InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Kami Help Me High School ❯ Listen Up! ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hi peoples! Fourth chapy! Fourth chapy! Anyway, thank you to: Ray-chan, shoeeater, and CatDemonKayo for reviewing, you guys rock! (Ray-chan, double thanks and plushie for the excellent idea! Hope you like!) Anyway, back to the chaos!
Chapter 4
Listen Up!
~The Next Day~
“Listen up, everybody!” Kiako's voice rang over the announcements. After yesterday, the principal left Kiako to take care of the info while she patrolled the school for troublemakers.
“We have been invited to a school battle between our wonderful school and the Ouran idiots. Oh, excuse me, Ouran Prep High School idiots. Anyway, we have agreed, so you people better go out there and show those preppy bitches what we're made of! But don't worry; we've got 3 months to prepare. That is all.” Kiako finished, and the camera view of her disappeared.
Sango grinned, Kiako acted like a principal like Miroku wasn't a pervert. Sango shook her head. Why do I like him again? She asked herself. She decided not to answer that question. She returned to the thought of kick'n those prep's asses yet again in the games of the contest. They had several different competitions. They had swordfights, hand-to-hand combat, races, and games of skill and smarts. Even the teachers where included! The class was bussing with excitement.
“I hope everyone makes this school proud; BECAUSE IF WE LOSE TO THOSE MORONS A LOT OF YOU WONT LIKE THE OUTCOME!” Sango growled. The bell rang and those students were out of there sooner than you could say `She's crazy!'.
~Back in the Front Office~
Sesshomaru, for once, was smiling at the thought of beating their rival school the fifth time in a row. He was also scaring everybody who came into view. People panicked when he was happy.
“Hey Sessh.” Kiako said from behind him. Sesshomaru rolled his eyes.
Suddenly, a bright orange cat streaked across the office. He dogged under Sesshomaru and Kiako and they soon found out why. A huge dog came bounding through the door, chasing the cat at top speeds but the dog was actually a wolf. One of Koga's wolves to be exact. One of the wolves that Kiako had told Koga to keep under control.
“HALT!” Kiako ordered the wolf. He skidded to a halt were he was and looked up at her innocently.
“Go back to Koga. Now. And give him this.” She said, handing the canine a slip of paper she had just scribbled on. The wolf bowed out of fear of the principal's wrath and padded away quickly out the door.
From behind them, they both suddenly heard a `poof!' from Kyo. Talk about bad timing. Kyo was usually the messenger cat for the front office and was given a special pill that kept him in cat form. Unfortunately, sometimes it wore off. Usually, Tohru hugged him and he changed back to cat, but Tohru wasn't around at the moment. But, amazingly, Mahiru was. And she decided to help out.
“Hug!” She said, then bounded away from the shocked little furball. Sadly, Kyo didn't have much time to be confused, because he now had to dodge Mitsuru's broom. Mitsuru got easily jealous and was instantly ticked whenever someone got to close to Mahiru.
“Mitsuru! Stop that!” Kayo yelled. She had just walked out of her office, then had to jump away from the tengu's broom attach. She then proceeded to chase him down the hall for not obeying her.
Kiako shook her head. When will they ever learn?
~Out on the Track Field~
One of Koga's most loyal wolves trotted up, holding a note between his left canines.
“Well, what do we have here?” Koga asked no one in particular. Carefully, he opened the folded paper and read:
Hey Koga,
Don't let this happen again!
-Kiako A. T.
He glared at the paper, then shredded it and through it up into the air. He walked away to meet his class.
~With Inuyasha and Uou-chan~
“OK class, from this day on, we work harder than ever!” Uou-chan started.
“We will start with partnering up to see what you idgits are made of.” Inuyasha interrupted.
“I wasn't done talking yet, dog breath!” Uou-chan said angrily.
“So? Why should I have to listen to a weak little human like you?” Inuyasha answered.
“Oh, I'll show you who's weak!” She snarled, punching him in the gut. Inuyasha slashed at her with his claws, but she ducked and jumped away, only to come back and kick him in the face. This time he hit, socking her in the eye. Before the fight could continue, the intercom beeped on.
“Little brother, STOPFIGHTINGDAMNIT! That is all.” Said Sesshomaru.
“Goddamn dumbass.” Inuyasha muttered.
“I can still hear you little brother. Uoutani, nock him out for me, will ya?”
“It would be my pleasure.” Uou-chan answered, then, without warning, hit Inu so hard he blacked out and collapsed. The girls in the class cheered for their teacher.
~Several hours later, in the Courtyard (is it just me, or are there a lot of these?)~
The bell had just rang for 3rd year lunch. Kiako, Kayo, and a silver-haired half wolf demon named Anju sat on one of the benches, talking. Anju was Kiako's assistant (god knows she needs one!) and her cousin.
“Man this school is crazy!” Kayo said, shaking her head at the teens shoving to get to the food waiting inside.
“I'm bored.” Kiako and Anju chorused. Kayo rolled her eyes.
“Hey Kiako, shouldn't you be teaching the chorus class right now?” Anju asked.
“Nope. Akira doesn't have a class for fifth period! I'm free!” Kiako said happily.
“Your also bored.” Anju pointed out.
“Shut up.” Kiako said, waking her in the head.
“Make me!” Anju replied, kicking her. She then ran.
Kayo watched as they raced across the courtyard, yelling insults and threats to each other. She chuckled. Those two are definitely cousins. She thought. Kayo got up and walked off in the direction of the Library.
~In the Library~
Shippo darted around the homey building, checking books, cleaning up messes, and doing other un-interesting jobs. Misoka, meanwhile, was scanning the computer information, making sure that the electronic box was still doing it's job. Kayo walked in, looking slightly bored herself.
“Hey Shippo, where's Misoka?” she asked the 10-year-old fox demon. Shippo pointed down. She peeked over the counter to see the elder demon typing on the computer. He looked up to see who was there.
“Oh, hello Kayo. Why are you here?” Misoka asked, looking away from his computer for once.
“I finally have some free time so I decided to come visit. How's it been around here?” Kayo asked.
“Not very exiting. We don't get all that many people and it's always quiet.” Shippo interrupted.
“Uh, Shippo, it is a Library, it's supposed to be quiet.” To Misoka, she said: “Your lucky. I'm usually busy from 8 to 4.” She said, then yawned.
“You seem tired; ya now, you can sleep here for a while. We'll wake you up later.” Shippo offered, and Misoka nodded in agreement.
“Thanks.” She said then preceded to actually fall asleep right were she was, leaning on the counter.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*
HI! I'm back from Michigan! I will probably write soon, but I haven't wrote on one of my other stories for a while, and my reviewers are complaining. So see ya! And don't forget to review!