InuYasha Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Embracing the Kitsune ❯ Dog Boy? ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

~Ch. 6 -Dog Boy?~
Kagome was awaken by the sound of knocking and sleepily rubbed her eyes as a groggy Sakura answered the door. On the other side of said door was a much to loud and perky Kakashi as well as a grumpy looking Sasuke and a half awake Naruto wearing a funny looking dog cap. Kakashi smiled and in a rather loud voice for the wee hours in the mourning he all but yells, “Good morning ladies. Did you sleep well?”
“Sakura still not full awake is just now registering who was knocking on her door. “Kakashi Sensai? What are you doing her so very early?”
Kakashi in an oddly enthusiastic voice for himself answers, “I thought we would get an early start on Kagome's training.”
Kagome squints towards the door with a look of disbelief “What is it? Dark 0:30 in the morning” She was more than a little upset about being up so early. “Even Inuyasha at least let me sleep till sun up.”
Naruto asked in a half yawning voice “Who's Inuyasha?”
Kagome buried her face in the couch and fell back to sleep without even realizing what she said.
Sasuke, tired and cranky, thinks to himself `if I have to be up training this early they better be doing some damn training.' “Who cares, lets go.” His voice gave off the usual uninterested tone, but really he was getting a little impatient.
Sakura turns away from them and drags her feet walking back towards her room. “I won't be late for the academy mom.”
Seeing this Naruto took off his night cap, which he just now noticed he was still wearing, and flung it at Sakura. “Bulls Eye!” His hat struck her in the back of the head and effectively knocked her over.
Sakura, now fully awake do to her fall, jumps up and yells at Naruto. “What the heck was that for?!”
“If I have to be awake through this so do you.” He responded crossing his arms.
Sakura wasn't the least bit happy. “Why I otta...” she growled rolling up the sleeve of her pajama shirt.
Kakashi took his opportunity to step in before more chaos could be unleashed. “All right everyone, just calm down. None of you will be doing as much work as Kagome today, so stop complaining. Right Kagome? ...Kagome?”
;;; everyone face plants;;;
Naruto put two fingers to his lips and let loose an ear piercing whistle, that probably woke up half the village, causing Kagome to jump up in a confused half awake state. She stood on the couch and yelled at someone who wasn't there. “You can't have it Naraku!” She then reached over her shoulder as if she were grasping for something, but when she only grasped air she started to come out of it.
“Crazy... gotcha” and with that Sasuke walked away from the house and towards the training grounds leaving Kagome feeling a little sheepish.
Kakashi spoke up again. “Alright, you girls get ready and we'll meet you in the normal training area. Come on Naruto, lets go.” Before he left he threw back one more thing over his shoulder. “Oh, and Kagome?”
“I would skip breakfast if I were you.” Smirking the remaining two men left and the girls were out of the house not to long after. Kagome slept in her clothes and Sakura, once awake, could get ready rather fast, so they wasted little time.
Naruto gave Kakashi a smirk as they walked together. “Your planning on the bell thingy again, aren't you Kakashi sensai?”
Kakashi responded with a sly look. “A modified version, but yes.” He then turned his face back to the direction they were headed.
“But how will it work if she is tested by herself.” He was a little puzzled by his teacher's thinking.
“Like I said Naruto, it is a modified version and besides, there's nothing like hunger for a little incentive.” Kakashi's cheek raised lightly and Naruto knew he was smirking.
“Sometimes I wonder if he doesn't have a little fox in him.” `Why's that' Naruto asked Kyuubi. “Mischief with a hint of sadist... Then again it was only a passing thought. I wasn't serious.” `Well that's a relief.' Kyuubi sent him the mental image of a questioning look. `What? With the things you've been saying lately I was sure it would be along the lines of “do you think he'd like some”' Again Naruto got the picture of a questioning glance. `You know the whole “do ya have a little ninja in you.” then she says no and you say “Well would you like to.” ... hahaha?' “......” Naruto sighed. “Oh forget it.” He grumbled.
“What was that Naruto?” Kakashi, who was walking slightly a head at this point, called back to him.
“Oh nothing... heh?” He covered, scratching the back of his head and smiling nervously.
`I'm begining to wonder about him.' Kakashi thought absently to himself.
The girls arrived at the training grounds just as soft pink light started to blend into the inky night sky, signaling that morning was almost here. “The things you miss while your sleeping.” Sakura commented to Kagome as she kept her eyes on the sky.
“Yeah,” she responded, looking up with her. “It sure is pretty.”
“Yep, but I've seen prettier.” Naruto commented from beside her.
Kagome startled just a bit with surprise. “And what would that be?” she asked as she turned to look at him. He only gave her a glance and a smirk before walking on ahead. `Oh, he meant...' the faintest hue of rose stained her cheeks, but the glow of the now rapidly approaching sunrise helped to hide it.
“Smooth kit” the fox commented. Naruto was doing a little happy dance in his mind. `I'm cool you know it. Oh yeah oh yeah. Sasukes not the only cool guy. Oh yeah, take that Uchiha!' The fox watches the mental display of a childish Naruto sticking out his tongue and giving the victory sign. “Forget I said anything.” he mumble and laid his head down on his paws rolling his eyes. `Huh, did you say something Kyuubi?'
Kakashi spoke up as everyone gathered around some familiar posts in the ground. “Now listen up Kagome. We are going to give you a little test to assess your skills.” Kakashi dangled a dainty looking silver bell on a string. “One of the three of these fine young ninja will have this bell on them, but they will be aloud to pass it amongst themselves. You must get the bell from them by noon or you will go with out lunch.”
Kagome could of swore he said that last part with a bit of humor in his voice. “Hey now, that's not fair. You told me not to eat breakfast!”
“All the more reason to get it then.” He quickly threw the bell to Sasuke who took off almost as soon as the bell touched his fingers. The other two team mates took off as well while Kagome gave Kakashi a disbelieving stare. Kakashi cleared his throat. “I believe their getting away.” He nodded toward the retreating ninja.
Kagome got over her amazement of his little show of cruelty and took off after the others. `I'll just have to pass this little test and get back that bell before noon. It can't be that hard.' she thought to herself. “But they are skilled warriors and you are nothing but a failed miko turned half demon... do you really think your new abilities will give you the edge you need to beat them?” `Have a little faith. Yeesh, you think you could just once be like, “you can do it Kagome” or something' She then ignored the voices and tried to concentrate on the task at hand. “Come out come out where ever you are.” she said in a sing song voice to her self as she leaped through the trees.
Sasuke jumped in her path and shook his head. “Really, you think you would try and be more quiet when trying to sneak up and catch someone.”
“Who said I was sneaking.” She grabbed his arm as if to hold him in place, but to her surprise he didn't move.
As she started to look him over he glared at her. “Do you think I would have let you catch me if I still had it.” Kagome's shoulders slumped and she let go. As soon as she did he jumped away to a nearby branch and showed her the offending little trinket. “Do you always believe what your opponent tells you.” And he was gone in the blink of an eye.
“Well crap” She huffed as she took off in the direction she saw him go. `Wow, even with my demon eyes and speed I might have lost track of him if it weren't for this nose.' “What did we tell you...” `Yeah yeah yeah I got it. Natural talent is nothing with out training and dedication.' the voices seemed to snicker. “We were just going to say you were weak but...” “Oh that dose it! I'll show you, you arrogant piece of glass.” With the voices' comment fueling her anger she gained speed and caught up to Sasuke just in time to see him pass the bell to Naruto. She tailed him for a bit and lost sight of him for only a moment. `His inner demon must give him advanced speed because I'm finding it hard to keep up.'
“Shadow Clone Jutsu.” Kagome heard Naruto yell this just as she came threw a line of trees. To her amazement she saw a dozen Narutos surrounding her. They all spoke to her at the same time. “Now guess which one is real. Tick tock.” The many Naruto took off in all different directions much to Kagome's dismay.
“That's so not fair.” She tried to sense the real Naruto, but they all felt the same, so with a sigh she took off after one randomly. “Oh well, guess I'll just have to beat them all up.” With this as her new goal she spent the next good portion of the morning finding and destroying shadow clones. A few hours later a scratched up and overly tired Kagome was chasing the last Naruto. `This one has to be the real one.' Now she was really having a hard time keeping up and decided she had enough tag for one day. `I'm going to lay a trap for him.' She took of her bandana to unbind her acute hearing. She could hear him hiding up a head and bringing his breathing down to a slow soft pace. `Good he stopped. Now all I have to do is...' She reached out and grabbed a twisted vine. `This will do nicely' she smirked to herself.' Concentrating her will and demonic Chakra, as they put it, into the plant and after a bit it started to grow. The creeping vine twisted it's way in a circular dome around Naruto's hiding spot with an ever increasing speed. “Maybe you're a faster learner than we thought.” `My oh my. Was that a compliment?' She asked as she replaced her bandana. “We'll never admit it.”
Meanwhile Kakashi was not far off watching her little display of power. `She really dose have a beautiful talent. Almost like the First Hokage's special Jutsu but far more versatile. I can't wait to see what happens next.'
Naruto had his back against a tree and was trying to figure out what the hell the noise was that he was hearing. The Kyuubi laughed at him in his mind, distracting him. `And just what's so funny?' “You are completely and utterly screwed. She's got you now.” `What is that supposed to mean...' His thoughts were cut short as Kagome jumped out in front of him.
“Got ya.” Kagome grinned and jumped for him.
“Ah.” He dodged her and jumped away, intending on running, but no matter which way he went he was met by a never ending wall of impossibly thick vines. He turned around to face Kagome as she neared him. “I see you used your little plant tricks again.”
“How right you are.” she said in an amused tone.
“Ack! What the hell is going on.” The vine wall behind Naruto had started to grow again, only this time it began to wrap around him. After she was sure he was secure in the plant she walked up to him so her face was inches away from his. “Let me go.” Naruto struggled to try and free him self.
“Now why would I do that after I worked so hard to catch you?” She said with a smile and reached into his pocket causing somewhat of a squeak to slip out of Naruto's mouth. Kagome would have laughed, but as she reached in more pockets she realized he didn't have the bell. Now she wasn't smiling. In fact she looked like she was about to throttle him. “Where is the bell?” she ground out slowly.
“Heh, you were so busy with tracking all the me's down you forgot about Sasuke and Sakura. I passed the bell to Sakura before I even made the clones.”
“SAY WHAT!” Her demonic chakra seemed to swirl around her.
Naruto visibly gulped. “Hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn. Have fun kit.' That said the Kyuubi receded to the back of his mind.
The vines were slowly retreating back to the original plant as an angry Kagome stomped off leaving Naruto dazed on the forest floor now sporting a rather large bump to the head. @_@
Kagome caught scent of Sakura and followed it all the way back to the place they started. As she came into the clearing she saw her sitting on the middle post, swinging the bell around in tiny circles. “Grrrr...” The sun was high in the sky and Kagome knew her time was running out, so she charged as fast as she could and to her surprise Sakura just watched her come at her.
“Times up!”
“What... Ahhh!” Sasuke and Kakashi seemed to jump out of no where and tackle her to the ground. It seemed like in mere seconds they had her tied up to the poll.
Kakashi shook his head as Naruto walked up behind him rubbing his own with a painful look. “I thought you would have done better than this Kagome.” Kakashi commented to her. “What a pity. I am treating the group to lunch today too.” His demeanor lightened. “Alright whose up for some raumen.” He said cheerily and started to walk away. The others happily fallowed behind.
“Hey.” Kagome called out. “What about me?”
“I bet next time you'll get the bell.” He said never turning back. “Maybe you'll have better luck later.” They continued to walk out of sight.
And thus Kagome was now unhappily tied to a poll and starving. “Great, just great. Now I get to go hungry while they stuff their faces. Great going Kagome. Where's all the drunken Ninja when you need them.”
“Well, well. What do we have here Akamaru.” A strange voice called out from behind her. “If I didn't know any better I'd say it was a potential ninja in training, but” he came up beside her. “You are much to old to be an academy student.” Akamaru sniffed the air and gave a deep growl causing Kiba to give a questioning look, but instead of trying to find out why the pup didn't like her he turned his attention back on the pretty, and currently tied up, lady before him.
“And just who are you to make fun of me? Instead off mocking me why don't you help and get me free from this stupid post.” Kagome bit out in a rather angry voice. She wasn't so much angry at this guy, but more at her self. Not to mention the fatigue and hunger were getting to her.
“Feisty aren't we.” He smirked at her. “Maybe I should just leave you here.”
`Damn, I don't want to be tied to this post.' “No... please don't go.” She said as politely as she could. “If you would just untie me I would be a much more pleasant person.”
“No.” he said looking away from her.
“No, what do you mean no?” She said flabbergasted.
“ Well for one thing I know you were training for Kakashi and I wouldn't interfere with an instructor's training. Besides, why would I want to help you?” He said as he turned back to face her, bringing his face a few inches away from hers.
This was the first good look she got at his face and ,especially, his eyes. They looked slitted. Totally forgetting the conversation they were in , she couldn't help but ask, “Are you a demon?”
Kiba shot back like he was burnt. “What!?”
“Well, your eyes and the look about you...” Kagome tried to explain.
“Look lady I don't know who you think you are, but your one to talk. Look at you. Of course I'm not a demon. This is just how my family looks. If I didn't know any better I'd say you were from a branch of my clan, but I do so who are you?” He was just a little riled up at the moment. `Demon? Demon! Who the hell is this woman?'
“Hey, you can just cool it. It's not my fault you look weird.” She shrugged as well as she could while tied up.
“Hey! I do not look weird!” He all but growled.
“Sure sure.”
“I just want to beat the crap out of you right now.” He yelled as his dog companion growled and jumped beside him.
“Oh look at you. Big tough man. Gonna beat on a tied up girl.” She goaded him on.
“Fine I'll just untie you so we can settle this with our fists.” He jumped behind her and started to harshly untie her. When he had finished he jumped back in front of her in a fighting stance.
Kagome wasn't even paying attention. She bent down and picked up a parchment that was stuck to the rope. “Well what do we have here?” She said to herself. “No wonder I couldn't get out of the ropes. I wonder if it's some kind of ninja sutra to reduce the strength of the captive.”
Kiba clenched his fists at his sides. She was just ignoring him like he was nothing! “Hey! Remember me?!”
Kagome gave him a quick glance. “Oh yeah, thanks for letting me loose.” She turned her attention back to the paper in her hands. “This man is well prepared...”
`She just wanted me to untie her the whole time and I fell for it like a new born pup.' He wasn't about to stand for that. “Stupid bitch.” He lunged at her head with his claw like nails.
She dodged his attack, but what she wasn't anticipating was her bandana getting caught on one of his nails. Her head cover slipped off as easy as butter and revealed her very inhuman ears. Her eyes got wide and she just stared at him with a look of “oh shit”.
Kiba stopped dead in his tracks as he looked up to the top of her head. His face looked similar to hers only it leaned more towards “WTF”. Akamaru only growled more fiercely than before. After a moment of silence Kiba spoke first. “Wha... What are you?”
“Uh... heh, well the thing is.” `Oh what ever I can't think of anything to tell him so I'll just knock him ou...' “ Heh, what do you think... yur... doin...?” Kiba had reached up and was now rubbing one of her velvety ears. `This feeels gooood. Don't know why Inuyasha didn't like people to... Ah what am I thinking. “Get off it!” She said snapping out of it. The ever present voices in the back of her head seemed to be snickering at her. “Those are personal property. Hands off.” `I can't believe I just melted into his touch like that. Ok so maybe I do know why he didn't like it. It's distracting.'
“Wow. Your so, so,”
“Frightening.” She helped.
“No. Fascinating.” He grabbed at her tail wrapped around her waist. “Dose that mean this is something real too?”
Her tail quickly unwrapped and went behind her as a reflex to not be grabbed. She just hit her self on the forehead as the man in front of her got even more excited.
“No Way! A tail too!? That's awesome. Don't you think so Akamaru?” The K9 didn't seem to be all that happy about the way his human was acting. Kiba didn't seemed to notice since his attention was occupied with the woman in front of him. He gave her a thoughtful look. “So is this why you asked me if I was a demon? You're one.” It wasn't so much a question as a statement/guess.
“Half demon.” she mumbled under her breath.
“What was that.” He questioned as he tried to walk be hind her to get a better look at her tail.
“Hey...” She turned one way and then the other trying to get him to stay in the front of her. “What do you think your doing?”
“I just want to look at it.” He said engrossed with the swishing appendage.
“Alright! If I show you will you cut it out?” He stopped chasing it and happily shook his head yes. She crossed her arms and slowly brought her tail in front of her. He started to reach for it and she quickly pulled it away. “You said look not touch.”
“Aw, but it looks so soft.” He gave her sad puppy eyes. “Please.” He said with an almost pout. `No one can resist the puppy dog eyes.'
Kagome had to keep herself from smiling. She never could resist Shippo when he gave her the same look. With a sigh she brought her tail out to him. “I guess.” With a smirk he gently grabbed Kagome's tail and started to pet it. She was a little uncomfortable to say the least, even if it did feel good. `It's kinda like having a stranger rub your thigh, but worse.' Kiba, totally engrossed in the soft fuzziness brought it to his face and rubbed it against his cheek.
Naruto was heading back from the raumen shop with something for Kagome. Of course they weren't going to let her go hungry. The others said they would be there shortly. As Naruto neared the area they left her in, he was met with a very surprising site as you can imagine. There was Kiba rubbing his face on a surprised looking Kagome's tail. Before Kagome even had a chance to say anything about it a kuni flew past Kiba's face. They both turned to see a rather mad looking Naruto. “What the hell is going on here?!”
Kiba just smirked. “What's the matter Naruto?” He stood close to Kagome and put his arm around her. “Can't take a little competition?”
Kagome slipped out of his grasp, with a practiced easy from dealing with Koga, and tried to diffuse the situation. “Naruto, he untied me and...”
“And you let him touch your tail with a lovers intimacy.” The Kyuubi and Naruto when angered at the same time seem to join as one mind as of late. His voice even seemed to take on a richer tone. While Naruto may have only been mad about one of his rivals touching her like that in general, the Kyuubi knew exactly what that kind of behavior meant in the demon world for foxes. Kagome opened her mouth to try and explain, but Naruto wouldn't let her. “You shame yourself vixen.” He turned red tinted eyes away from her in anger.
Kagome looked hurt, like someone close to her had stuck a knife in her back. “Naruto, I...”
“Don't waist your time with him. He obviously doesn't know a good thing when he sees it.” Kagome gave him a quick half hearted smile, but didn't look at him. “Hey what's your name by the way?”
Naruto threw his arms in the air and huffed in the back ground. “And they don't even know each others name.” He mumbled in an exasperated tone to no one in particular. “Nice.”
“She gave him an angry glance and then looked at Kiba. “My name is Kagome.”
“Well Kagome, my name is Kiba and this is my good friend Akamaru. May I say what a pleasure it has been meeting you,”
“I'm sure it has.” Naruto said sarcastically in the background.
Kiba continued. “,but it looks like we should get going.”
`Thank goodness.' Kagome thought to herself. “It was nice meeting you too, Kiba.” “He's going to tell everyone he knows you dim whit. Do something!” Kiba was turning to leave. “Wait. Before you go you have to promise me you won't tell anyone what you know about me.”
Kiba paused for a moment and then smirked. “Alright, I won't” Kagome gave a look of relief. “But only if you go on a date with me.” Kagome, Akamaru, and Naruto's mouths just about hit the floor.
“What?” Kagome and Naruto said at the same time.
“This has nothing to do with you knuckle head.” He growled at Naruto.
“The hell it doesn't. She's my team mate and your black mailing her!” He yelled angrily at Kiba.
Completely ignoring Naruto, Kiba kept talking to Kagome. “So what do you say?”
“That's not very fair you know.” She replied.
“Well I guess I could just go out with some other girl and tell here about an amazing encounter I had with a real live demon.”
“Alright, alright all ready.” She concede.
“What!” Naruto yelled.
Kagome folded her arms and was about to frown, but Kiba surprised her with a kiss on the cheek, startling the frown right out of her.
“Oh that's it.” Naruto took a swing at Kiba.
Ducking out of the way and turning to leave he called back to Kagome. “The festival coming up. You'll be my date.” He dodged Naruto again. “Naruto here can fill you in on the details.” He then took off to escape dealing with the wrath of a hot headed Naruto. “Come on boy.” Akamaru followed after him after giving Kagome a non to pleasant look.
`Did that dog just give me a dirty look.' Kagome thought to her self. Naruto took a deep breath and turned back towards her and walked right towards her. “Naruto, don't be mad.”Kagome said as he brushed past her.
“Here, I brought you lunch.” He picked up the bag of food from the ground and tossed it at her non to gently. “You were supposed to get a lesson from this, but looks like you don't need it, so I'll be going.”
“Save it.”
“Hey! Look here mister. Your not being very fair about this. What do you care what I do with my personal life any how?” `It's like dealing with Inuyasha and Koga all over again.' This gave her a brief feeling of warmth. Untill Naruto opened his mouth that is.
“I'm mad because, because your supposed to be keeping a low profile. So low we haven't even told your other team mates, yet you flaunt your secret all over that dog boy!” He yelled at her.
“If I didn't know any better I'd say you were jealous.” She yelled right back getting close to his face.
He turned and moved away. “Don't be ridiculous.”
“What ever. I'm tired of this game. If you can't admit how you feel then you'll never get what you want. Trust me.” She bent down and picked up her makeshift handkerchief and tied it back in place. She spoke softly. “I know better than anyone.”
Naruto's expression softened just a little at the pain in her voice. `What's that supposed to mean?' “She obviously has issues.”
Their conversation would have to wait for now. Just as she put her tail back in place the others showed up. Naruto just left and Kagome looked like she wanted to hit something.
“What happened between them.” Sakura asked Sasuke. He just shrugged.
IVX: Ok, finally. Ch 6. YAY. That took long enough, but hey guess what. I got a new place. Dose the happy dance. Now I just need the internet. -_-; But anywho. That's what the Library is for. I hope you liked it. And for those of you still reading I'll have a special treat for this chapter's reviews on the next chapter's Name That Reviewer. Sorry I don't have time to do it this chapter, but I wanted to post it asap. I've had it done for a couple of weeks and when I go to put this up I will only have a few min. Thanks for all your support. R&R... ^_~