InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Raging Elements ❯ Births, Years, and Meetings ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hello all, first off, this is a story me and one of my friends came up with, so I'm only one of the authors, get it? This is an YYH/INY/made up.
Disclaimer: If I owned YYH or INY, I'd be rich, and I'm not, so there!
The night's silence was uncomfortable, and the darkness shrouded all obstacles. A young woman ran in fear, glancing behind her as if something was after her, and it was. People scouted the trees and bushes, searching for the woman who carried the abomination in her womb. They couldn't let her give birth, or it could be their very own life.
Meanwhile, two men ran at amazing speed towards the woman, a kitsune with silver hair, grey eyes, and an elf with blond hair and crystal blue eyes. Their breaths synchronized together as they sped through the shadows.
The woman cried out in pain and shock as she doubled over and held her stomach.
“N-no, not now. Not when this is happening.” She cried.
But it wasn't going to go away, it was coming now. She fell to her knees, and then laid in the grass. Her body shook and she tried to keep the scrams in, so she would not attract attention. The pain lasted for hours and she hid whenever she heard approachers.
Finally it was time, seven hours later. It came and she held her new baby girl in her trembling, sweating arms. She, the baby, had blue eyes with what seemed like brunette hair and black wolf ears atop her head. Suddenly the pains returned and she screamed. It had taken her by surprise. This one was quicker, taking only two hours. Another girl was born. She had black hair, black eyes with small white specks, and silver kitsune ears with black on the tips; she also had a silver kitsune tail with a black tip.
She cradled her baby girls in her arms, and tended to them. They cooed and laughed at each other and their surroundings. She was about to feed them when she heard footsteps coming towards her. She sensed something stronger then the ones that were after her. She was too weak to run, so she was forced to use the forbidden magics. She looked into her babies' eyes and tears began to fall. She drew a star and set her babies in the circle.
“I'm sorry, Sehnen, Carchuluin. I hope you find happiness.” She placed her hands on their foreheads and water began to drip from one, and light came from the other.
The footsteps were close, just another ten feet and they'd be on her, and the children were beginning to fade. Just when the children were almost completely gone, the two men burst through the trees.
“NOOO!” the elf yelled, trying to stop them, but it was too late.
Ch.1 Darkness Forms
Unknown to the three sobbing forms in the darkness, and evil was forming out of the hatred and malice in the hearts of the people hunting the woman and her abomination of children. Evil forming into a physical form, and gathering power. But to cover the four realms with its maliciousness, it'd need to be rid of the forbidden twins, forbidden because they had opposing elements in their souls. So it would wait, it would gather power over the years, and send it's servants against them in the meantime.
The twins, in the meantime, were transported to the other side of their realm, the Element Realm, and into the arms of two ice kitsunes. The sister kitsunes, sensing the forbidden elements rage inside of the twin girls decided one would take one twin to Nengenkai, or Human World, whilst the other would take the other twin to Demon World, or Makai.
The twins were wearing bracelets with their names on it, so naming was taken care of. Carchuluin, the older twin, was taken to Makai, and there was trained with swords, knives daggers, archery, and her elements of fire, ice, water, spirit, and psychic. Because of her opposing elements, she was considered forbidden, and was hunted by demons, thus her personality was a tough, cruel, but honorable fighter with reserved compassion saved for those she cared for.
Sehnen, the younger twin, was sent to Nengenkai, and was able to visit her twin every Christmas. Sehnen was also trained with the weapons that her twin sister had been trained in, but her elements included dark, light, air, and earth. Earth included stone/ground, forest/plant life, and animal life. Sehnen, being part kitsune herself, loved tricks and being a sneaky little devil. But overall she had a kind personality, beings in human world didn't' really know of demons, so she wasn't in danger as much as her twin, Carchuluin, however, servants of the evil Lord Aaken have occasionally come and were easily defeated.
Even if it was only once a year they met, the twins had a strong connection. They could feel each others feelings through their twin link. Over the years they learned to make barriers out of demonic energy and their elements, how to mask their aura and scent, and other types of combat.
But during one of the Christmas visits, the servants of the Dark Lord swarmed their home in the forest, and before all of the servants were killed, they managed to kill the two kitsune sisters, leaving the twins with only each other as company. They were 18 when it happened, and decided to live in the vast forests surrounding a beautiful shrine, in Nengenkai.
Ch.2 Rekai
One day, in Nengenkai, Sehnen and Carchuluin were training, and were attacked for the first time since their kitsune parents/sensei were killed. They were easily taken care of, but the twins had to use their demonic energy, of a vast amount, to break a barrier that protected them.
-Spirit World (Rekai)-
“OGRE!” yelled the toddler ruler of Rekai.
“Yes, Koenma-sama?” asked the blue ogre named George.
“FIND BOTAN!” yelled Koenma, his binky bouncing with each word.
“Y-yes, s-sir!” stuttered George as he left to find the not-so-grim-grim reaper, Botan.
“We have a serious problem.” muttered the shaken prince.
Botan came in, smiling as always, but when she saw her boss's grim expression, she got worried.
“Botan, I need you to go get the boys! NOW!”
“Y-yes K-Koenma si-ir.” Botan then opened a portal and left to retrieve the Rekai Tentai.
-Meanwhile with the twins-
“Who do you think sends them after us? And why?” Sehnen asked.
“The same person who always sends his minions to kill us, who else?” Carchuluin replied.
“Yes, but who is this person?” Sehnen snapped.
“I don't know! I may be psychic, but I can't figure it out! And don't snap at your older sister.”
“You're not that much older! It's only a two hour difference!” exclaimed Sehnen.
“Two hours is good enough for me.” Carchuluin told her.
Sehnen hmphed and turned her back to her so-called-“older”-sister.
-Spirit World-
“Whaddya want now you spoiled toddler?” yelled out favorite Sprit Detective, Yuske Urameshi.
Hiei walked to his corner and leaned against the wall, whilst Kurama and Kuwabaka (oops, I mean KuwabaRa, hehe) stood behind Yuske.
“Whatever, why are we here anyway?”
“Two great demonic energies are in Nengenkai! They can give you a run for your money if they have evil intent! One of you may not return.” Koenma murmured the last part.
Everyone was shocked into silence. Sure Koenma would warn them to be careful, but doubt they would return? Kurama was the first to speak.
“So, where might we find them?”
“Actually, it worries me a bit that the last place that our radar detected their energy, was in the forest surrounding Genkai's shrine.” Koenma was waiting for the outburst that was sure to occur.
“WHAT!” yelled Yuske and Kuwabara.
“You should leave immediately, Botan! Portal!”
Botan opened her blue-ish portal, and the four boys walked through, Botan stayed behind because of the danger possibility.
-Back with the twins-
Sehnen had gotten over her mood shortly after their fight, and was walking into the valley, in which they usually pick a tree to sleep in for the night, with Carchuluin walking to her right. The twins were, however, on guard as a blue portal opened before them, with four people walking out of it. All were males; one had red hair, green eyes, and wore a pink-ish school uniform, he felt like a kitsune demon and a human at the same time. A shorter demon stood behind him to the left, he had gravity-defying black hair with a white star on it, crimson-red eyes, and had the feel of a fire demon and an ice demon. He wore all black and had a cloak on.
`Some on like us' was what both twins thought.
The supposed leader had black, gelled back hair, fierce-chocolate-brown eyes, and a green school uniform. He had the feel of mostly human, with a hint of demon somewhere, and a vast amount of spirit energy.
The one behind him to the right had Elvis-like hair, beady-brown eyes, and overall wasn't very pretty, but you could tell he held a lot of compassion and would fight for his friends and family. He wore a blue school uniform, and had the feeling of a true human with a big amount of spirit energy, though not as much as the other.
-Hiei's POV-
We came out o f the portal to come face-to-face to the demons we were searching for. I could see them shift to guard and size us up. The girl on my right had pitch-night-black hair that reached to mid-back, and midnight-black eyes with white specks in them, making it look like a mirror image of the most beautiful night sky. She had silver kitsune ears with black tips atop her head and a silver tail with the same black tip as her ears. She wore a loose black shirt with no sleeves, and had on (a little poofy) white pants. Over her shirt and almost to down to her ankle's she wore a trench coat-like thing with no collar, buttons, or zippers, and in the color black, at the bottom corners were intricate designs in metal; silver to be precise. She had the feel of dark energies, but also light, and air, as well as earth. She was strong, he could tell, even if she was covering her aura and scent, he could tell by how guarded her fighting stance was.
`She's like me; forbidden.' I mused.
Norm POV
Hiei was unconsciously disappointed he couldn't smell her scent. The Jagan implant was pulling towards her, however a barrier played her mind `untouchable', and he was unconsciously disappointed for this as well.
-Kurama's POV-
We walked into the shadows of the trees, only to find two young girls. The wolf-kitsune girl was pretty, but it was the other young wolf that caught my attention. She was mind boggling, with her long brunette hair that had touches of blonde and red and reached to mid-back like the kitsune's did. Her blue eyes were like that of a clear and pure stream, lively, but mysterious as well. Black wolf ears were set adorably atop her dead, and one was pierced with a small, blue earring. Her figure was astonishingly fit and small. She looked a little weak, but her stance said otherwise. She wore blue jeans that hugged her hips and got bigger as they trailed, making them flow over her feet. She wore a sleeveless shirt that stopped above her belly button. This revealed a water droplet belly-ring and a tattoo of a large wolf, made of fire, making its way across ice.
I already knew a bit about this girl. She was tough, raised in a tough hardship. She was also the oldest, and would protect the other with her life.
`Koenma was right; we could be killed by these two. But it would be honorable, especially if it is by this insanely beautiful woman.'
#Thank-you.# A woman's voice softly said in my mind.
I looked around and the wolf-girl laughed softly. I looked at her, then smiled.
“So you're a psychic, pretty handy. So you must be the demons Koenma was talking about.” I held out a steady hand.
The kitsune stepped back, but the wolf demon took my hand and shook it.
“I am Carchuluin, and this is my younger twin sister, Sehnen. You better not be here to kill us.” Her eyes narrowed as she said those words to me.
“No. We're just here to make sure you're not evil.” Yuske answered.
“I don't think we are, but men have been coming to kill us for years.” Carchuluin told him.
“Why?” Kuwabaka (I did it again gosh dang it! KUWABARA) asked.
“Because of what we are.”
“And what is that?” Hiei finally asked.
“We are forbidden, opposing elements.” Sehnen stepped in, to stand close to Carchuluin.
“Opposing elements? What's so bad about that?” Yuske asked.
-Norm POV-
Sehnen's eyes narrowed and her knuckles cracked in anticipation, but before she could remark, Carchuluin said something in her mind.
#Don't kill him for that, how `bout you put him through grand kitsune-prankish torture? #
&Grand idea, Carchuluin, now…I think I know what to do. &
Unnoticed by everyone else, the twins held a verrrry scary amused smirk on their face at the picture Sehnen mentally showed her twin.
“Hold your tongue Detective! You know nothing of how bad it could be.” Remarked Hiei, much to everyone's surprise.
Hiei walked off to the side and let the Jagan brush against the wolf-kitsunes mental barriers, just to let her know he wanted to talk. Much to his satisfaction, she lowered them just enough for a conversation.
*Don't mind the baka, he knows nothing. *
&Carchuluin had it worse than I did. Oh, and how would you like to see your `baka' look like this? & Sehnen sent him a mental image of her newest prank-targets future misfortune.
Hiei mentally smirked.
*I like it. *
&I'm Sehnen. Who're you? &
*Hn. Hiei. *
“Oh, I'm sorry, we haven't introduced ourselves. I'm Kurama; the one in green is Yuske. The one in blue is Kuwabara…”
Kuwabara ran up to both girls, grabbed both their hands, and asked both…
“Will one of you two pretty ladies go out with me, the great Kazuma Kuwabara?”
Carchuluin punched him, while Sehnen glared daggers at him.
Hiei and Kurama were silently battling the possessive growl rising in their throats.
-Kurama's POV-
~Let's hurt, not torture, no, KILL him Red. He touched what's ours! ~
%Technically she's not ours! %
~Not yet….but she will be! ~
#Having problems Kurama? #
% Did you just hear that? %
#Yes. Who else is here? #
~My name is Youko Kurama, my fair lady. ~
Youko mentally bows.
#I'm Carchuluin. So, you're an avatar. Well that explains your aura. #
%Youko, go away! %
~NO! We'll talk later, Carchuluin. ~
Youko mentally kisses her hand.
%Sorry. %
Kurama had a light blush on ever since Carchuluin announced she heard what Youko said.
#I'll leave you to yourself then. #
Carchuluin mentally smirked and chuckled.
%Youko, this IS YOUR FAULT! %
Youko smirks.
~She WILL be ours. Or have you forgotten my ways of seduction? ~
%...Don't. You. Dare! ~
Hiei's POV
*How. Dare. He. Ask. Her. THAT! She's mine! Wait, did I just say `mine'? *
^Yup. ^
*Who the hell are you? Leave now or I'll kill you! *
^I'm your sub-conscious. I am you, and you like Sehnen. ^
*…LEAVE! *
^You like her! I will RETURN! Bwahahahaha 'choke, gag' ^
Hiei mentally sweatdrops.
&You do know you haven't severed our mental link yet right? &
*…hn. *
Norm POV
Out of nowhere Carchuluin starts to chuckle again.
&OMG, she heard us! &
Hiei closed the mental link there, with an unseeable blush on his cheeks.
“Well, on with the introductions then, the one over there in black is Hiei, he doesn't talk much.” Finished Kurama.
“Hn. Koenma might want to meet them, fox.” Suggested Hiei.
“Right. Yuske, call Botan.” Kurama ordered.
“Yeah, sure.”
Yuske popped open his communicator and called Botan up for a portal. She came in with her traditional `pop', and opened a portal to Spirit World for them.
(What do you guy's think so far? Please review!)