was on the prowl. She wanted out from hell, and she wanted out know. She had only recently learned from a source that had great connections on the outside world, that her little girl's life was in danger.
The person who had put her daughter's life in danger was now dead thanks to her niece Angel. So know Thorne was down here in hell with here to suffer her own wrath against him. However, fortunate enough for him, Jade had other things on her mind. For one she needed to escape Hell, know. Why? Because someone somewhere still wanted her daughter dead. Who this person was, she did not know. Nevertheless, she definitely planned on finding that out that is if she managed to get out.
Although it was going to be, a whole lot tougher for her to get that job done. Being that she wore a special collar that prevented her from using her powers fully. It seemed that it was Yemma's plan to insure that none of the wolfines would ever be able to use there powers fully. After all, they were at their strongest point when they transformed into their beastly states. A state they obtained by either there anger or by the full moon.
As for Jade, she was one the strongest wolfine to have ever lived among the living. Even in death, she was still the top dog in the pack. Her people feared her, yet on numerous occasion they would gather beings they thought were stronger then her. The beings that would often challenge her in several battles, would on some occasions win, but despites the collar she wore she did win some of those challenges against her.
She could not depend on Frieza to help her out in those battles because well he was section off in a place far different then where she was. Nor could she depend on the Ginyu's, Dodoria or Zarbon for that matter. Why because for one Zarbon was no longer in Hell, he was out there somewhere in space enjoying his second chance at life. A chance in which he, unlike her, could redeem his soul. All of which had to deal with the fact that he had remained on good behavior during his time down here in hell.
Know Jade had tried that route one time during her twelve years in the after world, and well it just did not work out for her, unlike Zarbon who had left about a year ago. "Maybe my route of getting out of here won't be like yours Zarbon but still, I'm going to be enjoying my freedom on the outside someday too."
"Jade why don't you stop right where you are." came a voice from behind her. Stopping in her tracks, she turned to face the speaker. It was a man she knew oh so very well, His name was Armand and he had been a hired by Frieza himself to look after Jade and her then two-year-old daughter Genesis. Armand was a wolfine like Jade. He and her sister were the only known wolfines she knew that had survived because both had been taken in as prison once it was learned that they had manage to eluded Jade and her army of men. The then sixteen-year-old Emerald, Jade's older half-sister had been found three days after the massacre attempting to steal one of Frieza space pods. In hopes of escaping with her life and the seven-year-old boy named Armand.
"Come on Armand, my daughter's life is in danger, please let me pass thru so that I may protect the only living blood I have left in these world." she said moving closer to the tall masculine figure that stood only a few feet away from her. "Don't you wish to protect Genesis as well?" she asked in a seductive tone, running her fingers down along his arms. Years ago, there had been a short-lived romance between the two. It was a love that was destined to end in a tragic way. That is with her life ending at the age of twenty-four-years. Only with that, she had left behind her five-year-old daughter, who was only going to be celebrating her sixth birthday three days later.
"Jenny's in danger?" he questioned, stepping back from the one woman he had indeed loved at least one time in his life. However, there was another that had stolen his heart, and right know her life was danger.
"Yes she is." Jade had said with a nod of her head. Never once missing the brief anger that had washed across Armand's face. It was a known fact to her that this man had not only fallen in love with her, but her daughter as well. A man that was old enough to be her daughter father had fell head over heels in love with a sixteen-year-old girl. He was a man that had been frightened away by the concept of becoming a father, thus him running away from Genesis. Leaving her baby girl in the hands of a monster that wanted nothing more then to claim leadership of Veriza.
"How do you know all of this?"
"I have my sources you know." she stated in a matter of fact of tone.
"Who exactly are these sources?" he questioned a bit skeptical. After all, it was a known fact that Jade did not have many friends down here in the other world. Therefore, he did not completely trust the fact that whatever info Jade was getting was the truth.