InuYasha Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Embracing the Kitsune ❯ Night of the New Moon ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

~Ch. 9 - Night of the New Moon~
Kagome looked to the horizon for the umpteenth time that afternoon and sighed. `The sun is getting to close to setting. I have to finish training and get out of here.' She then turned her attention to a tree with many slash marks running up it's trunk. “Kakashi, if I can do this can we end training for the day?”
Kakashi looked up from the book he was reading and shrugged. “I don't see why not.” He then started to read his book again.
“Thank you sensai.” She held up her kunai and raced toward the tree again. Concentrating her chakra into the bottom of her feet she managed to make it even further than before and slashed another mark before falling back and flipping to land on her feet. “Grrr....” ` This is taking to long.' She thought to herself as she glanced at the sun hanging low in the sky again.
“Do you have somewhere to be that's more important than your training.” Kakashi spoke, startling Kagome.
“Uh no... why would you think that.” She didn't want to look suspicious.
“You've been glancing at the position of the sun all afternoon it seems.” He stated.
`I didn't even see him glance up from his book.' “I'm just, Seeing how long this is taking me.”
“Well, if that's the case, then don't dwell on it. Just get it right no matter how long it takes you. It can't all come easily for you.”
“I know, it just seems like it's taking forever.”She gave the tree a thoughtful look. Then she went to the base of the trunk and lied down.
“Don't tell me your giving up already.”
“Nope.” She placed her feet flat against the tree. “Just trying something new.”
Kakashi smirked. “Let me know how that works out for you.”
She concentrated and realized doing it this way made it much easier to focus her chakra. She tried to take a step up the tree, but quickly became aware of the fact that with out the added momentum she had from running she would never have enough core muscle strength to make it all the way up. Holding your body out as flat as a board for that long was to much and she fell back and landed on her butt. “Owwwiiee”
Kakashi just shook his head.
`Who asked him anyways.' She grumpily thought to herself as she tried to ignore the snicker in the back of her mind. `Alright Kagome, you can do this. Just put it all together.' Again she held her kunai at the ready and took off at a run. She quickly found herself above her last mark and then hanging upside down on the underside of a branch.
“Awsome! You got it already.” Naruto yelled out as he walked up to the two.
The sudden loud voice threw her focus off and she fell head first at the ground, but before she hit the ground she felt two strong arms catch her. She looked up into vibrant blue eyes and suddenly found her self dazed. Realizing she was staring she quickly spoke up. “Th-thank you Naruto.”
He set her on her feet. “No problem. Wouldn't want you getting hurt tonight.” Naruto followed Kagome's gaze as she looked at the sun that was now just touching the skyline. “So Kakashi-sensai, is she done for the day?”
“Yes.” He answered as he stood. “I guess I can let her go. You did well today Kagome.”
“Thank you very mu” She suddenly felt dizzy and went week in the knees.
Naruto caught her so that she could lean on him. “Are you ok?”
She stood on her own again. “I'm fine. Just a little tired from the workout today. Must of used to much energy.” She gave Naruto a pointed look that said that's not the whole story. “Like I was saying before thank you Kakashi. I really should go get some rest now.” She turned her gaze back to Naruto. “Will you walk me home?”
“I'd love to.” They said a quick good bye and took off at a rather fast speed for having someone that was supposed to be exhausted.
“Now where could they be off to in such a hurry?” Kakashi said to himself.
Kagome and Naruto picked up the speed even more after they were out of their teacher's site. “Naruto, I don't think we are going to make it. I can feel my energy fading fast.”
Naruto took a quick look around. “Over there.” He pointed to the large park that the flower garden they had gone to the night before resided in. “There should be some trees or brush or something that can hide you.” They changed corse and looked for the tallest tree they could find within the immediate vicinity.
Quickly bounding up the tree they were almost near the top when Kagome became dizzy again and lost her footing. With lightening fast reflexes, Naruto reached out and grabbed her arm to keep her from falling. “Thanks again. What is that three times in one day I owe you?”
“Don't worry, I'll think of someway for you to pay me back.” He gave her a devious smile and she smacked him on the shoulder. “What.”
“I don't know, you just seemed like you deserved it.” She said playfully. “This branch is fine. I should just stay here until it's over.” They settled in on the branch and faced the sun as the last of it's rays disappeared behind the distant land. Kagome removed her bandana and kept her eyes strait forward, but Naruto looked at Kagome. He wasn't about to pass up an opportunity like watching a demon turn human.
Kagome felt her body pulse and gripped the bark of the tree. Her grip loosened as she felt her claws recede and she felt sick to her stomach as the second pulse came. She could feel her tail shrinking and her ears moving down to the sides of her head. A shutter passed over her and she felt like she would throw up. “Uhhhh, That sucked.” `Inuyasha made it look so painless. Then again he had been doing it his whole life.' She sighed. `Now I will too... every month.' She wasn't thrilled about this prospect, but she pushed it to the back of her mind and turned to see Naruto's reaction. “So, What do you think.”
He was staring at her with an awe struck look. `Your beautiful, say it. Say it Naruto, just do it.' He gave her one of his large grins. “That was awesome! I mean it just looked so cool to watch!” Although he may have looked excited on the outside, he was kicking himself on the inside. “Your hopeless.” Naruto didn't give any argument over the coment.
“Yeah, I guess it is.” She looked down at the ground and suddenly realized how high she was with out the aid of her demon strength. “Um, Naruto.”
“I think I might need your help getting down.”
Naruto chucked a little. “Not used to acrobatics with out your demon powers?”
“You could say that.” She answered.
“Don't worry.” He placed his feet on the branch and kneeled in front of her. “Jump on.”
`You have got to be kidding me.' She thought to herself as she tilted her head up at the sky. “What's the matter, a little to familiar?” `Every thing is a little to familiar. I just haven't decided wether that's good or bad yet.' She hesitantly climbed on his back and he started his decent to the ground. “As soon as we get down we need to get back to the apartment building before anyone gets a good look at me.”
“That's a good point.”
The two took off towards there homes together at a reasonably fast pace, but not so fast that they looked conspicuous. They decided blending into the background was a better tactic than running like mad men through the streets. This seemed to work rather well. In fact, they made it to about a block away from their destination before they encountered any trouble.
Kagome had been talking to Naruto and just happened to look past him to see who other than Kiba walking towards them. She quickly averted her gave and tried to hide behind Naruto. `What is it with this boy and him running into me at bad times?'
“What's the matter.” He asked her quietly.
“It's Kiba, Naruto. What am I supposed to do?” She whispered back.
Naruto quickly glanced to his right and sure enough, there was the nuisance himself. Whispering back to Kagome he told her, “Don't you worry about him. I don't think he's even noticed us yet. Just run as fast as you can to your room when I say go, ok?”
“Alright, but what are you going to do?”
Naruto smirked. “Make a distraction.” He made a familiar hand sign. “Go... Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!” Ten Naruto's sprang up around them and Kagome took off as fast as her human legs could carry her. The many Narutos ran up to the unsuspecting Kiba and Akamaru.
The pair were quickly surrounded, making for a very unhappy Kiba. “What the hell Naruto! What are you doing.”
“Why are you here?! You don't live anywhere near the apartments.” Naruto demanded.
“Not that it's any of your business, but I was on my way to see Kagome.” He said nonchalantly, acting as though Naruto's behavior didn't bother him.
“Your date isn't until tomorrow. Why don't you leave the pore girl alone. Your practically stocking her.”
“What!” Kiba yelled indignantly.
“You heard me, you track her down by her scent and give her unwanted attention. Why don't you just leave her alone.”
Now Kiba sounded angry. “I didn't plan on coming here and fighting, but you know what? I don't mind in the least.” He took a fighting stance. “I'll kick your jealous butt and then still go visit Kagome.”
“Your wasting your time anyways. She isn't even here. She's training late with Kakashi-sensai.” He said trying to sound convincing.
“Bull shit. Why else would you be throwing such a big fit if she weren't there?” He said skeptically.
“What ever. Don't believe me. I just wanted a reason to fight you. You were starting to piss me off.” One of the rear Naruto's looked toward the apartment building doors to see no Kagome. `Good she's out of sight.'
“If that's the way you want it then you got it.”
Kagome made it to her suit and quickly unlocked the door. After then locking her self in she sat down to catch her breath. “That was entirely to close.” She thought about what Naruto could be doing to stall. “I hope they don't hurt each other.” She sat there near the door waiting to hear anyone coming. It wasn't before she heard footsteps and then a knock at her door. She stood up and looked though the peep whole. It was Naruto, but he was pretty banged up. She unlocked the door and flung it open. “Naruto! What happened to you?”
He smiled, but the blood from his nose made it not as comforting as Naruto had planed. “I showed him what for. He decided to turn around and go back to where ever he came from.” He cracked his neck. “I'll give him one thing. He hits a lot harder than I remember.”
“Oh, Naruto! Did you really have to fight him?” She asked concerned for the absent dog boy.
“Well if you would have rather I let him see you then..”
“No no, it's just that your hurt, and he must be hurt too.” Concern was evident in her voice.
“Well your welcome. I'm going to my own room now. Have a nice night.” His comment seemed a little on the bitter side to kagome.
Just as he closed his door Naruto heard a knock. He turned around and opened the door. “Yeah?”
“Naruto don't be that way. I was only concerned.”
“For him?” He said looking away from her and walking farther inside.
“No.” She replied as she followed him in and shut the door behind her. “For the both of you. That's just who I am. Take it or leave it.”
His shoulder's relaxed and he let the edge slip from his voice. “Your right. I shouldn't be angry at you for being a caring person.” he sat down at the table. “So what are you going to do for the rest of the night?”
“I really have no clue, but I don't feel like being alone. Would you mind if I staid with you?” She said wetting a wash cloth at his sink.
“All night?”
She sat down next to him and raised the wet cloth.“If it's an inconvenience I don't have to.”
“No, that's fine.” She wiped away the blood from under his nose. “I can do that.” He said reaching for the cloth.
She swatted his hand away. “Nonsense, it's the least I can do.” She inspected his face and realized he had barely a mark left on him. “I see that your kitsune friend helps you heal faster than normal, much faster.”
“Yeah I guess that's a plus, huh?” A small silence fell between the two making Naruto uncomfortable. “Sooo, what did you want to do.”
“Well, I was thinking that maybe you could tell me about some of your adventures as a ninja.” She rested her elbow on the table and her chin on her hand as a child would intent on hearing a story.
“You really want to hear about my life?” He said skeptically. Some people didn't give him the time of day and she wanted to know about his life experiences.
“If you don't mind.”
“I'd like to.” Naruto started by telling her of his very first real mission and how, unknowing to him at the time it was the first time Kyuubi's power actually came to him. Although he didn't summon it himself and he also told her of how Haku's death effected him. He entertained her with this and that of funny storied about his group and amazing tales of giant frogs, snakes, and slugs. This went on until she started to nod off from being to tired from the last couple days of training and lack of sleep.
He watched her head bob slightly again and smiled. “Kagome, why don't you just go to sleep in my bed.”
She sat up strait, but her eyes were still very heavy. “No, I'm fine. Really.” His look told her that he didn't believe her. “I'm having fun.”
“I'm glad, but you need some rest. I will watch over you if you are worried.” He stood and reached out a hand.
She reluctantly took his hand and he helped her onto her tired feet. “You don't have to do that. I'm sure I'll be ok, but won't you need somewhere to sleep? I'm just next door.” She started to wobble, almost falling asleep on her feet.
“I'll be fine just lie down, sleepy head, before you fall over and pull me down with you.” He helped her the few feet to the bed.
She sighed as soon as she laid down on the crisp cool sheets. “Mmmm.”
“And she's out.” `She must have been really tired.' “Doesn't surprise me. She's been training hard the last couple of days and now she's just a weak human.” `Hey! I resent that.' Naruto sat down on a small couch on the side of the room.“And.” `Yeah yeah, you don't care. I got ya.' He leaned his head against the wall. `Now I feel really tired all of a sudden. Guess I could catch a few z's too.' He turned his head to look at the young woman in his bead. “Good night Kagome.” She mumbled and seemed to snuggle into the pillow a little more. He smiled softly and closed his eyes.
“Finally.” Kyuubi said as his form molded to his humanoid self when Naruto feel asleep. “I thought they would never go to sleep.” He was again attired in his formal silk outfit of black and white. “I've been thinking over this for two days and I think I can alter the Dreamer's Eye Jutsu to suit my purpose.” He sat down and made a similar hand sign to the one he had made before. Where the first one had resembled a mix between the dragon and rooster symbol this new sign looked more like the dragon and the rat. “Dreamer's Mind Possession.” This time his eyes were not closed and if there were any onlookers they would have seen his already crimson eyes glowing a brilliant cherry red.
His attempt was met with a new obstacle. `She has put a mental barrier into place. It's futile however.' With a little added pressure he made a hole through her inexperienced barrier . He found her consciousness and pulled it away from her own mind and into his dark prison. As his focus subsided and his eyes faded to their natural color he looked down to see a seemingly sleeping girl in his arms.
Kagome found herself waking in a strange and dark new place. It took her no time flat to realize that someone was holding her. She was reluctant to look up, but whoever was holding her had on very soft silk. “Naruto?”
“Guess again.”
IVX: It seems Kyuubi will finally get his face to face with Kagome. Again I got this ch done a couple weeks ago, I just have trouble getting to a comp. Well enjoy and as a little hint. Cough randomness cough cough next cough time... ^_~