InuYasha Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Embracing the Kitsune ❯ It’s in the Past ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

~Ch. 8 - It's in the Past ~
“My body hurts in places I didn't even know I had.” Kagome griped to Sakura as they walked to the raumen shop.
“Yeah even I hurt after that workout and I didn't do as much as you.” She agreed
The day had started off with the basics of chakra. She learned what it was how your body uses it and how to use it for your own will. They then put theory into practice and taught her the simple clone jutsu and transformation jutsu the others had learned at the academy. To their and her surprise she was pretty good at Ninjutsu and got them right in a relatively short amount of time. Kakashi was rather happy about this fact since he had planned on it taking longer to accomplish this task, so he added a bonus training session onto the day just for fun. This meant training with throwing weapons up until lunch. By the time they finally broke to eat Kagome thought she wouldn't be able to lift her arms to eat and after this short break she was then informed the rest of the day would be filled with hand to hand combat training, aka taijutsu. Thus she was quite fatigued. The others took turns fighting her as well as fighting each other to show her new techniques, but Kagome had done the majority of the fighting. If not for her demon side she was sure she would have collapsed from exhaustion long before they stopped.
Now Kagome, Sakura and Naruto where on their way to get some ramen for dinner. On the suggestion of Naruto, of course, who's usually energetic attitude put him way ahead of the wore out girls.
“So, what's the deal with Sasuke?” Kagome asked to Sakura trying to make small talk.
“What do you mean?” She replied.
“Oh you know, he's just not to social. He's actually kind of gloomy and seclude from the rest of you. Infact Naruto and him seem more like rivals than friends.”
“Ah, I know what you mean now. Well to tell you the truth he has always been kind of “gloomy”, as you put it, but that's not why he seems estranged.” She said looking down sullenly.
“What is it Sakura?” Kagome asked her with concern.
“It's just... well, things between our group have never been quite the same after Sasuke left with...”
“Sakura!” The girls look ahead to see Naruto stopped in his tracks. “That's enough. The important part is that he's back. The rest is in the past and that's were it should stay.” After he finished speaking he started to walk forward again, but with out the pep in his step that had been there earlier.
Sakura looked at Kagome apologetically. “Sorry Kagome. He's still a little sore over what happened, but he's right. It doesn't matter anymore because we're all together again.” She said with a smile that could almost pass for real happiness. She looked toward Naruto and laughed as she saw Naruto gain back his enthusiasm and take off in a run as the ramen shop came into view. `Doesn't take much to lift your spirit dose it Naruto.' “Come on Kagome, we better get there before he eats everything in the shop.” Sakura joked and took of in a jog.
“Why do you cover your pain with childish behavior and false happiness.” `We've been through this before fox.' He said to his demon as he sat down with a big grin and ordered a large bowl of pork ramen. `I don't like to bring those around me down. They shouldn't have to deal with my issues.' “Then just don't talk about it. You don't have to fake innocent happiness just to shield them.” `Look it helps me forget about it easier, so stop bringing it up and let it be. Why would I want to be in a bad mood when I am in the presence of two beautiful women?' Just as he thought this Kagome and Sakura sat down on either side of him.
The familiar cook turned to see the newcomers and gave Naruto a smile. “Why Naruto, I didn't know you were such a ladies man. Two girls on one date. Impressive.”
“No no no, you got it all wrong. There just friends is all. And their paying for them selves and all. Honest.” he stumbled a little on his words.
“Naruto your such a dork.” Sakura said rolling her eyes. “I'll have the shrimp raumen please.” She said turning her attention to the chef.
“Sure thing Sakura.” He said jovially after laughing a little at Naruto's flustering. “And for you my dear?” He said turning to Kagome.
“I'll have the pork raumen please.”
He turned around and started to make their orders. He threw a glance over his shoulder at Kagome. “You know I don't believe I've seen you around before. Are you from out of town?”
“Yeah.” She replied.
“Did you travel far to get here.”
“You could say that.” She said softly. “But it appears this is my home now.”
“Excellent” he said as he swished sizzling meat around in a pan. “I hope you will be as good a patron as your friend Naruto here.”
Sakura giggled slightly and interjected. “Nobody could be as good a patron as Naruto.” They all laughed a little and the cook set down their food for them to eat.
Kagome's eyes got wide. “Wow, this look even better than the restaurants back home.” She looked over to Naruto and Sakura who were getting change back from paying. When the man turned to her for her money she turned to Naruto “Um, could you help me. I'm not familiar with the money and the cost of things yet.” He gave her an odd look. “Never had much use for it.” She said unsure if he would believe her. How could she explain she was from another world/time or whatever was going on. She held out what little money the Hokage had given her to live on until she earned more.
“No problem, Just give him one of these for now. I'll work with you on it later.” She did so and the man gave her back some change.
Naruto just smiled and turned back to his meal. “Now let's eat. I'm Starvin.” He said picking up his chopsticks, but before he could get any food to his mouth he heard the one voice that could ruin his meal at the moment.
“Kagome! I knew I'd find you here.”
“Bark bark”
Naruto's eye twitched and he put his chopsticks down. “It helps when you can track her scent.” he mumbled.
“And what a lovely scent it is. A soft rose fragrance with a hint of spiced vanilla.” He emphasized his point with deep inhale as he stepped up to Kagome causing Naruto's eye to twitch again.
“Kiba, what a... nice surprise.” Kagome greeted trying to sound pleasant.
“Kagome you've met Kiba already?” Sakura asked her.
“Oh course she has,” he put his arm around her. “Infact she's my date to the Festival of the Fox day after tomorrow.” Kiba almost fell over when, again with practiced ease, she slipped out of his reach without him barely noticing.
“Really Kagome? You already have a date for the festival?” Sakura asked in a surprised tone.
“Yes,” she replied to Sakura, “but Ko... Kiba, it's just a date to the festival. I wouldn't want people to get the wrong idea about me if you act to familiar with me in public.” She said glancing to Naruto, remembering what he said to her before.
Kiba looked between the two as Naruto turned and met Kagome's gaze. “I see.” He said with a smile. “What ever will make you happy... Well, I should let you three get back to your dinner. Besides, like they say. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Right Kagome?” Since Kagome was now in his path to leave he leaned over and whispered something in her ear that made her blush slightly. He then traced the line of her jaw as he walked away to the dimly lit street, Akamaru on his heels.
Kagome could of swore she just barely heard a low growl come from Naruto. `Probably just my mind playing tricks on me. Hearing voices will do that to you.' She thought amused as she sat back down to her meal and the other two turned back to there own dinners.
After eating a bite of her food Sakura looked past Naruto to talk to Kagome. “So Kiba huh? He's quiet the catch. What do you plan on wearing to the festival?”
Kagome didn't get the chance to answer her because Naruto had a question of his own to ask. In a not to pleasant voice, without looking up from his ramen, he asked “What was that all about?” Kagome and Sakura looked confused for a moment. He turned slightly agitated eyes on Kagome. “What did he whisper in your ear before he left?”
“Oh, that. It was nothing.” she smiled nervously.
He turned to stare back into his food. “Nothing doesn't make you blush.” Kagome furrowed her eyebrows in a mixture of anger and confusion. “Never mind. It doesn't matter.” Naruto set to work on his food.
“Anyways,” Sakura continued, “as I was saying. What are you planning on wearing?”
“Actually I have no idea. I don't even know what this festival is about, but hey, if it's about a fox it can't be all that bad. Right Naruto?”
Naruto set his half eaten bowl of ramen down hard and stood up. “I don't feel very hungry anymore.” A couple gasps were heard from the shop workers and Sakura and with out another word Naruto walked off.
Kagome gave Sakura a completely befuddled look as if to say what did I do. Sakura moved to the seat next to her. “Don't worry Kagome it wasn't you. It's obvious Kiba is getting to Naruto for what ever reason. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he's jealous from the affection Kiba was giving you.” She said wiggling he eyebrows playfully. “But seriously, Naruto is usually kind of touchy on the subject and Kiba's behavior probably just put him in a bad mood to begin with.”
“But I don't understand. Why would he be mad over a festival? Especially about a fox.”
“Well, before I go into detail we should get our food to go.” The two girls got their food in portable bowls and walked to a near by bench to finish eating and talking. After they got settled in Sakura continued with her story. “The festival that we were talking about is also Naruto's birthday.”
“Really? I should get him something. Wait, why would anybody hate their birthday?”
“That depends.”
“Depends on what?” Kagome asked her.
Sakura looked her strait in the eyes. “How much do you know about Naruto.”
“You mean about the fox demon inside of him? I already know all about that.” She stated.
“Well then I'll tell you what happened. Eighteen years ago our village was attacked by a giant evil demon who destroyed most of the village and killed a lot of ninja and innocent bystanders.” Sakura began.
Kagome gasped “Your talking about the nine tailed fox in Naruto aren't you?”
“Yes.” She replied. “Well the fourth Hokage was able to defeat him, but the only way he could was to give his life and seal the demon in a newborn baby boy.”
“Naruto.” Kagome commented aloud.
“This festival is to celebrate the defeat of the fox demon and remember the lives lost during the attack. It's a formal type festival where people wear their best clothes and enjoy candies, dance, music, and art. Then at the end of the night everyone gathers together to let loose paper lanterns that have flame that lifts them into the air. Each family releases a lantern for each family member they lost and if they didn't lose a family then some release one for a dear friend.”
“Those poor people. I had no idea.” Kagome commented. “Do the people treat him bad on this day?”
“Some do make comments and give looks, but those people usually do that year long. Most people don't even know why they treat him that way. They only do it because the few that do know snub him. I don't think it's that though. I think he feels guilty about it. Even though he didn't do it he carries inside him the one that did.”
“Aw, he shouldn't feel that way.” Her heart sunk. He didn't even do anything. Kagome felt the old guilt from her past raise in her chest. “Yes,but you shattered us causing hundreds to die from your mistake.” `I don't need you to tell me that.'
“If I want her to know my life story I'd tell her myself.” Naruto's voice startled the two girls as he jumped down from a tall wall beside them. He gave Sakura an angry glare, “Besides what do you know. I could just be mad that they defeated the fox for all you know. Who are you to talk about my feelings?”
Sakura might have been scared by his words if his voice didn't have a hint of sadness to it. `Naruto, I know your just upset.' She thought to herself. “I'm sorry Naruto. I didn't mean to upset you.”
“Feh, doesn't matter anyhow. Whatever,” Naruto shoved his hands in his pockets and started to walk away again. “I don't need your pity... either of you.” “Good for you. It's about time you let people know just how you feel” `Shut up fox'“I didn't say treat me like them kit.” Kyuubi grumbled.
`It feels like dealing with Inuyasha all over again and with Kiba being like Koga, it kinda feels like I never left.' Kagome stood up and looked at Sakura. “I'm going to go cheer him up.”
“Good luck. It's not often he acts like this so he must be pretty upset.”
“Thanks, but I think I'll be ok. I'm used to this kind of thing. I'll see you tomorrow.” Kagome said with a half smile and took off after Naruto.
“Bye.” Sakura said to her back as she too got up and left.
*in a nearby flower garden
Naruto sat amongst the flowers and inhaled the calming scent of roses, lilacs and... `Do I smell a hint of vanilla?' Something touched his hand and when he looked down a wicked looking rose was nuzzling his hand like a puppy would to be pet. Naruto jump back with a start. “What the heck?” The rose seemed to look at him and tilt his `head', again reminding him of a puppy. Naruto moved his face closer to get a better look at it. It was a deep red color with black tips and if his eyes weren't playing tricks on him he could have swore he saw teeth just inside it's petals. As he got even closer he inspected it's stem to see twisted evil looking thorns and then it suddenly slithered at him, like a snake would, causing him to once again jump back. He heard a snicker come from the other side of the rosebush and watched as the flower seemed to writhe in pain and wilt in a matter of seconds.
“Alright the hell is going on here.” He demanded as he stood and inhaled to pick up on a scent. Now that he was paying attention he new who it was.
“That poor flower.” He heard Kagome's voice and then saw her step out from behind the plant and into his view. “I was trying to cheer you up, but I lost concentration and it died.” She knelt down and gingerly stroked the withered petals. She looked up at Naruto. “Sorry.”
“How, how did you do that?” He asked her, forgetting his foul mood for the moment.
“You know I'm not to sure myself. That was the first time I ever did it. In fact I was told I wouldn't be able to yet, but I use a seed and I did it.” She said excitedly standing up to be on level with him. “You shouldn't have been able to.” the jewel mumbled in the back of her mind.
“And what exactly was that?” He pointed at the dead rose.
“A demon plant.” She stated nonchalantly
“Aw, that explains it.” He said with a hint of sarcasm and sat back down. “So why did you come here again?”
“I told you. To cheer you up.” She said with a smile.
“Why? Don't you hate me now that you know.” he sounded slightly spiteful again.
“Now why would I do that?” She sat down next to him and gave him a smile.
“The fox demon killed a lot of people.”
Kagome sighed. “First of all you're not the fox”
“So you hate Kyuubi then.” He said accusingly.
“No, Naruto, I don't hate Kyuubi either.” She reached down and patted his hand. “People do things in their past that they regret. You obviously seem to have feelings for him so he can't be all that bad.”
“How do you know. Maybe the both of us are evil monsters.” He said pulling away from her touch and leaning forward on his knees.
“I think your forgetting I am half demon, but better yet, let me tell you something about my past. I knew this wolf demon prince where I came from. Before I met him he sent his wolves to feed on humans. In fact, I met him in the aftermath of one such attack. I convinced him that it was wrong and after that he never allowed anyone in his pack to kill humans again. We became allies and good friends after.” Her face lit up with his memory. “ He even had a crush on me which drove Inu... well that's besides the point. The fact is he became a very good person and even went on to help destroy a great evil at the cost of his own life.” She said the last part with a sadness that made Naruto feel as though he could feel her pain. She blinked away the blurriness in her vision and continued. “Anyways, if I would have hated him for his past transgression I would have missed out on an amazing comrade and a great friend.”
“So I take it, the whole attack thing doesn't upset you.” He said with hope.
“Like you said earlier, It's in the past.”
He smiled at her and she leaned into him, bumping his shoulder with her's playfully. “That's better. You look better when you smile. A frown doesn't suit you.”
Naruto let his body relax as he leaned back and looked at her softly lit face and then into the inky night sky. “I think your falling for her kit” `And your not?' Naruto smirked; the silence was a clear sign Kyuubi felt the same way. “The moon is almost gone. It will be a new moon tomorrow.”
Kagome's eyes shot up into the sky in an instant. `When is my night?!' Her question was met with snickers. `I'm serious! Tell me or I will tell him everything.' “Don't you dare” `Then tell me what I want to know.' “Fine. We thought something familiar would be best.” “You have got to be kidding me. Tomorrow! What if we're still training after dark?”
Naruto sat up and stared at her for a moment. “Did I miss something?”
“If something's wrong you can tell me Kagome.” He said sincerely.
`Should I tell him?' she thought to herself. “Absolutely not!” `Oh who asked you anyways. If I can trust anyone here it's him. Besides someone should know incase I get into trouble. Not to mention he's bound to find out if we go on missions together.' “Then do it. It's not like your not going to do what you want.”
“Kagome?” Naruto asked patiently.
“The thing is... if tomorrow is the night of the new moon then I have to be in a safe place by sundown.”
“What are you also some kind of revers vampire.” he joked.
“I'm serious Naruto! Hanyou have what you could call a night of weakness about once a month. For me it's the night of the new moon.” She informed him.
“And what happens on this night of weakness?” He asked more serious now. “She seems distraught. This doesn't sound good.
“I will lose all of my demon power and become completely human until the sunrises in the morning.” She sighed. “Better tomorrow than the night of the festival I suppose.”
“That's amazing. So do I get to see you as a human?” He asked excitedly.
“If you want to, but Naruto this is very important. You can't tell anyone. Half demons guard this secret above all others. I trust you, so don't let me down.” She said looking into his eyes.
“You can count on me Kagome.” the look in his beautiful blue eyes told her all she needed to know.
A little ways behind them a dark shadow quietly moved away from the two before dropping some kind of chakra barrier. “Lord Orochimaru will be pleased.”
IVX: Dun dun dun. Heh. Who was spying.... hmmm. Guess you'll have to read and find out. Ok, so I have a little homework assignment for you. It's not hard. Just throw a random topic word in the middle of your comment that makes no sense where it is. Tehe... fun huh? You'll see why later. Read ya later... ^_~