InuYasha Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ In the Hands of Fate ❯ Do You Have Any Regrets? ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, Naruto, or any of the characters mentioned.
Italics means a thought.

“Are you certain about this Kagome-chan?”
“Yes Neji, I'm sure,”
“I trust your judgement Kagome-chan.”
Kagome ran over to Neji and hugged him.
“Thank you so much.”
Neji pulled Kagome to the ground and traced her lips with his thumb.
“But don't you dare disobey me again, Kagome-chan.”
“I won't Neji. I promise.”
They sealed their promise with a kiss, never knowing that a pair of blood-red eyes watched them from the trees.

The eyes belonged to one Uchiha Itachi, who was currently doing all he could to not go over immediately and torture the hell out of one Hyuga Neji.
He closed his eyes and clenched his fists to try and hold in his anger. Blood poured down his wrists in trickles from Itachi clenching his fists too hard.
That bastard…he knows I marked Kagome and still he wants her…I swear to you Hyuga, I will kill you. But all in good time, all in good time.
Then silently, he made his way to see his little brother Sasuke. I need to take my anger out on someone. Why not Sasuke? I left Kisame (Itachi's partner in the Akatsuki) back at our base so he can't interfere. I'll be back for you Kagome, I swear it. And that's when the downfall of the Hyuga (Neji, not the clan) begins.
Itachi smirked and was about to leave when he heard something that stopped him in his tracks.
“So you aren't going to kill me?” Kagome pulled away from that breathtaking kiss and opened her eyes.
Wait. “Kill” Kagome? What is she talking about? (Itachi's thoughts)
“I have no reason to Kagome-chan. You know that.”
“Kagome-chan”?! How close are they?
“Promise me we'll be happy forever?”
“Forever Kagome-chan.” Neji brought Kagome into a hug.
Kagome's eyes closed shut in bliss.
Itachi turned his eyes away sadly. There's no such thing as a promise. Sooner or later it will be broken. I can only hope I'll be there to save Kagome when the Hyuga does break it.
Neji took out a kunai and looked at it. Kagome, I'm sorry.
As Neji prepared to stab the kunai into Kagome's unprotected back, Itachi threw his kunai at Neji.
Neji used his kunai to deflect the oncoming kunai, but that stopped the element of surprise.
Kagome opened her eyes quickly at the clang of kunai meeting each other in the air.
“What was that?”
Neji quickly scrambled for a lie Kagome would believe.
“An intruder. He wanted to kill us both.” When did I start lying to my Kagome? Wait. She's not my Kagome any more. I decided to kill her for Konoha. After that, I'm free. But why would Kagome be in the Bingo Book and marked for assassination?
Neji chuckled and ruffled Kagome's hair fondly.
“If I were to ask you a question, would you answer me truthfully?”
“Of course Neji. I have nothing to hide from you.”
“Nothing at all?”
At Kagome's nod, he proceeded.
“Have you done anything in your life you regret?”
“Please, just answer the question Kagome-chan.”
“I…do you remember how you found me?”
“I do. I was running from stone ninja and I fell into a well. After I hit the ground, a blue light engulfed me and you landed on my lap.”
Kagome giggled slightly.
“What's so funny?”
“I'll never forget the look of surprise on your face when you discovered me on your lap.”
“True, but I'll never forget the look on your face when I kissed you.”
A light blush stained Kagome's face.
“Do you want me to answer your question or not?! Anyways, the well is like a time portal. It takes you from a certain time to another time and back again.”
“How come it isn't registered anywhere? I'm sure the elders of Konoha would know something about it.”
“That's the weird thing about it Neji. The well is supposed to take me from my home to the Sengoku Jidai, or the Feudal Era, five hundred years ago.”
“Five-five hundred years?! Kagome, are you lying to me?”
“Neji!!! I told you that I have no reason to lie to you.”
“In the Sengoku Jidai, I me many friends. First, I met Inuyasha, a half-demon. He had cute fuzzy dog ears that I couldn't resist touching. Eventually, I fell in love with him.”
Unknown to Kagome, two people tensed as she continued on with her speech.
“I then met Shippo, a little fox who I took on as my adopted son. Miroku, a traveling monk, was next. He was such a pervert, but he fell in love with Sango the demon slayer, my best friend in the Sengoku Jidai. With Sango, we also met Kirara, her two-tailed fire cat.”
“Why do you keep using the past tense when you refer to your comrades?”
Good question Hyuga, I was wondering the same thing. And her tone is sad. Shouldn't she be happy about her comrades?
“They're dead. They died in the final battle against Naraku and his spawn. Naraku was a power-hungry half-demon. His human half, Onigumo, was in love with Inuyasha's ex, Kikyo.”
Kagome took a deep calming breath, hoping that the tears that threatened to spill out wouldn't.
“I shot the arrow that killed Naraku. We defeated him, but at a huge price. I am the only one left in my group. Sesshoumaru still probably is, but I wouldn't exactly count him as my friend.”
Does she regret this?
“Do you regret meeting your friends and then losing them Kagome-chan?”
Gah! Stop reading my mind you…you…Hyuga! Wait. What am I saying?
“I don't regret anything I have done in my life. I find no reason to. I am happy with the way everything in my life has turned out. Who knows Neji? If I hadn't lost my friends in the final battle, I might have never met you.”
Neji's eyes widened at this realization.
“Don't ever regret anything you do in life Neji. You'll just be adding more sadness to your life. And you don't deserve that.”
Neji began slowly walking up to Kagome.
“There's nothing I regret in life. I don't regret being part of the branch house of the Hyuga clan. I don't regret losing to Naruto in the chuunin exams. And mostly, Kagome, I have no regrets about meeting you.”
Neji brought Kagome into his lean body and gave her the most passionate kiss she had ever felt.
How dare he tell Kagome pretty lies? She deserves better than some lying Hyuga. Someone like me.