InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Braving Mystical Worlds ❯ Chapter 5: Interrogation ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Braving Mystical Worlds: Chapter 5: Interrogation

-Jasmine Fields






Jazz: Hey look! More reviewers!


Inuyasha: Punished Fox, foxylilraven, Sebastian1, and libraflyter...Keh! All smell like high strung wenches, if you ask me.


Jazz: [ignoring him] You know...I have to give special thanks to Punished Fox and Sebastian1 for believing in this story enough for a fanfiction(dot)net C2 recommend! You're fantastic!


Inuyasha: I wonder why they'd do that? You ain't that good!


Jazz: [rolls eyes] Can't you for once indulge the readers once-n-awhile and rant and rave about something else - like how wonderful they are...for instance, UnicornLove21...


Inuyasha: Keh! As if I'd do that!


Jazz: I wasn't done! She's a long lost friend that I'm trying to track down...absolutely awesome. [pauses] Remind us again why you're hanging around me?


Inuyasha: [nervous, looks down and twiddles hands]


Jazz: Well? [noticing his discomfort] What's wrong? Spill...


Inuyasha: [grunts] I'm having girl trouble.


Jazz: Again? That's what's got you wound up? What's going on this time?


Inuyasha: [avoiding her gaze] There's a wench I know...and I like her alot...[shifts weight on his feet]


Jazz: [chuckles] Problems with Kagome again?


Inuyasha: Feh woman! We're just friends. If you ain't listening to me, I ain't explaining! [growls]


Jazz: [turns somber and motions to him to sit next to her on the couch] all means, continue.


Inuyasha: See, she's got these bright green eyes...and she's cute...kinda talks alot...but then, all women seem to do that - no matter what species....then when she does her wolf howl - wow - it really stirs my blood!


Jazz: [surprised by the news] ....


Inuyasha: [continues] But, she likes someone else who's in love with Kagome.


Jazz: [suspicions growing] And what do you think?


Inuyasha: I think Kouga would kick my ass...


Jazz: What makes you think that you'd have to fight for Ayame at all?


Inuyasha: [stomping his foot, yells] Keh! I didn't say it was that wench! Besides, who's to say she won't beat me up first?


Jazz: .... [bats eyes] Go pucker up and tell her, you idiot!


Inuyasha: [exasperated, stops short at the sudden realization of something] How do you and Kagome do that?!?


Kagome: [walks up mid-conversation] Do what?


Inuyasha: Know who it is?!?! I certainly didn't say anything! Who already blabbed their fat mouths to ya'? [bellows answer, whines and then storms off]


Kagome: He doesn't listen to himself half the time when he gets bent out of shape telling us things like this.


Jazz: [nods head in agreement] Or he doesn't realize that we are listening to him....piecing it together....


Kagome: As though it can be helped.


Jazz: In that case, that frees him up for you...


Kagome: What Kouga? Nah, he and I just love to jerk Inu's chain. He has his own horde of women, you know, and many more that he's trying to pursue. [nudges her ribs]


Jazz: Who knew he loved being such a playboy bachelor?


Kagome: You're so-o-o-o clueless, aren't you?


Jazz: About what?


Kagome: [sighs loudly]


Kouga: [jumps up from behind them out of no where] ...about me, of course! [lands, flashing his cocky fang-toothed grin]


Kagome: Kouga, I think it's time you tell this girl what you really think about a great many things...


Jazz: But, I don't want a playboy telling me anything....


Kouga: You're quite need to learn a thing or two....[swoops down and kisses her passionately and skillfully in a secure embrace]






~Japan~Sengoku Jidai~



Sputtering, she shifted her weight to the side, tucking her chin and dodging his onslaught of an attack as she slid into a hasty combat roll. Her accidental fall to the ground had saved her from receiving severe lascerations of clawed hands gutting her, she mused as she gathered her strength to force her self off the ground.


"It's only fair to warn you that Ah'm not that easy of a target."


In her mind's eye she witnessed through Inuyasha's memories the skewering he endured in the battle for dominating Tesseiga. The odd thoughts scattered throughout the confines of her brain muttering a primitive language as she decided her course of action.


Male ~ not pack ~ hate ~ male ~ not pack ~ hate much.


She wondered why she was only catching clipped versions of his opinion towards Sesshoumaru. They weren't clearly defined for her understanding - mere fragments to entire thoughts and opinions posing as encryption codes to her while she puzzled over the unfamiliar sensations of foreign information entering her mind. Not even when she first absorbed his memories had the result impacted her in such a disabling manner.


Unexpectedly, memories of a conversation ambushed her into stunned silence.


"What the hell?" she spoke aloud as she gauged her opponent shaking her head.


What ever stupid...Kagome's a nice cute girl!


Yeh, from the future, human-half!


Demon-half, fuck off...she freed us - or did you forget that?


This non human half will protect her!


I protect her!


Control your selfish urges from your weak human emotions...that's the best way to protect her! I keep her away from real harm!


A snarl and growl - a hiss and a deep groan resonated violently through the depths of her soul as Rogue tried to maintain captivity of the elusively enchanted delightfully perculiar surrealistic visions tearing at the steel core barriers of her own mind that she had worked painfully endless hours to perfectly achieve her own resolve while staying with the professor and the rag-tag group of freakish humans known as mutants to the modern world.


Pack ~ female ~ pack.


"No! You should shut up and let me protect you!"


I love her.


Strange you say that, since you haven't seen her in that other's so soon.


There had been a relieving break that existed with the internal arguement forcing him to resign to a path of action against the threat that struggled to strangle his life force in this foreign world that demanded vehemently that Rogue's questions receive answers.


"Me, I'll live...but you - you ain't got a chance."


...But if it's any comfort - I like her too.


Protect pack ~ female protect.


The arguement in his head finally had silenced as soon as Tesseiga's power pulsed to life and he won his battle against a fully transformed Sesshoumaru howling and hurling dog-like insults that ended in a bloody nightmare with the removal of his arm. The fog storm-clouding her brain cleared and her eyes glowed brilliantly bright.


Keh! Half-breed or me it don't matter.


Finally the pictures that circuited invisibly through the nerve endings of her mutant mind quieted and she removed the other glove from her hand making quick work to get her neck scarf off shortly there after. Having only an inkling to his capabilities had startled her; she was taking as many precautions as possible.


"So, you've fought Inuyasha over Tesseiga before - and lost? Ah know what you look like in all your dog-demon glory. Ah know alot about you - more than Ah really want - fangs, markings - ugliness and all."


Focusing all her control to grasp the power that was Inuyasha, she smirked, concious of directing her provokation toward the demon lord.


Her senses sharpened - eyes capable of seeing dimensions and detail better in that dark black forest brighter than anything she had ever been capable of viewing in broad daylight or with the aide of lamps - and still better than the assistance spotlights would bring. Briefly exhilarated, she concentrated on her newly developed listening skills and sense of smell.


"Hmm. Burnt-beyond-redemption popcorn, mint and cocoa beans, and the smell of milk mixed with honey. I didn't know the people of this era had such fine luxuries."


Eyes narrowing, he stole a silent whiff on the light breeze.


"How is it possible that you can identify Jaken and Rin?"


Unsure how to respond to him without getting caught in a mental war that she wasn't certain she could contain on top of the massive amounts of power that topped all her previous battle encounters, her body gladly endured the magic and power of the mighty half dog demon. Convincing herself that she might just have a chance at living through the night, in spite of it all, Rogue tightened the reigns on the temperment that threatened to thrash out prematurely against her opponent - the delight of tearing him limb from limb - with any liberties that she felt necessary to accomplish the task - stirred hidden recesses of her bubbling boiling blood.


"What makes you think I'd answer a question like that? Perhaps even I do not know the answer."


"You're a foreigner."


"Ah'm thinking it was my appearance - or maybe mah accent that gave it away."


She deliberately taunted him to her great pleasure, giving no thought to the cause of her antagonizing purpose.


Gripping the handle of her acquired weapon, she lost her self with the power flooding her veins as Tesseiga roared into transformation.


He had malicious intent against her - cool, calculating, and nearly aloof with her presence in the beginning. When he noticed Tesseiga in her possession, Sesshoumaru's image of her changed almost instinctively as his hackles raised as the first words she spoke reached his ears.


She was not what she seemed - although her human state was obvious to every creature present within a few kilometers radius. She was fearless, zealous, confident - and graced with combat trained battle hardened refined power surging in waves of perfected control ebbing and flowing from her energies.


He approached cautiously. She blinked, eyes never straying from his hands or feet.


Silence loomed thick in the dense air - and then, finding the opening she bare willingly for him to take, and used his speed to whiz forward to grasp her neck in a strangled hold.


"Tell me what I want to know." He demanded.


Most certainly, he was not prepared for her reaction.


Not squirming, wriggling, screaming or begging for mercy. Nearly unnerving his coolness, he watched her face for traces of regret only to discover her smirk. Loosening his grip, he held her silently waiting for her to answer.


"Ah'm The Rogue. Mah skin is poison to any one daring to touch it."


Sniffing, he smelled no lie on her.


"You refrain information."


"That's cuz Ah'm Death to a normal human."


"Hmm. What else?"


"Your memories are mah memories; your power - mah power!"


His curiousity piqued and he wondered, as he held her, what she was capable of.


